Use coupon code HOLIDAY2019 and get 50% off our add-ons for Calendarize it!
Calendarize it! is a flexible and feature-rich calendar solution for WordPress. The plugin offers multiple different views like Month View, Week View, Day View, Event List View, Event Grid View, Event Map View, and Event Year View. As well as multiple different widgets like the Upcoming Events Widget, Accordion Upcoming Events Widget, and the FLAT UI Calendar Widget. You can easily customize the navigation of the Month View, Week View, Day View, Event List View, Event Grid View, Event Map View, and Year View.
Calendarize it! 4.8.x is optimized for the new Block Editor (Gutenberg) a part of WordPress since the release of WordPress 5.x. However, you can still use Calendarize it! with the Classic Editor.
Calendarize it! also supports WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer). We offer 39 elements which make it easy for you to build your templates. If you do not have WPBakery Page Builder you can use Calendarize it! with any other popular page and layout builder by using our shortcode and the vast number of attributes.
We recommend you to visit our demo site Calendarize.it and check out the many features.
Username: DemoUser
Password: TryMeNow
Please notice that you download both free and premium paid add-ons from within the wp-admin on the website where you have installed Calendarize it!
With the CSS Editor, you can choose between more than 800 Google Fonts. You can easily change the styles and colors of all elements in the Calendar. We have ten pre-built color schemes that can help you get started.
Please notice that you download both free and premium paid add-ons from within the wp-admin on the website where you have installed Calendarize it!
For more details on each of the of our free add-ons please visit our demo website Calendarize.it and look in the add-ons menu.
For more details on each of the of our premium paid add-ons please visit our demo website Calendarize.it and look in the add-ons menu.
If you have any questions about Calendarize it!, please do not hesitate to ask us in the comment section for the item on Codecanyon. And if you already have Calendarize it! and run into an issue reach out to us via support@righthere.com or our Help Center, and we will be happy to assist you.
Version – November 13, 2019
- Compatibility Fix: Calendarize it! Gutenberg block compatibility with WordPress 5.3.
Version – October 29, 2019
- Bug Fixed: Events with very long duration will appear duplicated in Event Grid View
- Bug Fixed: When WordPress timezone is UTC, Event Details Page update property has the incorrect UTC date.
- Bug Fixed: Javascript error when date_options is empty
- Bug Fixed: Administrator and Editor default roles should be able to see private events in Calendar
- Compatibility Fix: Third Party plugins are breaking the jQuery.data function, preventing options from being loaded
- Improvement: CSS styling of pre-loader
- Improvement: Add rhc_content (use argument post_id) to load the event content. It actually loads any post type content (requested by customer)
Version – July 25, 2019
- Bug Fixed: Javascript error when scripts are loaded in the footer
- Bug Fixed: Rest API PHP error started showing after updating to WordPress 5.2 when inserting the Calendarize it! Block in Gutenberg.
- Bug Fixed: Events with a long duration will appear duplicated in Event Grid View (add-on).
- Bug Fixed: When WordPress timezone is UTC, event details page update property has the incorrect UTC date.
- Bug Fixed: Javascript error when date_options is empty
- Update: CSS update for x icon when excluding recurring and arbitrary repeat event dates
- Update: Allow Events to be added in a menu (show custom post type in Appearance > Menus)
Version – May 11, 2019
- Bug Fixed: The compatibility fix we added for TranslatePress caused a Javascript error when loading scripts in the footer
Version – May 10, 2019
- New Feature: Added feature in Options > Troubleshooting to include Event Featured Image in the ical feed.
* Bug Fixed: One some hosting providers the ical ics has stopped working - Bug Fixed: In the debug page we have added information verifying the year 2038 problem (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem)
- Bug Fixed: After linking custom post types to Calendarize it! the custom post types are not showing in the Calendarize it! Block (Gutenberg)
- Bug Fixed: In certain conditions, a calendar template is specified and cannot be modified anywhere. Added a Calendar (Taxonomy) template setting under Options > Template Settings, so that a page can be set as template for the default Calendar Taxonomy.
- Update: Updated the RightHere API to https
- Update: Remove notice about downloading Contextual Help for Calendarize it!
- Update: Added the Help tab to Calendarize it! Options
- Compatibility Fix: Print Options as a Javascript variable rather than an HTML property so that TranslatePress (translation plugin) can read the Options.
Version – April 29, 2019
- Bug Fixed: PHP warning in the Calendarize it! Options Panel (save_option not defined)
Version – April 23, 2019
- Bug Fixed: We introduced a new feature for Arbitrary Repeat events back on December 12, 2018, which supported setting both the Start Time and End Time. This feature was suddenly broken in all views.
Version – April 22, 2019
- Bug Fixed: In Event List View, the Options to load the Dynamic Event Details Box stopped working and only the default Event Details Box is loaded.
Version – March 29, 2019
- Bug Fixed: DSTAMP is not set when post date is not set (related to issue with ical feed when adding it to Google Calendar)
- Bug Fixed: Importing ical feed URL to Google Calendar is not working properly when folding the rdate field when it is large enough to produce line folding (second line starts with an empty space and this breaks the feed in Google Calendar)
- Bug Fixed: Event Image is not showing up in the Google Structured Data testing tool even though it is set on the event in Calendarize it!
Version – March 18, 2019
- Bug Fixed: When using Quick Edit and updating settings empty values for the Event Date/Time was being stored resulting in the event disappearing from the Calendar
- Bug Fixed: When creating an event on a day with daylight savings, and when the computer is set to a timezone with daylight changes the event is pushed one day forward
Version – January 21, 2019
- Compatibility Fix: Add events dialog was not showing in Internet Explorer 11 (ES5 converted to older version)
- Bug Fixed: PHP warning in Gutenberg
Version – December 18, 2018
- Compatibility Fix: When using WPBakery Page Builder, feature disable Gutenberg, and WordPress SEO (Yoast) together with Calendarize it! the dialog for adding Event Date and Time is not showing.
- Bug Fix: The new feature allowing for individual date/time settings for Arbitrary Repeat events break the rdate events with old format on some website causing Arbitrary Repeat events not to show (unless manually updating the missing end date for the Arbitrary Event)
- New Feature: Added support for disabling the Block Editor (Gutenberg) in the Troubleshooting tab. This is useful for troubleshooting when a third-party plugin is breaking Calendarize it!
Version – December 12, 2018
- Compatibility Fix: Venue, Organizer and Calendar taxonomy and custom taxonomy meta boxes are not showing in WordPress 5.0 when using the new Block Editor (Gutenberg)
- Compatibility Fix: Event Images are not saved in WordPress 5.0 when using the new Block Editor (Gutenberg)
- Compatibility Fix: Event Metadata is not saved properly in WordPress 5.0 when using the new Block Editor (Gutenberg)
- New Feature: When creating Arbitrary Repeat events we now support setting both the Start Time and End Time, and you can change the date by click, drag, and drop or by dragging the right border of the event you can expand the duration in days (RDATE).
- New Feature: Added Calendarize it! Block for Gutenberg. Includes support for all attributes in Calendarize it!
- New Feature: Added Upcoming Events and Accordion Upcoming Events Block for Gutenberg.
For full Change log please visit our website