[Download] Disk Audio Player For Wordpress

Disk Audio Player (MP3 Player) is a Wordpress plugin to display html5 audio player in your website with unlimited color options and playlists with scrollbar.
Main Features
- MP3 Player
- Responsive
- Retina Ready (Font Icons)
- Work on Desktops / Tablets / Phones
- Unlimited Color Options
- Playlist with Adjustable Scrollbar
- Easy to Use
- Poster Images
- Multiple Instances
- External Link (Buy, Download, Info)
- Keyboard Control
- Autoplay Option
- Duplicate Functionality
- Skins, Background Image, Opacity, Colors
- Disable Playlist
- Disable Header
- Color Scheme Import
- Added auto scroll to the playlist. Selected track in the top the list
- (New) Added tracks filter. Example: [disk_player tracks=”1,4,5,9”]
- (New) Completely new admin, easier to use and to configure the player. Drag and Drop, etc.
Using SOUNDCLOUD API with Disk Audio Player
In the "MP3 File" field (Disk Player WP Admin), add the following link: and replace TRACKID and CLIENTID with their respected values. PS: Each track has its own ID. To use a client_id, just create a new App in your account on Soundcloud and use the ID that was generated.
See also
v 2.6 (06 Nov 2018) * Update in the downloads file. v 2.5 (11 May 2018) * New option to disable Scrollbar v 2.4.1 (12 Dez 2017) * Resolves the conflict with the plugin Ultimate Addons VC. v 2.4 (10 Out 2017) * Adjustments in the code to hide the scrollbar, if it is mobile and item height set to Auto. v 2.2 (20 mar 2017) * Fixed main thumbnail player in admin. v 2.1 (9 Sep 2016) * Added option to force downloading the MP3 file. v 2.0 (16 Jun 2016) * Added tracks filter. Example: [disk_player tracks=?1,4,5,9?] * New admin to configure the player. Completely new and easier to use. v 1.9 (01 Mar 2016) * added background image repeat * added custom styles option in admin * Small style changes v 1.8 (04 Dec 2015) * Correction of double quotes into titles; v 1.7 (30 Oct 2015) * Added option - Reverse Order. Display the latest tracks added on the top of the player; * Added option - Hide scrollbar if mobile/tablet; * Added option - Track height; v 1.6.8 (08 Apr 2015) * small css and html adjustments; v 1.6.7 (24 Mar 2015) * Fixed the playlist height. When it has many tracks and the last track is cut off. v 1.6.6 (20 Fev 2015) * bug fix scrollbar with transparent interface v 1.6.5 (22 Dez 2014) * Fixed incompatibility with Safari version 8.0.2 v 1.6.4 (06 Nov 2014) * Added configuration option "Open Scripts Hook" * Added configuration option "Open Scripts Local" * Small changes in styles * Add getBrowser check script v 1.6.3 (10 Out 2014) * New fix for android. v 1.6.2 (18 Set 2014) * Changed some function names to avoid conflicts . * Small code changes. v 1.6 (25 Aug 2014) * Bug fix to android. v 1.5 (15 Aug 2014) * Renamed diverse style classes to avoid conflicts. * Added option to disable header. v 1.4 (04 Aug 2014) * Some bug fix in frontend; v 1.3 (17 Jul 2014) * Added auto-scroll. Selected track to top the list; * Changes in css to avoid conflict with other css; v 1.2 (25 Jun 2014) * Some improvements in the code and removal of spaces to avoid errors in activation; v1.1 (9 Jun 2014) * added duplicate functionality; * added skins; * added color schemes (xml files) to import. Included in the documentation; * added opacity settings (RGBA); * added optional background image for the player; * added Autoplay; * added Disable Playlist; v1.0 (28 May 2014) * first release