Get Darkroom | Photography Theme for WordPress Download
Darkroom – Fullscreen Photography Studio theme for WordPress theme is a fullscreen photography theme. Minimal, responsive, fullscreen slideshows, videos and woocommerce ready so you can configure a shop a ease. The theme uses non intrusive user interface so your work is always at center of focus. Visitors can toggle fullscreen mode to display background slideshows or images on any page.
Some of our customer reviews
Transparency header shifts from light to dark depending on your choice set for the slideshow or static background image.
Light Skin
Dark Skin
Fullscreen slideshow images carry UI color data to switch menu, logo , captions and slideshow navigation to either bright or dark for better UI visitiblity. Logo and Menu can also have background color instead of being transparent. This feature is great to present fullscreen photography slideshows.
Portfolio posts support headers as
- Image
- Slideshow
- Vertical image sets
- Video header
- Static image
- Fullscreen Slideshow
- Audio
- Video
- Gallery ( slideshow )
- Image
- Aside
- Quote
- Link
Portfolio ( Custom Post Type )
- Portfolio Tags
- Portfolio Work Types
- Ajax portfolio with filters ( Image, Video and Slideshow supported )
- 1 Column portfolio
- 2 Column portfolio
- 3 Column portfolio
- 4 Column portfolio
- Password protected portfolios
Portfolio posts supports ( Custom Post Type )
- Slideshow header
- Video header
- Image header
- Vertical image sets
Shortcode Generators
- Staff
- Testimonials
- Drop Caps
- Dividers
- Pullquotes
- Highlights
- Picture Frames
- Thumbnails with lightbox
- Slideshow with/without lightbox / titles /
- Columns
- Google Maps
- Audio Shortcodes
- Notices
- Lists
- Separator Section Headings
- Tabs
- Accordions
- Toggles
- Progress bar
- Counters
- Work Type Carousels
- Blog Slideshow
- Portfolio Slideshow
- Blog grids
- Portfolio grids
- Address
- Social icons
- Flickr
- Gallery
- Related Portfolio
- Recent posts
- Popular posts
- Video
Note: All images purchased from Photo Dune ( Not included in download pack )
- Isotope script
- Icons used from (Selected icons Included)
- JPlayer (INCLUDED no need to install)
- FlexSlider (INCLUDED no need to install)
- Magnific-popup (INCLUDED no need to install)
Videos by Blender Foundation ,
- Contact Template
- Separate blog post list template for each post format.
- Fullscreen Home page
Product history
--------------------------- Version 1.7 --------------------------- New Right Click Message Style Theme Options upgraded Widgets Fix Files 'framework/admin/admin_setup.php' Files 'framework/admin/tgm/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php' Files 'framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php' Files 'framework/functions/framework-functions.php' Files 'framework/options/admin/css/admin-style.css' Files 'functions.php' Files 'header.php' Files 'js/common.js' Files 'style.css' Plugins /framework/plugins/ --------------------------- Version 1.6 --------------------------- UPDATE: WooCommerce files updated FIX: Google Maps /style.css /woocommerce/content-product.php /woocommerce/content-single-product.php /woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php /woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php --------------------------- Version 1.5 --------------------------- UPDATE: Fullscreen Youtube Repeat UPDATE: Fullscreen Youtube 1080HD Support UPDATE: TGMPA plugin Other fixes /functions.php /framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php /js/page-elements.js /style.css ---------------------------- Version 1.4 --------------------------- UPDATE: Woocommerce Templates UPDATE: Woocommerce related styles /woocommerce/[all files] /style.css ---------------------------- Version 1.3.3 --------------------------- FIX - Kenburns slideshow minor fix affecting Firefox latest browser FIX - Social header hover icons handling of jQuery UI hidden text Only one file affected /style.css ---------------------------- Version 1.3.2 --------------------------- FIX - jQuery excapes for right click block message FIX - Removed Footer widgetized choice in theme options ( not a choice used in theme ) FIX - Fullscreen slideshow caption link hover bug for some resolutions. /css/supersized/supersized.css /framework/options/options-data.php /functions.php /style.css --------------------------- Version 1.3.1 --------------------------- Tweaks and minor fixes /framework/plugins/ /framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php /js/page-elements.js /footer.php /template-blank.php /includes/fullscreen/carousel.php /includes/menu/call-menu.php /functions.php /style.css --------------------------- Version 1.3 --------------------------- ADD: Fullscreen Horizontal Carousel ADD: Fullscreen HTML5 Video ADD: Add margin theme options control for portfolio ADD: Add margin theme options control for album ADD: Add margin theme options control for thumbnail ADD: Fullwidth and Boxed layout ADD: Colored backgrounds for Fullscreen posts ADD: Portrait and Landscape images grids for Portfolio ADD: Portrait and Landscape images grids for Album ADD: Portrait and Landscape images grids for Thumbnails ADD: Theme Options choice to set Related portfolios as Portrait or Landscape ADD: Responsive tweaks for iPhone 6 and 6 plus ADD: Preloaders Photowall ADD: Preloaders for Portfolio grids ADD: Preloaders for Thumbnails ADD: Seperate files for fullscreen Videos UPDATE: isotope JS UPDATE: Language files UPDATE: Improved Help Guide PDF /archive-mtheme_portfolio.php /css/dynamic_css.php /css/menu/superfish.css /css/responsive.css /footer.php /framework/admin/tgm/tgm-init.php /framework/functions/framework-functions.php /framework/metaboxes/fullscreen-metaboxes.php /framework/options/[all files and folders] /framework/options/options-data.php /functions.php /header.php /includes/background/background-display.php includes/fullscreen/fullscreenvideo.php /includes/fullscreen/photowall.php /includes/menu/call-menu.php /includes/mobile-menu.php /js/hcarousel.js /includes/fullscreen/carousel.php /includes/fullscreen/fullscreenvideo.php /includes/fullscreen/fullscreenvideo-html5.php /includes/fullscreen/fullscreenvideo-vimeo.php /includes/fullscreen/fullscreenvideo-youtube.php /framework/plugins/ /framework/plugins/ /js/jquery.isotope.min.js /js/page-elements.js /js/photowall.js /js/videojs/[all files and folders] /languages/[all files and folders] /single-mtheme_portfolio.php /style.css /style_dark.css --------------------------- Version 1.2 --------------------------- FIX: Woocommerce products not listing properly. FIX: Better handling of background image thumbnail preview image in theme options. FIX: Photowall background displays when assigned as homepage. FIX: Photowall uses better image sizing to display photowall. FIX: Photowall vimeo minor fix /framework/options/admin/options-medialibrary-uploader.php /framework/options/options-data.php /functions.php /header.php /includes/fullscreen/fullscreenvideo.php /includes/fullscreen/photowall.php /style.css --------------------------- Version 1.1 --------------------------- Fix: Product grid for WooCommerce layout on iPad Fix: WooCommerce Single product Add/Minus field proper style Fix: Imaginem Widgets ( Login Widget ) style.css /css/responsive.css /framework/plugins/ /framework/options/options-data.php --------------------------- Version 1.0 initial release ---------------------------
- Multiple Sidebars
- Advance Theme Options
- Change colors of theme using theme options
- 400+ Google web fonts choices
- Internationalized ( localize with your language .po .mo files included )
- PDF Help Guide. Detailed screenshots and explanations. Step by step guide to creating the theme.
- XML Demo data file provided ( Ensures an easy to build site using Demo data )
- PSDs included