Get Apply – WordPress Admin Theme Download

WordPress admin theme to customize WP admin panel
1: Colors
Modify the admin colors
- Use default shades
- Change world wide colours
- Change menu hues
- Improve bar shades
2: Admin bar
Transform the admin bar on the top
- Customized admin emblem
- Custom made admin title
- Hide admin title
- Conceal swift back links
3: Menu
Rename/Eliminate the menu/submenu on the left
- Rename menu/submenu title
- Take out menu/submenu
- Tailor made menu icons
- Drag/fall to form menu/submenu
4: Login site
Improve the login site logo
- Customized login web site brand
- Modify login site background colour
- Adjust login web site background picture
5: Footer
Change admin footer text and model
- Adjust footer textual content
- Transform footer edition
6: Extra
- Import/Export
- Disable options on sub web pages