What is Sabai Discuss?
Sabai Discuss is a premium questions and answers plugin for WordPress. The plugin features the ability for users to ask and answer questions similar to Stack Overflow or Yahoo Answers.
Sabai Discuss is an ideal tool not only for building a community driven question-and-answer website but also for building a discussion forum, a knowledge base, or even a helpdesk portal for WordPress.
- Fully responsive and flat design
- Search questions and answers by keywords and category with user friendly auto-suggestion features
- Filter questions and answers by custom fields
- Create search and filter forms with visual form editor
- Post questions and answers from the frontend
- Post comments to both questions and answers
- Post and edit comments inline
- Tag questions with auto-suggest
- Hierarchical categories
- File attachments to questions and answers
- Vote for questions/answers/comments both up and down
- Close/reopen questions
- Featured questions
- Flagging questions/answers/comments with automatic spam moderation
- Favorite questions and answers
- Accept answers
- User profile pages
- User reputation system
- Custom fields with visual form editor (Choice, Date, HTML, Markdown Text, Number, ON/OFF, Paragraph Text, Single Line Text, CAPTCHA, User, Section Break, File Upload, Image Upload, Video, Email, Phone Number and more)
- Role/Reputation based permission system with over 40 permissions to configure
- Restrict access to members of selected roles
- Allow guest users to post questions/answers as well as accepting answers posted to their questions
- Install multiple instances of SabaiDiscuss (by just copying 1 file and a few clicks!)
- PHP Markdown editor for posting questions/answers and editing tag descriptions with live preview
- Filters user HTML using HTMLPurifier for additional security
- Code syntax highlighting using Google Prettify
- Search questions and answers
- CSV Importer/Exporter
- 5 shortcodes
- 9 WordPress widgets included
- Template files your theme can override to customize display
- 10 email notification templates
- Works with any theme
- Appropriate use of Ajax to improve page responsiveness
- Fully translatable
- RTL language support
- Automatic updater (no FTP required to update the plugin)
- Integration with point system of MyCRED and Cubepoints plugin
- French (by nexia) translations included
Top Plugin & Editor’s Choice at ThemesPlugins.com
v1.4.8 – Nov 27, 2019
- Bug fixed: Search results showing duplicate items on certain occasion.
- Bug fixed: Some issues when restoring trashed posts.
v1.4.7 – 23 Apr 2019
- Bug fixed: Image not showing correctly when sharing with Facebook.
- Bug fixed: Some issues with NextGen gallery plugin.
- Bug fixed: Some CSS issues
v1.4.6 – 12 Dec 2018
- Bug fixed: Search form auto-suggestion results ignoring “category” shortcode parameter
v1.4.5 – 23 Aug 2018
- Update package version
v1.4.4 – 14 Aug 2018
- Bug fixed: Fatal error with MyCRED when upvoting questions/answers.
v1.4.3 – 3 Jul 2018
- Bug fixed: Empty results when exporting “Resolved Date” and “Closed Date” question fields and “Accepted Date” answer field in custom date format .
v1.4.2 – 12 Jun 2018
- Bug fixed: Added some missing language phrases
v1.4.0/v1.4.1 – 28 May 2018
- Added: GDPR: Option to add privacy policy content checkbox to guest author field
- Added: GDPR: Mark fields as personal data so that values of the fields can be exported/erased using WordPress personal data export/erase tools.
- Added: GDPR: Pseudonymize IP address of user votes
- Added: Some PHP notice/warning level errors
v1.3.48 – 27 Mar 2018
- Improved: Made files sortable for File type custom fields
- Improved: Better handling of 404 page not found error
v1.3.47 – 1 Feb 2018
- Bug fixed: Search form not working properly in 1.3.46
- Bug fixed: Slider loading non-existent CSS file when in RTL mode
- Improved: Moved field labels of some form fields from bottom to top of input fields for usability
v1.3.46 – 28 Nov 2017
- Improved: Added option to import/export authors by user IDs
- Improved: Do not load custom CSS file in the backend
- Bug fixed: Category count not showing correctly on category index page on certain occasions
- Bug fixed: Warning error when importing in test mode on certain occasions
- Bug fixed: Default sort setting not working when sort options included “Random” option
- Bug fixed: Error when flagging content with “Other Reason” option
- Bug fixed: Permissions not being granted on certain occasions when role names contained upper case characters
v1.3.45 – 12 Oct 2017
- Bug fixed: Invalid output in RSS feeds
- Bug fixed: Site-wide sitemap not working in v1.3.44
v1.3.44 – 23 Aug 2017
- NEW: Added Italian translations by Il Gran Capo
- Improved: Added limit and offset options to csv export
- Bug fixed: Large space between search form and questions when using certain themes
- Bug fixed: Some issues with responsive tables
- Bug fixed: Comments not showing after page reload from v1.3.43
v1.3.43 – 2 August 2017
- Improved: Refactoring SabaiFramework library files
- Bug fixed: Some issues with HyperDB
- Bug fixed: Date picker field unable to delete existing data
- Bug fixed: Add More field button not working on certain occasions
v1.3.42 – 18 July 2017
- New: PHP Constant SABAI_WORDPRESS_URL_TRAILING_SLASH to force trailing slash in URLs when set to TRUE
- Bug fixed: Some issues with language phrases
- Bug fixed: Maximum stack called JavaScript error on certain occasions
- Bug fixed: CSV import failing when importing items with existing taxonomy term titles
v1.3.41 – 31 May 2017
- Bug fixed: Download button not being displayed after CSV export on certain occasions
- Bug fixed: Updating items by importing CSV not working properly from 1.3.40
v1.3.40 – 18 May 2017
- New: CSV exporter (support for all field types, progress indicator, etc.)
- New: CSV importer (support for all field types, progress indicator, etc.)
- New: Added feature to regenerate already uploaded images and thumbnails (Settings -> Sabai -> File)
- Bug fixed: Some CSS related display issues
- Bug fixed: Category specific fields not being displayed in submission form on certain occasions
- Improved: Redirection URL after login/register not being passed properly on certain occasions
v1.3.39 – 17 Apr 2017
- Bug fixed: PHP7.1 compatibility
- Bug fixed: Missing function parameter fatal error in certain occasion from v1.3.38
- Bug fixed: Fixed missing closing HTML tag causing display issues on certain occasion
v1.3.38 – 20 Feb 2017
- Bug fixed: Phone input masking not working on certain occasions
- Improved: Phone/Email custom fields now searchable
v1.3.37 – 22 Jan 2017
- Bug fixed: Invalid Bundle error on certain occasions
v1.3.36 – 21 Dec 2016
- Improved: Memory usage of taxonomy terms
- Bug fixed: PHP “Invalid bundle type” warning error on certain occasions
v1.3.35 – 9 Nov 2016
- Improved: Performance optimization in rendering shortcode content
- Bug fixed: Taxonomy term (category/tag) content count showing 0 for cloned question sections in v1.3.34
- Bug fixed: Some more notice/warning level PHP errors
v1.3.34 – 13 Oct 2016
- Improved: Some changes in counting taxonomy term posts
- Bug fixed: Categories not selected on add/edit field configuration form on certain occasions
- Bug fixed: Error in widgets on certain occasions
- Bug fixed: Wrong link to answers administration page in notification mail
v1.3.33 – 12 Sep 2016
- Bug fixed: Fatal error on admin side when user profile with external/invalid URL
- Bug fixed: Feed item content empty after clearing cache
- Bug fixed: MyCRED hook not working for posts on certain occasions
v1.3.32 – 26 Aug 2016
- Bug fixed: Redundant options shown on checkboxes/radio buttons form field for Choice type custom field on certain occasions
- Bug fixed: Facebook OpenGraph not showing correct images of current content
- Bug fixed: Some minor javascript errors
- Bug fixed: PHP notice errors while CSV import
- Improved: Number type custom field now searchable through keyword search
- Improved: Enabled fullscreen option for YouTube videos rendered with Video type custom field
- Improved: Shortcodes in Body field and Paragraph Type custom field can contain entity_id and entity_user_id placeholders replaced with listing ID and author/owner ID at runtime
v1.3.31 – 3 July 2016
- Bug fixed: Fixed issue with default values in text input and textarea fields
- Bug fixed: Fixed sub category item count in filter form always showing 0
v1.3.30 – 7 May 2016
- Bug fixed: Bad method call error in backend while updating on certain occasions
- Bug fixed: Incorrect page/menu titles on single listing pages on certain occasions
- Bug fixed: Ajax loading indicator image not going away after loading more comments
- New: French translation (by nexia) included
- Improved: Random sorting to display results in same order for 1 hour
- Improved: More hooks added to MyCRED integration
v1.3.29 – 22 Apr 2016
- Bug fixed: Some issues with category selection when configuring fields
- Bug fixed: Field values not being filtered by entity type causing issues on certain occasions
- Bug fixed: Some issues with the Really Simple Captcha plugin
- Bug fixed: User popup infobox not working when certain characters were in the username
- Bug fixed: Some issues with langauge phrases
- Bug fixed: Some more minor bug fixes
v1.3.28 – 17 Nov 2015
- Added: Option to restrict custom fields by categories
- Improved: Play nicely with nginx servers
- Improved: Added rel=nofollow to vote/bookmark links
- Updated: Font Awesome icon font library to 4.4.0
v1.3.27 – 3 Nov 2015
- Bug fixed: Some javascript errors in search box html on certain languages
- Bug fixed: Some redirection issues when adding listings when not logged in
- Bug fixed: Buddypress profile tab labels not being translated
- Bug fixed: Some notice level PHP errors
- Bug fixed: Some URL type fields not validating values correctly
- Bug fixed: Some email settings not being saved correctly
- Bug fixed: Taxonomy autosuggestion invoked by taxonomy titles instead of taxonomy names
- Bug fixed: shortcode not working in Paragraph Text type fields
- Bug fixed: Some issues with SSL
- Added: Option to Guest Author field for setting custom header message
- Improved: No more need of using return=1 in shortcodes
v1.3.26 – 16 Sep 2015
- Bug fixed: Canonical URL not showing correctly on some pages
- Bug fixed: Field renderer settings still being overwritten on certain occasions
- Bug fixed: Image field renderer not displaying images in specified size
- Bug fixed: Filters in shortcodes not working correctly on certain occasions
- Improved: Datepicker internationalized
- Improved: Add trailing slash to URLs
v1.3.24/v1.3.25 – 2 Sep 2015
- Added: More system information parameters to System Information page for easier debugging
- Added: New constant SABAI_WORDPRESS_DISABLE_REMOVE_FILTERS to disable removing of the_content filters
- Bug fixed: Category parameter not working for [sabai-discuss] and [sabai-discuss-questions] shortcodes
- Bug fixed: Cosmetic issues with RTL
- Bug fixed: PHP notice level and HTML markup errors
- Bug fixed: Field renderer settings being reset on add-on updates
- Bug fixed: Filters for Time type custom fields not working correctly on certain occasion
- Bug fixed: Cron action being invoked more than twice a day
- Bug fixed: Shortcode tags displayed directly when Paragraph Text type field is trimmed
- Improved: Disable comments in BuddyPress activity for Sabai Discuss activities
- Improved: Stop rendering empty sitemap files
v1.3.23 – 16 June 2015
- Bug fixed: Filters not working in 1.3.22
v1.3.22 – 15 June 2015
- Added: Option to specify slider step for “Range” and “Number (with slider input)” type custom fields and “Range” filter
- Bug fixed: Answer accepted/unaccepted filter not working in the backend
- Bug fixed: On/Off type custom fields not displaying correctly in RTL
- Bug fixed: Incorrect image file specified for twitter:image:src meta tag
- Improved: Fixed some minor CSS styling issues
- Improved: Carousel field to redraw slider when viewport modified
- Improved: Numerous code improvements and refactoring
- Updated: Some 3rd party js/php library files
v1.3.21 – 21 May 2015
- Bug fixed: Some issues with utf8mb4 mysql database encoding
v1.3.20 – 17 May 2015
- Removed: Unused 3rd party library files
v1.3.19 – 11 May 2015
- Bug fixed: Fixed issue with reCAPTCHA issue on older PHP versions
- Bud fixed: Fixed several Warning level PHP errors found in version 1.3.18
- Improved: Include Choice type custom field in keyword search
v1.3.18 – 5 May 2015
- Bug fixed: Auto submission of filter form not working on certain occasions
- Bug fixed: Leaderboard widget not sorting users by reputation correctly
- Improved: Render user profile popup to fit within small screen size devices
- Improved: Enable WordPress media manager in frontend if the user has permission to upload files
- Improved: Create database tables in utf8mb4 character encoding if enabled in WordPress
- Improved: Better handling of field data rendered via javascript on Ajax page load
- Improved: Filters for category specific fields are now displayed only on associated category pages or when associated categories are selected in search form
- Added: New reCAPTCHA form element for CAPTCHA custom field type
- Added: Added back option to enable/disable loading of jQuery UI CSS in frontend
- Added: [sabai-discuss], [sabai-discuss-questions], [sabai-discuss-answers], [sabai-discuss-favorites], [sabai-discuss-search-form] shortcodes
- Lots of minor bug fixes and code refactoring
v1.3.17 – 14 April 2015
- Bug fixed: User profile popup not working on mobile devices
- Bug fixed: Removed HTML entities from notification mails
- Bug fixed: Some auto-update issues with WordPress multisite
- Bug fixed: 404 error when clicking answer count links on questions index page
- Bug fixed: Sabai Discuss content not displayed on BuddyPress profile pages in some themes
- Improved: Auto-clear content count cache of taxonomy terms
- Added: New QuestionsMyCRED add-on which integrates Sabai Discuss with MyCRED point system
- Lots of minor bug fixes and code refactoring
v1.3.16 – 20 March 2015
- Bug fixed: Incorrect post count in category field filter
- Bug fixed: Default value setting of category selection field being ignored on certain occasion
v1.3.15 – 16 March 2015
- Bug fixed: Fixed incorrect page title on user post pages
- Bug fixed: Could not remove categories assigned to fields
- Bug fixed: Removed invalid HTML in meta description
- Bug fixed: Some CSS issues
- Bug fixed: Some E_STRICT level PHP errors
- Added: New sorting options for questions and answers, also allows sorting by custom fields
- Added: New Carousel field renderer for Image type custom fields
- Improved: Added support for WordPress oEmbed in question and answer Body fields
- Improved: Added support for WordPress oEmbed in Paragraph Text custom fields, replaces iframe options
v1.3.14 – 23 February 2015
- Bug fixed: Invalid token when submitting answers in 1.3.12/1.3.13
- Bug fixed: Comments not working properly in 1.3.12/1.3.13
- Bug fixed: Markdown field editor preview not working properly in 1.3.12/1.3.13
- Bug fixed: Custom field form element selection not working properly in 1.3.12/1.3.13
v1.3.13 – 20 February 2015
- Bug fixed: Cloned add-on not using its own settings, instead using settings of the default add-on in 1.3.12
- Improved: Delete scheduled cron on plugin uninstall
- Added: Option to hide category count in search form
v1.3.12 – 19 February 2015
- Bug fixed: Issues with multiple shortcodes on a single page
- Bug fixed: Markdown field editor preview not working in 1.3.11
- Bug fixed: Some E_STRICT level PHP errors
- Bug fixed: Time custom field not being able to select 0:00
- Added: Email and Phone Number custom field types
- Added: Input mask option for Single Line Text and Phone Number custom field types
- Added: Old database schema files that prevented proper upgrade from 1.2.x
- Improved: Return 404 error upon access to non existene URLs for SEO, instead of displaying parent page
- Improved: Lots of code optimization and refactoring
- Improved: Do not autoload old version add-ons to prevent unexpected errors
v1.3.11 – 18 January 2015
- Bug fixed: Failed uploading files in 1.3.10 on certain occasions
- Bug fixed: Javascript error when using Markdown editor for Body field
v1.3.10 – 16 January 2015
- Bug fixed: Some notice level php errors
- Bug fixed: Filter form always shown in 1 column, ignoring settings
- Bug fixed: Page not found error when questions page set as front page
- Bug fixed: Display issues with RTL
- Bug fixed: Meta description showing only string Array on certain occasions
- Added: Min/max length restriction option to post title
- Added: Option to check MX record of guest e-mail address
- Added: Filter hook for rendered field content
- Added: New video type custom field
- Improved: Reduced number of javascript loaded per request for better performance
- Improved: Enable setting user roles allowed to edit default fields
v1.3.9 – 26 November 2014
- Bug fixed: Conflict with another scrollTo javascript library
- Bug fixed: Default field form labels not being updated on add-on update
- Bug fixed: Some notice and warning level PHP errors
- Bug fixed: CSS conflicts with some themes
- Added: More <body> tag classes
- Added: Language file missing in 1.3.8
- Improved: Apply antispambot function to e-mail values submitted with custom Single Line Text fields
- Added: Option to bulk load Choice field type options from CSV data
v1.3.8 – 13 November 2014
- Bug fixed: Issues with category/tag cache not being updated
- Bug fixed: Issues with cloned add-ons in WordPress Multisite
- Bug fixed: Meta title tag issue with Genesis theme
- Added: Option to specify number of months to be displayed in data picker for the Date type field
- Improved: Removed redundant language phrases
v1.3.7 – 6 November 2014
- Bug fixed: Fixed some display issues in user profile popup
- Bug fixed: Compatibility issues with some themes and plugins
- Bug fixed: Some notice level PHP errors
- Added: New [sabai-discuss], [sabai-discuss-questions], and [sabai-discuss-answers] shortcodes
- Added: Option for hiding categories without posts from category select list in search form
- Added: BuddyPress user profile integration (questions and answers with filter capability, and favorites)
- Added: BuddyPress user activity integration (questions, answers, and comments)
- Added: Option for hiding editor buttons from wordpress editor (HTML Text field type)
- Added: Option for disabling Visual mode in wordpress editor (HTML Text field type)
- Added: New Time field type
- Improved: Removed unused session calls
v1.3.6 – 25 October 2014
- Bug fixed: Sort by selection not working in v1.3.5
v1.3.5 – 23 October 2014
- Bug fixed: Number type custom fields (with slider input) not saving its values
- Bug fixed: Output correct OG:url meta tag
- Bug fixed: Modal window not showing properly in RTL
- Bug fixed: Some styling issues with themes
- Bug fixed: Some notice level PHP errors
- Added: Option to set category depth for category selection field in the search form
- Improved: Date, Range, and Number (with slider input) type custom fields are now repeatable
- Improved: Select list and radio buttons form element types now available for filters applied to Choice type custom fields
- Improved: Match any or Match all option for filters applied to Choice type custom fields
v1.3.4 – 18 October 2014
- Bug fixed: Filter form labels not being editable
- Bug fixed: Filter form loading indefinitely when “Auto submit filter form when value(s) changed” option is set to “No” Directory -> Settings -> Search
- Added: Button to clear all filters
v1.3.3 – 12 October 2014
- Bug fixed: Inconsistent cookie paths
- Bug fixed: Page not found 400 error on certain occasions
- Added: Option to always show filter form
v1.3.1 – 10 October 2014
- Bug fixed: Issues with custom plugin directories
- Bug fixed: Text “header” showing in shortcode output
- Added: RTL language support
v1.3.0 – 5 October 2014
- NEW: Fully responsive and flat design
- NEW: Filter listings and reviews by custom fields with interactive filter form
- NEW: Create filter form with visual form editor
- NEW: Sort listings by custom fields
- NEW: Auto-suggest questions and categories in search form
- NEW: Share questions to social networks
- NEW: Category specific fields
- NEW: Configure which and how fields are displayed in summary, detailed, map, and custom tab views
- Bug Fixed: Numerous bug fixes and performance optimizations
v1.2.32 – 18 August 2014
- Bug Fixed: Warning error on wp_title filter
v1.2.31 – 31 May 2014
- Bug Fixed: Some access control issues with WordPress Multisite
- Improved: Output the correct canonical URL even without any SEO plugins installed
v1.2.30 – 26 April 2014
- Added: Support for WordPress 3.9
- Bug Fixed: Fixed some phrases not being able to translate
v1.2.29 – 12 March 2014
- Bug Fixed: Some field values not being saved on certain occasions
v1.2.28 – 13 February 2014
- Bug Fixed: Fatal error on opening single category/tag pages
- Bug Fixed: Options for the Choice type field could not be edited with Firefox
- Bug Fixed: Some phrases not translatable after installation
v1.2.27 – 1 February 2014
- Added: Option to always process shortcodes in user posted content (Settings -> Sabai -> WordPress)
- Bug Fixed: Form editor not displaying all fields when too many exiting fields
- Bug Fixed: Custom field prefix/suffix text strings not being displayed
- Bug Fixed: Check for manage_sabai/manage_sabai_content capabilities not working properly on certain circumstances
- Bug Fixed: Custom widget template file still being read from old custom template directory (changed to wp-content/sabai/assets/templates)
v1.2.26 – 21 January 2014
- Bug Fixed: Fields not being able to move/delete in form editor from 1.2.25
v1.2.25 – 16 January 2014
- Added: Options to set default/custom link title to Link type field
- Improved: Replaced file upload javascript library with a new jQuery file upload plugin
- Improved: Namespaced all javascript files
- Improved: Custom template directory moved to wp-content/sabai/assets to prevent file loss on theme update
- Improved: Fix uploaded image orientation using exif data if available
- Improved: Use WP image editor class instead of 3rd party library to generate thumbnails
- Improved: Automatically prepend http:// to user submitted URLs
- Improved: Properly remove cache data during uninstallation
- Improved: Automatically add class names to body tag on single question pages
- Bug Fixed: Form editor not displaying field descriptions
- Bug Fixed: Display issues with user profile popup box
- Bug Fixed: Fatal error on saving permissions by reputation points
v1.2.24 – 19 October 2013
- Bug Fixed: Category sorting not working in the backend
- Added: Options to change various button colors
v1.2.22 – 8 October 2013
- Bug Fixed: Invalid redirection URL after login when posting answers
- Bug Fixed: Some PHP notice level errors
- Bug Fixed: Trashed posts being displayed in autocomplete dropdown fields
- Bug Fixed: Character validation rules not working for custom Paragraph Text fields
- Improved: Do not display fields if values are empty
v1.2.21 – 2 October 2013
- Bug Fixed: Warning error when creating a Choice custom field without any option
v1.2.19/v1.2.20 – 27-28 September 2013
- Bug Fixed: Several issues with user sessions and permissions
- Bug Fixed: Autocomplete fields not working in the backend when using SSL
- Bug Fixed:d Some compatibility issues with the WP Seo plugin
- Bug Fixed: Author disappearing in form when editing content from the backend
- Bug Fixed: Search form not submitting on certain occasions
- Improved: Allow cloned add-ons to have their own custom template directories
v1.2.18 – 13 September 2013
- Bug Fixed: Link titles of Link type fields not being displayed when more than one field
- Bug Fixed: Captcha field image not being displayed in 1.2.17
- Added: New capabilities manage_sabai and manage_sabai_content to allow non-administrator users to access plugin backend
- Added: New php constant SABAI_WORDPRESS_PAGE_PARAM to allow modifying the page request parameter “p” to avoid conflict with other plugins
v1.2.17 – 7 September 2013
- Bug Fixed: Field settings being reset when re-using existing fields
- Improved: Prevent CAPTCHA images from being cached
- Updated: HTMLPurifier library to the latest version
- Updated: jQuery autosize plugin library to the latest version
v1.2.16 – 1 September 2013
- Bug Fixed: Added more missing language phrases
- Bug Fixed: Links created by the Link type field always opening in the same window
- Bug Fixed: Invalid token error on multi-step forms
- Bug Fixed: Unable to override the wordpress_widget.html.php template file
- Added: Option to disable caching widget content
- Added: Option to add rel=”nofollow” to links created by the Link type field
- Added: New widget: Related Questions
- Added: Option to display questions in Featured/Unanswered Questions widgets in random order
- Improved: Use WP transient by default instead of PHP sessions
v1.2.15 – 23 August 2013
- Bug Fixed: Several issues displaying shortcode content
- Bug Fixed: Fatal error when entering invalid URL in URL form fields
- Bug Fixed: Date field type displaying time even when time selection field is disabled
- Bug Fixed: Fatal error when calling Entity_RenderField helper method to display custom fields
- Added: More missing phrases in language file
v1.2.14 – 19 August 2013
- Bug Fixed: More fix for “Redo search when map moved” feature
- Bug Fixed: Lead added notification email not being sent to listing owners on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Links to reviews in widget not working correctly on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Answers section disappearing when using custom single listing slug
- Added: Option to cluster map markers
- Added: Option to hide directory dashboard shortcut link in WP tool bar
v1.2.13 – 12 August 2013
- Bug Fixed: Some error messages not appearing in the backend when adding content
- Bug Fixed: Unable to activate plugin when IP address is configured for PHP session.save_path setting
- Bug Fixed: Custom fields could not be added more than 10 fields even when set as unlimited
- Bug Fixed: Embed videos not working with video URLs starting from //
- Bug Fixed: HTML target attributes were always stripped off
- Bug Fixed: Strange numbers appearing when activated on servers running Squid
- Bug Fixed: Custom fields not appearing on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Typos in language file
- Improved: Nofollow HTML rel attributes are added to all outgoing links
- Improved: CSS compatibility with themes
- Improved: No more IDs in question URLs
- Added: Check if session path is valid and writeable during activation when debug mode enabled
- Added: Helper function to easily render custom fields
- Added: WP3.6 support
v1.2.12 – 18 July 2013
- Bug Fixed: Added more missing language phrases
- Bug Fixed: Icons not being displayed with some themes
- Bug Fixed: Javascript libraries not being loaded on certain occasions when shortcodes are used
- Added: “Link” field type
- Added: Option to show/hide login link to guest users on comments
v1.2.11 – 9 July 2013
- Bug Fixed: Incorrect textdomain for some language phrases
- Bug Fixed: Canonical URL containing ID instead of slug
- Bug Fixed: Plugin activation error when connecting with mysql through sockets
- Added: Check if session path is valid and writeable during activation
v1.2.10 – 29 June 2013
- Bug Fixed: More theme CSS compatibility issues
- Bug Fixed: Fatal error on form editor page if language is RTL
- Bug Fixed: Value of CAPTCHA field not being cleared when form submit failed
- Added: Show existing fields in form editor to allow reusing custom fields
- Added: Allow manual edit of meta title/description fields
- Added: Option to disable caching permissions in session
- Added: Show debug messages for all users if WP_DEBUG enabled
- Added: Added option to send notifications to guest authors
- Added: Allow shortcodes in category/tag descriptions
- Updated: FontAwesome font icons
v1.2.9 – 6 June 2013
- Bug Fixed: Properly check if user registration is enabled on WP Multisite
- Bug Fixed: Fatal error on displaying anonymous user content
- Added: Options to disable (hide) tag/category form fields (Questions -> Manage Fields)
v1.2.8 – 4 June 2013
- Bug Fixed: Typo in Comments add-on
- Bug Fixed: Squashed some PHP notice errors
- Bug Fixed: Slugs being filtered multiple times
- Improved: Better compatibility with multi-language plugins like WPML and CodeStyling Localization
- Added: Constant SABAI_SYSTEM_DISABLE_PERMISSIONS_IN_SESSIONS to disable storing permissions in session
- Added: Constant SABAI_FIX_URI_TOO_LONG to always send Ajax link request as POST instead of GET
- IMPORTANT CHANGE: Template file extension has been changed from .html to .html.php. If you have custom template files from the older versions, you will need to change the file extension accordingly.
v1.2.7 – 24 May 2013
- Added: Setting to change the minimum length of each search keyword
- Bug Fixed: Access control settings disappearing on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Font files not being loaded on Firefox when font files hosted on CDN
- Bug Fixed: Pages redirecting to https://xxx instead of http://xxx on after form submit on certain occasions
- Improved: CSS compatibility with some themes
- Improved: Search form sending out placeholder values as actual form values when some kind of HTML5 hack is in place
- Updated: Bootstrap javascript library to the latest version
v1.2.6 – 20 May 2013
- Added: Added [sabai-discuss] and [sabai-discuss-questions] shortcodes
- Added: .htaccess files to prevent direct access to library files
- Added: More missing language phrases
- Improved: CSS compatibility with some themes
- Improved: Do not activate plugin if mbstring extension is not enabled
- Improved: Refactoring core libraries
- Improved: Featured content can have a different template file
- Improved: Automatically create file upload and cache directories if not exist
- Bug Fixed: Fixed typo in CubePoints add-on
- Bug Fixed: Removed extra linebreaks in category widget
- Bug Fixed: Javascript console logger not working
- Bug Fixed: Some rendering issues with HTML forms
- Bug Fixed: Use plugins_url() instead of WP_PLUGIN_URL
- Bug Fixed: Fixed URL issues when FORCE_ADMIN_SSL enabled
- Bug Fixed: Fixed permalink issues with recent post/page widgets
- Updated: Markdown javascript library to the latest version
- Updated: jQuery UI timepicker library to the latest version
- Internal: Allow each form element to add javascript code
- Internal: Allow other add-ons to modify cached routing data
- Internal: Refactoring core libraries
v1.2.5 – 2 May 2013
- Bug Fixed: Error after clearing cache
- Bug Fixed: Fixed a typo in class Sabai_Addon_Entity_Helper_Bundles
v1.2.4 – 1 May 2013
- Added: Integration with the CubePoints plugin
- Bug Fixed: Some javascript issues
- Bug Fixed: Not being able to upload files on some servers
- Bug Fixed: Content of iframe tags not being rendered on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: 404 error when wordpress is not installed at the default location
- Added: Empty Trash button
- Added: Missing language phrases
- Improved: CSS compatibility with some themes
v1.2.3 – 24 Apr 2013
- Bug Fixed: Fixed a typo which was causing fatal error when viewing admin routing table
- Bug Fixed: Auto-update link randomly disappearing/appearing
v1.2.2 – 24 Apr 2013
- Bug Fixed: Category not being selected when posting questions to a specific category
- Bug Fixed: Non-published questions showing up in search results
- Bug Fixed: Several javascript issues
- Bug Fixed: Thumbnails not being displayed after upload on windows platform
- Bug Fixed: CSS conflict with themes using bootstrap CSS framework
- Bug Fixed: Cannot redeclare widget class Fatal error when installed on ClassiPress theme and some other plugins
- Bug Fixed: User profile popover box not being displayed on some servers running PHP as CGI
- Bug Fixed: Ajax autocomplete field not working properly on some servers running PHP as CGI
- Bug Fixed: Use sanitize_title instead of remove_accents to generate slugs
- Bug Fixed: File upload not working in IE9
- Added: New options to set custom upload directories
- Improved File upload error to display more detailed message instead of just “Upload Failed”
- Improved Image files can now be uploaded without Fileinfo or mime_content_type functions
- Removed: Auto-generation and caching of core CSS files to use pre-generated static CSS files instead
- Removed: Unused post expiration feature
v1.2.1 – 14 Apr 2013
- Bug Fixed: Fixed issues with windows platform
- Bug Fixed: CSS style issues with profile popover box
- Added: Option to specify summary text length in widgets
v1.2.0 – 11 Apr 2013
- Improved: Add-ons can be cloned from within the admin dashboard
- Improved: Cleanup of Sabai Settings page
- Improved: Flagging administrator comments is now disabled by default
- Improved: Added file extension to URL of files uploaded via custom upload field
- Improved: Cache CSS files as static files for better performance
- Improved: Search by category, question status, and tags
- Improved: Lots of internal code changes for better performance and stability
- Bug Fixed: Plugin activation issues with MySQL strict SQL mode
- Bug Fixed: Custom fields not being displayed in form on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Issues with cloned add-ons
- Bug Fixed: Question Answered notification email being sent to answerers instead of question authors
- Added: Options to allow iframe tags and whitelist URL of iframe content
- Added: Auto generate sitemap and sitemap index files
- Added: User profile popover box when clicking username links
- Added: Options to display category/tag index pages as tabs on front page
- Removed: Prettify JS and CSS (Please use other plugins to include them)
- Removed: Temporarily dropped support for BuddyPress profile pages (will be enabled again soon)
v1.1.9 – 21 Mar 2013
- Bug Fixed: Several issues updating cloned Questions add-on
- Bug Fixed: Inconsistent category orders
- Bug Fixed: Page navigation display issues
- Bug Fixed: Feed item URL not showing permalink
- Bug Fixed: Javascript error caused by trying to load non-existent javascript libraries
- Bug Fixed: More CSS issues with some themes
- Bug Fixed: Compatibility issues with HTMLPurifier library and some plugins
- Bug Fixed: Lots of internal bug fixes
- Added: 2 new email notifications (Question Flagged Notification / Answer Flagged Notification)
- Added: User profile page template (questions_user_profile.html)
- Added: New “File” add-on
- Added: 2 new custom field types (File Upload / Image Upload)
- Improved: Send copy of user notification email to members of selected user roles
- Improved: Added more dropdown filters to questions/answers administration pages
- Improved: Lots of internal library improvements
v1.1.8 – 26 Feb 2013
- Bug Fixed: Restored posts not actually being restored on some occasions
- Bug Fixed: Some Javascript library loading problems
- Bug Fixed: Characters with accents being removed from slugs
- Bug Fixed: Bootstrap tooltip animation/positioning bugs
- Bug Fixed: PHP warning errors on access control settings page
- Bug Fixed: Role permissions could not be empty
- Bug Fixed: Display issues in questions_answers_single_full.html template file
- Bug Fixed: Link to questions index page in menu not being linked correctly on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: More theme compatibility fixes
- Bug Fixed: Display categories in alphabetical order instead of creation date
- Bug Fixed: Widget cache not being cleared upon saving widget settings
- Added: BuddyPress support (integrates with BuddyPress profile)
- Added: Bootstrap dropdown js (to be used in future versions)
- Added: Label settings for Tag/Tags/Category/Categories
- Improved: Moved links to my questions/answers/favorites pages on WP tool bar to sub menu section of user account menu
- Improved: Page navigation to display Previous/Next text links instead of arrows
- Improved: Display “You must login to…” error messages as popover instead of growl message
- Removed: questoins_categories_single_summary.html template file
v1.1.7 – 13 Feb 2013
- Bug Fixed: Comment tooltips not being loaded after submit
- Bug Fixed: Guest user views not being counted
- Bug Fixed: Timepicker form field not showing the correct local time
- Bug Fixed: Some language phrases not being translated
- Bug Fixed: Some issues with post title and permalink filters
- Added: Guest user role to allow configuration of non-registered user permissions
- Added: “Accept any answer” permission to allow users with the permission to accept any answer to any question
- Added: Page title settings for single tag and category pages
- Added: Question Posted Notification Email settings to allow selected user roles to receive notification email whenever a new question is posted
- Added: Answer Posted Notification Email settings to allow selected user roles to receive notification email whenever a new answer is posted
- Added: Question Posted Admin Notification Email settings to allow administrators to receive notification email whenever a new question that requires approval is posted
- Added: Answer Posted Admin Notification Email settings to allow administrators to receive notification email whenever a new answer that requires approval is posted
- Added: New email template tags: question_id question_summary question_author_email answer_id answer_author_email comment_id and more..
- Added: Tooltips added to sorting options on frontend
- Improved: Guest authors can now edit/delete own posts and accept answers
- Improved: Guest author settings removed in favor of Guest user role permission settings
- Improved: Featured content can now have expiration date and time set for when to stop being featured
- Improved: Better RTL language support
- Updated: Bootstrap CSS/JS to the latest version
- Updated: FontAwesome CSS to the latest version
v1.1.6 – 6 Feb 2013
- Bug Fixed: Added some missing language phrases
- Bug Fixed: More gravatar rendering issues
- Bug Fixed: Twitter share button not working correctly on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Compatibility issue with Advanced Access Manager plugin
- Improved: Include guest user views to question view count
- Updated: Updated markdown editor library to the latest version
- Added: RTL language support
- Added: New custom field type: Section Break
- Added: Generate meta description and OpenGraph tags on single question/category/tag pages (requires WP Seo plugin)
- Added: Tooltips on buttons
v1.1.5 – 26 Jan 2013
- Bug Fixed: Fixed a fatal error when upgrading from version 1.1.3 to 1.1.4
v1.1.4 – 25 Jan 2013
- Bug Fixed: Error trying to ask questions anonymously on tag/category pages
- Bug Fixed: Menu on WP Toolbar not showing configured page title on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Post Answer button not working as expected on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Popular Questions widget ignoring answer count
- Bug Fixed: Several form elements not being displayed at all on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: the_permalink() WP function not displaying question permalinks correctly
- Bug Fixed: Several PHP notice level errors
- Bug Fixed: More PHP 5.4 related bug fixes
- Bug Fixed: Markdown editor unexpectedly stripping out spaces causing formatting error
- Bug Fixed: Warning error on uninstall
- Bug Fixed: Removed hard-coded jQuery.noConflict(), added an option to enable/disable it
- Bug Fixed: Fixed handling of category depth in Categories widget
- Bug Fixed: User avatar rendering issues on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Sabai core catching exception unexpectedly causing redirect loop on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Markdown editor initialized more than once on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Various language translation problems
- Bug Fixed: Unable to access user profile page when username contained spaces
- Improved: CSS modifications for better theme compatibility
- Improved: Removed hard-coded colors, now CSS classes
- Improved: Custom fields visual form editor user interface improved
- Improved: Allow hiding the guest author “Website” field
- Added: Edit question/answer authors on the backend with ajax auto-suggestion support
- Added: Allow removal of icons from categories in Categories widget by entering an empty string for icon
- Added: Auto-update feature to update Sabai and SabaiDiscuss plugins just like plugins from WordPress.org (requires codecanyon.net purchase code)
- Added: Visibility setting for each custom field which allows setting what type of user can see the field during form submission
- Added: Filter questions by category on backend
- Added: Bulk update/remove question categories on backend
- Added: Captcha custom field (requires the Really Simple Captcha plugin installed)
- Added: 2 new validation rules for Single Line Text and Paragraph Text fields: “Allow only integer numbers” and “Regular expression”
- Added: New “User” custom field type with ajax auto-suggestion support
- Added: Option to disable jQuery UI CSS
- Added: New “[sabai]” shortcode
- Removed: SabaiDiscuss update notifier
v1.1.3 – 18 Jan 2013
- Bug Fixed: Guest users being able to use email address of already registered users when posting
- Bug Fixed: Page not found error when trying to edit/add fields in visual form editor
- Bug Fixed: SQL error when updating questions on certain occasions
- Updated: HTML fields to display markup instead of system message in visual form editor
- Updated: jQuery.ScrollTo.js library updated to the latest version
v1.1.2 – 16 Jan 2013
- Bug Fixed: Category and tag slugs not being rendered properly on certain occasions when submitted from the frontend
- Bug Fixed: More compatibility issues with PHP 5.4
- Bug Fixed: Category tree broken on certain occasions
- Bug Fixed: Gravatar not using the WP get_avatar function
- Bug Fixed: DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR being used instead of /
- Added: Server-side CSS caching for faster page loading
v1.1.1 – 14 Jan 2013
- Bug Fixed: Compatibility issues with Windows
- Bug Fixed: Compatibility issues with PHP 5.4
- Bug Fixed: Display issues with comments
- Bug Fixed: Display issues with pending/draft questions and answers
- Bug Fixed: Display issues with guest authors on administration pages
- Bug Fixed: Default values not being displayed correctly for some custom fields
- Bug Fixed: Rendering issues on edit content page
- Bug Fixed: Redirection loop on frontend main index page
- Bug Fixed: Share buttons not generating URL and title of questions
v1.1.0 – 11 Jan 2013
- Added: Custom fields with visual form editor (8 field types: Choice, Date, HTML, Markdown Text, Number, ON/OFF, Paragraph Text, Single Line Text, and more to come)
- Added: Guest posting (both questions and answers)
- Added: Categories
- Added: Custom slugs (no more question ID in URL)
- Added: Fully templetized (19 template files which your theme can override)
- Numerous bugs fixed
v1.0.0 – 21 Nov 2012
- initial release