
Get PDF viewer for WordPress Download


PDF Viewer for WordPress is the best selling premium PDF Reader plugin for WordPress on Codecanyon (4500+ Sales). With this plugin, you can display and embed PDF Files of your WordPress Website very easily with a feature rich and nice PDF Reader. You can now Track visitors who read your pdf files using Google Analytics as well.

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The plugin will keep the visitor on your site and you have the option to personalize the outlook with your own logo. You can decide which toolbar items will be visible in the toolbar (Find, Download, Share, Email to Friend, Page Navigation, Zoom, Print, Open, Presentation mode, Bookmarks, Logo and more toolbar items)!

Can be used on Woocommerce site. Display Product manual/pricing list pdf file on product page or any
page / post.

Display Brochure/Flyer PDF on page or post. Display PDF Invoice on page or post.

PDF Viewer for WordPress Visual Composer Addon
PDF Viewer for WordPress Features

How PDF Viewer Looks Like ?

This is the look of Midnight Calm Theme which is set by default. There are 2 additional themes included but you can use any color combination of your choice to match with your site’s color scheme. Click on the image for larger & clear view

PDF viewer For WordPress Preview

And This is Admin Panel Look

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What is PDF Viewer for WordPress ?

PDF Viewer for WordPress is a simple WordPress plugin that Provides a nice interface to view pdf files on your site. Now you can embed pdf files with a nice viewer directly on any page/post of your WordPress website.  Also, It comes with another shortcode with that you can allow a particular pdf file open with the viewer.

This is a great & useful plugin if you want to display pdf files of your site with a nice viewer like Acrobat reader. It comes with page navigation, Download, Print, Presentation mode & lot more cool tools.

Here is a list of features:

  1. Automatically find pdf links & activate viewer if you choose that option.
  2. Translatable into 100+ Languages
  3. Fully Customizable PDF Viewer. Customize the colors of viewer to match with your sites color combination.
  4. Embed pdf with a feature rich viewer on WordPress page/post
  5. Feature Rich Admin Panel & Shortcodes
  6. Share pdf on social networks
  7. Send link to friend via email
  8. Enable/Disable social sharing
  9. Enable/Disable Print Option
  10. Enable/Disable Download Option
  11. Enable/Disable Presentation mode
  12. Enable/Disable Find Option
  13. Enable/Disable Logo
  14. Enable/Disable Zoom
  15. Enable/Disable Page Navigation
  16. Enable/Disable auto linking of pdf links to viewer
  17. Brand viewer with you own logo
  18. Logo links to homepage of your site
  19. 4 Shortcodes with lots of parameters.
  20. Shortcode for viewing pdf file on any post/page
  21. Shortcode to add a text link to your pdf file on any post/page
  22. Fully Responsive PDF viewer
  23. Style & Customize all the single items.
  24. Compatible with Internet Explorer & most browsers
  25. Fast & smooth user experience
  26. Retain Image Quality
  27. No Third Party links, install the viewer on your website.
  28. No Limitation of pdf size
  29. It uses jQuery to replace url’s automatically which won’t effect on your Site’s SEO if you use the plugin on old site.


This plugin is very easy to use. Just install the plugin & configure options according to your needs. Please follow the link below for full documentation :

PDF viewer for WordPress Plugin Documentation

Browser Compatibility Report

PDF viewer for WordPress - 4

Use in ThemeForest Themes ?

If you want to use PDF Viewer for WordPress plugin in your Theme here on ThemeForest too please purchase an extended license for each theme (as long as there is no Developer License available) you put on the marketplace!

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What is users saying ?

About PDF viewer for WordPress



8.1 ( 02 December 2019)

* Added site Deregistration option for automatic updates
* Added support for PDF Files from external url's (Requires CORS config on external domain)
* Keep last settings saved for all the shortcode generator pages on wp-admin
* Some other small improvements and fixes

8.0 ( 03 November 2019)

* Fixed printing issue
* Added automatic update functionality

7.6 ( 04 August 2019)

* Fixed issue with Automatic Link/iFrame
* Fixed issue on Shortcode Generator Pages

7.5 (24 July 2019)

* Added Horizontal/Vertical scrolling options
* Added additional shortcode parameters to provide better control on toolbar items
* Added option pages to generate shortcodes from admin panel
* Lots of other improvements

7.4 (23 November 2018)

* Fixed Auto Link conflict with regular links
* Fixed & improved Share by Email functionality

7.3 (6 August 2018)

* Fixed Error in Raw Link Generator
* Fixed Warning messaged on plugin activation with debug mode
* Fixed Warning messaged on plugin options page with debug mode

7.2 (23 March 2018)

* pdfjs 1.9.426 which includes lots of improvements
* Fullscreen mode link with autoiframe feature

7.1 (19 October 2017)

* Now you can choose from predefined Themes or create your own color theme for viewer.
* Added 3 predefined Themes
* Updated the color customizer with more options
* Updated icons
* Added Light & Dark version of icons
* Made design & functional adjustments

7.0 (28 September 2017)

* Fixed: Typo mistakes in shortcode
* Added: Shortcode Parameters to Hide Current View
* Added: Shortcode Parameters to Hide Rotate
* Added: Shortcode Parameters to Hide Hand Tool
* Added: Shortcode Parameters to Hide Document Properties
* Added: Shortcode Parameters to Hide Right Toggle Menu completely
* Added: Options for hiding all the buttons (Current View, Rotate, Hand Tool, Document Properties, Toggle Menu)
* Updated: PDF js to latest stable build 1.8.188
* Some other misc fixes and updates...

6.6 (9 April 2017)

* Fixed: Page templates not showing/working for a few users with specific themes.

6.5 (27 March 2017)

* Updated pdfjs to 1.7.225
* Fixed printing issues on Edge
* Improved performance
* Fixed toggle bookmarks bar visibility on mobile
* Added new addon details to addons page

6.1 (7 November 2016)

* Fixed error in auto link and auto frame
* URL Generator updated with new structure
* Changed URL parameter from view to tnc_pvfw to avoid conflicts
* Added Language Selector in Options page which will be used for auto link and auto frame.
* Removed extra slash from URL generated by shortcode

6.0 (20 October 2016)

* Updated url structure, so PDF file url is not visible on Address bar anymore now (Not applicable to autolink and autoiframe)
* <strong>PDF File is Hard to download now </strong>
* Disabled Right Click on viewer
* PDf js script updated to latest stable version
* Some other minor updates... 

5.5 (5 August 2016)

* Added a Link Generator which you can use to create direct links 
* Made Iframe Responsive Fix as not mandatory. You can now enable/disable it.
* Design Cleanup on Admin settings pages 
* Added Add-ons menu where you can find PDF Viewer addons 
* Some other minor updates... 

5.3 (13 May 2016)

* Fixed a typo 

5.2 (13 May 2016)

* Updated pdfjs to latest version which comes with solution to many issues
* Other minor improvements

5.1 (9 March 2016)

* Fixed saving issue in options page

5.0 (15 February 2016)

* Newly Updated Documentation (can be found here: )
* Added New Shortcode for Raw Link (tnc-pdf-viewer-raw-link)
* Changed update notification URL to https
* New Parameter page-mode added to all shortcodes
* Removed Unnecessary Fields from shortcode generator
* Added an option to assign viewer page id's manually
* Improvements and fixes to print option
* Links inside pdf will open in new tab now
* Fixed Compatibility with Plain Permalink structure
* Added Link Target Parameter Back to Shortlink Shortcode
* Many improvements to Viewer loading and other functionalities
* Fixed formatting issue on Options Page
* Some other minor improvements

4.5 (20 December 2015)

* The URL is shorter now.
* Uses Page Templates to render pdf viewer now
* Added option to ignore external pdf links for automatic link and iframe options
* Fixed Fullscreen Mode Display Option on iFrame Shortcode
* Fixed Warnings on Save Options and viewer page

4.1 (22 October 2015)

* Added PDF Importer from external Website
* Added Google Analytics Option
* Added option to change Fullscreen Text
* Some other Minor improvements

4.0 (11 September 2015)

* Update code structure to make the URL shorter
* Fixed Translation Feature
* Added a link for fullscreen mode on iframe shortcode
* Removed Target parameter from the shortlink shortcode. It will now be controlled using the option in backend
* Some other Minor improvements

3.6 (15 June 2015)

* Fixed conflict on frontend admin bar 
* Fixed a syntax error 
* Fixed styling issues on Upload PDF File Page on Backend. 
* Fixed Default zoom in iframe shortcode 
* Tested compatibility with Latest WordPress (4.2.2)

3.5 (4 June 2015)

* Now supports links inside pdf files
* Fixed Iframe shortcode issue
* Fixed Automatic Iframe height issue
* Fixed Prefix Issue to avoid conflict with other ThemeNcode Plugins/Themes
* Improved pdf uploader
* Some more adjustments which make the viewer work more smoothly

3.0 (30 January 2015)

* Added TinyMCE button added to easily create shortcodes
* Automatic Email Sending Issue Fix (It was happening for a few servers)
* Fixed Visibility options in Responsive Mode
* Fixed Social Share Hiding Issue
* Fixed Saving Issue on Backend Settings Page
* Added Page Links shortcode Parameter (link to a specific page of pdf file)
* Added new shortcode parameter for default zoom
* Added Automatic Iframe Option 
* Added a Page for Uploading PDF File & get link easily

2.0 (16 September 2014)

* Added Translation Option
* Translatable into 100+ languages
* New Shortcode to keep the link short
* Autolink Target Option
* Custom Css Field for Viewer
* Integrated Logo Uploader
* Customize colors of Viewer

1.3 (5 August 2014)

* Fixed Automatic Linking issue

1.2 (20 July 2014)

* Fixed Logo Formatting
* More Clear & Nice Admin Interface
* Replaced split function so its compatible with php 5.3+
* Added More Screenshots

1.1 (7 July 2014)

* Fixed Compatibility Issue with Safari Browser
* Fixed Social Media Icon aligning
* Fixed Responsive Issues

1.0 (7 July 2014)

* First Release 

Resources Used:

Popup.js =

Pdf.js =

Live Demo

Any Comments or features requests are always welcome. Please feel free to let us know if you have any kind of questions or suggestions to improve PDF viewer for WordPress Plugin.

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