The All in One WP Helpdesk Solution
TotalDesk is the only all in one helpdesk solution for WordPress. Including a ticket- & notification system, livechat, knowledge base, report and integration module it contains all support features, that you need. Get rid of single helpdesk plugins and get TotalDesk!
HelpDesk Features
- Ticket System
- 3 Differnt New Tickt Forms
- Inbox Fetching
- 2 Roles: Agent & Reporter
- My Tickets Page
- Set default values for new tickets
- Set own ticket Status
- Set custom ticket Types
- Set custom ticket Project / Systems
- Attachment Support
- Inform Agents in Notifications
- HTML WYSIWIG Comment Form
- Saved replies
- Logging / History system
- XLS export
- Reporters & Agents can reply to Email
- Ticket Overview (assigned to, status in colors)
- Set Inbox Archieve Folder
- Notifications
- Email Notifications
- Desktop Notifications
- Slack Notifications
- Notify when a ticket has been created
- Notify when someone replied
- Notify when a status has changed
- Notify when an agent has ben assigned
- Livechat
- Start a chat with a new subject (new ticket)
- Enter a chat with a given ticket ID
- Send a message (new ticket) when no agent is online
- Every chat conversation will be saved
- Knowledge Base
- Create a FAQ based on a ticket
- Group FAQs into topics
- Set custom Icons for Topics
- Live search for FAQs
- Track FAQ views
- 3 Built in widgets
- Order FAQs by View / Popularity
- 2 Layouts (boxed, list)
- Reports
- Tickets By Agent
- Tickets By Status
- Tickets By Type
- Tickets By System
- Tickets By Year
- Tickets By Month
- Tickets By Year & Month
- Integrations
- WooCommerce
- Envato
- Slack
- Well Documentented
- WordPress 3.8.1+
- PHP 5.4+
- WPML Support
- WooCommerce 3.1
====== 1.6.3 ====== - NEW: Added responsive feature for my tickets table ====== 1.6.2 ====== - FIX: Closing div missing in knowledge base shortcode ====== 1.6.1 ====== - FIX: Font Awesome not found issue ====== 1.6.0 ====== - NEW: Added support for all other attachment types - NEW: Added security checkes for attachments ====== 1.5.24 ====== - FIX: Removed Gutenberg testing code ====== 1.5.23 ====== - FIX: Ticket ID placeholder not translateable - FIX: Update POT files - FIX: Adding links in ticket comments showed posts / pages search - FIX: New Ticket message form showed media upload button ====== 1.5.22 ====== - FIX: Save custom meta box PHP error ====== 1.5.21 ====== - FIX: Users with custom roles saw all tickets in the my tickets page ====== 1.5.20 ====== - FIX: Responsive Issues - FIX: Umlaute not working in username field ====== 1.5.19 ====== - FIX: Performance Increase - FIX: WPML for My Tickets shows other languages ====== 1.5.18 ====== - FIX: JS not loaded due to datatables ====== 1.5.17 ====== - NEW: Order field for FAQs - FIX: Renamed Rewrite Slug for saved replies caused post tags to 404 ====== 1.5.16 ====== - FIX: Attachments not merged ====== 1.5.15 ====== - NEW: Moved all CDN loaded JS / CSS into this plugin folder better for autoptimize plugin ====== 1.5.14 ====== - NEW: You can now disable datatables and set a language Plugin Settings > Tickets > Enable Datatables - NEW: Attachments in Backend now also open in Lightbox ====== 1.5.13 ====== - NEW: Facebook Messenger Support -> Follow this link > Setting up the Plugin to get the code - NEW: FAQ search now also appears on FAQ topics - NEW: FAQ search now start at 2 chars, not 3 ====== 1.5.12 ====== - FIX: FAQ wrong output ====== 1.5.11 ====== - NEW: Datatables for the My Tickets page allows: - Sorting - Searching - Entry Limit - NEW: Reports can now close their own tickets - NEW: Configure what data you want to show in the My Tickets Table: - Show Name - Show Date - Show Status - Show System - Show Type - NEW: Set FAQ Columns in a Topic Archive e.g. show 2 faqs next to each other - INFO: We will no longer develop the Desktop Notification feature (but it stays) We developed a new plugin Fire Push: - Background Notfications (when browser is closed) - send notification on new ticket replies - notfiy on new tickets created - message on tickets updated - FIX: Desktop Notifications ====== 1.5.10 ====== - NEW: Button in Live FAQ result list if more than 4 results - NEW: Loading spinner replacing the search icon for FAQ search when typing - NEW: FAQ Live Search does not submit on enter - NEW: Option to set Maximum Live FAQ search results - FIX: Removed ID from FAQ search because of duplicate ID Issue - FIX: Added 404 Error code to wp_die function This prevents nginx from caching while not logged in users want to see tickets - FIX: Added higher z-index to chat trigger & message containers ====== 1.5.9 ====== - NEW: FAQ, Topics & Tickets are not Mobile first Means the Title is Displayed first on Mobile (Better SEO) - NEW: New Tickets Count in Backend (Red Badge) - NEW: Automatically set Tickets to close / solved after X Days no comment / update was made > See General Options - NEW: Set a default Solved (Closed) Status in Default Settings Used for Close Tickets after X Days - FIX: FAQ Search Causing PHP Notice ====== 1.5.8 ====== - NEW: Reorder Admin Panel Section alpabetically - FIX: Removed TGM Plugin (causing too many errors) ====== 1.5.7 ====== - FIX: Inbox Mails, that could not be processed as a ticket will still be marked as read, but not moved to archive folder. This prevents infinite loop of email fetching - FIX: Added more Email Inbox Message validations ====== 1.5.6 ====== - NEW: Inbox will now always be fetched when logged in - FIX: Cronjob not running To make sure the cronjob runs you can use a plugin called WP Crontrol ====== 1.5.5 ====== - NEW: Video about our new Automatic Reply Feature: - FIX: Comments will not be checked for automatic replies when comment user is the same as the automatic reply user. This prevents infinite loop, but also suggest you to better create an own user for Automatic replies (like BOT) ====== 1.5.4 ====== - NEW: Decreased ticket avatar image - NEW: Automatic Replies (Bot) Saved Replies can be used for automatic replies. You need to add tags to your saved replies. These will be matched against words from new tickets / replies. See Settings > Saved Replies - FIX: Updated options texts - FIX: Sidebar will show even when no tickets were submitted yet - FIX: Envato Purchase code validation in Backend - FIX: Show No agents assigned in Frontend - FIX: CSS tweaks - FIX: Vendor Packages updated ====== 1.5.3 ====== - NEW: Shortcode for FAQ Search [[faq_search]] ====== 1.5.2 ====== - FIX: Finished RU Translations - FIX: Chat on Mobile to near on the left ====== 1.5.1 ====== - NEW: Russian Translation added If you have any other languages translated please send to us - FIX: IE11 Bug with JS - FIX: Missing Translations - FIX: Cleaned up translations files ====== 1.5.0 ====== - NEW: Welcome Livechat 2.0 - Watch Demo Video: - Improved Design - New Frontend - New Backend for agents - Attachment upload possible - NEW: Hide Livechat when agents offline - NEW: Allow Attachments in Livechat - NEW: Filter wordpress_helpdesk_livechat_allowed - NEW: Added Lightbox feature for Comment Attachments ====== 1.4.8 ====== - FIX: JS Gallery Error - FIX: WPML issue with FAQ Widgets ====== 1.4.7 ====== - FIX: Agent could not be updated ====== 1.4.6 ====== - FIX: Tax Meta Class Updated ====== 1.4.5 ====== - NEW: Set department, type or priorty for ticket shortcode Example: [new_ticket departments="24,25,17" priorities="30" types="12"] - FIX: Updated Translations ====== 1.4.4 ====== - NEW: Private Notes Add private Notes for ticktes inside the backend - NEW: Add Media Files inside Replies in Comments - FIX: Code Improvements - FIX: Translations for Default Departments ====== 1.4.3 ====== - NEW: Assign default agents by Departments Settings > Defaults - NEW: FAQ Search Term Tracking (term, search counts, articles found) See: wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=ticket&page=helpdesk-faq-terms - NEW: Merge Tickets See: Single Edit Ticket in WP-admin sidebar bottom - FIX: Default post set fix - FIX: Reporter user check removed as it caused issues with INBOX ====== 1.4.2 ====== - NEW: Added German Translation (status 15%) - NEW: Added Spanish Translation (status 26%) - FIX: translation files updated - FIX: Ticket string not translated ====== 1.4.1 ====== - FIX: Only show agents, admins and shop managers in agent list - FIX: Responsive My Tickets Page ====== 1.4.0 ====== - FIX: Translation for account not created ====== 1.3.9 ====== - FIX: Envato purchase code validation ====== 1.3.8 ====== - NEW: Added two new actions for the new ticket form: wordpress_helpdesk_before_new_ticket_form wordpress_helpdesk_after_new_ticket_form - NEW: Added French Translation ====== 1.3.7 ====== - FIX: Updated translations ====== 1.3.6 ====== - NEW: New ticket message field now supports the WSYIG editor ====== 1.3.5 ====== - FIX: Issue where ticket comment form influenced other comment form ====== 1.3.4 ====== - FIX: Admin CSS issue ====== 1.3.3 ====== - NEW: Topic Widget for Sidebar - NEW: FAQ for WPMl Translation: - FIX: Missing div in form shortcode - FIX: My Tickets page on WooCommerce account page - FIX: Product support in WPML environment showed all products - FIX: custom WooCommerce order subjects filter did not work ====== 1.3.2 ====== - NEW: Moved type / Project directly under Department - NEW: Created a back to my tickets button on new / view single ticket pages - FIX: WooCommerce form was not 100% width ====== 1.3.1 ====== - NEW: Sidebar for my_tickets and knowledge_base now displays automatically. This has been done, because not all themes are able to select a custom sidebar for only 1 page - NEW: Set a sidebar display option (none, only on FAQ OR only on Ticket pages, both) - NEW: Option to disable the sending of login credentials for new users - NEW: Hide FAQ topics for not logged in users - FIX: Fix where attachments file select showed up even it was disabled ====== 1.3.0 ====== - NEW: IP check for FAQ likes / dislikes to avoid double votes ====== 1.2.9 ====== - FIX: User exists not triggers an error to login This prevents users to create tickets for other users - FIX: Added livechat texts to WPML config ====== 1.2.8 ====== - NEW: Livechat guest ticket option readded - NEW: Livechat restyled Differnet text align and background color between reporters & agents - NEW: The following Livechat texts can be set in the admin panel: Live Chat Title Live Chat Welcome Text Live Chat No Agents Online Text Live Chat Button Text - FIX: Livechat Integrations moved to Integrations Section ====== 1.2.7 ====== - FIX: FAQ issue - FIX: IMAP fetching - FIX: Dashboard PHP Notice ====== 1.2.6 ====== - FIX: FAQ Ajax showed the same excerpt ====== 1.2.5 ====== NEW: Crisp Live Chat Integration Learn more here: NEW: PureChat Live Chat Integration Learn more here: NEW: Chatra Live Chat Integration Learn more here: ====== 1.2.4 ====== - NEW: Set a default priority - NEW: Show priority in forms for reporters - NEW: Priorities now in export - NEW: Tickets by priority added to reports - NEW: Tickets by Source added to reports - NEW: Small layout review of reports page - NEW: Added a row for grouping in Ticket-Export Excel file - FIX: Attachments were not assigned - FIX: Missing Translations ====== 1.2.3 ====== - FIX: Removed Cron after disabling Inbox ====== 1.2.2 ====== - NEW: PHP IMAP Extension Check - FIX: Missing translation & POT file updated - FIX: Removed livechat for guest users ====== 1.2.1 ====== - FIX: Added missing translation strings ====== 1.2.0 ====== - NEW: Support Rating Feedback Ask reporters for Support feedback after a ticket has been solved See settings > Support Rating Rating Email: Support Feedback: Rating Overview: - NEW: 2 x New Report charts: Tickets by Reporter Tickets by Satisfaction - NEW: Guest (not logged in user) can now use livechat - FIX: Layout issue with avatar image in backend - FIX: Backend Table width adjustes - FIX: PHP notice in loggin class removed ====== 1.1.5 ====== - FIX: Cronjob issue - FIX: Ticket not created when no from name was set - FIX: PHP notice in desktop notifications ====== 1.1.4 ====== - FIX: Prevent admin access issue ====== 1.1.3 ====== - NEW: Connect FAQs to product categories (WooCommerce) FAQs will then show up on single product pages - NEW: Set AJAX interval for Live Chat & Desktop Notifications to decrease server performance use - FIX: Prevent Admin Access issue ====== 1.1.2 ====== - FIX: logged in error message ====== 1.1.1 ====== - FIX: Only 5 FAQs showed up on archive page ====== 1.1.0 ====== - NEW: Option to use original theme template files Settings > Advanced Settings > Use Theme Template Note: This will remove all custom templates! It would be better to copy existing partials into your child theme Tutorial: - NEW: Set a sidebar position (left or right) in General Settings - NEW: Support for invisible Recaptcha ( ====== 1.0.9 ====== - NEW: Show specific FAQs only to logged in users - NEW: Hide FAQs for logged in users from Knowledge Base See Settings > Knowledge Base (on bottom) - FIX: Slider Revolution issue ====== 1.0.8 ====== - NEW: option to set novalidate-cert for inbox - FIX: Issue with My Tickets page and no tickets created so far ====== 1.0.7 ====== - FIX: Envato Class exists check ====== 1.0.6 ====== - FIX: Single FAQ only displays title when no topics are created - FIX: Screen Reader text visibility ====== 1.0.5 ====== - FIX: Form 404 Errors - FIX: Admins could not trash tickets, faqs or saved replies - FIX: DataTables Issue ====== 1.0.4 ====== - NEW: Theme support improved (e.g. Dante, Bridge, Total, The7) - NEW: Set a custom login page (settings > general) - FIX: Added some more translation options - FIX: breaking DIV in new ticket form - FIX: Output buffering for shortcodes ====== 1.0.3 ====== - NEW: Dashboard redirect for reporters & agents - NEW: Ticket Priorities now possible - NEW: Renamed System / Projects to Departments - NEW: Added POT translation file & updated DE Translations - FIX: Ticket category color issue in backend - FIX: Small php notices ====== 1.0.2 ====== - NEW: Rating System for FAQ Articles See Options > FAQ > Enable Rating - NEW: Disable the dislike button - NEW: Widgets now support order by likes / dislikes - NEW: Show single FAQs only to logged in users ====== 1.0.1 ====== - FIX: WooCommerce class misses options - FIX: Menu does not show up - FIX: after_widget args notice - FIX: Livechat count issue ====== 1.0.0 ====== - Inital release Live Chat -> Agents see list of open chats by reporters -> Leave message when no agents are online -> Ticket -> Reporter needs to be logged in -> Default Welcome Message -> Enter chat via Ticket ID -> Create a new chat -> new Ticket -> Chat history stored as Ticket Comments Ticket System -> Inform Agents in Notifications -> HTML WYSIWIG Comment Form -> Attachments -> Saved replies -> Default Message -> My Tickets (for reporter & agents) -> Logging / History system -> XLS export -> Agents can reply to Email -> Ticket Overview (assigned to, status in colors) -> Set Inbox Folder -> Set Inbox Archieve Folder Knowledge Base -> Widget Support -> Most viewed / loved -> Set a default order by -> Custom Icon per category -> Password Protection (can be set by WP default) -> Multiple Layout -> Was this helpful? Integrations -> Slack ( -> WooCommerce -> Envato ====== Future Plans ====== -> Github -> Jira