Responsive Mega Menu Plugin for Wordpress
Highly customizable mega menu WP plugin from Grooni authors Crane theme. You’ll get a kick out of navigation as you can set any kind of a menu on website. Pre-made presets from header library. Add any widgets and shortcodes into mega menu blocks. Menu Plugin is compatible with best popular builders WPBakery (Visual Composer), new Elementor, Gutenberg, Beaver, WPML and WooCommerce
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- Mega menu
- Vertical navigation
- Horizontal navigation
- Off canvas, Slide, Push
- One page
- Hamburger
- Dropdown
- Submenu
- Sidebar
- Sticky
- Navbar
- Fixed header
- Ajax Cart
- WooCommerce mega menu
- Fullwidth mega menu
- Mobile ready
- Badges Icon, Free, New, Trendy
- Top bar
- Ajax Woo cart
Now in progess
Expected release date – February 3, 2019
Improving auto integration, it will work better and with more themes on the fly.Integration into the “Theme Locations”- Groovy Menu 2.0. pure JS without jQuery
- Now is Groovy Menu can be added as Shortcode
- Adding the opportunity to add a few different menus and using
- The ability to add any custom markup through Actions (HTML, Widgets etc)
different presets on the one page.
Q: How to integrate?
A: It can be integrated both manually and automatically. The automatic integration option is the easiest and in most cases the working way to implement Groovy Menu on your website. The principle of auto integration is that the Groovy Menu plugin will be displayed immediately after the opening HTML tag “body” read more
Q: How to upload logo?
A: Please read this article
Q: What to do if automatic/manual integration not working properly?
A: Please create a private ticket here describe the problem, attach screenshots and prrovide us admin access to your site, how to create admin user please read here
Q: Can I insert Groovy Menu as a widget?
A: No, we don’t have an implementation as a widget. UPD: Coming soon! In november 2019
Q: Can I use it on a non-WordPress site?
A: No, Goovy Menu is exclusively for WordPress currently.
Q: How to implement anchor links navigation with scroll for one page site?
A: Please read this article
Q: Which Page Builders are compatible with Groovy menu blocks?
A: Groovy menu blocks compatible with the following builders:
- WPBakery Page Builder (ex Visual Composer)
- Gutenberg
- Elementor Page Builder
- SiteOrigin Page Builder
- Beaver Builder
- Cornerstone (new)
Q: Is there an extended license for theme developers?
A: Yes, you need to purchase an extended licese for that.
The content, placed on our site in the Mega menu is for demonstration purposes only and not bundled with the plugin.
- fulhamtimber.co.uk – dropdown menu below the header
- geekworkshop.ca – WooCommerce menu
- seapoint.digital – left icons menu
- outloudaudio.com – standard menu
- lifeunexplored.com – centered menu
- la-mano.be – left sidebar one page menu
- havaianas.online – store menu
- resiatravelgroup.se – standart left menu
- sales.rocks – as second wordpress nav menu, sidebar with icons menu
- italed.com – simple anchor navigation, one page menu
You can send links to your sites where Groovy Mega Menu plugin is used. And you would like to show the result which are you proud of.
Have a pre sale questions?
Change log
Detailed changelog with screenshot and images view here
Version 1.9.7 – January 8, 2020
[Fixed] - Correct displaying of some WPBakery widgets in megamenu blocks
Version 1.9.6 – December 25, 2019
[Fixed] - For a classic menu with a centered logo, calculating of empty spaces are working correctly when the Search Icon and Woocommerce minicart is turned on. - Fixed display of WPML selector in toolbar - Minor appearance changes for the Dasboard> Apperance> Menus page
Version 1.9.5 – December 20, 2019
[Added] - Added the ability to add social icons in the miminalistic header type - New actions have been added that can be called immediately before, after and inside the navigation menu. And also after closing the markup of the navigation menu
Version 1.9.4 – December 7, 2019
[Fixed] - Minor CSS changes have been made to fix the appearance of the text of social links. [Added] - Added the ability to select an alternative navigation menu to display on the mobile version.The setting is in the preset editor.
Version 1.9.3 – December 5, 2019
[Added] - A new setting has been added for menu items that allows you to display a large thumbnail above or below a menu item. - In the settings of the preset, it is now possible to install custom z-index. Some templates require a higher CSS value for the z-index parameter for the Groovy Menu wrapper. - Toolbar can now also be configured as sticky
Version – November 30, 2019
[Added] - The minimum limits for the "Mobile version switch" parameter during editing of the Groovy Menu preset are set to 0 to completely disable the mobile menu.
Version 1.9.2 – November 29, 2019
[Added] - Added compatibility with Elementor Canvas. Now the Groovy Menu takes into account the type of entries 'elementor_library'.
Version 1.9.1 – November 20, 2019
[Added] - Added an option "General" > "Submenu" > "Show Mega Menu titles as regular menu items" to the preset settings. Which will allow you to display the links and badges for Mega Menu titles.
Version 1.9 – November 16, 2019
[Improved] - Improved auto integration [Added] - Integration into the "Theme Locations"
Version 1.8.18 – November 14, 2019
[Fixed] - Colorpicker button styles to match WP 5.3 styles - Now the output of echo when the Actions from Header.php are working will be displayed in the markup location match to the action. [Added] - Added 4 new actions for working in the toolbar. - 'gm_toolbar_left_first' - 'gm_toolbar_left_last' - 'gm_toolbar_right_first' - 'gm_toolbar_right_last'
Version 1.8.17 – November 13, 2019
[Added] - An additional check to exclude the processing of an empty list of navigation menus. - Wordpress 5.3 compatible
Version 1.8.16 – November 7, 2019
[Added] - Added the ability to disable pre-cache for presets. It may be necessary when calling Groovy Menu functions with custom preset and menu parameters groovy_menu (['menu' => 111, 'gm_preset_id' => 222]); in order to exclude overwriting the appearance of the preset from the pre-cache. if (! defined ('GROOVY_MENU_DISABLE_STYLE_STORAGE_CACHE')) define ('GROOVY_MENU_DISABLE_STYLE_STORAGE_CACHE', true);
Version 1.8.15 – November 5, 2019
[Added] - Performance improvement: Styles for presets are saved automatically in separate css files.
Version 1.8.14 – October 26, 2019
[Added] - New translated phrases in Russian version [Fixed] - An error that did not show translating phrases in the Global settings
Version 1.8.13 – October 26, 2019
[Added] - Russian language "ru_RU language"
Version 1.8.12 – October 17, 2019
[Fixed] - Fixed the appearance time of animation for the arrow at the submenu - "Search form type in: WooCommerce product" might be missing in the search settings in some cases
Version 1.8.11 – October 10, 2019
[Added] - New setting "Top level links with align center must considering logo width [Fixed] - Bug with Mega menu columns
Version 1.8.10 – October 8, 2019
[Fixed] - Social icon link text font size [Added] - New setting: Social icon link text hide on mobile
Version 1.8.9 – October 5, 2019
[Fixed] - Output buffer conflict with some plugins - Elementor editor bug with menu block - Incorrect dropmenu overlay on a submenu with multi-level drop-down menus in the certain cases [Added] - WPML support for Logo link
Version 1.8.8 – September 20, 2019
[Added] - Сompatibility with Сornerstone page builder - Added New font pack for social icons as default pack - The ability to display custom and icons and text for social links in the top bar
Version 1.8.7 – September 17, 2019
[Fixed] - Escaping .grid css style to avoid conflict with some themes
Version 1.8.6 – September 14, 2019
[Fixed] - Added ability to set "Target" and "Rel" options for social links in toolbar
Version 1.8.5 – September 13, 2019
[Fixed] - Do not display the menu in maintenance mode when auto-integration is enabled - Anchor links and scroll feature for one page menu now works with any ID, not only with WPBakery ID
Version 1.8.4 – September 4, 2019
[Added] - Added mega menu compatibility with some plugins and themes
Version – September 3, 2019
[Added] - Added the ability to create 6, 7, 8 and 9 columns in the mega menu. [Fixed] - Fixed a bug when in the multilevel menu third-level links were highlighted active
Version – August 22, 2019
[Fixed] - Added an additional check on errors when getting the Groovy Menu metadata on WooCommerce product pages.
Version – August 9, 2019
[Fixed] - Fixed bug with not working button for Icon Badges
Version – August 1, 2019
[Fixed] - Bugfix save global setting failure in rare cases
Version – June 18, 2019
[Fixed] - Compatibility issue with underscore/lodash js libraries
Version – June 13, 2019
[Fixed] - Compatibility issue with Accelerated Mobile Pages plugin - Regression fix for Global Settings > Presets for taxonomies
Version 1.8.3 – June 8, 2019
[Added] - New option https://nimb.ws/GjKDmq Hide Groovy menu that regulates visibility for particular taxonomies
Version – June 7, 2019
[Fixed] - Call to a member function get() on null PHP error
Version – June 6, 2019
[Fixed] - Compatibility issue with Menu blocks and the Elementor builder in Edit mode
Version 1.8.2 – May 29, 2019
[Fixed] - Compatibility issue with modal windows (Global settings, Import Preset, Preview) and some other themes/plugins - Rare case with logo link protocol (http/https) not being set the same as in WordPress admin > Settings > General > WordPress Address (URL)
Version 1.8.1 – May 21, 2019
[Fixed] - Badge positioning issue on Mobile menu [Added] - New option Mobile navigation menu item vertical padding https://nimb.ws/3qIEht that regulates vertical offset between menu items on mobile menu
Version 1.8.0 – May 18, 2019
[Added] - Integration with User Role Editor plugin rules https://nimb.ws/3mBFQz and https://nimb.ws/RMI1EX - Badges for menu items are here! Navigate to Appearance > Menus > Edit menu item to see all options https://nimb.ws/CHeZEw [Improved] - The Groovy Menu meta is now enabled on Products page by default - The list of presets that are available in the online library is now cached, which reduces the number of requests - Improved Centered menu layout. Now it is possible to use an odd number of top-level menu links [Fixed] - An error file_get_contents(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 occurring when allow_url_fopen PHP setting on the server was set to false - Illegal string offset PHP Warning while using some font families - Rare 500 server error when editing a menu with a large number of items on Appearance> Menu Pages - Use local google fonts option was not working properly with some fonts - WPML dropdown from menu topbar was overlapping the rest menu content - Duplicated database requests - Compatibility issue with Nav Menu Roles plugin in Appearance > Menus page - Compatibility issue with Mailpoet plugin in preview email mode while Groovy menu was activated by autointegration [Other] - The updates server moved to the https protocol. So we updated all internal links in the plugin.
Version 1.7.0 – April 23, 2019
[Added] - A list of all included Menu blocks in the current page to have straight access to them https://nimb.ws/JkA3BL - Woocommerce dropdown text and background color settings https://nimb.ws/4eyPlp - The ability to install default icon pack at any time https://nimb.ws/FApbmW - "Custom post types" search functionality. Useful when you have separate post types for example blog posts and woocommerce products. With this setting, you can filter query only exact post type. If Woocommerce search is selected search results will be listed in the theme's Woocommerce search layout - For developers. Added 2 filters: add_filter( 'groovy_menu_single_post_show_meta_box', '__return_false' ); which hides Groovy menu meta settings add_filter( 'groovy_menu_show_admin_bar_link', '__return_false' ); which hides Groovy menu dropdown from the WordPress topbar [Fixed] - Dashboard and Menu blocks items in the WordPress admin bar were sometimes changed their places - Meta setting overrides were not working in archive pages such as products and posts archive - Minimalistic, and Sidebar menu layout issue in RTL languages - Missing mbstring PHP module Fatal error - White gap showing for a second under the dark header when scrolling to the top of the page - Layout issue in Icon and sidebar menu types in between 783px - 1023px viewport view
Version 1.6.3 – March 16, 2019
[Added] Time to time we release updates that require database updates. When the database update is required the appropriate infobox is shown in the WordPress admin page. In some cases (very rarely) the update process could freeze. To restart the process and find out the problem we added a special page Groovy Menu debug page. By default, it is hidden since needed only for the support team. The page can be found if you add the /wp-admin/tools.php?page=groovy_menu_debug_page to the URL of the site domain like so example.com/wp-admin/tools.php?page=groovy_menu_debug_page
Version – March 12, 2019
[Fixed] - Compatibility issue with Ultimate addons and its Google fonts functionality
Version – February 22, 2019
[Fixed] - Hotfix: fix JS compatibility error when working with some third-party plugins
Version – February 21, 2019
[Added] - PHP compatibility up to 7.3.1
Version 1.6.2 – February 19, 2019
[Added] - Due to WordPress limitation, only settings from one plugin can be shown, but not both simultaneously at Appearance > Menus. This limitation causes inconvenience when using our plugin in conjunction with other plugins, such as "If menu", "Nav Menu Roles" and some WordPress themes that add custom settings there. - We added an option that allows toggling visibility of settings between Groovy menu and other plugins in Appearance > Menus. If a plugin or theme is detected which also adds settings to the Appearance > Menus the infobox with the button will be shown. By clicking on the button you can easily switch between settings of the plugins: [Fixed] - Compatibility issue with WP security plugin
Version 1.6.1 – February 9, 2019
Note. The data update is required for this update [Added] - Compatibility with Beaver Builder for Menu blocks - Compatibility with Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder for Menu blocks - Ability to change the [header] tag for menu layout. Now you can choose between [header] and [div]. The setting can be found in the Dashboard > Global Settings > Tools [Improved] - The menu output (markup and all other code) now generated before the formation of the [HEAD] template. - The implementation of the sticky menu appearance. Now it works more smoothly. - In autointegration mode, the groovy_menu_js_request function is now called the same as in manual integration, respecting the location of dependent scripts - Previously, in the Appearance > Menus for nested elements, we allowed not to display an element, if for navigation labels we set a dash (-) for nested elements. - But now we have the setting Do not show the menu item title and a link that does the same, but with all levels not only nested. Therefore, the hyphen functionality was removed to avoid duplication, and the data was transferred to a new parameter. [Updated] - Online library presets [Fixed] - Compatibility bug with Elementor Builder - The color of the text of the top level menu in the sticky mode is interrupted by the color from the default mode in hover style 1 - Redundant group_start / group_end values were in json preset - Perfect scrollbar sometimes falsely worked for a mega menu - The picture for the menu was not displayed on the front background if it was small in size - Wrong location of the minicart icon relative to the remaining items in hover style 7 - Menu canvas and container width setting did not work in some modes - Google Font should be called on the head and not on the body. - Several minor bugs
Version – January 19, 2019
[Fixed] - Fixed bug with opening cart
Version 1.5.6 – January 16, 2019
Note. The data update is required for this update [Added] - Compatibility with Gutenberg Editor for Menu blocks [Improved] - Menu blocks selection in Appearance > Menus is now more clear without the need of creating a separate custom link for it. Just add menu blocks as any page https://nimb.ws/NE7DXJ - The behavior of opening dropdown on mobile menu. Before there was no option for top-level dropdown menu items to open a link, only a dropdown was opening. From now on if you set a link for a top-level dropdown menu item it will open a link as expected. Use a caret icon near to the text link to open a dropdown. [Fixed] - Several minor bugs
Version 1.5.5 – January 12, 2019
[Added] - Compatibility with WPML String translation plugin to make available create translations for dynamic fields such as "E-mail address" and "Phone number" fields in menu topbar http://nimb.ws/DCuFjX [Fixed] - Lack of full list of Google fonts - Several duplicated SQL responses - If "Do not show menu item title and link" option from Appearance > Menus was set to On the icon for the title was still shown. - An issue with generating preview screenshots for presets in Dashboard - The preview screenshot was not deleted when deleting preset - Several minor bugs