Timetable is a powerful and easy-to-use schedule plugin for WordPress. It will help you to create a timetable view of your events in minutes! It is perfect for your gym classes, school or kindergarten, medical departments, nightclubs and pubs, class schedules, meal plans, you name it.
Timetable comes with booking functionality. You can take online reservations for any event within the available number of free slots. The plugin comes with Events Manager, Event Occurrences Shortcode, Timetable Shortcode Generator, and Upcoming Events Widget. It even has an option that allows you to generate PDF from your timetable view.
Latest Version: 01.04.2019 – v5.9. Check the changelog
What is New?
- Events Booking – Take Online Reservations for Any Event Within the Available Number of Free Slots (to Set Up for an Event).
- Generate a PDF from the Timetable View.
- Full Support for Visual Composer.
- Ability to Use Colors in Responsive Mode.
Timetable Core Features
Responsive Layout
Timetable is fully responsive and adapts perfectly for any mobile device.
Timetable comes with booking functionality. You can take online reservations for any event within the available number of free slots.
Export to PDF
Timetable has an option that allows you to generate PDF from your timetable view.
Event Manager / Event Occurrences
Create your events with easy-to-use custom post types. Use event occurrences shortcode to display list of all occurrences of single event.
Upcoming Events / Fully Customizable
Use integrated widget to display today upcoming events or all upcoming in a form of scrollable list. Customize your entire table, widget or single event independently.
Plugin Demo Data Installer
Plugin comes with dummy content installer under Settings / Timetable menu within admin area. With this option you can import complete set of our demo tables plus widgets and settings with just single click, to start with.
Timetable Shortcode Generator
Build your timetable or edit your existing timetables with timetable shortcode generator. Select events, categories and timetable columns that are to be displayed, choose time format, layout for event block, select dropdown menu or tabs for filtering, define colors, google fonts, custom CSS and more…
Visual Composer Integration
Timetable comes integrated with popular Visual Composer for WordPress plugin.
Extended Feature List
- Build a Timetable In Minutes!
- 100% Responsive and Mobile Compatible
- With Booking Functionality – the Ability to Book Selected Events
- Export to PDF
- Unlimited Timetables, Events And Occurrences Of Events
- Grouping Of Events That Occur In The Same Time Intervals
- Event Tooltips
- Event Filtering
- Support for Visual Composer
- Weekdays Menu Allows To Translate Weekday Names To Your Language
- Events
- Events In a Form Of Custom Post Type With Ability To Define Title, Subtitle And Description Content
- Ability To Define Custom Event Colors Including Hovers
- Ability To Define Custom URL For An Event
- Ability To Disable Event URL (Create Unclickable Events)
- Unlimited Number Of Event Occurrences (Event Hours)
- Ability To Define Weekday, Start / End Hour For Each Event Occurrence (Event Hours)
- Two Additional Description Fields For Each Event Occurrence (Event Hours) With HTML Support
- Optional Tooltip Description Field For Each Event Occurrence (Event Hours) With HTML Support
- Optional Category Field For Each Event Occurrence (Event Hours)
- Ability To Edit / Delete Event Occurrences With Ease
- Timetable Shortcode Generator
- Ability To Choose The Events That Are To Be Displayed In Timetable
- Ability To Choose Hour Categories That Are To Be Displayed In Timetable (e.g. Only Morning Or Night Events)
- Ability To Choose Weekdays That Are To Be Displayed In Timetable
- Choose Between Dropdown Menu and Tabs For Event Filtering Menu
- Define Custom Text Label For All Events
- Custom Time Formats To Choose From Including 12/24 Hour Formatting
- Ability To Hide Column With Hours
- Ability To Show Only Start Hour Or Both Start And End Hour In Timetable
- 3 Different Layouts For Event Displaying
- Ability To Hide Rows Without Events In Timetable
- Ability To Disable Event URL In Timetable (Nonclickable Events)
- Custom Text Align For Event Displaying
- Unlimited Timetables On A Single Page Via Id’s
- Customizable Row Height In Pixels
- Responsive Mode On / Off Setting
- Live Shortcode Generator – Just Copy Generated Shortcode And Paste It To Your Post
- Ability To Edit Existing Shortcode Snippets – Just Copy Shortcode From Your Post And Paste It To Shortcode Generator Under Settings / Timetable
- Upcoming Events Widget
- Display Today Upcoming Events Or All Upcoming In A Form Of Scrollable List
- Ability To Define Number Of Events To Display
- Ability To Define Custom Time Format
- Server Time Or Database Time Based
- Support For Timezone
- Auto Scroll Feature
- Build-In Color Picker
- Build-In Color Picker
- Ability To Choose A Color For Event Background
- Ability To Choose A Color For Event Description Text And Hours
- Ability To Choose A Color For Background And Text Hovers
- Ability To Choose A Color For Timetable Odd / Even Rows
- Ability To Choose A Color For Filterable Menu
- Font Configurator
- Ability To Enter a Custom Font Name
- Ability To Choose From a Google Font Library With Hundreds Of Fonts To Choose From
- Font Size Configurator
- Valid HTML5 Code
- Crossbrowser Compatible
- Documentation Included
This Item is Supported
Support is conducted through our Support Forum. We’re in GMT +1 and we aim to answer all questions within 24 hours in weekdays. In some cases the waiting time can be extended to 48 hours. Support requests sent during weekends or public holidays will be processed on next Monday or the next business day.
We Are Trusted by 100,000+ Customers
We are a team of passionate people with 15+ years of experience and 9+ years of our presence on Envato Market. We specialize in WordPress, design, and development. Please follow us to stay up to date as we continue to craft our works.
- Activate and automatic dummy-content Import
- Add new event
- Configure timetable
- Configure Upcoming Events widget
01.04.2019 – v5.9
- Fix for guest booking fields configuration options.
- Minor code improvements.
shortcode-timetable.php timetable.php widget-upcoming-events.php admin/js/timetable_admin.js admin/js/timetable_vc.js class/sp-bookings-class.php languagestimetable-cs_CZ.mo languagestimetable-cs_CZ.po languagestimetable-de_DE.mo languagestimetable-de_DE.po languagestimetable-default.mo languagestimetable-default.po languagestimetable-fr_FR.mo languagestimetable-fr_FR.po style/event_template.css style/superfish.css
15.01.2019 – v5.8
- Fix for loading plugin scripts in WordPress dashboard.
09.01.2019 – v5.7
- Admin will now receive email notification, when client cancels booking.
- Fix for dummy data import issue in WP 5.0.
- Fix for button ‘Generated PDF’ custom colors issue.
- Small bug fixes.
shortcode-timetable.php timetable.php languagestimetable-cs_CZ.mo languagestimetable-cs_CZ.po languagestimetable-de_DE.mo languagestimetable-de_DE.po languagestimetable-default.mo languagestimetable-default.po languagestimetable-fr_FR.mo languagestimetable-fr_FR.po
06.12.2018 – v5.6
- New feature allows to export event hours to Google Calendar.
- New feature allows to export bookings to CSV file.
- New option ‘Allow user booking’ in timetable shortcode.
- New option ‘Default booking view’ in timetable shortcode.
- New option allows display ‘Terms and conditions’ checkbox in the guest booking form.
- Added optional DejaVu Sans font that solves rendering issues with extended characters in PDF file.
- Fixed issue with including links in event hour description.
- Minor code fixes.
admin-page-email-config.php admin-page-event-post-type.php admin-page.php pdf-template.php post-type-events.php post-type-weekdays.php shortcode-timetable.php shortcodes.php timetable.php adminjstimetable_admin.js adminjstimetable_vc.js adminstylestyle.css jstimetable.js languagestimetable-cs_CZ.mo languagestimetable-cs_CZ.po languagestimetable-de_DE.mo languagestimetable-de_DE.po languagestimetable-default.mo languagestimetable-default.po languagestimetable-fr_FR.mo languagestimetable-fr_FR.po stylestyle.css --- new files --- admin-page-google-calendar.php classbookings-list.class.php classdb.class.php classevent-hour.class.php classevent.class.php classgoogle-calendar.class.php classpost.class.php classsp-bookings.class.php classweekday.class.php librariesdompdflibfontsDejaVuSans-Bold.ttf librariesdompdflibfontsDejaVuSans-Bold.ufm librariesdompdflibfontsDejaVuSans-Bold.ufm.php librariesdompdflibfontsDejaVuSans.ttf librariesdompdflibfontsDejaVuSans.ufm librariesdompdflibfontsDejaVuSans.ufm.php --- removed files --- booking.class.php bookings-list.class.php sp-bookings.class.php tt-db.class.php
05.07.2018 – v5.5
- New ‘Timetable Bookings’ panel that displays a list of all bookings.
- New option that allows guests to make a booking.
- New option ‘Slots per user’ allows to specify how many slots user can book.
- Available slots label now can show the number of taken slots.
- Event hours shortcode allows to display booking button and available slots label.
- Dummy data update.
- Bug fixes and code improvements.
admin-page-email-config.php admin-page.php post-type-events.php shortcode-timetable.php shortcodes.php timetable.php adminjstimetable_admin.js adminjstimetable_vc.js dummy-content-filesdummy-timetable.xml jstimetable.js languagestimetable-cs_CZ.mo languagestimetable-cs_CZ.po languagestimetable-de_DE.mo languagestimetable-de_DE.po languagestimetable-default.mo languagestimetable-default.po styleresponsive.css stylestyle.css --- new files --- booking.class.php bookings-list.class.php sp-bookings.class.php tt-db.class.php jsjquery.qtip.min.js stylejquery.qtip.css
30.03.2018 – v5.4
- Update of plugin dummy data content.
- Minor code fixes.
admin-page-import-dummy-data.php timetable.php widget-upcoming-events.php admin/js/timetable_admin.js dummy-content-files/dummy-timetable.xml dummy-content-files/event_hours.sql style/event_template.css
09.02.2018 – v5.3
- New option allows to display timetable list view in desktop mode.
- New options allows to configure labels for ‘Available slots’ information.
- New options allows to configure colors for ‘Generate PDF’ button.
- Update of ‘Copy to clipboard’ feature in ‘Shortcode Generator’ panel.
- Fix for Event Categories error occuring after setting slug with spaces or capital letters.
- Corrected issues occuring in RTL mode.
- Fixed issues occuring when multiple tables were displayed on a page.
- Fixed bug that prevented user from clicking event link, when booking hover button was enabled.
- New version of dompdf library included.
- Small code fixes.
admin-page-email-config.php admin-page.php shortcode-timetable.php timetable.php admin/js/timetable_admin.js admin/js/timetable_vc.js admin/style/style.css js/timetable.js languages/timetable-cs_CZ.mo languages/timetable-cs_CZ.po languages/timetable-de_DE.mo languages/timetable-de_DE.po languages/timetable-default.mo languages/timetable-default.po style/event_template.css style/responsive.css style/style.css --- new files --- admin/js/clipboard.min.js --- removed files --- admin/js/ZeroClipboard.min.js admin/js/ZeroClipboard.swf --- replaced directories --- libraries/dompdf/
23.12.2017 – v5.2
- Fix for booking popup bug occuring on Android devices.
- Minor code and style fixes.
js/timetable.js style/responsive.css style/style.css
20.12.2017 – v5.1
- Fix for incorrect PDF rendering.
- Minor code fixes.
shortcode-timetable.php timetable.php js/timetable.js style/responsive.css style/style.css --- removed files --- libraries/dompdf/lib/fonts/ all files with .ttf, .ufm and ufm.php extensions libraries/dompdf/lib/fonts/dompdf_font_family_cache.php
20.12.2017 – v5.0
- New feature allows to book events.
- New feature allows to export timetable as PDF file.
- New option allows to use colors in responsive mode.
- Event template can now be overridden from a child theme.
post-type-events.php timetable.php admin/js/timetable_admin.js admin/js/timetable_vc.js admin/style/style.css dummy-content-files/event_hours.sql js/timetable.js languages/timetable-cs_CZ.mo languages/timetable-de_DE.mo languages/timetable-default.mo languages/timetable-cs_CZ.po languages/timetable-de_DE.po languages/timetable-default.po style/responsive.css style/style.css --- new files --- admin-page-email-config.php admin-page-event-post-type.php admin-page-import-dummy-data.php admin-page.php pdf-template.php shortcode-timetable.php --- new folders --- fonts/ libraries/
09.08.2017 – v4.0
- Single pages for “Timetable column” are disabled.
- Fix for conflict with Visual Composer plugin.
- Fix for XSS vulnerability.
post-type-weekdays.php timetable.php js/timetable.js
07.02.2017 – v3.9
- Fix for ‘Cannot redeclare class upcoming_events_widget’ error.
02.09.2016 – v3.8
- New ‘shortcode_id’ parameter supported by [tt_timetable] shortcode.
- Several bug fixes.
event-template.php post-type-events.php timetable.php widget-upcoming-events.php admin/js/timetable_vc.js admin/style/style.css languages/timetable-de_DE.mo languages/timetable-de_DE.po languages/timetable-default.mo languages/timetable-default.po --- new files --- languages/timetable-cs_CZ.mo languages/timetable-cs_CZ.po
20.01.2016 – v3.7
- New feature allows to save shortcodes for later use.
- Events post type can now be configured (e.g. different slug).
- Mobile mode allows to display Description 1 and 2 fields.
- Mobile mode allows to expand/collapse event hours.
- Fix for filter bug occuring when special characters were used.
- Fix for empty timetable bug occurring when event name was using special character.
post-type-events.php timetable.php widget-upcoming-events.php admin/js/timetable_admin.js admin/style/style.css js/timetable.js languages/timetable-de_DE.mo languages/timetable-de_DE.po languages/timetable-default.mo languages/timetable-default.po style/responsive.css style/style.css --- new files --- admin/js/timetable_vc.js
29.10.2015 – v3.6
- Bug fix: wrong events displayed in ‘Upcoming Events’ widget when ‘Display settings’ option is set to ‘all upcoming’.
28.10.2015 – v3.5
- Visual Composer v4.8 compatibility added.
- Minor code fixes.
timetable.php widget-upcoming-events.php event_template.css
16.07.2015 – v3.4
- Filter kind option now allows to filter both by event and event category.
- New option ‘Event featured image’ in ‘Upcoming Events’ widget.
- Fix for Google Fonts issue in Timetable shortcode generator panel.
- Small code improvements.
shortcodes.php timetable.php widget-upcoming-events.php admin/js/timetable_admin.js admin/style/style.css js/timetable.js languages/timetable-de_DE.mo languages/timetable-de_DE.po languages/timetable-default.mo languages/timetable-default.po style/event_template.css style/responsive.css style/style.css
28.04.2015 – v3.3
- New ‘Hour categories’ parameter for ‘Upcoming Events’ widget.
- Support for Visual Composer editor.
- Small code improvements.
post-type-weekdays.php timetable.php widget-upcoming-events.php admin/js/timetable_admin.js admin/style/style.css languages/timetable-de_DE.mo languages/timetable-de_DE.po languages/timetable-default.mo languages/timetable-default.po --- new files --- admin/images/timetable.png
01.04.2015 – v3.2
- Fix for ‘Call to undefined function get_current_screen()’ error.
- Fix for wrong event hours order in some cases.
post-type-weekdays.php timetable.php
06.02.2015 – v3.1
- New option: Hide ‘All Events’ view.
- Auto-generated order value for new columns.
post-type-weekdays.php timetable.php admin/js/timetable_admin.js languages/timetable-default.po languages/timetable-default.mo style/style.css
29.12.2014 – v3.0
- Support for RTL mode added.
event-template.php shortcodes.php timetable.php widget-upcoming-events.php admin/js/timetable_admin.js admin/style/style.css languages/timetable-default.po languages/timetable-default.mo style/event_template.css style/responsive.css style/style.css
17.10.2014 – v2.8
- Themes compatibility improvements.
- Code improvements.
post-type-events.php timetable.php js/timetable.js
03.10.2014 – v2.7
- Bug fix (some hours has not been visible in the timetable).
- Small code and css improvements.
post-type-events.php timetable.php style/event_template.css style/style.css
19.08.2014 – v2.6
- ‘Current events’ option added to upcoming events widget
- Small code and css improvements
timetable.php widget-upcoming-events.php style/style.css
30.07.2014 – v2.5
- Small code and css improvements.
post-type-events.php timetable.php style/style.css style/superfish.css
03.07.2014 – v2.4
- New event block layout added (without hours).
- Bug fixes and small code improvments.
post-type-events.php timetable.php style/style.css
10.06.2014 – v2.3
- Few small code improvements.
post-type-events.php timetable.php widget-upcoming-events.php js/timetable.js style/event_template.css style/style.css
10.04.2014 – v2.2
- Compatibility with MediCenter and GymBase themes, now plugin can be installed without conflicts ([timetable] shortcode changed to [tt_timetable]).
- Weekdays changed to Timetable columns in admin area (weekday parameter changed to columns parameter).
- New sample tables can be imported.
- ‘Custom css’ parameter added.
- Small css improvments.
post-type-weekdays.php shortcodes.php timetable.php admin/js/timetable_admin.js style/event_template.css style/responsive.css style/style.css
08.04.2014 – v2.1
- New event block layout (which is displaying only start hour in timetable).
- Logic change for weekdays order parameter (from now Monday: order 1, Tuesday: order 2, Sunday: order 7) (was: Monday: order 2, Tuesday: order 3, Sunday: order 1).
- Bug fix: missing events when using event categories filter kind.
post-type-events.php shortcodes.php timetable.php widget-upcoming-events.php style/style.css
02.04.2014 – v2.0
- Measure parameter added. You can choose between: Hour (1h), half hour (30min) and quarter hour (15min) measure.
- Event categories parameter added.
- Filter kind parameter added. You can filter timetable by event or event category now.
timetable.php admin/js/timetable_admin.js languages/timetable-default.po style/style.css
25.03.2014 – v1.5
- Fix for event link settings in responsive timetable mode.
- Style improvements for Upcoming Events widget.
- New carousel plugin version for Upcoming Events widget.
timetable.php js/timetable.js style/event_template.css style/responsive.css --- new files --- jquery.carouFredSel-6.2.1-packed --- removed files --- jquery.carouFredSel-5.6.4-packed
17.03.2014 – v1.4
- Localization issue fix.
14.03.2014 – v1.3
- Localization issue fix.
12.03.2014 – v1.2
- Small fix for hours box background color.
- ‘Custom event url’ from event settings is now respected in Upcoming Events widget.
timetable.php widget-upcoming-events.php style/event_template.css
06.03.2014 – v1.1
- Fix for bootstrap conflict on tooltip.
- ‘Custom event url’ and ‘Disable event url’ options added to Upcoming Events widget.
timetable.php widget-upcoming-events.php js/timetable.js style/responsive.css style/style.css
Themes with Timetable Schedule Integrated
The themes listed below comes bundled with Timetable Schedule for WordPress plugin. The listed price includes the theme integrated with the plugin and 6 months author support.