Get Advanced Google Maps Plugin for Wordpress Download


This Google Maps Plugin for Wordpress is the most advanced Google Maps plugin ever created. We developed it using valuable feedback from hundreds of customers.


  1. Filter locations by custom fields, taxonomies & location data easily. Create multiple filters using backend.
  2. Display posts, pages or custom posts type on google maps. You can display multiple posts type on a single google maps.
  3. Assign location to your post easily using meta box or your own custom fields. You can use Advanced Custom Fields plugin to assign location to your post as well.
  4. Display posts information e.g title, content, excerpt, featured image, categories, tags, custom fields or custom taxonomies in infowindow. You just need to use placeholders to display these data.
  5. Display posts listing below the map and show posts information in the listing. You can customize html easily to integrate your own design.
  6. Display posts or locations below map in grid or list format. Visitor can switch format at front-end.
  7. Add any number of information in location or marker details and display them in an info window easily. e.g fax, phone, email, website, etc.
  8. Import unlimited location data from CSV. You can import any number of fields in the location. Assign categories to your location using csv. All CSV delimiters supported.
  9. Assign multiple categories to a location and allow visitors to filter by categories.
  10. Choose to redirect to a location or display infowindow message on marker click for both posts or manually added locations.
  11. A complete listing module to filter, sort, print and advanced search box to filter posts or locations by zip, address, city, country, post tile or location title and categories.
  12. Listing module is ajax based for fastest search experience and usability.
  13. Search posts or locations nearby within certain radius. Customize radius settings in the backend.
  14. Filter locations/markers by category on the map. Ability filters to multiple categories at once.
  15. Sort listing by title, address or category in both ascending and descending order.
  16. Print filtered location listing. You can control print option via backend.
  17. Placeholders to modify location listing data without any programming.
  18. Enable or disable search form, category filter, print option, sorting options in the backend.
  19. Listing module is pagination supported. You can decide # of posts or locations per page using backend setting.
  20. Ask start location and end location from visitor to show route directions. Click on marker to automatically fill start location. Get driving, bicycling, walking or transit route information.
  21. Visitor can get route directions in both miles and kilometre.
  22. Display start location input as textbox or select box filled with your locations.
  23. Display end location input as textbox or select box filled with your locations.
  24. Ability to display default Start and End location in directions tab.
  25. Get nearby places within certain radius using google places api.
  26. Display Circle around amenities found using google places api.
  27. Enable marker clusters if you have too many locations. Just activate and the plugin will handle the rest.
  28. You can apply marker clustering on both posts and locations. Marker cluster will be updated automatically on filtration.
  29. Choose marker cluster icons and mouseover icons to improve user experience. 10 marker cluster styles are available
  30. Choose marker cluster grid size and max zoom level.
  31. Create routes in the backend and display them on front-end. You can assign a color to each route. Visitor can show/hide routes on front-end using route filter form. You can display multiple routes on a google maps.
  32. Customize Stroke Color, Stroke Opacity, Stroke Weight, Travel Modes, Unit Systems, Start Location, End Location and way points to create a route.
  33. Make route draggable and optimize waypoints to suggest the best possible route.
  34. Assign waypoints to the route. Searchable location listings is added to assign waypoints to the route quickly.
  35. Admin can draw any number of circles, rectangles, polygons or polylines and display them on google maps. Shapes are clickable.
  36. Display an infowindow on click on a shape.
  37. Redirect to a location on click on a shape.
  38. Delete individual shapes or modify property of the shape by selecting on click.
  39. Draw any number of shapes on the map and save all of them together.
  40. Use your own coordinates to draw shapes.
  41. Apply awesome Google Maps styles from with a simple copy and paste.
  42. You can create your own custom styles as well for roads, labels or geometry for your own google maps skin.
  43. Fetch locations from external data sources e.g custom tables or API and automatically assign to map using hooks.
  44. Ability to fetch latitude, longitude, city, country, state and zip code automatically when you type an address in the input field.
  45. Manage parent-child categories.
  46. Assign your own markers to categories or choose from +500 readymade markers.
  47. Ability to search within icons list to find suitable icons and assign to a category quickly.
  48. Using placeholders e.g marker_title,marker_address,marker_message,marker_latitude,marker_longitude, customize the body of the infowindow message.
  49. Display infowindow on marker click or mouseover.
  50. Open infowindow when page load without click or mouseover.
  51. Modify infowindow contents via hook using programming.
  52. Close infowindow on marker click. You can disable this feature in the backend.
  53. Apply Bounce Animation on marker click or mouse over.
  54. Apply Drop Animation on marker when they display on google maps.
  55. Change zoom level of the map on marker click for better visibility.
  56. Display multiple KML/KMZ Layers on the map.
  57. Display large number of data on the map using fusions table. The best way to manage large sets of data.
  58. Display real time traffic conditions and overlays using Traffic Layers.
  59. Add bicycle path information to your maps using the Bicycling Layer.
  60. Display physical maps based on terrain information.
  61. Ability to display multiple layers together on the map.
  62. Set height, width, zoom level, map type, enable/disable scrolling wheel, draggable property and apply 45° imagery.
  63. Maps are fully responsive and adjust automatically according to device.
  64. (Optional) Assign center latitude and longitude to the map. By default, center location is automatically calculated based on locations assigned to the map.
  65. Center the map based on visitor’s current location.
  66. Display a circle around the center location to highlight center location. Set property of the circle.
  67. Assign multiple locations to the map using searchable listings. Listings is paginated if you have hundreds of locations.
  68. Show/Hide Zoom Control, Full Screen Control, Map Type Control, Scale Control, Street View Control, Overview Map Control and decide the position of the controls over the map.
  69. Hide markers on page load and display them after filtration only.
  70. Display street view of the location. Setup POV Heading and POV Pitch of Street View to customize Street View output of a location.
  71. Display overlays and customize border color, overlay width, overlay height, font size, border width and border style.
  72. Easiest way to limit panning/dragging so the map stays within certain bounds using limit panning settings.
  73. Display GEOJSON data using URL easily.
  74. Display maps in a blend of normal and satellite views.
  75. Display Google Maps in sidebars using widget. You can display any number of maps in the sidebar.
  76. Display categories, directions, routes, and nearby tabs together on a google maps.
  77. Display location counts with category name. and sort categories by number of location assigned.
  78. Keep backup of locations, routes, maps and categories.
  79. You can assign permissions to your users to manage your location, categories, routes and maps.
  80. Ability to use External Database or Sources to add markers on Google Maps using new filter wpgmp_marker_source.
  81. Add multiple Google maps on a page. Each map will have own properties.
  82. A cross browser compatible plugin. Fully tested on IE8, IE9, IE10 and all other major browsers
  83. Multilingual Supported using .po files.
  84. Multisite Enabled and ability to activate it network wide.


Version 5.0.4 is GDPR COMPLIANCE READY. You can show google maps on your website hassle free after 25th May 2018 as well. This plugin will loads google maps API & google maps once visitor will accept the cookies policy, privacy policy & term & condition. No scripts or maps will be loaded until your visitors’ consent cookies.

Hooks Supported

if you’re a developer and wants to achieve your own customized functionality on the map or importing locations from an external source or display custom fields in the info window or modify locations listing, you can do this easily with help of hooks. View google maps hooks examples.

Change Log

Version 5.1.9

- Fix - Custom Marker issue resolved.

Version 5.1.8

- Fix - Issue with infowindow background color, font-family fixed.
- Fix - Warnings on drawing page fixed.

Version 5.1.7

- Fix - Overflow added to info-window for long content reading.

Version 5.1.6

- Fix - Update marker icon according to priority set in case of multiple category assigned.

Version 5.1.5

- New - Direction link added via placeholder to display directions through info-window.
- Fix - The "undefined" for location listing title fixed.
- Fix - Icon issue when a marker is assigned multiple categories, it sometimes shows old category icon even after filtration.
- Fix -  Empty record insert during import fixed.

Version 5.1.4

- Improvment -  Click Event handled for google autosuggest field in the filter by radius functionality.

Version 5.1.3

- Improvment -  WordPress Coding Standard Applied

Version 5.1.2

- New - 'Clean Database' tool is added to remove all entries by google maps plugin. 
- New - 'Sample Data' is added to create sample locations, categories, routes, and maps. 
- Fix - 'zoom on click' is fixed in case of when info window open on mouseover. 
- Fix - 'Empty Placeholder' issue is fixed. Use wpgmp_extra_field class to wrap custom fields using placeholders.

Version 5.1.1

- Fix - -Infowindow Hide issue resolved after few seconds.

Version 5.1.0

- Fix - Searching was not working when tabs were enabled after 5.0.9.

Version 5.0.9

- New - Added autosuggest text module in backend drawing module map for quicky find the location for drawing.
- New - Created new control for setting the order of posts in categories tab filter.
- Fix - Redirect issue on click event of drawing shapes in case of multiple shapes.
- Fix - Show location/marker bypassing address in the display_map shortcode.
- Fix - Show / Hide button on map tabs was not visible in the mobile device.

Version 5.0.8

- New - 'Location Redirect Url' included in the Export/Import Process. 
- Fix - Filter Functionality improved in case of multiple categories. 
- Fix - CSV issue resolved in new version of wordpress

Version 5.0.7

-  New Features and bugs resolved.

Version 5.0.6

- Fix - Show serialized custom fields correctly. 
- Fix - Automatic updates bug fixed.

Version 5.0.5

- Fix- Added image ALT tag into marker_image placeholder which is suggested by our customer.

Version 5.0.4

 - New - GDPR complaince google maps plugin.
- Fix - Responsive issues in some skins fixed.

Version 5.0.3

- Fix - "Hide Markers on Page load" is fixed. 
- Fix - Broken masonry layout in some cases fixed.

Version 5.0.2

- Fix - Masonry Issue resolved on pagination click. 
- Fix - Switch to list view is resolved. 
- Fix - Nearby Search is fixed.

Version 5.0.1

- Fix - Maps are working properly on IPAD now. 
- Fix - Default Radius issue is resolved. 
- Fix - display_map shortcode is working perfectly now. 
- Fix - Current Post center location is working on pages as well.

Version 5.0.0

 - Multiple Filters - Now admin can create multiple filters by custom fields, taxonomies, locations fields. 
-  Readymade Skins - Apply beautiful info window and listing skins. 
-  Skin Editor - Easy to use the editor to modify the appearance of the skins. 
-  Url Filter - Ability to modify maps appearance using URL parameter.

Version 4.0.8

- Fix - Marker clusters was not working on mobile. 
- Fix - Category filters were very slow for a nested category.

Version 4.0.7

 - New - New filter wpgmp_map_lang  added to modify map language using hook. 
 - Improve - Missing css for proper infowindow style like our demo page.
- Improve - An extra space added to separate multiple taxonomies on infowindow and listing. 

Version 4.0.6

 - New - Add Maps using Visual Composer any where. 
 - New - Set map's center point according to locations assigned. 

Version 4.0.5

 - Improve - Instructions on the import section updated. Showing selected file name and abiity to import latitude and longitude with "" double quotes. 
 - New - Gesture handling settings added. 
 - Fix - Default marker for the post was not showing. 
 - Improve - "Add Location" link is added on Manage Locations page.

Version 4.0.4

 - Fix - In some cases, 404 error page on add category is resolved. 
 - Fix - Show info window on user's current location is fixed. 
 - Fix - Labels for empty custom fields will be removed. 
 - New - Settings for min and max zoom level is added.

Version 4.0.3

- Fix - Tabs was not hiding on page load. 
- Fix - Responsive CSS for GRID for tablets. 
- Fix - Message on Drawing page was not saving properly. 
- Fix - Missing strings added in the language file.

Version 4.0.2

- Fix - Route was not draggable according to backend setting. . 

Version 4.0.1

- Improvement - Responsive CSS issues fixed 
- New - KML links are refreshed every time.
- New - fc-hide-mobile class can be used to hide data from infowindow and in the listing for Mobiles/Ipads. 
- Fix - Marker category icons was not working. 

Version 4.0.0

 - New - Setup featured image for manual location. 
-  New - Setup category priority for each category. Show category listing in priority order. 
-  New - Import CSV without latitude and longitude. Geocoding will be performed to calculate latitude & longitude based on the address provided in the CSV. 
- New - Feature to update locations based on location ID using CSV. 
- Improvement - ID column is added in export CSV to use in updating modified entries. 
- Improvement - UI is changed using material color scheme. 
- New - Ability to setup map properties according to screen size.
- New - Display search control on google maps to change position on google maps on the frontend. 
- New - Display custom HTML, images & videos on google maps using a custom control. 
- New - Ability to customize Info window appearance. 
- New - Display custom fields on info window message and listing, added by Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Plugin. 
- New - Show posts on the map using ACF plugin.
- New - Show categories in order by category priority. 
- New - Show listing order by category priority. 
- New - Search within default radius based on user's location. 
- New - Apply ready-made 15 color scheme. On one click, you can change the overall look on google maps and listing. 
- New - Apply your own color scheme by choosing Primary and Secondary Colors. 
- New - Export/Import Maps settings from one site to another site.

Version 3.4.6

- Fix -  Applied nonce during export feature in the backend.
- Improve - Dashboard UI improved.

Version 3.4.5

- Fix -  Applied nonce during export feature in the backend.
- Improve - Dashboard UI improved.

Version 3.4.4

- Fix - Export with extra fields was not working correctly.

Version 3.4.3

- New - Ability to view map in full screen.
- Improvement - 'How to Use' instructions are updated.

Version 3.4.2

- New - UI Improved for wordpress4.6.
- Fix - Google developer console api link is updated.

Version 3.4.1

- New - Ability to hide google maps meta box using backend settings.
- Fix -Google Maps API Key instructions are added.

Version 3.4.0

- Fix - Xss vulnerability is resolved. 
- Fix - Removed doubled loading of maps api and version is updated. 
- Fix - Open Infowindow by default is resolved. 
- Fix - Marker cluster broken image issue resolved.

Version 3.3.10

-  Fix - Verify Purchase was not working.
-  New - Ability to hide meta boxes using hook. 

Version 3.3.9

- Ability to send request for refund, suggestions or verify purchase. 
- Meta Box Auto suggest improvement. 
- Get notified about new updates in the backend now. 

Version 3.3.8

- Fix- Auto suggestion was not working on WP Google Map Pro Meta box on posts & pages is resolved. 
- Improvement - UI is improved.

Version 3.3.7

- Fix - Blank map showing due to $.maps is undefined error, is resolved now.

Version 3.3.6

- Fix - 'Visibility' to off was not working for 'Map Style' settings.

Version 3.3.5

- Fix - ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) confliction is resolved. 
- New - Ability to show all locations to the map without assign them. 
- New - Ability to change text strings using filter for front-end map. 
- Fix - Removed backend.js and backend.css from frontend.

Version 3.3.4

- Fix - "=" equal sign was doing a problem in shapes message on drawing page. 
- Fix - Sort by address was not working in maps listing.

Version 3.3.3

- Fix - folder name changed to wp-google-map-gold

Version 3.3.2

- Fix - Updated languages files.
- Fix -  Removed warning on frontend maps.

Version 3.3.1

 - Fix - Removed warning on activation if wp debug is true. 
- Fix - Meta Box js error is resolved.

Version 3.3

- Fix - Ability to install maps table on new site creation and delete them on site remove in multi-site. 
- New - Ability to change map centcenter point and zoom level on marker click. 
- Fix - Ability to choose 0 zoom level. 
- Fix - Direction Issue is resolved. 
- New - Render shortcode in infowindow message. 
- New - Render shortcode in listing placeholder.

Version 3.2.10

 - Fix - Conflict with DIVI Builder and other premium themes is resolved.

Version 3.2.9

 - Fix - Map Styles was not working in few cases. 
 - Fix - Conflict with ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) plugin resolved.
 - New - Useful new filters - 'wpgmp_show_place' and 'wpgmp_marker_property'

Version 3.2.8

 - Fix - Extra fields were not working correctly. 
 - Fix - Removed Javascript:void to avoid Page Not found error on Add Map. 
 - Fix - KM and MILES are translatable now. 
 - Fix - Map Language is working now. 
 - Fix - State field was not importing correctly.

Version 3.2.7

 -Feature - Ability to show/hide tabs on page load. Manageable from backend setting. 
 -Fix - Show/Hide button on tabs not working correctly on multi-lingual setup. 
 -Feature - Ability to get new update notification in the Plugins Dashboard.

Version 3.2.6

- Marker Animation on Click and mouseover added. 
- Latitude and longitude validation added in add/edit location and import. 
- Select all category at once option added in category tab. 
- Close info-window on map click setting added on add/edit map page. 
- Category Stuck issue resolved in case of lots of categories. 
- Extra Fields was not showing input to enter issue resolved. 
- Now Including maps scripts when its needed.

Version 3.2.5

 -  Marker Clusters was not updating on filters - Fixed.
 -  New Feature - Export Extra Fields with Location Data.
-   New Feature - Choose delimiter on time of CSV Import. Sample CSV added with extra fields.
-   Removed - XLS, JSON & XML Export/Import Removed.
-   Ability to display custom taxonomy in Infowindow & listing below the map using taxonomy=taxonomy_slug_here placeholder. 
-   Listing Per page was updating to 10 after sorting - Fixed. 
-   Same Posts Featured image for all posts listing - Fixed.

Version 3.2.4

 -  Map Freezing issue is Fixed.
  - Scroll_wheel was not working in shortcode - Fixed
-  Ability to open infowindow using external link. 
- Width of map was the blank in some cases - Fixed. 

Version 3.2.3

 -  Metabox not working in version 3.2.2 is fixed.
  - Metabox was hidden on rearrange - fixed

Version 3.2.2

 - Selected locations for the map is not working solved

Version 3.2.1

 - HTML Tags is not allowed in drawing message. 
- KML Layers is overwriting MAP Settings. 
- Sorting by Title, Address & Category was not working. 
- post_link and post_featured_image are not working.

Version 3.2

- Ability to import extra fields like fax,phone,website,email or any other via CSV.
- No need to add extra fields every time now when you create a new location.
- Translate 'Prev', 'Next', 'Select Category' and other missing strings. 
- Pass zoom and category in the put_wpgm shortcode to filter locations.
- Lost of locations fields on quick edit is resolved.

Version 3.1

- Added missing translation strings. 
- Added Search within Radius features. 
- Display Marker on Center Location. 
- Use extra fields added in location into placeholders to display in listing.

Version 3.0.6

  - Search by area not working - Fixed. 
 - Map_locations field type changed to longtext to assign thousands location.

Version 3.0.5

 - Duplicate Tags issue resolved. 
- Duplicate Categories issue resolved.
 - Notice Error message about WPGMP_CLASSES resolved. 
- Ability to fill start location in direction tab by clicking on infowindow in the map.

Version 3.0.4

- Search by state, zip and country was not working - Resolved.

Version 3.0.3

 - posts_per_page was missing in geotags. 
- Routes tabs had a closing div missing.
- Added default start location and end location for the route directions.+
- Missing translation strings added.

Version 3.0.2

- Links were not working in infowindow message - resolved. 
- Zoom the map to display circle correctly for nearby tabs. 
- Ability to choose multiple maps using wp google map pro meta box. 
- Category is selected now if wp google map pro meta box is saved in previous version. 
- Infowindow is not opening on mouseover - Resolved. 
- Infowindow was not disabling using location form - Resolved

Version 3.0.1

- Shortcode showing blank page when inserted due to compatibility issue with old php version.- Solved

Version 3.0.0

- Gold Version Launched.

Version 2.3.14

- Bug-Marker Cluster not showing bug resolved. 
- Bug- Infowindow click is not working when marker cluster enabled. 
- Improvement- Scroll to map when click on location in listing.

Version 2.3.13

- Bug-New words added for translation. 
- Bug- Install plugins's table when new blog create on multi-site. 
- Bug- listing below the map was pointing to wrong mapid.
- Bug- Ilegal string offset error solved. 
- Bug- nearby distance can be calculated in KM now. 
- Bug- Blank map bug resolved when location is removed which is assigned to the map.

Version 2.3.12

- New Feature -  You can give permission to authors, contributors, or any role to manage maps. 
- Bugs -  Fixed bulk delete issue. 

Version 2.3.11

- New Feature -  Ability to display more than 10 records on Manage Location page using Screen Options. 
- New Feature -  Ability to display more than 10 records on Manage Maps page using Screen Options. 
- New Feature -  Ability to display more than 10 records on Manage Categories page using Screen Options. 
- New Feature -  Ability to display more than 10 records on Manage Routes page using Screen Options. 
-  Sample Import files included for Import Tool.

Version 2.3.10

- Security Update - Handled add_query_arg and remove_query_arg security vulnerabilities in wordpress. 
- New Feature -  Ability to open infowindow on mouse hover or mouse click.. 
-New Feature - Ability to display GEOJSON data.
-Bug  - Pagination issues resolved when navigate to next page in search results.
-Bug - Listing issue in wordpress 4.2

Version 2.3.9

- New Feature - Ability to setup POV Heading and POV Pitch in Street View. 
-New Feature - Ability to display GEOJSON data.
-Bug  - Solve bug of display infowindow in display map shortcode to display markers using address. 
-Bug - Removed all warnings if WP DEBUG is TRUE

Version 2.3.8

- New Feature - Ability to display location title, location category, location latitude, location longitude with location message in the infowindow. 
-New Feature - Ability to Sort listing by location, category and address alphabetically in location listing.
- New Feature - Ability to display default Start and End location in directions tab. 
-New Feature - Ability to display directions results in KM and MILES. 
-New Feature - Ability to google maps styles from 
-New Feature - Better user experience on time of Choose Locations for maps. 
-New Feature - Ability to use External Database or Sources to add markers on google maps using new filter wpgmp_marker_source. 
-New Feature - Ability to display Featured Image or Custom fields in the infowindow for geo tags using new filter wpgmp_geotags_content. 
-Bugs - Display short infowindow messages showing half word bug in Chrome solved. 
-Bugs- Ability to translate 'show' and 'hide' words for Tabs.

Version 2.3.6 (minor changes)

- Blank map on Drawing solved.

Version 2.3.5 (minor changes)

- Missing Translation words added.
- Pagination unclosed anchor tag solved.

Version 2.3.4

- Display all routes directions in a tab.
- New Hook - 'wpgmp_map_options' to modify map options on fly.
- compressed javascript for fastest google map experience.
- automatically added p tags bug solved when some advanced editor used.

Version 2.3.3

- Ability to add multiple route directions on the map.
- Ability to add multiple KML layers on the map.

Version 2.3.2

- Conflict with NEXT GEN gallery solved.

Version 2.3.1

- GEOTags Supported - Easiest way to display posts/pages or custom post types on map.
- Hooks Supported - Use actions & filters to modify map,markers,listing and associated html on fly.
- Near by Locations based on user's current location.
- Display Ajax based, Paginated and Searchable Locations below the Map.
- Define your own HTML for Locations Listing.
- Location Search Box - Search locations based on Title, Address, Latitude, Longitude, Category. 


All current customers and future customers are encouraged to send us features they want to see in the next version. We’re very passionate about this product and are dedicated to making it valuable for everyone.

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