Get eMarket – Multi-purpose MarketPlace OpenCart 3 Theme (25+ Homepages & Mobile Layouts Included) Download


Opencart Theme
emarket - Opencart Theme

eMarket - Multi-purpose MarketPlace OpenCart 3 Theme (25+ Homepages & Mobile Layouts Included) - 1
eMarket - Multi-purpose MarketPlace OpenCart 3 Theme (25+ Homepages & Mobile Layouts Included) - 2

Rich eCommerce Features – High Performance – SEO Optimization – Highly Customizable Designs – Regular Updates!

eMarket is one of our key products with many effort and support. The theme is designed to become the ALL-IN-ONE theme. It means that you only need eMarket to build any eCommerce site.

Supporting the latest version of OpenCart 3.0.x, this theme has full of functioning features of a modern template for any eCommerce website:

✔️ Modern Designs: Beautiful homepages with trending topics over 25 designs, highly responsive, unlimited colors, Megamenu built-in, beautiful slider, countdown slider, featured product blocks, product listing tab, popup and more… etc.

✔️ Highly Customizable Feature: Visual page builder ready, megamenu ready, Drag & Drop features, Categories Popup, Livechat messenger, Mobile Layouts, Menu features, email newsletter, Pop-up and more … Also compatible with many third-parties extensions like Multivendor plugins, Slider Revolution, Product Design, GDPR, and etc.

✔️ Easy Installation: Just some steps you can get the site like demo, very simple..

✔️ Dedicated Support: Contact us anytime at our Official Support System to get help in 24 hours (Every Business days).

We have 2 code folders: 1 is for Homepage #1-20 (
And the second one is for Homepage #21-25 (
You can choose the layout you love, and then install the package which contains the layout you choose already.

Besides, eMaket supports multi-vendor plugin to turn your site become marketplace with many vendors:

emarket - Opencart Theme


eMarket is included a lot of Pro eCommerce Features. You only need one theme to build any website you want. Below we mentioned some features, please check OUR 25 DEMOS!!!

emarket - Opencart 3 Theme

Core Feature

Note: All images are just used for preview purpose only and NOT included in the final purchase files.

Change Log

------------ Update: VERSION - 1.2.0: November-06-2019 ------------- 
- Add some pages: new products, best sellers, top rated, trending..
- Update title link for some module, config default category
- Fix bug mobile layouts
- Fix bug, update module Onepage checkout;
- Fix bug module home slider
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.9: August-31-2019 ------------- 
[+] Update: Added index 24 & 25
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.7: Apr-05-2019 ------------- 
[+] Update: Added index 21, 22, 23
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.6: Mar-28-2019 ------------- 
[+] Update: Install theme data loss old Modification list
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.5: Jan-28-2019 ------------- 
[Bugfix] Error warning on php 7 of Opencart 3
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.5: Dec-05-2018 ------------- 
[Bugfix] language translation error
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.5: Nov-09-2018 ------------- 
[Update] Compatible with Purpletree Multivendor Version 3.13.2 
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.4: Oct-19-2018 ------------- 
[Update] Layout mobile:  Added Homepages #16, #17, #18, #19, & #20
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.4: Oct-03-2018 ------------- 
[Update] Layout mobile:  Added Buy Now Button on the product detail page
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.4: Sep-29-2018 ------------- 
[Update] Product detail : Added Buy Now Button
[Update] Product detail : Display the number of sold items
[Update] Product detail : Display the number of product views
[Update] Restyle "Add to cart" pop-up
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.3: Sep-25-2018 ------------- 
[Fixed-bug] Themeconfig: Enable minify css,js
[Fixed-bug] Opencart checkout default
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.2: Sep-13-2018 ------------- 
[Fixed-bug]  Remove folder overriding so one-page-checkout module
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.2: Aug-21-2018 ------------- 
[Fixed-bug]  so module setting cache not working 
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.2: Aug-08-2018 ------------- 
[Fixed-bug] compiler scssphp on php 7.2
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.2: July-17-2018 ------------- 
[Update] Add extra index #15
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.1: Updated on July-07-2018 ------------- 
[Fixed-bug]-[Mobile]  Product detail Add to cart doesn't show when the options ( size, colors) was selected 
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.1: Updated on June-05-2018 ------------- 
[Update] Edit text language in module SO Lastest blog 
[Update] Mod so_onepagecheckout v1.14
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.1: Updated on May-23-2018 ------------- 
[update] Update index 13 + 14
[update] Update Google Amp
[update] Google SEO rich snippets
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.0: Updated on May-14-2018 ------------- 
[update] Layout Mobile - do not have Ajax live search
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.0: Updated on May-10-2018 ------------- 
[Fixbugs] The menu does not collapse on  iMAc with a 2560 x 1440   
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.0: Updated on Apr-19-2018 ------------- 
[Update]- Lazy load image for so modules to speed site up.
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.1.0: Updated on Apr-10-2018 ------------- 
[Updated] 2 v2 Indexes #11 + #12 
[Added] Module Call for Price
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.0.9: Updated on Mar-29-2018 ------------- 
[Update] Compatible with Revolution Slider
[Update] Compatible with  Product designer 
[FixBugs] SO v2sletter: email can't  be sent if configure SMTP
[FixBugs]  Jquery Image Zoom hover the image but JS still running 
[Update] Themesetting Click into button apply default setting, add extra option yes/no
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.0.9: Updated on Mar-19-2018 ------------- 
[Fixbug] Error Menu on iMAc with a 2560 x 1440 dimension
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.0.9: Updated on Feb-27-2018 ------------- 
[Fixbug] Mobile Layout - show not good side menu
[Fixbug] Translate - some text not translate
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.0.8: Updated on Feb-12-2018 ------------- 
[Fixbug] So Search pro - slow speed OpencCart site
[Fixbug] Mobile Layout - show RTL language
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.0.8: Updated on Jan-19-2018 ------------- 
[Fixbug] SO Megamenu : not translate language
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.0.8: Updated on Jan-12-2018 ------------- 
[Update] Menu Features: 50+ pages for Shop
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.0.7: Updated on Jan-02-2018 ------------- 
[Fixbug] Error happen add v2 language
[Fixbug] Product detail - click options but price tax not change
[Fixbug]  So Filter Shopby - structure is not valid mysql old
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.0.7: Updated on Dec-27-2017 ------------- 
[Update] Added index #9 & #10
------------ Update: VERSION - 1.0.6: Updated on Dec-20-2017 ------------- 
[Fixbug] So Megamenu - Translate Megamenu not working
------------ VERSION - 1.0.6: Updated on Dec-05-2017 ------------- 
[+] Added Indexes #7 and #8
------------ VERSION - 1.0.5: Updated on Dec-05-2017 ------------- 
 [Fixbug] So Megamenu : Error not remove menu item of Megamenu
 [Fixbug] So Mobile : Click button compile css not working
 [Fixbug] Maintenance mode: gives an error
 [Fixbug] So Color Swatch: for display product category
------------ VERSION - 1.0.5: Updated on Dec-01-2017 ------------- 
[+] Added the module Facebook Messenger
------------ VERSION - 1.0.4: Updated on Nov-29-2017 ------------- 
[Fixbug] Error happen add v2 language
[Fixbug] Product detail - click options but price tax not change
------------ VERSION - 1.0.4: Updated on Nov-25-2017 ------------
[+] Fixed bug: Translate language not working
------------ VERSION - 1.0.4: Updated on Nov-22-2017 ------------
[+] Fixed bug: SO Themeconfig - Tab social not working
------------ VERSION - 1.0.3: Updated on Nov-21-2017 ------------
[Update] Package
[Fixed] Error translate for module so onepagecheckout
------------ VERSION - 1.0.3: Updated on Nov-15-2017 ------------
[+] Update index 6
------------ VERSION - 1.0.2: Updated on Nov-08-2017 ------------
[+] Fixed bugs
------------ VERSION - 1.0.1: Updated on Nov-01-2017 ------------
[Fixbug] Module so color swatches pro - undefined index: default_of_color
------------ VERSION - 1.0.1: Updated on October-25-2017 ------------
[Fixbug] Page My account - language display wrong
[Fixbug] So onepagecheckout - text language not translates
[Fixbug] Layout Mobile - not working Compile CSS
------------ VERSION - 1.0.0: Updated on October-24-2017 ------------
- update version 1.0.0:
[+] Fixed Error: language on heading_title
------------ VERSION - 1.0.0: Release on October-20-2017 ------------
[+] Initial Release

Other versions

Here are some Top OpenCart Themes 2019

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