Get Directory | Multi-purpose WordPress Theme Download

Directory the Multi-purpose WordPress Theme is an absolutely unique premium WordPress theme, it is the result of our hardworking development team and constant feedback from users and buyers. This theme is built in cooperation with you! Your users will never have access to the WordPress dashboard, everything is done at front-end. You can, register, login, edit your profile, submit listings and Filtering and sorting search results so much more from the front-end without having to visit the WordPress dashboard.
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if this isn’t enough, with local and Global Directory WordPress theme , your users not just only manage their existing listings from the front-end, they can also decide to update and delete their listings. Directory Multi-purpose Responsive Themes is a Content Driven Portal that is ideal for listing of any kind of entity or activity on a Local or Global basis.
Create your Directory Listing Site in Minutes
Thinking to set a Directory site, it was never so smooth and easy. With Directory theme, it takes a little effort and (just 29$) ! Get the Directory theme and see it happening. Set online directory portal of any type – companies, shops, restaurants, real estate, websites and all others in the this category, Directory WordPress themes.
Why we say Directory is a Multi-Purpose WordPress theme?
To facilitate our User and Buyers we make Directory as a WordPress themes. A single WordPress theme is used as a multiple purposes such as.
- Business Directory Listing theme
- classified ads listing theme
- Automobiles Listing WordPress theme
- Marketplace Listing
- job board WordPress theme
- Online study Portal
- Hotel & Reservation
Some stunning features of theme
Unlimited Directory Types
Have a specific item or a large number of them? Directory wordpress theme is your one-stop selling point for either one or all of them. It offers unlimited directory types. Add as many as you want. A complete package for a perfect demonstration of online business.
Featured Paid and Free Listings
Directory WordPress theme offers does not stop on giving you option to add unlimited categories, but it goes far beyond that.Listings of different genres like Free, Paid, featured can be added. If a listing is not free to add, you can charge users against it and can add value to your business. Directory multipurpose is not a theme but your personal business assistant indeed.
Charge Fees for submissions
A unique feature that comes in Directory Listing WordPress Theme is user registration on the site who can submit their items under different listings. You can easily turn this to generate revenues for your business by charging fees against their submissions. Keep Directory themes and keep adding value to your business all the way.
Multiple Payment Gateways
Directory themes comes with four payment options. Paypal, Skrill of Money Bookers, & Bank Transfer. There are more to come as well. You can charge users the fees with either of the payment gateway with ease and fewest possible clicks.
Front End Listing/Campaigns Creations
Business Directory Theme comes with the option for user to login from front-end and create their own listings.No need to strike head with complicated method of campaign/listing methods, just make few clicks and all done!
Listing with Expiration date
Offering listings of number categories is an obvious handy feature of .Directory WordPress Themes.. However, it does not end here, you can add listing with expiration date. Once the date is reached, the listing will expire itself keeping you safe from hustle of removing it or handling it. If you want it back, refresh it and it will be back.
Complete Review System
Review system adds value to the business many folds. It not only helps to clear the questions of users but also explains every bit and bite of products. .Directory WordPress Theme. is already furnished with this idea. It has in-built review system in it that is linked with listings. Add a product and option of review will be there.
Sort listings by different criteria
Directory WordPress Theme comes with the option to sort listings by different criteria. You can sort the listings as per their category.For example, property listing can be sorted by Rent, sale, purchase etc. A super awesome feature that makes experience of users smooth than they could imagine.
Contact listing’s owner by using Form / Phone etc
This Wordpress Themes has been designed for mainly online business. Prime important is the contact of clients with seller. The idea has been well taken care in the theme. Customer / Users can contact seller / owner by different ways. It can be either a Form or phone. Email contact option can also be availed Directory theme.
Location Based Searches
Have a directory site and need more purified search option? Directory Wordpress Theme. offer the best & refined ways to search the listing / items of choice. It offers a feature of location based search that provides users with items / listings from a specific location. London for London’s finder, very convenient indeed!
Create FAQ sections
A larger business with virtual / online products require a clear idea for better growth. Frequently Asked Questions are a super answer for this concern. .Directory WordPress Themes. makes your life easier by offering a pre-made FAQs section. Just add questions and their respective answers with minimum possible effort. A unique facilitation point at .Directory Listing theme.
Search Engine Friendly URLs
Have you noticed that when Google returns searches, sometimes there are ratings next to listings and sometimes there aren’t? We’ve coded Directory WordPress Themes. to make it Search engine Friendly right from the start. It offers URLs which are super attractive for search engines & it will always show up the right way. Google will love you, and so will your prospective customers.
Add/Remove listings to favourites
Users love to keep track of their likes and dislikes while they visit a listing sites. The time of pen & paper has long gone. .Directory Listing WordPress Theme. comes wrapped with option to Add/Remove listings to favorites. .Directory business Listing theme. serves as personal assistance for your users. They can easily add a listing to their favorites and vice versa. We have left nothing for you to worry about your business.
PayPal integrated
Secured payment is main & major concern while dealing an online business. Directory Listing Responsive Wordpress Theme comes with paypal integrated in it.Paypal is most trusted and efficient payment gateway available in almost all corners of the world. Directory theme offers complete management of payments via paypal. It also offers another stunning feature for your members where they can register and subscribe to a corresponding package and pay on a regular basis (the membership conditions & duration can be chosen in the control panel by the admin).
Advertising Spaces
Grow your revenue stream with our inbuilt advertising spaces. Sell a spot and configure it the way you wish, be that via impressions or for a set period of time. It’s your system – use it how you want. .Directory Listing WordPress Themes. is loaded with most appropriate advertising spaces & standard sizes from the start, Google Ads or just SEO friendly text links. It has all the banner tools you’ll need to turn a profit from your advertisers.
One-Click Demo Import
Directory Listing WordPress Chimp Studio is full of ease for its users by all means. It allows users to set it like demo in just ONE-CLICK without any hustle and problem. Install Directory Listing Theme and go to back end, click import and site will look exactly like demo.
Fully Responsive
Directory Listing Wordpress Theme. by Chimp Studio is fully responsive and adjusts itself to all devices. It has best responsive Sliders that works smooth on mobile and tablets. It has a feature to gracefully degrade itself in older browsers. Design of DirectoryListing Theme by Chimp Studio is dedicated mobile design that looks perfect on your mobile device.
Unlimited Colors
Change colors for the varying elements anywhere in the site. There is no limit on the number of colors to use with your site. Most of the places on the site have custom option to set the colors of choice and like. Amazing feature indeed!
650+ Google Fonts
The world is moving fast in terms of design and settings. Directory Wordpress Theme. has 650+ google fonts that you can select for your site. If you are bored with old dated and traditional fonts, just opt .Directory Listing Theme. and enjoy amazing google fonts where text is set in fonts of your choice
Revolution Slider
.Directory Wordpress Theme. comes wrapped with Revolution Slider Plugin. Just download the theme, extract the Revolution Slider and it’s ready to use with the theme. Create a responsive (mobile friendly) or full width slider with must-see-effects and meanwhile keep or build your SEO optimization.
WPML Ready
A global world requires local language for every user. This theme can be translated in any language of your choice from back end option or by WPML plugin
Unlimited Sidebars
A useful module when, for example, you want to add more than one sidebar to a page, or different sidebars on different pages. This brings yet another layer of customization freedom to your website.
Advanced SEO Options, Built-in!
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital for any website that wants to have as many visitors as possible, so .Directory wordpress Themes. by Chimp Studio have built-in a great SEO module that offers you complete control & takes care of everything!
To run this theme on WordPress, your host needs following configurations;
1. PHP 5.4 or greater.
2. MySQL 5.5 or greater.
3.The mod_rewrite Apache module.
Change Log: Version 1.0 (09 March, 2015)
Added: WooCommerce compatibility
Change Log: Version 1.1 (10th March, 2015)
1- Added: Map style on directory map header 2- Change the link which is sent to user once registration confirmation/login is complete. 3- Fixed: Responsive issues 4- Fixed: TGM bulk plugin activation issue.
Change Log: Version 1.2 (11th March, 2015)
1- Added: Free package switch on/off 2- Added: Map street view option 3- Fixed: JS issue on package selection 4- Fixed: Responsive issues
Change Log: Version 1.3 (13th March, 2015)
1- Added: Street view option on listing detail page 2- Added: Search field option on advance search 3- Added : A new listing view 4- Changed: Geo location icon position on advance search 5: Fixed: Responsive issues
Change Log: Version 1.4 (19th March, 2015)
1- Added : Miles/Km switch in theme option 2- Added: Video attachment option for ads. 3- Added: Multiple view for address. 4- Added: Price On/Off option for search. 5- Added: Review summary option on listing detail. 6- Added: Directory views 7- Added: Subscriber element 8- Added: Categories views 9- Fixed: Demo data & XML issues. 10- Fixed: Responsive issues 11- Fixed: Featured list displaying issue on directory detail 12- Fixed: Search by city issue on search map 13- Fixed: RTL issues
Change Log: Version 1.5 (20th March, 2015)
1: Fixed: Responsive issues. 2- Added: URL for price table 3- Added: New Listing Detail Style 4. Added: New Agent Detail Style 5- Added: New Map Auto Zoom Added 6- Fixed: Custom CSS issue 7- Fixed : Import Demo Data for demo users
Change Log: Version 1.6 (26th March, 2015)
Added : Geo location request on page load Added : Select language option in theme option for plugin Added : Map lock option on frontend Fixed : User data import Updated : Ad creation option from back-end Updated : Agent detail style Updated : Related ads style Fixed : Import demo data issues fixed and demo data improved Fixed : User profile image cropping issue
Change Log: Version 1.7 (27th March, 2015)
Fixed: Minor styling issues
Change Log: Version 1.8 (1st April, 2015)
1- Updated & improved: Back-end styling 2- Added: Child theme of latest package 3- Fixed: Lock icon loading issue on map 4- Fixed: Categories issue on add creation 5- Fixed: Location based search issue
Change Log: Version 1.9 (21st April, 2015)
Fixed: Errors and warnings due to MailChimp API
Change Log: Version 2.0 (22nd April, 2015)
Added: Advance location based search with country, state and city.
1. Fixed: Location based search issue 2. Fixed: Custom fields with special character saving issues 3. Fixed: Translation issues 4. Fixed: Titles with special characters issue fixed 5. Fixed: Category with special characters saving issue fixed. 6. Fixed : User profile image cannot be uploaded from the backend, now Available 7. Fixed : User image was not shown on user detail page, Now shows fine 8. Fixed : Directory advance search for location not working, now works 9. Fixed : One category when attached with Two Directory types on Front end, in Search and filter Result was shown as Not Found, now shows fine 10. Fixed: When Multi Select in Backend was made and post was updated, when user came back to edit same post, was not able to see selected option. Now works fine 11. Fixed : Pagination for listing 12. Fixed : Records per page For Listing 13. Fixed : Listing category image missing after update 14. Fixed: Url custom filed was not showing at front end, now shows fine. 15. Fixed: Copyright text HTML attributes in footer were not working, now work fine. 16. Fixed: Question mark issue in Titles after translating website, now fixed. 17. Fixed: Rating star width issue in style.css. Now all stars show up accurately.
Change Log: Version 2.1 (23rd April, 2015)
Following New Payment Gateways have Been Added
1- Skrill Money Booker
Fixed: Sidebar search issue in case of permalinks off. Fixed: search page builder element saving issue Fixed: Styling issues in RTL Added : Text Editor Front End For Add New Listing.
Change Log: Theme Version 2.2 | Plugin Version 1.4 (24th April, 2015)
Bank Payment Gateways have been Added
1:- Added : Payment gateway (Bank Transfer ) 2:- Added : Add New Post Text editor 3:- Added : Opening Hours with each post 4:- Fixed : Empty Directory categories issue 5- Fixed: Translation missing strings
Change Log: Theme Version 2.3 | Plugin Version 1.5 (April 28th, 2015)
1:- Fixed : Category not showing issues with wordpress latest version 4.2 2:- Fixed : RTL and translation issues.
Change Log: Theme Version 2.4 | Plugin Version 1.6 (8th May, 2015)
Added: Directory Type price option. Added: Multiple file attachment option. Added: Ads Contact Information. Added: Ads image caption on front-end. Fixed: Category and Tag update issue. Fixed: wordpress 4.2 compatibility issue. Fixed: Translation issue. Fixed: RTL and responsive issue.
Change Log: Theme Version 2.5 | Plugin Version 1.7 (12th May, 2015)
Fixed: Map Loading Issue Resolved Fixed: wordpress 4.2.2 compatibility issue. Fixed: Directory Type Price with 0 Removed Added: Ads image Click Able on front end. Fixed : Search issues latitude and longitude
Change Log: Theme Version 2.6 | Plugin Version 1.8 (14th May, 2015)
1. Fixed: Directory type transaction missing. 2. Fixed: Map pin dragger. 3. Fixed: Map zoom level freeze in edit mode. 4. Added: Bank transaction Complete summary. 5. Fixed: Social icon for user ad detail . 6. Fixed: Opening hour back-end style. 7. Fixed: Login box translation fixed on focus and place-holder. 8. Fixed: Currency selection and payment gateway. 9. Fixed: Reviews issue fixed with language Translation. 10-Fixed: Map disorder on ads.
Change Log: Theme Version 2.7 | Plugin Version 1.9(18th August, 2015)
1.Added- On new ad request, admin email notification. 2.Added- After submitting new ad user, admin will be able to visit the ad even it is not yet published. 3.Fixed: Data Validation issues 4.Fixed- On directory type, selection categories fetched via Ajax in directory element. 5.Fixed- With GoDaddy hosting, Google maps / Not working 6.Fixed- Featured ads on top (selected), in directory element doesn't work on search result page. 7.Fixed- Directory category short-code not work in widget sidebar. 8.Fixed- Directory types appears normal for all ads in back-end (status) 9.Fixed- Directory result page, after filtration, banner doesn't show on search result page. 10.Fixed- Directory result page, after filtration, Map doesn't show on search result page 11.Fixed- Directory ad sorting issue like by date, alphabetic etc, ordering 12.Fixed- Social Login google+ issue. 13.Fixed- On Directory element, if listing sort is selected as recent, on front-end no recent ads displayed. 14.Fixed- On signup from "Login Button Position" from header or any, user role is set to none. 15.Fixed- Map Element / Map Short-code not working 16.Fixed- Opening hours On/Off in directory type 17.Fixed- Get direction at map directory detail page source marker ("green at Source" & "Red on destination") 18.Fixed- Directory category short-code not working in widget sidebar 19.fixed- Missing translation strings added
Change Log: Theme Version 2.8 | Plugin Version 2.0 (03rd October, 2015)
1. Fixed: Directory Random Listing Issue 2. Fixed: Short code: Image frame Image not showing 3. Fixed: Geo location button not show on listing page 4. Fixed: Opening hours ON/OFF switcher don’t work 5. Fixed: Map Marker not showing on directory Detailed page 6. Fixed: Validation for directory types and Agree Terms while posting Ad 7. Fixed: Listing count doesn’t show accurate result as No. of recent ads on agent detail page 8. Fixed: Custom fields doesn’t show in search result 9. Fixed: Still showing Related listings on Agent detail page with 0 listing 10. Fixed: Radius title hide under post code or location when set to left 11. Fixed: Optimize Search query for min, max sale price field 12. Fixed: Main menu font size adjustment from Theme options 13. Fixed: Directory search filter query improvement 14. Fixed: Source Map Marker reverse issue 15. Fixed: Directory categories short code not working on sidebar 16. Fixed: Search button style issue 17. Fixed: Image switch ON/Off in directory type 18. Fixed: Directory layout not updating 19. Fixed: Radius search issue, posts are not showing as per the applied radius
Change Log: Theme Version 2.9 | Plugin Version 2.1
Fixed: Price on call tag is not being displayed if there is no price is give on detail page Fixed: Issue with , register element Content Fixed: Location issue search on map but not in listing. Fixed: Min Max price styling issue. Fixed: Google Location search in Listing.
Change Log: Theme Version 3.0 | Plugin Version 2.2 (14/12/2015)
1. Fixed: WPML, multilingual compatibility from wp-directory plugin 2. Fixed: On User profile , Image not uploading on defined dimension 3. Fixed: Recent review posted by ( was admin, now changed to reviewer name) 4. Fixed: directory payments double charge issue on directory ads package update from front-end 5. Improved: Security applied on post editing from front-end 6. improved: Radius search has been improved, accuracy has been improved 7. Fixed: Issue with directory listing page showing limited listing 8. Fixed: Contact information's and opening hours now showing on ad edit page from front-end 9. Fixed: Custom class don’t work with elements 10. Fixed: Date formatting issue with blog posts : showing current date 11. Improved: Search filtration has been improved, more accuracy with multiple filter and custom fields 12. Fixed: Request detail form doesn’t include directory ad name as reference of contact 13. Fixed: Archive page showing wrong dates issue
Change Log: Theme Version 3.1 | Plugin Version 2.3 (28/12/2015)
New Additions in theme version 3.1
New: Taxonomy based locations (Support for All Languages) New: Directory post tag based search has been enabled on advance search New: Limited Free Packages for Directory Ads (Free ad would expire after certain number of days) New: Directory Package title Updating as per Number of days specified for Free package New: Packages Multi Lingual (Using WPML String translation) New: Directory Ad Detail Map Switch ON/OFF for frontend New: While adding review for any listing (after login), it will redirect to the same listing, not to the dashboard New: Directory ad Price Switch specific to directory type for frontend New: Widgetized Sidebar on Directory Detail Page
Fixed in in theme version 3.1
Fixed: Directory Social Share (Add This) Posting Wrong image on Facebook Issue Fixed: Categories sorting by "title”, improved as well. Fixed: Directory Type image icons does not load with demo data import. Fixed: Radius slider should called on the basis of location fields on the home page. Users will need to add a location to load ads on the map with Ajax. Fixed: Directory page element do not load results for selected directory category Fixed: Ads filter with radius issue Fixed: Directory element popular post now sort accurately according to the settings Fixed: WPML switch (WPML is showing though the switch is OFF in theme options header) Fixed: Twitter tweets are not appearing on frontend (Tweets Cache, Date and Time format added In API Settings) Fixed: URL duplication issue in listing pagination
Change Log: Theme Version 3.2 | Plugin Version 2.4 (22/01/2016
Added : Multiple Backups can be generated on server and can be download by Date / Time Added : Google structure validate for Html and W3 Validation Added : Description length for detailed list view and description On/Off for Directory Listing Element Added : global-variable.php for undefined Theme Options variable
Improved: Typography fonts newly added with updated Google fonts. Improved: Theme color will save in custom-style.css file will be updated when Theme Option will be saved.
Updated Features
Updated: Json Based Theme Option import / Export Updated: Json Widgets Import / Export
Fixed in this Version
Fixed : Sub-header from Theme Option and Page Settings not working Correctly Fixed : Social Share for Blog Detail Page Fixed : Location name for listing changed from slug to full name Fixed : Styling issues and Minor RTL issue Revoked : theme-color.php Revoked : theme-option-array.php will be handled through Json.
Change log: Theme version 3.3 | WP-Directory Plugin version 2.5 (23/02/2016)
Added : Comments For Pages Updated : Demo Data With Location Improved : Radius Accuracy Fixed : Blog Pagination Fixed : Location Slug based Fixed : Minor Styling Issues Fixed : Tags in search Filter With Name Fixed : Media Gallery Pop In Admin Grid View Fixed : Back Edit Add Location on Map Was Missing Fixed : Theme Option Directory Post type Slug Update Permalinks After Changing Slug Fixed : Subheader Breadcrumb Subcategory Updated Fixed : Directory Listing Pagination On Filter and on View Changed
Change log: Theme version 3.4 | WP-Directory Plugin version 2.6 (11/05/2016)
Added: WordPress 4.5.2 compatibility Fixed: issue with date picker custom filed in advanced search. Fixed: Issue with "enable request form" switcher. Fixed: issue with Carousal view when back from listing page Fixed: RTL languages Fixed: Free ads For Few Days Are Being Listed Inside The Featured Ads Fixed: First value is selected automatically instead of --Select-- option Fixed: Locations Are Not Being Saved In Chinese Language Fixed: Reviews still appear in widgets, even deleted from backend Fixed: Help Text For Any Of The Custom Fields Is Not Working Fixed: When Geolocation Is Allowed The Map Goes Grey For Infinite Amount Of Time Fixed: with time limited free ads Featured is printed for these ads on Directory map Fixed: On listing page, search result page pagination active page issue Fixed: Post featured image issue when strings got translated from backend in post options. Fixed: Extra enqueued files should remove if they don't have any purpose Fixed: Request detail form don't send email always shows email validation error.
Change log: Theme version 3.4.1 | WP-Directory Plugin version 2.6.1 (11/05/2016)
Fixed: Map not loading issue
Change log: Theme version 3.4.2 | WP-Directory Plugin version 2.6.2 (23/05/2016)
Fixed: Issue with location auto-complete search, map was not loading searched location. Fixed: Opening hours and contact information not loading on page "add directory with default directory type"
Change log: Theme version 3.4.3 | WP-Directory Plugin version 2.6.3 (18/07/2016)
Fixed: Map API issue, MAP not loading. Fixed: RTL issues
Change log: Theme version 3.4.4 | WP-Directory Plugin version 2.6.4 (29/08/2016)
Fixed: Geo Locator not working on Firefox Fixed: Twitter login is not working Fixed: Street View switch in theme options not working Updated: TGM plugin class
Introducing new Directory Box Theme
New Features:
Change log: Directory Box Theme 1.1
New Added : Directorybox Demo 2
Change log: Directory Box Theme version 1.2
New Added : Directorybox Demo 3 Fixed: Reviews php warnings on members detail page Fixed: php warnings on blogs detail pages Fixed: Search Alert Email is displaying HTML in email Fixed: Icons missing on homepage Fixed: Forgot password link not working Fixed: Listing type Features missing while editing listing from frontend Fixed: Print Invoice show empty page Fixed: Woo commerce product detail pages are empty Fixed: Geo Location not updating on Map Fixed: Maintenance mode not working Fixed: Features/Amenties not appearing while posting listing Fixed: Styling and responsive issues
Change log: Directory Box Theme version 1.3
New Added : WordPress 4.9 Compatibility New Added: Review Moderation option added at backend Fixed: DB: Listings With Categories not showing listings on frontend Fixed: Promotions Tags are not appearing after Payment Fixed: Messages Description is not appearing in frontend dashboard Fixed: Sidebar Captcha not working Fixed: Directory box Filter scroll not working Fixed: Directory box Sign Up option not working after last WordPress Update Fixed: Directory Icons not appearing Fixed: Missing strings translation via Loco Translate Fixed: Dropdown for directory types doesn't work on listing page Fixed: Video Post Format not working in Blog news Fixed: Styling and responsive issues
Change log: Directory Box Theme version 1.4
New Added: Directorybox Compatibility with latest wordpress (Classic Editor) version 5.0.x New Added: Directorybox Compatibility with latest woo commerece plugin 3.5.x New Added: Directorybox Compatibility with php version 7.2.x Improvement: freegeoip API updated for geo location Improvement: Social Logins API's and buttons up-gradation as per new social policy updates Improvement: woo commerce classes templates updated Improvement: Listing thumbnail image is now clickable Fixed: Homepage update issues with Classic Wordpress editor Fixed: Split Map issues Fixed: Promotions not working Fixed: Location search issues Fixed: Listing pagination not working Fixed: Listing type sorting filters are not working Fixed: Prettyphoto js issues Fixed: Missing Loco translate plugin strings Fixed: Styling and responsive issues
Change log: Directory Box Theme version 1.5 (12 October 2019)
New Added: Compatibility with latest WordPress version 5.2.x New Added: Compatibility with latest woo commerce plugin 3.7.x New Added: Compatibility with php version 7.3.x New Added: Compatibility with revolution slider 6.x New Added: Woo commerce templates updated to latest versions Fixed: Page builder / classic editor not working Fixed: Add listing page notices Fixed: Theme options not appearing with latest version of revolution slider Fixed: Promotions Status not saving on update Fixed: Keyword search not working Fixed: Geo location not working Fixed: Location searching issues Fixed: WordPress default pagination not working on pages Fixed: Woo commerce plugin shop issues Fixed: Site title not appearing Fixed: Faq's not deleting and saving Fixed: Members detail page issues and notices Fixed: Geo location switch not working Fixed: Fixed: Styling and responsive issues
Change log: Directory Box Theme version 1.6 (18 January 2020)
New Added: Compatibility with latest WordPress version 5.3.x New Added: Compatibility with php version 7.4.x Fixed: Frontend Logout is not working Fixed: reCaptcha Google structure issue on Signup forms Fixed: Google suggestion autocomplete not loading Fixed: Split map page : Selection not working for types Fixed: Features not saving at backend after post listing from frontend Fixed: Free package Listing posting issues Fixed: Notices on Listing detail pages Fixed: Comments posting empty notice Fixed: Sidebar filters issues Fixed: Revolution Slider z-index issue on latest wp Fixed: Styling and responsive issues