Hospital management system Plugin for wordpress is ideal way to manage complete hospital operation.
The system has different access rights for Admin, doctor, nurse, support staff and other users.
URL: http://pushnifty.com/mojoomla/extend/wordpress/hospital/
User Role | Username | Password |
Doctor | doctor | doctor |
Patient | patient | patient |
Outpatient | outpatient | outpatient |
Nurse | nurse | nurse |
Support Staff | supportstaff | supportstaff |
Pharmacist | pharmacist | pharmacist |
Laboratory Staff | laboratorystaff | laboratorystaff |
Accountant | accountant | accountant |
Module List:
- Rich Dashboard with analytics
- Admin Module
- Front End Patient Module
- Doctor Module
- Nurse Module
- Support Staff Module
- Lab Module
- Pharmacist Module
- Accounts Module
- Oupatient module
- Appointment Module
- Prescription Module
- Treatment Module
- Bed – Room Management
- Operation Theatre Module
- Medicine Module
- Diagnosis Reports Module
- Invoice – Expense Module
- Blood Bank Module
- Ambulance Module
- Notice-Event Module
- Message Module
- Management Reports
- Once click Install
- Powerful features with unique design
Update History
- 11-07-2019
- Wordpress 5.2.2 Compatibility. - [Fixed] Vulnerabilities security issue. - [Fixed] Send message issue in message module. - [Feature] Added patient registration approval option in admin side.
- 04-04-2019
- Fixed vulnerabilities - security issue
- 02-01-2019
- Wordpress Version 5.0.2 Compatibility. - [Feature] Added multiple language support with the translated word file. - [Feature] Add tax module in invoice. - [Feature] Update Dashboard design. - [Feature] Update charges in invoice module. - [Feature] Dispatch blood in blood bank module. - [Feature] Add prescribe report in prescription. - [Feature] All Modules Responsive. - [Feature] Add multiple diagnosis report in diagnosis. - [Feature] Add Appointment Edit and cancel Mail template. - [Feature] Add diagnosis report Mail template. - [Feature] Access Right Own data created and assigned both records display. - [Feature] Add tax in add doctor, add nurse, add medicine, add treatment, add bed, add instrument, add Diagnosis report category, add Operation category. - [Feature] Add Visiting Charge and Consulting Charge in doctor. - [Feature] Update report type module. - [Feature] Add prescribe report in prescription module. - [Feature] Update medicine module. - [Feature] Update diagnosis module(add multiple diagnossis report). - Fixed Field validation issue.
- 11-10-2018
- Wordpress 4.9.8 Compatibility. - [Feature] Add multiple madicine in madicine module. - [Feature] Import and Export all users module. - [Feature] Import and Export madicine module. - [Feature] prescription and Invoice design change. - [Feature] Add field validation. - [Feature] Add OWN data in access right module. - [Feature] Appointment module responsive. - Fixed Field validation issue. - [Feature] Access Right module responsive. - Fixed DD-MM-YYYY Formate issue.
- 26-05-2018
- Fixed Cannot modify header information issue. -Fixed "Cookies are blocked due to unexpected output" issue.
- 22-05-2018
- [Feature] Added appointment module. - [Feature] Added access rights module user wise. - [Feature] Form field validation for all modules. - [Feature] URL security privided in all modules. [Url ID converted into encrypted formate]. - [Feature] Date validation. - [Feature] Time validation. - [Feature] Genarte PDF in invoice and prescription module. -Fixed Date format issue. -Fixed Email notifications issue. -Fixed Invoice module issue.
- 08-03-2018
-Fixed date format issue in message module. -Fixed invoice module issue.
- 07-03-2018
-Fixed message module issue. -Fixed changes logo issue. -Fixed invoice issue.
- 03-01-2018
- [Feature] Added new date formats. - [Feature] Added image and document validation. - Fixed message module issue.
- 07-09-2017
- [Feature] Email notifications.
- 12-08-2017
-Wordpress 4.8.1 Compatibility. - [Feature] Add popup for add doctor and add outpatient module. - [Feature] Added bootsrap datepicker. - [Feature] Added bootsrap timepicker.
- 17-05-2017
- [Feature] Transaction history can be viewed in invoice.
- 15-05-2017
- Fixed issue of header already sent.
- 01-05-2017
- Multiple patient can't book appointment on same time slot. - Fixed message module issue. - Can not assign bed at the same time to multiple patients. - Multiple patients can not do registration for ambulance at the same time. - Fixed issue in patient module.
- 01-04-2017
- [Feature] Plugin licence key registration.
- 02-03-2017
- Fixed issue of print charges into patient invoice. - Fixed css issue.
- 23-02-2017
- [Feature] Instrument Management - [Feature} Automatically aggregate charges to patient invoice. - [Feature] Patient bed can be transferred. - [Feature] Added Medicine dispatch feature.
- 22-01-2017
- Fixed bed assign issue. - Fixed print prescription css issue.
- 03-10-2016
- Fixed front-end outpatient loading issue.
- 22-03-2016
- [Feature] Patient can book appointment.
- 29-02-2016
- Add option in setting form for Staff to send message to the Admin. - Updated message module.
- 05-02-2016
- [Feature] User can update own profile picture. - Add option in setting form To keep hospital name in prescription print. - Add field in prescription form for patient medicine schedule. - Add expiry date in medicine.
- 06-01-2016
- [Feature] Access rights settings from admin - Data Privacy option added for outpatient list - Bug fixed on Datatable language issue
- 08-12-2015
- [feature] Front End Patient Registration
- 20-09-2015
- Compatibility with Wordpress version 4.3.1.
- [feature] Patient can download own diagnosis report. - [feature] Auto generate log activity in every add,update and delete action for compliance.
- Add option in settings for doctor to view assigned patients only. - [feature] Add clickatell and twilio SMS service on Notice/Event,Message and Appointment. - Add custom field in prescription. - Print prescription.
- Fixed bug on Doctore note. - Fixed bug in Nurse note.
- Initial Plugin release