[Download] CCGallery WP – Multimedia Gallery Wordpress Plugin


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CCGallery WP makes it easy to embed the CCGallery HTML5 Multimedia Gallery, in your Wordpress theme. It displays all your images, audio files and video files in a sleek and attractive interface. You get to browse the items in Coverflow mode or in a Thumbnail grid mode. You can easily switch between the two display modes and can even filter the items by displaying only images, or audio files, or video files. Filtering of items by custom categories is also supported. Also CCGallery incorporates a responsive design so that the gallery display fits in various screen sizes ranging from mobile phones to desktop browsers. CCGallery has been designed in such a way that it is extremely easy to browse through a large number of items and also with enough eye candy!

The key features are:

NOTE: The Coverflow mode uses a two step fallback mechanism. It first uses CSS 3D Transforms, and if it is not supported then HTML5 Canvas is used, which is supported in Firefox 3.0+, Safari 3.0+, Chrome 3.0+, Opera 9.5+ and IE9 +. Older browsers that do not support Canvas will see a fallback animated effect for browsing files, so they still get to see a nicely working gallery.



Version 2.2 (28 December, 2015)
    • If an image is already present in the WP Media Library then its url can be passed instead of uploading again.
    • An existing gallery instance can be now be cloned.
    • Some minor tweaks at the backend.
Version 2.1.3 (26 April, 2015)
    • Added Fix for the Wordpress XSS Security vulnerability - http://codecanyon.net/forums/thread/security-vulnerability-affecting-wordpress-plugins-and-themes/173013.
    • Minor admin area tweaks.
Version 2.1.2 (18 September, 2013)
    • Fixed an incompatibility issue arising due to the loading of the Modernizr library by other plugins/themes.
Version 2.1.1 (24 April, 2013)
    • Made the gallery compatible with jQuery 1.9+ .
    • Updated all helper scripts.
Version 2.1 (27 October, 2012)
    • Added the option to retain the volume setting of the player when it is closed, so that when it is opened again the previous volume level is set.    
    • The caption area in the modal overlay now displays the entire caption, whatever its size, without overflowing on the image/video/audio.
    • Fixed a bug where the Coverflow images were not positioned correctly if the starting mode was Thumbnails.
    • Fixed a bug where the thumbnail links were not working correctly in the Coverflow mode after filtering.
    • Fixed a bug where the next/prev buttons were showing even when there was only one item after filtering.
    • Fixed a bug where the presence of an image in the caption was causing problems in the Thumbnails mode.
    • Fixed a bug where audio files were being loaded twice when the Flash player was active.
    • Fixed a volume slider position bug in the Mediaelement.js player.
Version 2.0 (25 September, 2012)
    • The Coverflow mode now uses CSS 3d Transforms in browsers that support it, thus resulting in smoother animation, especially in mobile devices. In unsupported browsers HTML5 Canvas is used.
    • The touch swipe functionality to browse the Coverflow images has been improved.
    • The gallery now a features fluid responsive design thus enabling it to adapt to any browser window width and parent container width.
    • The latest version of the jQuery UI Slider is now used to make it compatible with jQuery 1.8.0.
    • Various small bug fixes.
Version 1.1 (2 September, 2012)
    • Added the option to set custom sizes for images in Coverflow and Thumbnails mode.
    • Option to disable reflection of Coverflow images.
    • Option to open gallery thumbnail links in new window/tab.
    • Options to hide gallery menu, coverflow section, thumbnails section and coverflow list.
    • Gallery items in the settings page now show the item title in the collapsed state.
    • Fixed escaping of content in the titles and captions. Titles and links can have special characters.
    • Coverflow images can now be scrolled using touch swipe in touch screen devices.
    • Coverflow slider can be now used in touch screen devices.
    • Fixed a bug regarding deletion of gallery files.
    • Various small bug fixes.
Version 1.0.2 (26 May, 2012)
    • Fixed the a bug regarding the gallery css file not loading when the shortcode appeared at the very beginning in a post/page.
    • Fixed the checked state of file type radio buttons in the admin panel when a new item was created.
Version 1.0.1 (25 May, 2012)
    • Fixed a few bugs with keyboard shortcuts when the Lightbox and Thumbnails mode is visible
    • Fixed an error message when files were uploaded

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