Get TinyMCE4 Code Editor Download


TinyMCE4 has no code editor plugin at default. This plugin is a code editor plugin called &#8220tinymce4 code editor&#8221, you can use it in your tinymce editor to toggle code rapidly and edit code.


  1. Prevalent language: It consists of widespread languages in this plugin, and you can add many others very easily.
  2. Code Edit IDE: It use ACE editor to edit code, the editor has code highlight, syntax look at characteristics.
  3. Rapid Toggle code: It has shortcut &#8216ctrl + change + c or command + shift +c(mac)` to toggle code quicly.
  4. Swift Put in: Just upload to the tinymce plugins&#8217 folder and update tinymce configurations. That is it.
  5. Supply Code: Almost nothing is concealed.

Set up

  1. Add the files to the tinymce plugins&#8217 folder.
  2. Update your tinymce configuration to incorporate `leaui_code_editor` plugin, eg:
  3. tinymce.init( bold italic underline strikethrough " 

Be aware: The default css in tinyce has no &#8221

” fashion, you want to insert yet another css file which is made up of the “pre” style to tinymce(use content_css possibility), eg: 

        selector: "textarea",
        articles_css: ['tinymce/js/tinymce/plugins/leaui_code_editor/css/pre.css'],
        plugins: [
                "advlist autolink link lists charmap  hr anchor pagebreak",
                "directionality textcolor paste fullpage textcolor" 

        toolbar1: "leaui_code_editor )

Downloads link

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