Get RnB – WooCommerce Booking & Rental Plugin Download


WooCommerce Booking and Rental Plugin help you to build your booking business, it’s super easy to install and setup. You will able to rent like cars, bike, dress, tools, gadgets, etc. This is one of the best selling WooCommerce Booking Plugin. This allows you to add unlimited rental products, gives you the option to set your own pricing along with maintaining & blocking calendar. It has “request for quote” section too. Where the user will able to negotiate and you will able to set custom pricing for that person. It brings so many features like Hourly range pricing, Inventory management & variations, Unlimited payable resources, and persons. This Plugin is fully compatible with latest WooCommerce and WordPress version. A lot of options/settings are provided in the backend for example: block rental days and hours, set minimum & maximum booking days, single day booking, maximum time penalty, date format settings, daily basis opening & closing time and many more. This Booking plugin is WPML supported which allows your website to become multilingual.

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Plugin is fully compatible with with latest wooCommerce and WordPress version.

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It creates a new WooCommerce product type , its called Rental product , Where user can set product with various options, such as

v9.0.6 – 03 Dec 19

- Quantity validation issue fixed
- Location validation issue fixed
- RnB extension page broken image issue fixed
- Price showing issue fixed

v9.0.3 – 16 Nov 19

- Deposit issue fixed
- Server site validation checking
- RnB Add-ons page
- Max and Min days booking message changed
- Wrong payment due issue fixed on cart page
- Pickup time issue
- Admin booking fields validation issue fixed

v9.0.2 – 16 Oct 19

- Shipping & Tax issue solved on cart page

v8.0.9 – 03 Oct 19

- Price breakdown
- Make deposit non-taxable
- RFQ total price 0 issues
- RFQ form submit redirect issue
- Validation issues solved
- Foreign key issues solved on custom table
- Improved settings panel

v8.0.8 – 4 September 19

- Validation issue fixed
- O price issue fixed
- Error message issue fixed
- Conditional price bugs

v8.0.7- 23 July 2019

-  Reactive pro plugin searching issues fixed
-  Inventory table issue fixed

v8.0.6 – 18 April 2019

-  Flat hours pricing plans
-  Extra hours pricing plans

v8.0.5 – 09 April 2019

-  Hourly Range pricing plan
-  12-hour time format issue fixed
-  Pricing info CSS issue fixed
-  Code optimized

v8.0.2- 19 March 2019

-  Feature & Attributes tab issue fixed
-  Mysql custom availability table prefix issue solved
-  12-hour time format issue fixed
-  Date blocking issue fixed

v8.0.0- 04 March 2019

-  Multiple inventory with multiple quantity
-  Hourly blocking depending on inventories 
-  Inventory data structure changed
-  Documentation updated

v7.0.2- 29 Jan 2019

-  Category quantity issue fixed
-  WPML tab issue fixed
-  RNB & Google Calendar 1 more day issue fixed
-  Modal layout placeholder issue fixed
-  Modal layout locations required issue fixed
-  Total price NaN issue fixed
-  Next, Previous, and Finish button translation issue fixed
-  Current date previous time issue fixed
-  Quantity field not showing in pre selected data issue fixed

v7.0.1- 18 Dec 2018

- RFQ form placeholder customizable
- Translation issue solved
- .po files updated
- RFQ wanted data removed
- Rentable and unlimited booking issue fixed

v6.0.8- 31 October 2018

- 12-hour time format issue solved
- Quantity box input field fixed
- Google calendar issue solved
- Conditional fields documented
- Option panel data translate issue fixed

v6.0.7- 17 September 2018

- Request For Quote - My account issue fix
- Uber Like Layout update
- Settings panel control update
- New design implementation

v6.0.6- 29 July 2018

- Validation message added
- Time based booking quantity issue solved
- .pot file updated

v6.0.4- 15 July 2018

- Holidays blocking on calendar
- Start of of the week day select from option panel
- Validation issue
- Total price currency format according to the wooCommerce currency settings

v6.0.3- 30 June 2018

- Quantity and total price calculation issue fixed
- Pre-block and post block days issue fixed
- RFQ modal email sent successful notification issue fixed
- RFQ button disable issue with error message issue fixed

v6.0.1- 04 June 2018

- RnB Calendar translation issue fixed
- Show inventory reference on rnb calendar and order details page
- Map icon change
- am/pm time format
- Request for quote without username and password
- Global label issue
- Quantity and price update issue fixed
- Quantity validation
- Cancel / Trash orders and date availability feature modified
- Google map console error fixed

v6.0.1- 04 June 2018

- RnB Calendar translation issue fixed
- Show inventory reference on rnb calendar and order details page
- Map icon change
- am/pm time format
- Request for quote without username and password
- Global label issue
- Quantity and price update issue fixed
- Quantity validation
- Cancel / Trash orders and date availability feature modified
- Google map console error fixed

v6.0.0 – 28 April 2018

-  Location choose from google map
-  Map distance count and price update
-  Modal layout added in booking page
-  Fixed checkout page bug with quantity for other produtcs
-  Buffer days added
-  Google map api key added

v5.0.8 – 02 April 2018

-  Google calendar description added
-  Global & Local settings for quantity label
-  Quantity field on/off

v5.0.7 – 29 Mar 2018

-  Quantity Feature [New feature]
-  Inventory and availability checking before place order [bug fixing]
-  Code Refactoring [Enhancement]

v5.0.6- 16 Jan 2018

-  Order cancellation and date availability fixed
-  Product blocked issue fixed for cart page
-  Shop page rental product button label change option

v5.0.3 & v5.0.4- 18 Nov 2017

-  Available time fixed for all date format
-  RnB calendar order issue fixed for multiple item
-  RnB calendar issue fixed for single day booking
-  Request for quote improvement
-  Instance payment issues fixed

v5.0.2- 08 Nov 2017

-  Solved Multiple item in single order issue on rnb calendar 
-  Select2 jQuery plugin added 
-  Instance payment issue solved
-  Request for quote email improved with customer details
-  Some JS and CSS issues solved

v5.0.0- 12 Sept 2017

-  Order status update issue 
-  Total days, Total hours, instance pay string changing option
-  Person string changing option
-  Image showing issue for attribute tab
-  Label changing options for attributes and features

v4.0.9- 08 August 2017

-  Global settings issues fixed
-  Cancel order and date blocking issues solved

v4.0.8- 29 July 2017

-  Global settings issues solved for flipbox, date and time field display
-  Global options link issue solved
-  Date block issues improved

v4.0.7- 19 July 2017

-  WPML issues fixed
-  Global settings default value fixed
-  Price  flipbox issue solved
-  General tab dummy text removed
-  Data saving issue fixed

v4.0.5- 13 July 2017

-  Local & Global Settings Fixed
-  Some CSS issues Fixed
-  Some JS issues Fixed

v4.0.2- 08 May 2017

-  Internal Server issue solved

v4.0.1- 02 May 2017

-  Google Calendar Integration <img src="/images/smileys/happy.png" alt=" :)" title=" :)" />

v4.0.0 – 24 May 2017

-  Included category taxonomy
-  Quantity feature on category taxonomy
-  Set min block days on calendar from today
-  Set extra block days on calendar after a booking
-  RnB calendar css issues fixed
-  Select2 issues solved on back-end
-  Set person as Adult and child from back-end
-  During dummy data importing inventory date blocking issues is solved
-  Some CSS issues fixed
-  Some JS issues fixed

v3.0.8- 30 April 2017

-  Select issue solved in back-end
-  Internal Server issues solved

v3.0.7- 12 April 2017

-  Make compatible with wooCommerce 3.0.1

v3.0.6 – 07 April 2017

-  Make compatible with wooCommerce 3.0

v3.0.4 – 20 March 2017

-  WPML issues solved
-  WooCommerce order cancel and product availability checking
-  Weekend booking issues solved
-  Day basis opening & closing times setting options
-  Single day price calculation issues solved
-  Show Pricing dynamic text from setting tab
-  Pricing plan dynamic text from setting tab
-  Instance pay dynamic text from setting tab
-  Total cost dynamic text from setting tab
-  Discount dynamic text from setting tab
-  All .po and .mo files udpated

v3.0.3 – 19 Feb 2017

- Rnb calendar issue fixed
- Code Restructure

v3.0.2 – 28 Jan 2017

- Request For Quote
- Rnb calendar issue fixed
- Shop manager can access rnb calendar

v2.1.8 + v2.1.9 – 12 Nov 2016

- Fixed and per day price calculation in day ranges pricing
- Provided option to set pickup date & time name in cart, checkout and order page 
- Provided option to set return date & time name in cart, checkout and order page 
- Provided options to set resource name in cart, checkout and order page 
- Provided options to set person name in cart, checkout , and order page
- Provided options to set deposit name in cart, checkout,  and order page 
- Provided options to set pickup location name in cart, checkout,  and order page 
- Provided options to set return location name in cart, checkout,  and order page 
- Email translation issues fixed
- All pre-attached .po files updated
- Some CSS issues fixed
- Some JS issues fixed
- Single day booking issue fixed

v2.1.7 – 02 Nov 2016

- Translation issues fixed
- PO and .MO files updated
- Front-end price , currency issues fixed

v2.1.6 – 17 Sept 2016

-  Fixed Inventory and date availability issue

v2.1.5 – 13 Oct 2016

-  German language file updated
-  Spanish language file updated
-  Italian language file updated
-  Dutch language file updated
-  redq-rental.pot file updated
-  Pickup-date placeholder issue solved
-  Pickup-time placeholder issue solved
-  Dropoff-date placeholder issue solved
-  Dropoff-time placeholder issue solved
-  Tuesday spelling issue solved
-  Thursday spelling issue solved
-  Cart page per day and one-time translation issue solved
-  Check out page per day and one-time translation issue solved
-  Book now button text changes from product backend
-  Person placeholder issue solved

v2.1.3 – 05 Sept 2016

-  Delete some unwanted files

v2.1.2 – 30 Aug 2016

-  Full calendar order show issue solved
-  Payment due issue solved on cart page

v2.1.1 – 23 July 2016

-  Single day booking option added
-  Day ranges price showing issue solved

v2.1.0 – 2 June 16

In this version we also add some languages for multi-lingual support. We use po edit auto translation and google translation for that. So this might not 100% translation ready. But for now its just a start. You can help us to fix those issues, so that we can edit to our next version. Let us know if you find any issues.

-  Full calendar integration in the wp-admin panel for viewing the booking orders.
-  All resources, person, security deposit , locations term delete issue solved

- folder languages:
-  added: German Language files
-  added: Italian Language files
-  added: Russian Language files
-  added: Spanish Language files
-  added: French Language files
-  added: Dutch Language files

v2.0.4 – 25 May 2016

- Pickup and dropoff location name modify
- Js dependency added depend on taxonomies input value

v2.0.3 – 20 May 2016

- Some CSS issue solved
- PHP warning solved during term creation
-  SecurityDeposit taxonomy changed to Deposit

v2.0.2 – 16 May 2016

- Make compatiable with PHP V 5.3 or less 

v2.0.1 – 16 May 2016

-  PHP warning issue solved  
-  CSS design improved in backend

v2.0.0 – 13 May 2016

- Inventory management system 
- Max booking days option added
- Min booking days option added
- Resources, person, security deposite, locations  auto sugesstion 
- Select weekend


v1.0.7- 16 April 16

- Fixed issues with woocommerce default type products  

v1.0.6 – 09 April 16

- Issues fixed with firefox browser 

v1.0.5 – 05 April 16

- Fixed some typography mistakes  

v1.0.4 – 27 March 16

- Make full compatible with others woo-commerce product types 

v1.0.3 – 23 March 16

- Discount on general pricing plan depending on rental days
- Discount on daily pricing plan depending on rental days
- Discount on monthly pricing plan depending on rental days
- Discount on day ranges pricing plan depending on rental days
- Local and global setting to show on/off pickup date and pickup time
- Local and global setting to show on/off return date and return time
- Local and global setting to show on/off pricing flip box

v1.0.2 – 17 March 16

- Set price as floating point value 

v1.0.1 – 13 March 2016

-  Discount on daily pricing plan (major)
-  Set (in percentage) prepayment during booking (major)
-  Payment due feature added
-  Global setting added in woo-commerce->setting tab
-  Show location cost in cart and checkout and order page
-  Show resources cost in cart , checkout and order page
-  Show deposit cost in cart, checkout and order page  
-  Global and local setting added for pickup location title change
-  Global and local setting added for drop-off location title change
-  Global and local setting added for pickup date title change
-  Global and local setting added for drop-off date title change
-  Global and local setting added for resources title change
-  Global and local setting added for person title change
-  Global and local setting added for deposit title change

v1.0.0 – 11 February 16

- initial release.

So far you can use this plugin for multiple uses. Such as car rent, hotel booking, property rent and lot more.


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Checkout Our Site Templates

Glimpse Multipurpose Directory Template

Turbo – Car Rental HTML Template

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