[Download] 3Clicks | Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

The 3Clicks is the most flexible and complete theme we’ve ever created.
Its modern and fully responsive design best fits into current web trends.
Included skins and demo content makes it ready to work in just a few minutes.
We put a lot of effort to make the theme intuitive to use and easy to customize.
You won’t find any better tool to build exceptional sites (blog, business, portfolio, products etc)!
We’re proud of this theme and we hope you’ll also be.
Full Feature List
- 100% Responsive Layout
- Retina Ready
- Unlimited Colors
- Well designed
- Built with HTML5 & CSS3
- Animated page elements (CSS3 animations)
- Cross-Browser Compatibility FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE8, IE9, IE10
- Powerful Admin Panel
- Import/Export theme options
- Multiple Blog Designs
- Multiple Portfolio Designs
- Various Menu Types (with awesome Big Metro Style Menu)
- Photo gallery with pop-up and full screen support
- WPML Ready
- LearnDash Ready
- Translation ready with po/mo files
- 600+ Fonts (Google Web Fonts, Font-Face, System)
- Integrated Font Awesome 3.2 icon set
- Built-in Social Feeds
- SEO Optimized
- Google Page Speed Optimized
- 5-Star Support
- Design Audits
- Up to date
- Included PSD
- Frequent updates with new features
Awesome Brand New Sliders (all with touch/swipe support)
- Revolution Slider (you can use it as a content slider – starts only when visible)
- Viewport Slider
- Relay Slider
- Ken Burns Slider
- Stand Out Slider
- Simple Slider
Lots of Ready To Use Custom Pages
- Testimonials
- About Us
- Contact Pages
- Pricing
- Services
- History
- Process
- Team
- Sitemap
- 404
External Services
- Google Map Integrated
- Mailchimp Newsletter Integrated
- Twitter Integrated
- Support videos from any major services (YouTube, Vimeo)
- Support audio from any major services (SoundCloud)
Fancy Shortcodes & Widgets
- Animated Progress Bars
- Animated Duplicators
- Animated Stats
- Before & After
- Contant Form
- Google Map
- Mailchimp Newsletter
- Social Icons
- Related, Custom pages
- Custom, Popular, Recent and Related posts
- Custom, Popular, Recent and Related works
Fully Customizable
- 6 independent theme areas (preheader, header, precontent, content, prefooter, footer)
- basic & distinctive color scheme
- 7 custom layouts (from wide to narrow)
- 10 compositions (from 1 to 4 columns, with sidebar on left/right, without sidebar)
- corners types from rounded to square (with all the middle variations)
- separate font (System, Font-Face and Google) for regular texts, headings, meta and navigation
- custom backgrounds
- show/hide any element on page
- lots of custom templates, shortcodes, widgets and sidebars
- unlimited header & footer layouts variations
- Unlimited page compositions
Easy to use
- 8 beautiful example skins
- Powerful admin panel
- Intelligent shortcodes
- Shortcode generator
- Help mode
- Child Theme included
- Well documented
- PDS files included
Need help?
- Free support
- Design audits
- Video tutorials
Focused on usability
- 100% Responsive Layout
- Retina Ready
- Beautiful typography
- Unlimited sidebars
- Layout versions from full width to boxed
- Unlimited colors
- Unlimited fonts (Google WebFonts, Font-Face, System Fonts)
- Unlimited page compositions
Blog Features
- Post formats support
- Posts (index, categories and tags) layouts
- 1 columns sidebar left / right
- 2 columns
- 2 columns sidebar left / right
- 3 columns
- 3 columns filterable
- 4 columns
- 4 columns filterable
Posts options
- custom template for each post (if you want)
- show/hide any post element
- all post formats supported
Portfolio Features
Portfolio (index, categories and tags) layouts
- sidebar on left/ right
- filterable columns
- custom sidebar
Portfolio options
- custom template for each work (if you want)
- show/hide any post element
- all post formats supported
- custom sidebar
Portfolio (index, categories and tags) layouts
Need support?
Support for all our products is conducted through our support forum , where you can submit your product related questions, bug-findings, etc.
Visit Our Support Forum |
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Follow Us on ThemeForest
The photos used in our live preview are not a part of the demo content. All photos can be purchased fromn photodune.net and graphics from graphicriver.net.
VERSION 3.14 – minor update – 27 April 2018
# NEW - Revolution Slider upgraded to the latest version # Improved - WooCommerce compatibility # Improved - PHP 7.2+ compatibility # Fixed - WPML language switcher drop-down # Fixed - PHP warnings # Fixed - WooCommerce microdata schema.org
VERSION 3.13 – minor update – 29 January 2018
# NEW - Revolution Slider upgraded to the latest version # Fixed - Save failed alert # Fixed - Warnings while saving post # Fixed - Missing class G1_Helpmode
VERSION 3.12 – minor update – 4 October 2017
# NEW - Revolution Slider upgraded to the latest version # Fixed - Smooth scroll on Chrome
VERSION 3.11 – major update – 7 September 2017
# NEW - WP 4.8 compatibility # NEW - Revolution Slider upgraded to the latest version # Improved - WooCommerce 3.0.x compatibility # Improved - PHP 7.0 compatibility # Fixed - TinyMCE drop-downs not visible in HTML element popup # Fixed - Singe page options don't save
VERSION 3.10 – major update – 11 April 2017
# NEW - Revolution Slider upgraded to the latest version # Improved - WooCommerce 3.0.x compatibility # Fixed - schema.org microdata
VERSION 3.9.3 – minor update – 19 July 2016
# NEW - Revolution Slider upgraded to 5.2.6 # Fixed - Google Maps doesn't load without API key # Fixed - Google Fonts in theme options ignore SSL
VERSION 3.9.2 – minor update – 20 May 2016
# NEW - Revolution Slider: upgraded to the latest version # Fixed - Missing tag/category options # Fixed - SEO by Yoast: wrong page title # Fixed - upload media problem on FireFox
VERSION 3.9.1 – minor update – 18 April 2016
# Fixed - Theme Options broken elements: upload button, color picker
VERSION 3.9 – major update – 11 April 2016
# NEW - WP 4.5 compatibility # NEW - Revolution Slider: upgraded to the latest version # Improved - Documentation: updated # Improved - Related pages: css class added to collection # Improved - Social icons: nofollow attribute set for links # Fixed - G1 Page Builder: nbsp added after saving HTML block # Fixed - WooCommerce: templates outdated # Fixed - SEO by Yoast: title for works archive page # Fixed - Revolution Slider: admin area broken # Fixed - Revolution Slider: missing list of text style templates
VERSION 3.8 – major update – 6 January 2016
# NEW - FontAwesome icon set upgraded to the latest version
VERSION 3.7 – major update – 4 September 2015
# NEW - Revolution Slider: upgraded to the latest version (5.0.6) # Improved - WooCommerce: compatibility with the latest version (2.4.6) # Fixed - G1 Page Builder: missing content after saving # Fixed - G1 Page Builder: problem with saving draft versions # Fixed - G1 Page Builder: duplicated list tags (ul, ol) # Fixed - G1 Page Builder: HTML block text editor removes new lines from visual editor # Fixed - G1 Page Builder: inlines shortcodes (eg. button) can't be centered # Fixed - WooCommerce: some templates are outdated (product, product category) # Fixed - Revolution Slider: conflict with new 5.0+ version
VERSION 3.6.2 – minor update – 31 July 2015
# NEW - WP 4.3 compatibility # NEW - Revolution Slider: upgraded to the latest version 4.6.93 # NEW - Theme Updater
VERSION 3.6.1 – minor update – 28 April 2015
Please read before updating
# NEW - WP 4.2.1 compatibility # Fixed - TGM: upgraded to version 2.4.2 # Fixed - Google Fonts loading
VERSION 3.6 – major update – 28 April 2015
# NEW - WP 4.2 compatibility # NEW - Revolution Slider: upgraded to version 4.6.9 # NEW - Recent Posts/Works: now you can filter them by tag # NEW - LearnDash: custom sidebar for single entries # NEW - TGM/Redux: upgraded to protect against XSS attacks # Improved - Recent Posts/Works: filter added to modify query args (e.g. order) # Improved - Quote shortcode: filter added to change author image size # Improved - Lightbox: image post format caption/alt is now used as title # Improved - Numbers shortcode: filter added to change animation duration # Improved - Grid: filter added to change columns animation options # Fixed - Page Builder: unclosed p tags in HTML block # Fixed - Page Builder: extra new lines added between regular HTML tags # Fixed - Page Builder: toggle escapes block shortcodes
VERSION 3.5.4 – minor update – 22 December 2014
# FIX - Revolution Slider custom layers style
VERSION 3.5.3 – minor update – 19 December 2014
# NEW - WP 4.1 compatibility # NEW - Revolution Slider 4.6.5 (upgraded)
VERSION 3.5.2 – 3 November 2014, minor update
# Improved - G1 Page Builder: WP editor for the "toogle" component # Improved - G1 Page Builder: the "content" field removed from the "progress circle" component # Improved - filter "fix_plugin_url_symlink" is no longer needed # Fixed - G1 Page Builder: doesn't keep changes after saving (in WP 4.0) # Fixed - Mailchimp: API error (code: -100) # Fixed - slider alt text
VERSION 3.5.1 – 9 September 2014, minor update
# Fixed - preheader and footer mobile menu
VERSION 3.5 – 5 September 2014, minor update
# NEW - WP 4.0 compatibility # NEW - Revolution Slider 4.6 (upgraded) # Improved - [numbers] shortcode now supports both counting up and down # Improved - added hook for Mailchimp subscribe params # Improved - dynamic style cache enabled by default # Improved - WPML compatibility # Fixed - "Preview changes" button reset single page options
VERSION 3.4.1 – 24 May 2014, minor update
# Fixed - bbPress default theme loading # Fixed - bbPress responsive styles # Fixed - background images for theme areas # Fixed - border radius for theme areas
VERSION 3.4.0 – 21 May 2014, major update
# NEW - bbPress Forum Full Integration
VERSION 3.3.3 -18 April 2014, minor update
# NEW - Revolution Slider 4.3.6 (upgraded)
VERSION 3.3.2 -17 April 2014, minor update
# NEW - WP 3.9 compatibility # NEW - LearnDash support for archive templates # NEW - G1 Page Builder: timeout attribute added # NEW - G1 GMaps for single posts # NEW - Twitter carousel autoplay option added # Fixed - G1 Page Builder: small issues with the new TinyMCE 4.0 # Fixed - scroll blocked on iPad # Fixed - Twitter oAuth class conflict
VERSION 3.3.1 -15 April 2014, minor update
# NEW - Revolution Slider 4.3.5 (upgraded) # NEW - LearnDash compatibility # NEW - [carousel] shortcode - the timeout attribute added # NEW - G1 Social Icons plugin - widget title added # Fixed - G1 GMaps plugin - now you can use new map on blog and portfolio pages # Fixed - Export/Import theme options # Fixed - WPML - use the same slider on page translations # Fixed - WPML - correct links in single navigation # Fixed - posts per page for post categories/tags, work categories/tags
VERSION 3.3.0 – 7 March 2014, major update
+ NEW - Now Google Maps as a plugin with awesome features + Improved - Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1 + Improved - Dynamic Styles Cache + Improved - Revolution Slider v4.2 update + Improved - [carousel] shortcode - new “timing” attribute + Fixed - Page Builder - no missing columns inside a row + Fixed - WPML integration - archive page settings + Fixed - ‘Category Archives” phrase removed from post archive title + Fixed - Audio Post Format - featured media inside a lightbox + Fixed - [contact_form] shortcode - the message field is now required + Fixed - [contact_form] shortcode - clear all fields after successful submission + Fixed - single nav with just one link
VERSION 3.2.2 – 18 January 2014, minor update
+ Improved - translations updated + Fixed - G1 Page Builder: improved styles for WP 3.8 + Fixed - G1 Page Builder: admin layout + Fixed - WPML: footer text now can be translated via string translations + Fixed - Twitter: correct status link
VERSION 3.2.1 – 20 December 2013, minor update
+ NEW - add new google font via child theme + Improved - Mailchimp: debug mode added + Improved - Mailchimp: supported API version detection + Improved - translations updated + Fixed - Twitter: oAuth classes redeclaration + Fixed - Mailchimp: fallback to old API version if cURL module is disabled on server + Fixed - G1 Social Icons: symlinks warning + Fixed - G1 Page Builder: symlinks warning + Fixed - G1 Page Builder: animation attribute added to columns (with proper fade_in value) + Fixed - G1 Page Builder: unclosed grid
VERSION 3.2.0 – 29 November 2013, Major update
# NEW - WPML 3.0 compatibility # NEW - Revolution Slider 4.0 (upgraded) # NEW - Revolution Slider documentation # NEW - captions in lightbox popup (for galleries) # NEW - sidebars for post tags and categories # NEW - sidebars for work tags and categories # NEW - Xing social icon added # Improved - Google Map page builder block # Improved - Mailchimp page builder block now gets maling list via ajax # Fixed - skin export # Fixed - ssl for featured media videos # Fixed - "Post comment" button style # Fixed - secondary menu breakpoint # Fixed - grid columns now work with CloudFlare service (with minified HTML) # Fixed - "animation" attribute added for page builder columns blocks
VERSION 3.1.0 – 9 November 2013, Major update
# NEW - alternative, smaller searchbox to choose # NEW - an icon for every menu item in the primary nav menu (on every level) # NEW - theme option caching dynamic CSS styles # NEW - add new Google Fonts through modifications.js file from the child theme # NEW - open any inside a lightbox # NEW - open iframes inside a lightbox # NEW - Page Builder - the Revolution Slider as content element # NEW - WP 3.7.1 compatibility # Improved - skype url for the skyp icon in the G1 Social Icons Plugin # Improved - translation files updated # Improved - carouFredSel updated to the latest version # Improved - better ellipsis inside the single nav # Improved - MailChimp system messages # Improved - Twitter curl alternative # Improved - exclude_ids attribute for the [recent_works] shortcode # Fixed - WooCommerce review form # Fixed - Page Builder - the icon_color attribute no longer exists # Fixed - Page Builder - the space element value # Fixed - Page Builder - <!--nextpage--> tag issue # Fixed - Page Builder - no icon option available for many elements # Fixed - Page Builder - no conflicts with other builder plugins (like CKEditor) # Fixed - custom_posts - unlimited numbers of IDs # Fixed - custom_works - unlimited numbers of IDs # Fixed - custom_pages - unlimited numbers of IDs # Fixed - GoogleMap centering inside thecolumn # Fixed - black border for transparent PNGs in the Revolution Slider # Fixed - StandOut Slider moving the page content up and dow # Fixed - column shortcodes and the class attribute # Fixed - multibyte support for the [precontent] shortcode # Fixed - Google Map info window in IE10 # Fixed - custom icons for the G1 Social Icons plugin # Fixed - G1 Social Icons - WPML compatibility # Fixed - sticky header wrong offset
VERSION 3.0.1 – 25 October 2013, Minor update
# NEW - WP 3.7 compatibility # Improved - better preview of the message shortcode (page builder) # Improved - better preview of the carousel shortcode (page builder) # Fixed - background_color in the section shortcode (page builder) # Fixed - shortcode generator (page builder) # Fixed - shortcodes inside carousel/tabs content (page builder) # Fixed - external shortcodes are not converted anymore to "unknown elements" (page builder) # Fixed - message shortcode content (page builder) # Fixed - list shortcode content (page builder) # Fixed - shortcodes inside html block (page builder)
VERSION 3.0.0 – 21 October 2013, Major update
# NEW - Page Builder
VERSION 2.1.1 – 20 September 2013, Minor update
# NEW - admin scripts (javascript) now can be modified via child theme # NEW - full width sections usage description added to documentation # Improved - demo content file (content.xml) updated # Improved - Mailchimp class loader now checks against class conflicts # Improved - google font subset now can be set globaly # Improved - translation files (.po/.mo) updated # Improved - added css styles for input type "tel" # Fixed - background color and text color now work for [numbers] shortcode
VERSION 2.1.0 – 14 September 2013, Major update
# NEW - smooth scroll in Google Chrome browser # NEW - added #9 skin # NEW - one extra homepage snippet added # Improved - added the background_attachment attribute for the [section] shortcode # Improved - 'left bottom', 'center bottom', 'right bottom' values allowed for the background_position attribute of the [section] shortcode # Improved - updated documentation # Fixed - sticky header is not sticky anymore on mobile devices # Fixed - top background parallax effect # Fixed - body background parallax effect
VERSION 2.0.0 – 9 September 2013, Major update
# NEW - Full Width Sections Page Template # NEW - [section] shortcode # NEW - a theme option to disable the responsive design feature # NEW - social icons widget # NEW - social icon order now can be changed via sortable interface # NEW - new social icons can be added via custom hook # NEW - maintenance mode info added to WP admin bar (when is enabled) # NEW - Video tutorial: Change Single Work Template # NEW - Video tutorial: Set Up the Twitter Bar in the Prefooter Theme Area # NEW - Video tutorial: Hide the Page Title on a Sample Page # NEW - Video tutorial: Set Up Social Icons in the Preheader Theme Area # NEW - Video tutorial: CSS Custom Rules through Child Theme # Improved - excanvas script loaded via hook # Improved - all scripts are now compatible with the new jQuery # Improved - better styles for mega menus # Improved - CSS optimization for theme area layouts # Improved - updated theme documentation # Improved - some code cleaning # Fixed - the Revolution slider - next/prev buttons position # Fixed - correct wp_title on works archive # Fixed - a single work (gallery format) displays full images in a lightbox now # Fixed - [before_after] shortcode - class attribute # Fixed -,
VERSION 1.2.1 – 22 August 2013, Minor update
# NEW - Tabs snippets added # Improved - Mailchimp: migrated to new API version 2.0 (now uses cURL not sockets) # Improved - Revolution slider updated to the newest version # Improved - Google Maps and carousels now work in tabs # Fixed - WPML: language switcher now placed after the secondary menu # Fixed - Mailchimp: email input now has unique id # Fixed - Numbers shortcode: now works for lower values # Fixed - header compostion with centered logo and menu # Fixed - WPML: recent/custom shortcodes fallback for category filter # Fixed - Google Map: marker opened on start # Fixed - Link post format: icon on featured image now links to url not to single post # Fixed - WPML: remove @lang from term name
VERSION 1.2.0 – 2 August 2013, Major update
# NEW - WP 3.6 compatibility # NEW - Now contact form can be send via AJAX # Improved - Setting Front page/Posts page - usability improved # Improved - Now logo markup can be changed via hook # Improved - Google font subsets via po/mo files # Improved - Autoplay for carousels # Improved - Mobile menu better usability # Improved - CSS/JS versioning # Improved - Better responsiveness for wider tables # Improved - Documentation updated # Fixed - BuddyPress - group issues # Fixed - WPML - breadcrumb translation on archive pages # Fixed - WPML - link base translation for custom post types # Fixed - Mobile menu color schema generation # Fixed - Mailchimp caching # Fixed - Twitter (carousel style) now can be used in the preheader # Fixed - CKEditor conflict # Fixed - Next/prev for carousels
VERSION 1.1.0 – 25 July 2013, Major update
# NEW - WooCommerce integration # NEW - Recent Posts/Works now can be filtered by categories # Improved - Menu style on mobile # Improved - Google Map: tips for coordinates sign (-/+) added # Improved - Mailchimp: lazy loading added # Improved - Related Entries: default limit set # Improved - Help Mode: info messages not displayed if not needed # Improved - theme-functions.php divided into separate files for better performance # Improved - Shortcodes: lazy loading of attributes for better performance # Fixed - WPML: page title now placed correctly in the precontent # Fixed - Galleria: No theme CSS loaded # Fixed - Custom colors for progress bars and duplicators
VERSION 1.0.5 – 14 July 2013, Minor update
+ NEW - Google Map: now you can add more markers on a map (via the child theme) + Improved - Documentation updated + Improved - Dynamic style cache can be disabled via hook + Improved - Twitter: better class loading + Improved - Shortcodes: better Font Awesome loading + Improved - removed unused code + Fixed - Custom colors for progress bars + Fixed - precontent double text problem
VERSION 1.0.4 – 11 July 2013, Minor update
# NEW - translation (.mo/.po files) updated # NEW - javascript code documentation updated # NEW - new video tutorials added # NEW - documentation updated # Improved - available video list added to the "Video Tutorials" section in the documentation # Fixed - Remove empty p tags from precontent # Fixed - Metro menu: correct position of icons when multiple rows # Fixed - Primary menu: preventing text wobbling in FF # Fixed - Header compositions: centered variations are correctly rendered # Fixed - Preventing the precontent from displaying unwanted content # Fixed - G1 Social Icons: now icons can be opened in a new window
VERSION 1.0.3 – 9 July 2013, Minor update
# NEW - Support for all map types (roadmap, satellite, hybrid, terrain) added # NEW - Revolution Slider Documentation added # Improved - Better descriptions in the Theme Options Panel # Fixed - WPML language switcher css disabled (there is no conflict with 3Clicks styles anymore) # Fixed - Sidebar name normalization
VERSION 1.0.2 – 8 July 2013, Minor update
# NEW - How to translate theme using child theme (readme.txt added) # NEW - Link Base (permalink) for Work Single Page, Works Category/Tag Page can be changed # Fixed - Content hooks removed from precontent # Fixed - Admin panel translation enabled # Fixed - Before & After now works smooth in IE10 # Fixed - Before & After Flip version in IE10
VERSION 1.0.1 – 5 July 2013, Minor update
# Improved - The HelpMode is enabled by default # Improved - Z-indexes for lightbox # Improved - Removed unused images
VERSION 1.0.0, 5 July 2013
# Initial release