[Download] Linstar – MultiPurpose WordPress Theme


Linstar is a Responsive Multipurpose Wordpress Theme (Desktop, tablet, mobile phone?) simple, clean and Professional theme. It comes with high UX/UI coding, Unique Pages, Awesome Slideshows, Unique Color Variations And be designed by an Elite Author. Easy-to-customize and fully featured design. This theme suitable for Corporate, Company, Business, Medical, Hosting, Construction, Blog, Portfolio and much more. Create Outstanding Website or Blog in Minutes!

Linstar Theme Features

Updates & Changelog

Apr 15, 2016

version 5.0
***Update newest version for all plugins***

-== Add feature ==-

- Support child theme for inside shortcodes: Our team, Our Works, Pricing Tables, Testimonial, Posts
- Support Import/Export Linstar Theme Panel options. Helpful in case you want to move website or copy option to other website.
- Support submenu for menu One page type
- Add Carousel Owl element for Visual Composer. We add new carousel slidershow element as extend element for Visual Composer. This slideshow support reponsive and touch on mobile.
- Add option for footer 3 text.
- Enable package section for Megamenu.
- Enable clickable for icon/image of Linstar Elements.
- Add option to change text of read more button on Linstar Elements.
- Enable link for member photo.
- Add Charity portfolio layout. See more at http://gsrthemes.com/linstar/index-charity-menu2.html . To use that, just open package sections then insert from last section.
- Allow add image into main menu item. Using struct bellow on description field of menu item: 'image:url_of_image'
- Support template file for breadcrumb
- Add option padding-top/padding-bottom for breadcrumb of individual page. Help you reduce spacing for the breacrumbs.
- Add option set breadcrumb for our works at Linstar Theme Panel > Custom Post Type
- Add option set breadcrumb for our works at Linstar Theme Panel > Article Settings
- Add option select layout for individual category. Support history timeline layout for any categories. Just edit category post and select layout http://prntscr.com/a574ss
- Add option to disable sticky header at Linstar Theme Panel > Header Settings > Disable Sticky Header
- Add option background size for Row Settings.
- Add option to disable sidebar on single post blog. Linstar Theme Panel > Article > Display Sidebar http://prntscr.com/ah42o9

-== Fixed ==-

- Fix messup social icons on some headers: Header 1, Header 11.
- Fix scrollbar on mobile.
- Fix restore widget content when reactive theme.
- Fix languages context. in version 4.0.7 we changed context domain to 'linstar' but on language setup still is 'king'. We update to 'linstar' on this version.
- Fix Instagram social.
- Fix linkedin member link.
- Fix timer countdown for coming soon page.
- Fix columns with selection for Visual Composer 4.9.2

Oct 7, 2015

version 4.0.7
- Update all plugins to newest version

- Add multi color selection from admin panel. Allow select the main color for the website. Go to theme-panel -> Tab Styling

--= Add feature & Improve =--
- Add Instagram social icon. Icon displays on top and footer of website
- Add icon social LinkedIn for our team post type.
- Add feature breadcrumb background for pages. Allow select a background for breadcrumb of any pages.
- Add options for Coming soon page. Customers can change logo, text, date counter from Linstar Theme Panel > Coming Soon tab
- Add option show/hide social icons in headers.
- Add option show/hide meta tags on the head tag of the website. It allows you use another SEO plugin without doing duplicate content
- Add option set content for <title> for Blog page
- Add option to change title, slug or custom post type: Our Works, Our Team, FAQ. New section on Linstar Theme Panel setting, it named Custom Post Types
- Add option to hidden info for Our Work.

--= Fixed =--
- Fix row background color. Select a background color for parent row.
- Fix pagination languages
- Fix responsive header
- Fix conflict margin with new versin of Visual Composer
- Fix issues with empty function in some old PHP version

June 23, 2015

version 4.0.3
- Fixed the issue does not show up the featured image with Nginx server
- Added setting for Breadcumbn on theme-panel
- Update and improved Import Demos featured
- Optimized speed load page

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