[Download] Movedo – Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme


Movedo WordPress 5.0
Movedo v 3.0
Movedo Content Manager

Movedo Safe Button

Movedo Column Position

Movedo Compatible Plugins
RTL support

Multilingual Support

Your moment to shine has arrived!!! MOVEDO is a creative and multi-purpose WP theme masterfully handcrafted for nothing less than awesomeness. It literally sets in motion a series of new features, such as ultra-dynamics parallax, radical safe button, super-crispy moldable typography, and immaculate future-proof device style to break free from the tyranny of sameness. Whether general or specific-purpose websites, corporations, freelancers, agencies, photographers, designers, bloggers, you name it, MOVEDO breaks the mold, adjusts to your creativity, and rocks the world of users for you to become peerless in the most competitive times ever.

Features List

Images & Videos

The images included in preview are for demonstration purposes only. Most of them have been purchased from Shutter Stock. In case that you import dummy data, you will have placeholders instead of images. For the Movedo’s videos, special credits to Davide Quatela for this amazing video. Images for the Construction case: http://monolito.com.mx/ – https://unsplash.com/ Images for the Small store demo: https://fancy.com/ – https://unsplash.com/ – https://thenounproject.com/creativestall/



A trustworthy and everlasting interaction with YOU. For you to stand out we take pride in supporting you all the way through. We would greatly appreciate if you use our Support Forum instead of the public comments. Our support team will be glad to help you.


Version 3.2.6 – 03 February, 2020

Click here to see the update history of Movedo

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