Get WooCommerce – 1C – Data Exchange | WooCommerce – 1C – Обмен данными Download



WooCommerce 1C:Предприятие Обмен данными это плагин для WordPress, реализующий обмен данными между WooCommerce и системой учета 1С:Предприятие 8. Результатом работы является заполнение и обновление товарного каталога из 1C на сайте, а также обмен заказами.

Работает с использованием протокола обмена между системой “1С:Предприятие” и сайтом. Данный открытый протокол разработан компаниями “1С” и “1С-Битрикс”.



Известные проблемы:

Как получать обновления?

Для информации о новой версии и установки обновлений, вы можете использовать плагин от Envato – Envato Market WordPress Plugin.


WooCommerce 1C: Enterprise Data Exchange this is a WordPress plugin that implements data exchange between WooCommerce and the 1C: Enterprise 8 accounting system. The result of the work is filling and updating the product catalog from 1C on the website, as well as exchange of orders.

It works using the exchange protocol between the “1C: Enterprise” system and the site. This open protocol was developed by 1C and 1C-Bitrix.


Important notes:

How do I get updates?

For information about the new version and the installation of updates, you can use the plugin from Envato – Envato Market WordPress Plugin.

== Changelog ==

= 1.15.0 =
Feature: ability apply price types depending on the amount in the cart.

= 1.14.2 =
Fixed: disable only variation - not parent product.
Fixed: encoding and version when forming a response to a request for orders.
Feature: сlean up missing product variations (optional).

= 1.13.3 =
Fixed: remove product relation old (non exists) variation attributes.
Fixed: disable the variation if it is not in the stock so that the values are not displayed for selection.
Chore: more logs order process.
Feature: ability to skip group processing.
Feature: ability to skip product post content/excerpt processing.

= 1.12.2 =
Fixed: disable stock management if stock 0 and the rule does not hide products.
Fixed: post counters in the term list.
Feature: support for new tag for offer package.

= 1.11.1 =
Fixed: set default `order` meta for terms to sorting.
Feature: ability to display a list of prices on the product page.

= 1.10.0 =
Feature: ability to search for an existing product by SKU, before creating a new one.

= 1.9.2 =
Chore: more set stock value logs.
Chore: more hooks to interact with the exchange process.
Feature: support for set sale price.

= 1.8.3 =
Chore: clean product transients in exchange process.
Fixed: possible problem when processing variable properties in several variants of schemes.
Fixed: image processing cache based on the hash, since different images may come with the same name.
Feature: processing offer options if the type is not a "Справочник".

= 1.7.1 =
Chore: removed upper and lower limit for values `file limit` and `time limit`.
Feature: optional - write the product description in short description.
Feature: optional - skip products without photo.
Feature: ability to run queries manually.

= 1.4.2 =
Fixed: support new protocol order exchange.
Fixed: processing options if the type is not a "Справочник".

= 1.4.0 =
Feature: the ability to use the full description from the "Description file for the site".

= 1.3.5 =
Fixed: set `manage stock` based on setting `WooCommerce`.
Chore: more optimization when handling variations.
Chore: more optimization when handling requisites.

= 1.3.4 =
Fixed: resolve product options for variations for several formats.
Fixed: logic when processing images using the new protocol.
Fixed: save settings.
Fixed: incorrect deletion of old images.

= 1.3.0 =
Feature: support for more than one image (all but the first fall into the gallery).
Feature: the ability to ignore control hash of products by hash from the contents.
Feature: the ability to completely disable the removal of xml files received during the exchange.

= 1.2.0 =
Feature: support new protocol and scheme 3.1

= 1.1.0 =
Feature: more support in stock xml schemes

= 1.0.2 =
Fixed: reindex `Relevanssi`;
Fixed: reset cache `wc product lookup`;

= 1.0.0 =
Initial public release

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