Get Basel – Responsive eCommerce Theme Download
BASEL is a professional minimalist AJAX responsive theme built to create modern powerful e-commerce web-site. Using popular Drag & Drop page builder, a lot of theme settings and options, premium sliders and WooCommerce, you are able to create a heavy store that looks perfect on any screen resolution. The theme is suitable for any kind of shops like cloth, electronics, furniture, accessories, flowers or any other.
Compatible with WordPress 4.7/4.8/4.9/5.0+ and WooCommerce 3.5+
Unlimited possibilities with Basel!
See our customers websites live | | | | | | | |
* Please note that all examples are live sites developed by customers using our Basel theme (they are not developed by XTemos). And some of them were made with additional code customization so your web-site can’t look exactly the same like some of the examples below right after installation.
Dear customers!
If you faced a problem with installation, importing
sample data or configuration our theme, please, don’t
leave a bad review. Firstly, visit our support
page and try to find a solution to your problem.
Or you can create a new topic and we will help you
as soon as possible.
You can ask your pre-sale or any kind of technical
question directly through the contact form here.
We would be glad if you help us to improve our theme,
installation process or documentation.
Full features list
- WooCommerce Integrated Theme
- WPBakery Drag & Drop page builder
- 100% Fully Responsive Theme
- WordPress 4.7+ support
- Translations Ready
- Lifetime Updates
- Online Documentation
- 24/7 Support Forum and contact form
- Easy Installation and setup
- Clean and commented code
- Developed with SCSS
- PHP Object-Oriented standards
- Minified JS files
- Cross Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE10, IE11
- Custom CSS in theme options
- AJAX Shop filters
- AJAX Search
- WooCommerce attributes swatches
- Swatches on shop page
- Mega menu
- Dark version
- RTL Support
- WPBakery Page Builder included
- MailChimp Newsletter Support
- Revolution Slider included
- Full WooCommerce support
- WishList plugin included
- Contact Form 7 compatible
- One-click demo data installation
- WPML Ready for translations (plugin is not included)
- Custom WPBakery Page Builder elements (shortcodes)
- Child Theme Included
- Demo content included (xml files)
- Mobile side navigation
- Advanced Theme Options (based on Redux Framework)
- 4 general layouts
- Wide
- Boxed
- Boxed small
- Full width
- 3 sidebar layouts
- Left Sidebar
- Rights Sidebar
- Full width
- Different sidebar width
- Advanced page heading settings
- Full width sections
- 6 Headers types
- Sticky header
- Transparent header
- Header background
- Header color scheme
- Top Bar color schemes
- 2 icon fonts for headers
- Font Awesome
- Line Icons
- Styles for shopping cart widget
- 10+ Footer layouts
- Footer color scheme
- Copyrights area (2 layouts)
- Prefooter area
- Custom Typography (All google fonts included)
- Unlimited colors
- 4 Blog styles
- Default
- Default centered
- Small images
- Masonry Grid (2, 3, 4, 6 columns)
- Different blog styles for categories option
- Share buttons for blog posts
- Author biography section
- Related posts Slider
- 7 Portfolio styles
- Text on mouse over
- Hide text on mouse over
- Bordered Style
- Bordered inverse
- Text under image
- Text with background
- Text with background alternative
- Portfolio masonry grid
- Full width portfolio
- Portfolio columns 2 3 4 6
- Portfolio spacing 0, 2, 5, 10, 20 or 30 pixels
- Portfolio filters color schemes
- Products sliders
- Posts carousel
- Different shop layouts
- Products columns 2, 3, 4, 6
- Products masonry Grid
- 4 products hover effects
- Default with icons
- Button on image
- Full info on hover
- Button on hover
- Built in Quick View feature
- Color and Images swatches built in
- Search products by categories widget
- 3 single product page layouts
- Small image
- Medium
- Large
- Different Single product styles
- Photoswipe gallery for images
- Thumbnails position: left, bottom
- Social Buttons shortcode
- Advanced buttons shortcode
- Custom Google maps with color schemes
- Portfolio WPBakery Page Builder widget
- Mega categories menu widget
- Custom dropdown sizes
- Menu items with images
- Custom HTML (WPBakery Page Builder blocks in menu)
- Animated counter shortcode
- Team Members shortcode
- Testimonials slider
- Instagram Widget
- Twitter widget (slider and list)
- Styled Banners shortcode
- Products (posts) sliders
- HTML Blocks post type
- Custom options for pages
- Custom sidebars
- Custom layouts
- Page headings images
09-12-2019 - Update version 5.1.0 ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Upload images to product reviews ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Custom thank you page ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Hide a higher price for variable products ADDED: New Instagram API ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Header category element – more categories button ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Display results from blog in search option ADDED: NEW ELEMENT - Size guide ADDED: Fix for a better compatibility with Google Tag Manager for WordPress plugin ADDED: Notices color options ADDED: Project title in page heading option ADDED: Blog element order by list of IDs ADDED: Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha (v2 & v3) plugin compatibility FIXED: Single product reviews tab issue FIXED: Attribute order in compare FIXED: Shop categories in page title order FIXED: Incorrect display of characters in AJAX search FIXED: WhatsApp share link FIXED: Product page accordion with Lazy load issue FIXED: Price filter in product filters element with WPML FIXED: Odnoklassniki share button FIXED: Wishlist issue with long products id FIXED: Google map issue FIXED: Countdown timer styles on product page FIXED: Wishlist unnecessary product issue FIXED: Single product image zoom FIXED: Brands title image on single product FIXED: Size guide select for single product FIXED: Layered nav widget cache issue FIXED: Select2 JS error FIXED: AJAX search with category select UPDATED: WPML config file UPDATED: XTemos Post Types plugin 1.11 UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.1.5 UPDATED: Translations POT files 24-09-2019 - Update version 5.0.0 In this major update we have developed our own Theme Settings panel and now two heavy plugins can be uninstalled: Redux Framework and CMB2. Also, with our new built-in wishlist, twitter and recent post features you can remove YITH Wishlist, Simple Twitter Tweets, and Recent Post Widget as well. Reducing the number of plugins on your website will lead to better performance. Please, read the MIGRATION INSTRUCTION before the update here ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Basel Wishlist ADDED: Basel Recent Posts Widget ADDED: Basel Twitter widget ADDED: Header banner shortcode translation to WPML ADDED: Compare button to sticky add to cart ADDED: Remove duplicate price for a variable product option ADDED: Google map lazy loading option ADDED: Font display option for icons fonts ADDED: Font display option for Google fonts ADDED: Disable Font Awesome option ADDED: Use Relevanssi for AJAX search option ADDED: Disable Gutenberg styles option ADDED: Product filters category "Category order" option ADDED: Google font "Krub" ADDED: Getting pictures from Instagram with API ADDED: Show SKU on AJAX results option IMPROVED: AJAX search now starting from third symbol REMOVED: Redux Framework plugin REMOVED: CMB2 plugin REMOVED: YITH Wishlist plugin REMOVED: Recent Posts Widget Extended plugin REMOVED: Simple Twitter Tweets plugin FIXED: AJAX filters on single product page issue FIXED: PayPal express checkout in mini cart FIXED: Instagram URL now with WWW FIXED: Login and Register form redirect FIXED: Sticky toolbar lazy load FIXED: Sticky toolbar translate FIXED: List element on post pages FIXED: PHP Errors FIXED: Odnoklassniki share button FIXED: A lot of CSS issues FIXED: Countdown timer for variable product added cache FIXED: Shop page breaks after PJAX with some server and PHP settings FIXED: Empty cart message issue FIXED: HTML block max count in menu select FIXED: Quantity input issue FIXED: Instagram added "/" to link FIXED: Compare brand image with lazy-loading FIXED: Clear all filters button with price filter widget FIXED: Lazy loading error 404 with base64 option FIXED: Single product tabs with comment pagination issue FIXED: Bootstrap classes on product grid FIXED: YITH Add to quote double button on single product FIXED: Compare page on IE 11 UPDATED: XTEMOS Post Types plugin 1.10 UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.1.2 UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.0.5 UPDATED: Translations POT files 11-07-2019 - Update version 4.8.1 FIXED: Import issue FIXED: Variation gallery JS error UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.0.2 UPDATED: Translations POT files 11-06-2019 - Update version 4.8 ADDED: Custom buttons to sticky navbar ADDED: Lazy loading offset option ADDED: Hide cart widget automatically after add to cart action ADDED: Additional variation images on Quick view FIXED: Size guide empty meta data FIXED: Total stock quantity empty meta data FIXED: Offcanvas sticky button FIXED: Portfolio grid title tag FIXED: Cart widget product name FIXED: WPBakery animation issue FIXED: Lazy load for brand element FIXED: Product filters form submit issue FIXED: Zoom on single product page gallery FIXED: Scroll to top after swatch select glich FIXED: Portfolio filters with lazy loading FIXED: basel_sticky_sidebar_button function cache issue FIXED: Product attributes extra option saving issue FIXED: Removed excerpt from portfolio grid FIXED: Extra menu list label transalations FIXED: AJAX Search for all post types UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.0.3 UPDATED: XTEMOS Post Types plugin 1.9 UPDATED: Translations POT files 08-05-2019 - Update version 4.7 ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Mobile bottom navbar ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Collapse footer widgets on mobile ADDED: Category option to BASEL WooCommerce Layered Nav widget ADDED: Scroll top on variation select option for desktop and mobile ADDED: LinkedIn share button ADDED: New product review star rating style ADDED: Option to change login and register title on my account page ADDED: Option to change browser color on Android ADDED: Support WooCommerce 3.6 meta lookup table ADDED: Top Rated Products filter to product element ADDED: Product attributes thumbnail preview in dashboard ADDED: Alternative social login buttons style FIXED: Active category color on a dark color scheme FIXED: Brands links for archives FIXED: Images gallery element PHP error FIXED: Slider sliding speed filters FIXED: JS error with scroll to comments FIXED: PHP notice in the lazy load function FIXED: Compare page with catalog mode option FIXED: Variation gallery PHP notice FIXED: PHP notice in shop view buttons FIXED: Product popup issue FIXED: Brand image on single product attributes FIXED: WPML Empty compare text FIXED: Google Map init FIXED: Broken link after AJAX FIXED: Widget layered nav filters title FIXED: Login and register text UPDATED: XTEMOS Post Types plugin 1.8 UPDATED: Translations POT files UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin REMOVED: Google+ share and social link 27-02-2019 - Update version 4.6.1 ADDED: Combine JS files option FIXED: Code problems according to new Envato coding requirements 22-02-2018 - Update version 4.6 ADDED: Product grid swatches cache ADDED: Single product sold out label ADDED: Allow SVG uploads option ADDED: Timeline link options ADDED: Categories element autoplay option ADDED: Attribute nofollow to social buttons ADDED: Show empty ranges option to price filter widget ADDED: Recommended plugin Safe SVG FIXED: WooCommerce 3.5.5 compatibility FIXED: Images gallery zoom image size FIXED: Categories with masonry and lazy loading options height issue FIXED: One page menu navigation FIXED: JS error in dashboard FIXED: WooCommerce email images with Lazy loading FIXED: Product grid on mobile FIXED: Select2 in Layered navigation widget FIXED: Progress bar issue with numbers FIXED: Additional variation gallery not saving images issue FIXED: Additional variation gallery with quick view issue FIXED: SVG with gradient issue FIXED: Mobile Firefox issue with variable product label FIXED: Search categories title attribute issue FIXED: Instagram error FIXED: Compare empty fields FIXED: Compare count with multisite FIXED: Products element with WPML transalated products FIXED: Theme settings link if user not admin FIXED: Lazy loading image attribute conflict FIXED: Register link action FIXED: Out of stock variables visibility issue FIXED: Lazy loading with Dokan dashboard FIXED: Whatsapp share link FIXED: Additional tab line-height FIXED: A lot of CSS issues FIXED: PHP warnings FIXED: JS console errors UPDATED: Post types plugin 1.7 UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 5.7 UPDATED: Translations POT files 07-12-2018 - Update version 4.5 ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Basel Compare (YITH plugin is no longer required) ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Additional variation gallery for products ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Product title limit ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Product stock progress bar ADDED: Basel Slider background image for tablet and mobile option ADDED: Countdown for variable product option ADDED: WooCommerce orderby select with AJAX ADDED: One page menu navigation works with row and section ADDED: Attribute nofollow to price filter ADDED: Product column on mobile devices FIXED: WooCommerce 3.5.2 compatibility FIXED: Video element poster issue FIXED: Product Quick View in popup FIXED: Blog masonry date position FIXED: Breadcrumbs with off canvas sidebar FIXED: IE star rating issue FIXED: Lazy loading avatar image FIXED: Undefined title on product images FIXED: PHP warnings FIXED: A lot of CSS issues UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 5.6 UPDATED: Translations POT files 01-11-2018 - Update version 4.4.2 ADDED: WooCommerce 3.5.1 compatibility FIXED: Images on cart page with lazy loading UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 5.5.5 24-10-2018 - Update version 4.4.1 FIXED: Variation image blurred with WooCommerce 3.5 09-10-2018 - Update version 4.4 ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Responsive text block element ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Advanced typography settings ADDED: Countdown timer for variable product ADDED: Star rating option to Testimonials element ADDED: Scroll to top on select swatches with Sticky description ADDED: Changed portfolio zoom gallery from magnific popup to photo swipe ADDED: WooCommerce 3.5.0 compatibility ADDED: Cache function to Layered Nav widget ADDED: Zakeke - Product Designer plugin compatibility ADDED: Current category ancestors option for product filters element ADDED: SVG icons performance optimization ADDED: Image size option to WC Products Widget element IMPROVED: Reduced theme package size from 27mb to 4mb FIXED: Full width row container leap FIXED: Blog and Portfolio infinite button lag FIXED: Quick shop swatches on single product page issue FIXED: Shop on front with brands links issue FIXED: Lazy load on blog author avatar image FIXED: Sale in percentage issue FIXED: HTML block wrong content issue FIXED: Basel Slider max slide count FIXED: WPBakery Page Builder full width row on shop page after AJAX FIXED: Popup controls translation FIXED: List element PHP error FIXED: Portfolio filter with other masonry elements FIXED: Blog excerpt length PHP error FIXED: Empty font in Custom fonts option FIXED: Product element height with AJAX arrows issue FIXED: IE11 CSS fixes FIXED: A lot of CSS appearance bugs UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 5.5.4 UPDATED: XTEMOS Post Types plugin 1.6 UPDATED: Translations POT files 13-08-2018 - Update version 4.3 ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Product filters form ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Basel Slider ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Popup button element ADDED: Always open shop filter area option ADDED: Custom content in filter area option ADDED: Query type option to product element FIXED: Removed inline carousel scripts from HTML FIXED: WPBakery Page Builder RTL fix FIXED: WooCommerce Layered Nav widget issue FIXED: Footer without plugins FIXED: Hidden sidebar on maintenance FIXED: Header banner with maintenance FIXED: Promo popup on maintenance page issue FIXED: Post gallery and lazy loading bug FIXED: Single product sidebar issues FIXED: Scroll per page carousel option FIXED: WPML currency in quick view issue FIXED: Autoheight in carousel FIXED: Added nofollow attribute to Infinite scrolling and Load more button FIXED: Columns parallax background FIXED: Show sidebar button without shop sidebar FIXED: Search form shadow in Safari/Firefox FIXED: Product loader fix FIXED: Quick view small product image FIXED: PHP errors REMOVED: Deprecated link field for WPBakery button element. REMOVED: Unnecessary hook on single product page REMOVED: AJAX from categories block UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 5.5.2 UPDATED: XTEMOS Post Types plugin 1.5 UPDATED: Translations POT files 28-06-2018 - Update version 4.2.1 FIXED: Blog categories color CSS bug 27-06-2018 - Update version 4.2 ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Unlimited custom fonts loader ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Mobile off canvas sidebar for custom pages ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Lazy Loading (beta) ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Login to see add to cart and prices option ADDED: NEW FEATURE - New blog single post style ADDED: Option to enable Yoast breadcrumbs instead of the default one ADDED: AJAX search result count option FIXED: Brand empty tab FIXED: "About brand" string translation FIXED: Product status on sticky add to cart FIXED: Quick view on single product issue FIXED: Blog load more button issue FIXED: Sticky add to cart JS error FIXED: Sticky footer on Safari FIXED: Catalog mode with AJAX products elements FIXED: External product link on single product page FIXED: Footer widget issue FIXED: Translations issues FIXED: PHP errors FIXED: Sale countdown issue FIXED: JS errors after WPBakery Page Builder update UPDATED: Isotope and Packery mode js libraries UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 5.5.2 UPDATED: Translations POT files 22-06-2018 - Update version 4.1.2 ADDED: Compatibility with WPBakery Page builder 5.5 UPDATED: WPBakery page builder plugin UPDATED: Revolution slider plugin 30-05-2018 - Update version 4.1.1 ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.4.1 24-05-2018 - Update version 4.1 ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Parallax on scroll on WPB single image and columns ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Custom fonts ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Sticky add to cart ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Sticky filter button ADDED: NEW FEATURE - GDPR ready ADDED: New option "Without cart widget" ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.4.0 ADDED: Compatibility with WordPress 4.9.6 ADDED: Categories description position option ADDED: Stop close filters area after click option ADDED: Images gallery and Products element center mode ADDED: Snapchat social link ADDED: Sticky shop loader ADDED: Without cart widget option ADDED: Option to disable wishlist product count label (disable AJAX wishlist request) ADDED: Disable portfolio option ADDED: Telegram social and share link ADDED: Hide product count option on categories element ADDED: Option show product attributes after short description FIXED: Product filter by meta key FIXED: YITH Add to Quote php notice FIXED: Empty category with Product AJAX tabs FIXED: Promo popup appearance FIXED: Product categories element default sorting parameter FIXED: PHP count function in cart widget FIXED: Product brands element default sorting parameter FIXED: WPML translations FIXED: Search out of stock FIXED: Countdown timer for sale products FIXED: Banner widget image issue FIXED: About brand translations string FIXED: PHP warning REMOVED: Unnecessary prettyPhoto library UPDATED: Cookies js library UPDATED: XTEMOS Post Types plugin 1.4 UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin UPDATED: Translations POT files 27-03-2018 - Update version 4.0.1 ADDED: Brands element page ADDED: Extra menu list element page ADDED: List element page ADDED: VK follow and share social button ADDED: WhatsApp follow social button FIXED: AJAX search by category FIXED: Sale product countdown FIXED: Swatches on list view UPDATED: Mega menu dummy content UPDATED: Translations POT files 16-03-2018 - Update version 4.0 ADDED: NEW VERSION - Fashion new ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Login form in sidebar ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Product brands ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Off canvas shop sidebar ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Auto updates function ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Theme activation in the dashboard ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Clear all filters button ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Sticky social buttons ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Custom product tab ADDED: NEW FEATURE - "Top bar height" option ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Header advertisement area ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Social login/register ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3.3 ADDED: Extra menu list element ADDED: Promo popup version option ADDED: Nofollow attributes to grid list links FIXED: "Instagram has returned invalid data." FIXED: Dokan map issue FIXED: Custom sidebar count FIXED: Before and after add to cart text on Quick view FIXED: Instagram images alt attribute FIXED: WPBakery Page Builder CSS on Shop page FIXED: Login/register page layout FIXED: Checkout button FIXED: Mobile menu labels FIXED: Add to cart popup animation FIXED: PHP notices UPDATED: XTEMOS Post Types plugin 1.3 UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 5.4.7 UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin UPDATED: Translations POT files 28-02-2018 - Update version 3.9.2 ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3.3 07-02-2018 - Update version 3.9.1 ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3.1 FIXED: Shop AJAX pagination FIXED: PHP warning UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin UPDATED: Translations POT files 31-01-2018 - Update version 3.9 ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3 ADDED: After and before add to cart button content area ADDED: Promo Popup width option ADDED: Product label attributes ADDED: Alt and title attributes to product thumbnails FIXED: Price filter range FIXED: Filters with SKU search FIXED: HTML block select limit FIXED: Instagram element FIXED: Footer PHP warning FIXED: Translations issues UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin UPDATED: Translations POT files 22-12-2017 - Update version 3.8 ADDED: NEW OPTION - My account icon in header ADDED: NEW OPTION - Related products grid and slider ADDED: WPML new currency and languages switcher styles ADDED: Option to turn on/off scroll to top button ADDED: Size guide disable table option ADDED: Row reverse for tablet and mobile ADDED: New icon for size guide button ADDED: WooCommerce Stripe Gateway plugin styles ADDED: New pages with elements to dummy content FIXED: Sold out label FIXED: Dokan edit product page FIXED: Cart opening after add to cart on sticky header FIXED: Search category dropdown FIXED: Empty category loader fix FIXED: Full screen search with header top bar FIXED: Media uploads issue FIXED: Instagram element grid responsive styles FIXED: PHP notices FIXED: Translations issues UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin UPDATED: Translations POT files 22-11-2017 - Update version 3.7 ADDED: NEW FEATURE - AJAX search on mobile ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Size Guide ADDED: NEW FEATURE - WPBakery Page Builder element "List" ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Show user name in the header ADDED: Google Map custom marker ADDED: Login text on registration page ADDED: Cookies version option ADDED: Mobile search icon option ADDED: Option to disable AJAX add to cart on product page ADDED: Portfolio order option ADDED: Disable footer option ADDED: Disable copyrights option FIXED: Category widget accordion issue FIXED: Issue with show draft products FIXED: Translations issues UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin UPDATED: Translations POT files 11-10-2017 - Update version 3.6.2 UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin UPDATED: Translations POT files FIXED: Empty cart style FIXED: Product price widget FIXED: Translations issues 12-10-2017 - Update version 3.6.1 ADDED: WooCommerce 3.2 compatibility 11-10-2017 - Update version 3.6 ADDED: NEW VERSION - Lighting ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Updated my account dashboard ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Theme settings search ADDED: New WPBakery Page Builder element "Information box carousel" ADDED: Wishlist link to mobile menu ADDED: Wishlist responsive table ADDED: Option to disable email link in share or follow buttons ADDED: Product element show 'NEW' products ADDED: WPBakery Page Builder elements icons ADDED: WPBakery Page Builder row and column text-align and background position options ADDED: Inline option to Button element ADDED: Option mobile menu position left or right FIXED: Product element filter issue FIXED: Stacked notices on product page FIXED: PHP7 notice UPDATED: Font Awesome UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin FIXED: A lot of small CSS issues UPDATED: Translations POT files 13-09-2017 - Update version 3.5 ADDED: NEW VERSION - Bakery ADDED: NEW FEATURE - 'Hot' label for featured products ADDED: NEW FEATURE - 'New' label for products ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Percentage label for products ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Images gallery element autoplay ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Infinite scroll for product element ADDED: NEW FEATURE - AJAX add to cart on single product ADDED: Hover image and countdown timer to product list style FIXED: Infinite scrolling bug with price order FIXED: Portfolio element load more button FIXED: Product Quick View issues FIXED: A lot of small CSS issues UPDATED: Translations POT files 16-08-2017 - Update version 3.4.1 FIXED: Products PHP error 15-08-2017 - Update version 3.4 ADDED: NEW VERSION - Medical ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Shop Infinite scrolling ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Products list view FIXED: Countdown time zones issue FIXED: Product images popup translations FIXED: A lot of small CSS issues UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin UPDATED: Translations POT files 30-06-2017 - Update version 3.3.1 ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.1 FIXED: Product page slider autoheight FIXED: Product variations images FIXED: Site zoom on iPhone 14-06-2017 - Update version 3.3 ADDED: NEW VERSION - Beer ADDED: New divider "Paint stroke" ADDED: New WPBakery Page Builder element "Timeline" ADDED: Section title tag option ADDED: Product slider autoplay hook ADDED: Background color option to product metabox FIXED: WPBakery Page Builder Google map popup fix FIXED: Shop AJAX price filter FIXED: Product page slider autoheight UPDATED: Translations POT files UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 10-05-2017 - Update version 3.2 ADDED: NEW VERSION - Sushi ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Typkit fonts support ADDED: Product image auto height option ADDED: Poster option to VC Video element ADDED: Hover image disable on shop page option ADDED: OpenTable plugin support FIXED: PHP7 notice FIXED: Sticky image logo UPDATED: Translations POT files 22-04-2017 - Update version 3.1.4 ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0.4 FIXED: AJAX search products visibility FIXED: Cart translation FIXED: CSS for sticky logo FIXED: Product with variation in Upsells FIXED: Layered navigation notice 16-04-2017 - Update version 3.1.3 ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0.3 FIXED: AJAX search FIXED: Featured products element FIXED: Related products translations FIXED: Single product page styles FIXED: Variations without images FIXED: Compare window styles 13-04-2017 - Update version 3.1.2 ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0.2 FIXED: Notice with sticky logo FIXED: Categories meta bug FIXED: Product tabs bug with single tab FIXED: Mega menu color scheme option FIXED: Scroll to top on my account page after click on the pagination 05-04-2017 - Update version 3.1 ADDED: NEW VERSION - Hookahs ADDED: WooCommerce 3.0 Compatibility ADDED: Different logo for sticky header option ADDED: Option to hide product navigation ADDED: Option to disable page scroll after AJAX FIXED: Countdown timer after AJAX FIXED: Import menu bug FIXED: Price filter empty ranges UPDATED: Translations POT files 15-03-2017 - Update version 3.0 ADDED: NEW VERSION - Games ADDED: NEW VERSION - Posters ADDED: NEW VERSION - Pets ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Product images zoom ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Sections dividers ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Gradient background for rows and sections ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Gradient color for section titles ADDED: NEW FEATURE - AJAX remove from cart widget ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Buttons colors settings ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Quantity buttons for products ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Brand new import process that includes: - all pages content (updated) - mega menu - variable products example - ability to switch between demo layouts without loosing data - "Elements" pages content - import all in one click or separately by pages ADDED: WPML all widgets CSS styles ADDED: After "add to cart" action ADDED: New design for Theme Settings section ADDED: New responsive style for the shopping cart ADDED: Newsletter popup open by click (CSS class - .basel-open-popup) ADDED: AJAX filters in sidebar (not only in filters area) FIXED: Compare popup JS error FIXED: RTL issues FIXED: Dark version styling issues FIXED: A lot of small CSS issues UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 21-03-2016 V1.0.0 - Initial Release
All images from products, banners and sliders are not included in the theme package or demo content