Nuvo Restaurant WordPress Theme
Modern and sophisticated: these are the two words that best describe NUVO which is a WordPress Restaurant Theme specifically built for sites run by restaurant, café and bistro owners. Each establishment has a style and feel of its own and this WordPress Restaurant Theme gives you the ability to choose between various demos that cater to each type of food establishment. Rest assured that you can find a design that will perfectly match your business whether it’s a Restaurant, Café or Bistro.
This restaurant Wordpress theme has got everything you need to make managing your restaurant easier. With a menu builder, reservation booking, events management and online shop within your grasp, you can have your website up and running in just a few days with the help of this restaurant WordPress theme.
Once you have your site set up, you can just sit back and relax as your visitors go through your site. Its smooth parallax image and video scrolling options let your customers feel welcome and at home as they go over the different options and menus. And because this restaurant WordPress theme is built with the latest version of Twitter bootstrap, the site reshapes itself according to device and screen size. This means that users can conveniently browse through your site no matter what device they use.
If you’re having trouble setting up your site at the beginning, don’t worry. With the demo content and video tutorials that come with this theme, you are never left in the dark when it comes to creating a site that’s perfect for your restaurant, café or bistro business. In addition to that, it also has a Visual Composer and Revolution Slider that lets you create amazing layouts – zero programming knowledge required.
Below we have given you a quick overview of the features packed into the NUVO Restaurant Theme:
Restaurant Template Features
- Responsive – this gives the customer a smooth experience no matter what device they are using.
- Full-width or boxed layout – you get to choose the layout you want and change it globally or also per page.
- Built on Twitter Bootstrap – Pro Business uses Twitter Bootstrap which means uniformity and synchronicity across all platforms. For adding visuals to your site, you simply just need to use plugins like the Visual Composer, Easy Bootstrap Shortcode.
- Slider Revolution plugin– save $19 on the Slider Revolution plugin that’s included in this theme.
- Visual Composer plugin– save $30 on the Visual Composer plugin that’s included in this theme.
- Essential Grid plugin– save $20 on the Essential Grid plugin that’s included in this theme.
- Contact Form 7 plugin– this theme includes Contact Form 7 plugin which allows you to manage all your contact forms.
- Translation Ready – this theme is supported by WordPress Multilingual plugin.
Source & Credits
Extensions Credits
- Twitters Bootstrap
- Big Thanks to the guys over at ThemePunch
- Restaurant Reservation plugin : http://themeofthecrop.com
- Events Manager : http://wp-events-plugin.com
Graphics & Font Credits
- Some Images & Videos taken from Shutterstock & iStock
- Unsplash
(Images are only for display purposes, they are not supplied with final packages) - Icons (Font Awesome)
- Font – ‘Open Sans’ by Steve Matteson
Checkout Our Great Theme
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Change Log
------------ [Aug-31-2018] ------------ #! Version 6.0.9 - ADDED: Cart sidebar on header - FIXED: Show popup in carousel
------------ [May-29-2017] ------------ #! Version 6.0.8 - Compatibility Woocommerce 3.4.x
------------ [Nov-15-2017] ------------ #! Version 6.0.7 - Add Home Demo - Add Image Parallax element - Add new Header - Fixed Bug
------------ [Sep-29-2017] ------------ #! Version 6.0.6 - Fixed bug
------------ [Sep-29-2017] ------------ #! Version 6.0.5 - Fixes bug
------------ [Sep-29-2017] ------------ #! Version 6.0.4 - Fixes bug
------------ [July-21-2017] ------------ #! Version 6.0.3 - Fixes Parallax for Visual Composer
------------ [May - 25 - 2017] ------------ #! Version 6.0.2 - Compatibility Events Manager 5.7.x - Compatibility Woocommerce 3.0.x
------------ [Feb - 02 - 2017] ------------ #! Version 6.0.1 * Fix demo data
------------ [Feb - 02 - 2017] ------------ #! Version 6.0.0 - Add new header - Add custom class in widget - Add custom style in Row ( Overlay, Cover Effect,..) - Add new element CMS Button - Remove Template Visual Composer (root/vc_templates/..) - Remove Boxed & Header Fixed in Page Option - Remove Header Fixed in Theme Option - Remove install sample data in Theme Option - New install sample data Tool -> Install Demo http://prntscr.com/e3epw4
------------ [FEB - 2 -2017] ------------ #! Version 5.6.3 - Fixed Booking Form Custom Fields. - Fixed Event Carousel Category.
------------ [July -09 -2016] ------------ #! Version 5.6.2 - Fixed Event Carousel
------------ [June-23-2016] ------------ #! Version 5.6.1 - Compatibility Wordpress 4.5.x - Compatibility Visual Composer 4.12 - Compatibility Rev slider 5.2.5 - Compatibility Woocommerce 2.5.x - Fixed Instagram Widget - Update TGM Plugin - Fixed Event CountDown, Event Carousel
------------ [ April-27-2016 ] ------------ #! Version 5.6 - Fixed custom fields. - Fixed js tabs.
------------ [ Mar-22-2016 ] ------------ #! Version 5.5.9 - Update bug with WPML plugin
------------ [ Jan-26-2016 ] ------------ #! Version 5.5.8 Woocommerce Update
------------ [ Jan-16-2016 ] ------------ #! Version 5.5.6 Fixed Demo Data
------------ [ Jan-01-2016 ] ------------ #! Version 5.5.5 Compatibility Wordpress 4.4 Compatibility Visual Composer 4.9
------------ [ Nov-06-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 5.5.1 Update Bootstrap versions
------------ [ Nov-03-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 5.5 Compatibility Visual Composer 4.8 Compatibility Slider Revolution 5.0 Compatibility Wordpress 4.3 Update All Plugins. Update Security. Remove Dropdown menu width options. Remove style arrow on Slider Revolution. Fixed options (on off) sticky in table & mobile. Fixed import demo data. Fixed lastest twitter widget.
------------ [ Otc-07-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 5.1 + Update VC 4.7.4 + Fixed Events Calendar. + Fixed Language Events CountDown. + Fixed Cover Slide.
------------ [ Sep-09-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 4.9 Compatibility Rev slider 5.0.6
------------ [ Aug-06-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 4.8 Compatibility Wordpress 4.3
------------ [ Aug-06-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 4.7 Update VC 4.6.x # Important read READ ME attached in package
------------ [ June-30-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 4.6 Fixed Single Image Fixed Notice Function substr(). Fixed Event Carousel
------------ [ June-06-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 4.5 Fixed import demo data button issue
------------ [ May-27-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 4.4 Fixed Events Plugin Missing.
------------ [ May-13-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 4.3 Fixed Image Align. Fixed Missing Language.
------------ [ May-05-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 4.2 Update woo template ! Important read READ ME in package
------------ [ April-29-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 4.1 fixed query error. fixed correct event countdown. fixed social share.
------------ [ April-27-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 4.0 Enhanced security. TMP Plugin Update. Update Cover Slide. Fixed Error Javascript in Google Map V3. Fixed Event Count Down Time Zone. Compatibility with WordPress 4.2 added
------------ [ April-23-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 3.3 Fixed EventCountDown Not Work. Fixed VC Text Separator. Fixed Language Missing.
------------ [ April-18-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 3.2 Update Demo Data Nuvo Rustic. Update Child Theme V3.2
------------ [ March-18-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 3.1 Fixed sticky for custom header. Clean up, Optimal speed.
------------ [ March-03-2015 ] ------------ #! Version 3.0 New Booking Form Calendar. Fixed Booking Schedule. Fixed Booking Exceptions. Fixed Booking Time Interval. Fixed WooCommerce Quantity Button.
------------ [ February- 27 -2015 ] ------------ #! Version 2.9.1 Fixed Template WooCommerce 2.3.X Fixed Event countdown for firefox
------------ [ February- 24 -2015 ] ------------ #! Version 2.9 Suported WooCommerce 2.3.X Fixed Booking Schedule
------------ [ February- 10 -2015 ] ------------ #! Version 2.8 Add Event countdown link Fixed Booking form v1.3 Clean up theme.
------------ [ February- 04 -2015 ] ------------ #! Version 2.7 Fixed Event Timezone Fixed Menu Food Layout
------------ [ January- 20 -2015 ] ------------ #! Version 2.6 Fixed Warning: getimagesize().. Fixed Menu Food Icon Fixed Mega Menu when first install theme Add Time Interval Booking Table Add Language Booking Table
------------ [ December- 23 -2014 ] ------------ #! Version 2.5 Add Nuvo Boxed Data Fixed Mobile Menu Fixed Menu Food Responsive Fixed Google Font Fixed mediaselecter.js error Fixed Background footer
------------ [ December- 11 -2014 ] ------------ #! Version 2.4 Add New version Nuvo Modern Update Mega Menu Update Sticky Menu Fixed Restaurant Menu with WPML
------------ [december- 09 -2014] ------------ #! Version 2.3 Add Datetime Format for Booking Table Add On or Off link Menu Food Add new introlist Add Event Calendar Fixed Event Carousel Fixed Recent Post v2 v1 Fixed Page Title
------------ [November - 23 -2014] ------------ #! Version 2.2 Fixed Event Elements Add Booking For Event Add Custom Link for Poit Carouser Add Flugin Booking Pro
------------ [November - 07 -2014] ------------ #! Version 2.1 Fixed Options top header widget. Add Price Before or After on Restaurant Menu. Fixed Boxed Layout. Fixed Event countdown. Fixed Google Map V3.
------------ [October - 23-2014] ------------ #! Version 2 Suport WooCommerce New Language Fixed Boxed layout Fixed Seo Title Fixed Menu & Event counter Add images for Restaurant Menu Add new 2 layout for Restaurant Menu Add new Search widget. Add Phone Field + Message Field for Restaurant Bookings
------------ [October - 10-2014] ------------ #! Version 1.3 Fixed Global price unit. Fixed Restaurant Menu. Add Free Food. Add Order for menu.
------------ [October - 10-2014] ------------ #! Version 1.2 Fixed fonts API Fixed Widget options Update unit for menu
------------ [October - 02-2014] ------------ #! Version 1.1 Add child demo Cafe
------------ [September-25-2014] ------------ #! Initial Release