Get WP Glossary – Encyclopedia / Lexicon / Knowledge Base / Wiki / Dictionary Download



The “WP Glossary” plugin helps you to create your own glossary of terms for Encyclopedia / Lexicon / Knowledge Base / Wiki / Dictionary in your website. This plugin works based on a custom post type and so you have a full editor at your disposal. Want to use already existing post type? Worry not, you are still on the correct page. This plugin allows you to choose the existing post type over plugin’s default one.



This module allows you to create and show your own glossary of terms with nice animation effect.


This module allows you to auto hyperlink terms/phrases in your pages/posts. Everytime glossary terms appear in your pages/posts, get automatically linked to the their URLs. This way it enhances Search Engine Optimization by auto linking each highlighted phrase or term back to a dedicated term definition page.


This module allows you to show tooltip window when user hovers over glossary linkify terms/phrases in your pages/posts. This helps users to quickly overview the highlighted terms.


This module allows you to easily do custom styling without requiring any CSS skills. You can choose colours using colour picker without knowing colour codes and can try with different font sizes to see which one sits fit with the website.


Basic shortcode: [wpg_list] Use this shortcode anywhere in your page or post and it will start showing glossary terms in the same style you are expecting plugin to do. There are some attributes available with the same shortcode and you can find those in next step. Not all of those attributes are required to add with the shortcode and add only as per your need. If you don’t use those attributes, shortcode uses Plugin Settings for the purpose.

Full Shortcode: [wpg_list title=”” layout=”one_column/two_column/three_column/four_column/five_column” alphabet_set=”A,B,C,D,E,…” hide_empty=”yes/no” hide_all=”yes/no” hide_numeric=”yes/no” post_type=”glossary” template=”alphabet/category” taxonomy=”glossary_cat” taxonomy_terms_to_include=”optional/1,2,3..” taxonomy_terms_to_exclude=”optional/1,2,3..” uncategorized_term_name=”“]



= 2.3 =
* Added Glossary Search
* Updated jquery mixitup library
* Fixed active class issue for filter list
* Fixed "Post Titles" issues while contains HTML tags
* Fixed "Custom URL" issue while having special characters
* Fixed few more BuddyPress conflicts and will keep doing more based on customers feedback

= 2.2 =
* Updated jquery mixitup library
* Fixed PHP 7.x conflicts
* Fixed BuddyPress conflicts
* Fixed few programming scripts ro work more smoothly
* Added option to limit linkify per term on whole page or per section only ( eg: post content, comments, widgets )
* Added option to disable tooltip only on "Glossary Index Page" 
* Fixed conflict with linkify when a large term contains another small term

= 2.1 =
* Updated jquery mixitup library
* Added WordPress filters for args with custom post type and taxonomy
* Added option to change the title for "Glossary" wholeover the website
* Added option to change the label for glossary phrases like All, Read More, Back to Glossary Index Page
* Added "author" support for custom post type "Glossary" 
* Added option to disable Glossary Archive in order to have same slug with "Glossary Index Page" and "Glossary Slug" 
* Added option to disable animation on Glossary Index Page
* Added option to exclude specific HTML tags from linkified
* Added option to change the colours/styles for tooltip
* Fixed conflicts when having multiple indexes on same page
* Added "Tags" sub menu in "Glossary Terms" main menu
* Sort terms by title on archive pages
* Replaced PHP function strtolower with mb_strtolower
* Fixed few PHP warnings

= 2.0 =
* Optimized plugin code and improved plugin speed
* Added option to execute shortcodes within tooltip for glossary term content
* Added a widget for glossary term details page which shows all the page/post links where the glossary term is actually found. A very nice option for internal linking.
* Added option to open glossary term links in new tab on "Glossary Index Page" and "Linkify Terms" 
* Added option to disable the links permanently from glossary terms on "Glossary Index Page" and "Linkify Terms" 
* Added option to show a "Back to Glossary Index Page" link on glossary term details page
* Added option to show a "Read More" link in tooltip for glossary term
* Added help tooltip with each option on "Plugin Settings" which means no more need to look into plugin documentation from differently
* Added "User Guide" for other documentation
* Added support of "<!--more-->" tag for tooltip excerpt in same way WordPress does
* Added an option in the shortcode to show uncategorized posts/terms under default category with "category" template
* Added an option to redirect visitors to external link while clicks on glossary term rather than going to glossary term details page
* Changed "Plugin Settings" panel to more user friendly interface
* Fixed typo errors
* Fixed terms list to have the same sorting order which filter list has
* Fixed "Category" template to work with other languages too

= 1.9 =
* Fixed "New Tab" issue from version 1.8 with linkify module
* Fixed linkify impact from glossary page itself

= 1.8 =
* Improved the linkify module to work more accurately
* Optimized the plugin speed
* Fixed auto changing letters case issue for glossary terms
* Fixed double click issue for glossary terms having tooltips
* Added option to enable/disable auto hyper link term tags
* Added option to format the tooltip title
* Fixed "Linkify Limit per Term" option to work properly

= 1.7 =
* Added option to auto hyper link terms/phrases within glossary post type itself as well
* Added option to use custom post title for glossary post term over main one
* Fixed hide "All" option with "category" template

= 1.6 =
* Fixed small case letters issue with filter
* Fixed filter by showing only first letter terms in case if enable the "Hide 'All' Filter?" 
* Added option to add multi set of term filters in different rows

= 1.5 =
* Added option to add custom set of filter letters/alphabets from settings panel. This helps you to create filters list for other languages too ( eg: Hebrew, Greek )
* Added option to hide "All" filter from list
* Added option to hide "0-9" filter from list

= 1.4 =
* Added option to add multiple tags per glossary term
* Fixed few PHP warnings

= 1.3 =
* Added linkify module to auto hyperlink terms/phrases in your pages/posts
* Added tooltip module to show info box when hover glossary terms

= 1.2 =
* Added option for custom colours in glossary list
* Added option for custom font sizes in glossary list

= 1.1 =
* Added more options to the shortcode eg: include/exclude specific categories from glossary list
* Added support for taxonomies with existing post types
* Added option to filter terms by categories

= 1.0 =
* Launched the initial version of the plugin

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