Get Calendarista Premium – WP Appointment Booking Plugin and Schedule System Download

Calendarista is software designed to provide a faster and more efficient online booking experience to your customers.
Front-end demo:
Backend demo:
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Video tutorials
- Intro1 – schedule a meeting room
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Our goal is to make it super-fast and easy for businesses to add their services and begin taking bookings online. If you are someone wanting a complete hotel reservation system, car rental, apartment rental, travel agency, beauty salons, restaurants and so forth, you will be able to enable your website for online bookings quickly and easily.
The plugin offers 10 booking modes out of the box, 3 payment gateways and if that is not enough, it also supports Woocommerce, a custom form builder, flexible optional extras, google maps to setup departure and destination and calculate route distance and cost, a backend calendar to view your appointments, just to name a few of the features.
It’s time to fall back in love with booking!
More information is available on our dedicated website:
- Bookings with a single start date.
- Bookings with both a start date and start time (optionally enable selecting multiple time slots).
- Bookings with both a start date and start time with padding.
- Bookings with a start date and time range.
- Bookings a date range.
- Booking a date and time range.
- Booking a date range with changeover days (check-in/check-out).
- Bookings a round trip.
- Bookings a round trip (with time).
- Booking one or more packages.
- Payments through Paypal, Stripe, Twocheckout and WooCommerce.
- Collect payment offline.
- Enable online payments.
- Enable online payments and offline mode.
- Enable or disable payments (perfect for free bookings).
- Create seasonal rates for day based bookings
- Autogenerate timeslots.
- Duplicate a service.
- List of custom date formats to choose from.
- AM/PM or 24h time format.
- Set tax.
- Enable single booking or multiple bookings of the same date or same date/time.
- Customize any piece of string displayed to customer directly from the plugins back-end.
- Translation ready, either manually through PoEdit or via WPML and Polylang.
- Customize the data capture fields in a way that suits your business via Custom form fields.
- Unlimited Categorized extras to add elements that carry extra cost and can be in limited quantity.
- Define departure and destination dropdown fields with predefined locations and cost.
- Calculate price by travel distance.
- Charge only an upfront deposit(percentage or fixed fee). Pay reminder upon arrival..
- Booking can have an obligatory minimum and maximum days selection.
- Restrict from booking too soon or too late in the future with min/max notice.
- Turn over days to set prep time needed before and after the next booking.
- Choose your check-in and check-out days of the week.
- Multiple services can be grouped in a dropdown list.
- A single service can have one or more availabilities. Multiple availables will be listed in a dropdown list.
- Each availability can include an image.
- An availability can contain an area displayed on a map in the front-end.
- Calendar legend, set custom colors for available days, unavailable days and selected days.
- Style by choosing from a predefined color list to allow a more natural integration with your website.
- Auto repeat daily, weekly, montly, yearly etc.
- Emails send out by plugin include: New booking received, Booking received successfully, Booking confirmation, Booking cancelled, Booking reminder, Booking payment received, Discount coupon awarded, Payment required and Booking has changed.
- Booking cancel link sent via email.
- An availability can contain an area on map displayed in the front-end.
- Set up Email reminders.
- Easily add staff members to existing availabilities.
- View sales, request payment or confirm payment.
- View appointments in your back-end calendar.
- Edit appointments, cancel appointment or confirm appointment.
- Set up holidays and take time off, where you can make any date or time slot unavailable for booking.
- Import and export iCAL feeds, making your business always up to date and avoid overbooking.
- Departure and destination input fields with google maps autocomplete support.
- Booking with both departure and destination input fields.
- Booking with single departure input field only.
- Booking with both departure and destination dropdown fields.
- Booking with single departure dropdown field.
- Set waypoints between departure and destination.
- Enable direction on a live google map within your site (no redirect).
- Enable options such as avoid highway, avoid tolls and show traffic.
- Select departure and destination directly on google map using right click context menu.
- Export to CSV.
Change log
= 8.8 =
- Posted January 03, 2020
- Improvement: UI color enhancements to overall tabs and booking form.
- Fix: with woocommerce enabled, some webservers have an issue with early call to WC() function, which broke the details step.
= 8.5 =
- Posted December 17, 2019
- Added: backend appointments calendar will auto translate based on your WordPress locale and will switch to listview in responsive mode.
- Added: new short code generator in appointments page to display all your public appointments so these are visible within a full calendar in the front-end.
- Improved: negative cost in optional extra now show the cost as a discount.
- Improved: auto filling woocommerce billing name and billing email in checkout page. data also remembered when coming back to the booking form from woocommerce checkout/cart.
- Fixed: bookings that were already in a cancelled state, send out a booking cancel notification when deleted by admin.
- Fixed: the new email template tokens introduced in 8.2 were not printing the correct date and time.
- Fixed: first day of week option was doing nothing to the font-end calendar.
- Fixed: several text strings that were not translatable in the plugins back-end.
- Fixed: text strings that were not getting translated when loading timeslots eg: start time place holder text and the reset label.
- Fixed: setting empty values in Services->Map page did nothing.
- Fixed: setting the booking start date in the availability settings, to a date in the future (1month+) caused issues in the frontend calendar when clicking the clear button.
- Updated: translation files.
= 8.2 =
- Posted December 6, 2019
- Added: new short-code [confirmation-message] that can be added to the designated custom confirmation page.
- Added: new tokens for email templates that separate date from time: start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time
- Added: French translation.
- Fixed: regression bug in appointments page where time was displayed with an hour difference.
- Fixed: miscellaneous strings that were missing translation.
- Fixed: some css conflicts with themes where overall text appears to be too small, along with the form elements.
- Fixed: regression bug, using custom charge if selected num of days exceed the minimum requirement, did not apply.
- Fixed: optional group did not display the cost correctly with a mode that calculates by seat.
= 8.1 =
- Posted November 26, 2019
- Fixed: stripe payments that are not 3d secure/SCA will redirect to success page after a successful operation.
- Fixed: when creating/editing woocommerce regular product type pricing, it reset automatically to 0.
- Fixed: regression bug, the current day in the front-end calendar was always unavailable for booking.
= 8.0 =
- Posted November 14, 2019
- Added: stronger woocommerce support with misc fixes. now the booking form will automatically get added to woocommerce product pages and behave as any product.
- Added: when creating the woocommerce calendarista product, opened up more options. product is also no longer hidden from catalog etc.
- Added: check the new woocommerce demo page:
- Added: email subject now supports all tokens supported in the email body.
- Added: the email master template is now editable from the settings->emails page.
- Fixed: a piece of string in the gdpr compliance page was not translatable.
= 7.9.7 =
- Posted November 6, 2019
- Fixed: in case there is no availability in the current month, the next first available date will be hilighted on the front-end calendar.
- Fixed: appointments page listview edit button did not work, regression bug.
= 7.9.6 =
- Posted November 1, 2019
- Fixed: multi date and time range allowed booking a discontinous period when the end date fell on a month after the start date.
- Fixed: when taking a holiday on a single day and time range mode, you could book slots even though the slots in between the start and end were unavailable.
= 7.9.5 =
- Posted October 27, 2019
- Updated: fullcalendar used in the backend now uses the latest v4 release(This is the back-end calendar in the appointments page).
- Fixed: slight ui misplacements (borders, spacing, margin etc in the dialog) when editing an appointment in the back-end.
- Fixed: single day and time range now shows a date as unavailable if there are no available slots for the day.
- Fixed: regression bug when using pricing scheme, the calcuated cost is wrong.
= 7.9.3 =
- Posted October 22, 2019
- Fixed: Google Calendar sync ignored timezone.
- Improved: Google Calendar sync code refactored.
= 7.9.2 =
- Posted October 17, 2019
- Fixed: synchronizing time set in google calendar was not getting blocked in the front-end when using single day and time mode.
- Fixed: when creating a service without an availabilty, the plugin broke in the front-end instead of showing a booking form that has no bookings.
- Fixed: when trying to syncronize appointments where time is involved, on some circumstances, if there was a previous appointment on availability (A), then availability (
still allowed the booking.
- Fixed: round trip with time mode was broken when selecting return with seats enabled.
= 7.9.1 =
- Posted October 16, 2019
- Fixed: regression bug introduced in 7.9 update, couldn’t create a new service or update an existing one.
= 7.9 =
- Posted October 14, 2019
- Updated: bootstrap to latest version 4.3
- Improved: UI changes, now we use tabs, cleaner revamped bordered layout, new buttons, better colors.
- Remember: Due to UI changes, before updating if using styles, please remember to reset the style in Services – Styles page as the template has changed.
- Added: Services now allow setting an image that will be displayed in the booking form header area.
- Added: Stripe support for SCA.
- Fixed: The front-end calendar now shows the first available date instead of the current date.
- Fixed: changeover mode now no longer allows checkin on a day that was previously checkin, instead allows only checkout. same applies for checkout.
- Fixed: package mode now does not show a dropdownlist selection but only the single item when there is just a single package.
- Fixed: package mode did not show description.
- Fixed: when setting seats minimum with your timeslots, the whole day got booked after a single booking.
- Fixed: sales page did not allow deleting a sale after the first sale was deleted and required a page refresh.
- Fixed: setting a season did not apply the season cost, specifically when using service mode of type multi date range & changeover.
= 7.8.5 =
- Posted August 25, 2019
- Fixed: tax set in woocommerce was not applied in calendarista but only the woocommerce order.
= 7.8.4 =
- Posted August 24, 2019
- Fixed: google maps direction service was using km even when miles was the active unit system.
= 7.8.3 =
- Posted August 20, 2019
- Improved: sales page, now fully ajax enabled, much faster and less time wasted waiting for page reload.
- Fixed: single day service mode did not sync with google calendar.
- Fixed: map unit type showed miles when km was the active unit type.
= 7.8.2 =
- Posted August 13, 2019
- Fixed: updated google calendar instructions (7.8.2)
- Fixed: miscellaneous bugs relating to coupon code creation (7.8.1)
- Fixed: some strings in the back-end were not translation ready.
- Fixed: calendar next/prev buttons unusuable in rtl mode.
- Fixed: slight improvements in calendar next/prev buttons and title bar.
- Fixed: When a new booking is placed, google calendar failed to update, reported missing file error but was actually typo in class name.
- Fixed: custom charge percentage value added base cost along with the percentage. now it just uses the percentage cost.
- Fixed: coupon edit dialog didn’t allow editing code or changing the mode.
- Fixed: creating a coupon with the same code is no longer allowed.
- Fixed: when using maps aggregate cost, the cost was not displayed correctly in the back-end sales and appointments page.
- Fixed: miles/km unit type displayed the wrong type in booking summary as you navigated the wizard steps.
- Fixed: no more than 10 products were listed when selecting a woocommerce product in the services page.
- Fixed: woocommerce coupons were not reported in calendarista.
- Fixed: creating appointments from the backend did not include the routing cost when using departure/destination etc.
- Added: miles/km setting in places – general page.
- Improved: staff members page now fully ajax enabled, faster and less time wasted waiting for page reload.
- Improved: coupons page now has a search filter and is fully ajax enabled.
- Improved: error messages from payment processors such as stripe and 2checkout in case payment fails.
= 7.8 =
- Posted August 6, 2019
- Fixed: some strings in the back-end were not translation ready.
- Fixed: calendar next/prev buttons unusuable in rtl mode.
- Fixed: slight improvements in calendar next/prev buttons and title bar.
- Fixed: When a new booking is placed, google calendar failed to update, reported missing file error but was actually typo in class name.
- Fixed: custom charge percentage value added base cost along with the percentage. now it just uses the percentage cost.
- Fixed: coupon edit dialog didn’t allow editing code or changing the mode.
- Fixed: creating a coupon with the same code is no longer allowed.
- Fixed: when using maps aggregate cost, the cost was not displayed correctly in the back-end sales and appointments page.
- Fixed: miles/km unit type displayed the wrong type in booking summary as you navigated the wizard steps.
- Fixed: no more than 10 products were listed when selecting a woocommerce product in the services page.
- Fixed: woocommerce coupons were not reported in calendarista.
- Fixed: creating appointments from the backend did not include the routing cost when using departure/destination etc.
- Added: miles/km setting in places – general page.
- Improved: staff members page now fully ajax enabled, faster and less time wasted waiting for page reload.
- Improved: coupons page now has a search filter and is fully ajax enabled.
- Improved: error messages from payment processors such as stripe and 2checkout in case payment fails.
= 7.7 =
- Posted July 4, 2019
- Added: smtp settings for emails. this will ensure your mail does not end up in spam as this authenticates the plugin to send mail.
- Added: the cost of an optional extras can now multiply by selected day/timeslot and seats combined.
- Added: honeypot captcha to solve rather unusual edge cases.
- Added: guests are now included in csv export.
- Fixed: editing the cost of a guest item simply did nothing.
- Fixed: single checkbox and radio button items created by custom form builder threw an error when you had a single item not set through the content field.
- Fixed: regression bug. translations weren’t displayed after the first step.
- Fixed: inconsistent behavior with how cost is applied via availability when using the custom charge based on a determined number of days.
- Updated: documentation.
= 7.6.2 =
- Posted June 15, 2019
- Fixed: cost applied via season was not reflected in the appointment summary.
- Fixed: when adding other products in woocommerce that are not of type calendarista, product name was not showing.
- Fixed: some translations done via wpml or polylang never got translated due to early load and exit by our ajax engine.
- Fixed: Indian ruppes had the wrong currency symbol.
= 7.6 =
- Posted June 7, 2019
- Added: Native support for Google Calendar, two-way sync.
- Added: New option in places – aggregate cost page to allow excluding departure/destination combo.
- Fixed: timeslots not sorted in order when trying to take timeoff using the holidays page.
- Fixed: woocommerce integration used a deprecated function which caused checkout page to show a session expiry error.
- Fixed: regression bug in services – map page. selecting an availability took you away from the page.
- Fixed: bookings as long as a month or longer were not being shown in the appointments page nor reflected as booked in the front-end.
- Fixed: list of feeds on the feeds page had pager broken.
- Fixed: regression bug, a service mode with multi date and time range ignored seats more than 1. eg: 5 seats were treated as 1.
- Fixed: when using multiple services switcher, the package mode did not maintain the service list after a package was selected.
- Fixed: round trip mode booked all dates in between the departing and return dates. now only the start and end dates get booked.
- Fixed: round trip with time mode now does not allow booking a return trip on the same day if available slots are not continous.
- Fixed: minimum seats requirement was not applied across all service modes.
- Fixed: when using coupons, checkout with a payment operator excluded the tax value.
- Fixed: GDPR email did not have the correct sender name.
- Fixed: on some setups, when using multiple services, the first selected service was always shown in the default language resource.
- Fixed: multi date and time range service mode did not sync correctly when multiple availabilities were involved.
= 7.5 =
- Posted April 23, 2019
- Fixed: changeover mode with multiple seats didn’t allow rebooking check-in/check-out days, even though there were additional seats left.
- Fixed: season cost did not deduct from total when fixed cost was used.
- Added: new option in the feeds page to filter by appointment status.
= 7.4 =
- Posted April 18, 2019
- Fixed: updating an appointment from the back-end doubled the cost.
- Fixed: updating an appointment from the backend, when using a multi date range mode, the start date didn’t allow selection.
- Fixed: when switching availability while updating an appointment from the backend, the appointment was updated wrongly and reset the form fields as well.
- Fixed: appointment page, list view did not maintain search filter when paging.
- Fixed: optional extra, such as the ones in a dropdown list displayed cost after tax.
- Fixed: map with departure and destination did not show summary on the route step and several other inconsistencies solved.
- Fixed: optional item with zero cost was showing cost value in summary even when service mode had payments set to none.
- Added: kuwaiti dinar currency.
- Added: deposit label in woocommerce checkout/cart with balance required upon arrival.
- Added: new token appointment_management_url to add in new booking notification for admin/staff. if email template has not been modified, this is already included by default.
= 7.3 =
- Posted April 8, 2019
- Fixed: 24h format was being ignored.
- Fixed: appointments in the backend calendar spanned an extra cell.
- Fixed: ical feeds spanned an extra day and time was also ignored on some service modes.
- Stay tuned, this is an important but minor update. More updates in the works…
= 7.2 =
- Posted April 4, 2019
- Fixed: appointments listed in back-end are now listed by appointment date when a date search filter is applied.
- Fixed: regression bug, single day and time mode blocked available dates when one or more slots had no seats left.
- Stay tuned, this is an important but minor update. More updates in the works…
= 7.0 =
- Posted April 3, 2019
- Fixed: appointments in the back-end, displayed a link to the sales page even when appointment had payments disabled.
- Fixed: optional extras that had negative cost did not display cost in the booking summary.
- Fixed: single day and time range mode now considers cost by time range i.e. each slot cost will count towards the total amount.
- Fixed: single day/multi date and time range now allow booking the entire range of available slots.
- Fixed: single day/multi date and time range now correctly disallow slots if the range is not continous (previously fixed but had a bug).
- Fixed: round trip with time now does not allow booking the return date/time if it has run out of seats.
- Fixed: add to calendar discarded time when the service mode was multi date and time range.
- Added: date range filter in the back-end appointments page (list view).
- Stay tuned, more updates in the works…
= 6.9 =
- Posted March 24, 2019
- Improved: “multi date and time range” mode now does not allow over booking.
- Fixed: appointment time was wrong in the email notifications when setting a timezone in the availability.
- Fixed: time ignored in google add to calendar button, when appointment was for a single day/time.
- Fixed: regression bug with seats and timeslots. After last seat was booked, system did not block the slot from further booking.
- Added: option to send out an appointment cancelled notification to customer when deleting an unconfirmed booking.
- Stay tuned, more updates in the works…
= 6.8.2 =
- Posted March 12, 2019
- Fixed: regression, time format setting was not respected, hence if you tried to set a 24h format, this was ignored.
= 6.8.1 =
- Posted March 10, 2019
- Fixed: 6.8 had debug mode enabled in production code.
= 6.8 =
- Posted March 9, 2019
- Fixed: when using long names for week days, the days were always in english in the booking summary.
- Fixed: timezone solution was wrong when using timeslots with timezone enabled on availability.
- Fixed: single day and time (listbox multi selection) and single day and time range allowed booked a range even though slots in between were out of seats.
- Fixed: strings with quotes in them were displayed with a forward slash escape sequence.
- Fixed: the booking form in the front-end displays the wizard breadcrumb always now when in responsive mode. the toggle button has been removed.
- Fixed: staff member not able to setup holidays. The availability filter never loaded, now resolved.
- Added: min/max notice is now supported by service mode of type single day and time range.
- Added: new option in settings – general page to disable booking cancelled notifications sent to customer when staff cancel a booking.
- Fixed: the add to calendar links generated after a successful booking had the wrong time (was always an hour ahead depending on timezone).
- Stay tuned, more updates in the works…
= 6.7 =
- Posted March 4, 2019
- Fixed: regression bug, “services – style” page redirected away to a separate page when selecting advanced option.
- Added: Add to calendar links (ical, outlook and google) are now added to the booking success message.
- Added: Add to calendar links in email notification. Look for the tokens you can use in the email settings page itself.
- Stay tuned, more updates in the works…
= 6.6 =
- Posted February 28, 2019
- Added: Guests field, which can be used to create selection for an unlimited number of guest fields eg: children, people etc whose value can range based on selected seat value along with associated cost.
- Fixed: woocommerce cart allowed changing quantity when group booking is enabled in calendarista with seat selection of value 1.
- Fixed: when navigating the front-end wizard, scroll position is now maintained towards the start of the form.
- Fixed: group booking selection is now maintained when moving backward in the booking form.
- Fixed: email settings page reset button is now enabled only if a template has saved changes.
- Fixed: front-end calendar would reset after navigating using the calendar next/previous buttons, which resulted in making unavailable dates bookable.
- Fixed: availability start and terminate time is now in 24 hour format.
- Fixed: export to csv date selection now correctly allows selecting a date range in the past.
- Added: export to csv now has a filter for appointment status and includes a status column in the generated csv file.
= 6.5 =
- Posted January 28, 2019
- Fixed: pricing scheme in the availability page listed all schemes, including also those in seasons.
- Fixed: sales page wasn’t showing the correct payment date.
- Fixed: in multi date and time range mode, when selecting the end date, the start time was reset. this is bad ux, fixed.
- Fixed: predefined departure and destination lists now maintain the selected value instead of using the original latlng address.
- Fixed: subtotal now includes optional extras.
- Fixed: admin was not receiving the booking cancelled notification.
- Added: appointment page in backend now has a listview.
- Added: new autogen feature for pricing scheme in case you wanted to apply the same cost to a range of days.
- Added: payment_date token to email templates. check the tokens section under settings – emails page.
= 6.4 =
- Posted January 4, 2019
- Fixed: when no timeslots are available or time off is taken, that particular date remains disabled in the front-end.
- Fixed: time range inconsistencies, mainly what 6.3 did not solve.
= 6.3 =
- Posted December 30, 2018
- Fixed: time range on the start time was missing a slot even when the date range wasn’t on the same day.
- Fixed: some themes override the plugins css, so tried to override and enforce our rules.
= 6.2 =
- Posted December 23, 2018
- Fixed: regression bug, pricing scheme was not applied if a season was not used.
= 6.1 =
- Posted December 22, 2018
- Merry christmas to you all. Thanks so much for supporting our efforts!
- Fixed: pricing schemes across seasons now applies cost correctly.
= 6.0 =
- Posted December 21, 2018
- Fixed: when using multi date and time range where one or more days fell within a new season, only the previous season was taken into account.
- Fixed: when making payment with woocommerce, pricing scheme cost value was not reflected in the order after sales.
- Fixed: multi date and time range service mode appointments in the sales page was showing without the associated cost.
- Fixed: single day and time range allowed selecting the same from/to time.
= 5.9 =
- Posted December 19, 2018
- Fixed: regression bug, add waypoints button on some systems failed.
- Added: new token in emails to display the total amount paid: total_amount_paid
= 5.8 =
- Posted December 15, 2018
- Fixed: sales page date filter now produces the desired results.
- Fixed: optional extras to be multiplied per day was broken.
= 5.7 =
- Posted December 11, 2018
- Added: woocommerce thumbnail in cart.
- Added: woocommerce group booking now reflects in quantity.
- Added: woocommerce return to book more takes into account inventory.
- Added: default value for billing information country field, can now be set in the settings – payments page.
- Added: new action with a single argument. Usage: add_action(‘calendarista_checkout_step’, ‘on_checkout_step_load’, 1, 1);
- Added: front-end calendar disables days for which timeslots are unavailable.
- Added: an availability calendar is not displayed in the front-end if there are no appointments left.
- Fixed: credit card fields placeholders were missing translation.
- Fixed: optional item quantity now correctly shows out of stock when running out of quantity.
- Fixed: multi date range with time, the end timeslots now incudes all slots defined if start and end date arent the same.
- Fixed: creating custom charge by percentage was calculated wrong.
- Fixed: updating an appointment in back-end that had a discount coupon applied produced wrong total amount.
- Fixed: fixed deposit amount greater than the cost will be ignored now.
- Fixed: tax is now applied to both the remaining balance and upfront deposit.
- Fixed: total_cost_value token now outputs the entire cost of the appointment when using deposits. previously, this output the deposit amount.
- Fixed: some themes conflicted with credit card payment panels, which never showed when selecting a payment mode. bootstrap collapse script is now prefixed.
- Fixed: a subtotal of $0.00 was displayed in the booking summary, even though there is no cost set. correct behavior is to not show it at all.
- Fixed: multi date range and time mode now syncronizes appointments between availabilities correctly.
- Fixed: woocommerce item cleared from cart unexpectedly.
- Fixed: when timezone is enabled, the appointment summary wasn’t showing the correct time.
- Fixed: time range bookings now reset the summary after a date selection, where time is not yet selected.
- Fixed: stronger support for special characters such as german umlauts in email sender name, subject and set explicit utf-8 encoding to the content.
= 5.6 =
- Posted November 14, 2018
- Fixed: the new feature pricing scheme had the seasonId column missing.
= 5.5 =
- Posted November 13, 2018
- Fixed: removed debug mode, shouldn’t have been in release.
= 5.4 =
- Posted November 13, 2018
- Fixed: when duplicating a service, timeslots were not duplicated.
- Fixed: autogenerating timeslots didn’t always produce the expected results.
- Fixed: coupon status showed unused when already claimed.
- Fixed: coupon discounted total amount was not showing in emails and sales.
- Fixed: setting seats caused issues with the seat miniumum value.
- Improved: woocommerce display of product information in order review and cart.
- Added: New feature, pricing scheme, where you can set custom cost by number of days being booked.
- Added: New feature for multi date and time range, where time can be made figurative (simbolic). Useful for parking space or tent rentals etc.
- Added: New feature, custom confirmation page is now supported. Option can be found in the settings page.
- Added: New feature, adding up optional cost by each timeslot select or slots in a time range are now supported.
- Added: New feature, email notification to alert admin of cancelled bookings. Needs to be enabled in settings page.
= 5.3 =
- Posted October 17, 2018
- Fixed: coupon discount applied to total summary but not applied during payment.
- Fixed: optional extra cost was doubled when return wasn’t selected.
- Fixed: season cost did not apply to round trip mode.
- Fixed: calendarista woocommerce product type is now virtual, eliminating shipping information.
- Fixed: billing info was not saving the details for return customers.
- Fixed: inclusive tax mode was applying tax to the total.
- Improved: next/previous month nav button in calendar does not allow sporadic clicking.
= 5.2 =
- Posted October 5, 2018
- Fixed: maps autocomplete filter was only returning geocoding results, and excluding business results.
- Fixed: setup with multiple services and multiple availabilities, switching availability caused service selection to disappear.
- Fixed: regression bug concerning seats and timeslots. You weren’t able to book more than 2 seats.
- Fixed: on slow latency network, customers were able to move forward in the wizard before the timeslots loaded.
- Improved: background ajax requests speed in the wizard front-end when selecting dates/timeslots etc.
= 5.1 =
- Posted October 3, 2018
- Fixed: appointments that had waypoints weren’t showing in the appointments calendar.
- Fixed: some parts of the app broke when using special characters such as ø, ä etc.
= 5.0 =
- Posted September 24, 2018
- Improved: optional extras min requirement and required restrictions are strict now.
- Fixed: with multiple staff members setup, all staff members were emailed.
- Fixed: service provider name in the staff member email was the admin user instead of the staff member name.
= 4.9 =
- Posted September 12, 2018
- Added: Staff members can now create new appointments from the backend.
- Fixed: Staff member wasn’t receiving email.
- Fixed: minimum seats wasn’t deducted from the pool of available seats if group booking wasn’t enabled.
- Fixed: regression bug with timeslots, range timeslots etc and seats.
= 4.8 =
- Posted September 9, 2018
- Added: Seats restriction (Minimum seats) to time slot based bookings.
- Added: Seasons now include a bulk delete option.
- Added: Seasons now allows you to target specific days of the week within range.
- Fixed: Timezone wouldn’t allow you to set it to none if you had a timezone set wordpress setting page.
- Fixed: Single day and time range mode was a slot behind after booking with seats enabled.
- Fixed: Checkout with creditcard shrunk the cc related fields in responsive mode.
- Fixed: Waypoints were missing in booking summary.
- Improved: PHP 5.2 compatibility.
- Improved: Custom form field plain text had a 256 character limit. Now unlimited.
= 4.7 =
- Posted August 15, 2018
- Fixed: Regression bug, last update broke timeslot seats.
- Fixed: Improved service synchronization.
= 4.6 =
- Posted August 15, 2018
- Added: service availabilities can be synced with one another. When enabled, booking on one availability wont allow booking the same date on another.
- Added: description field in availability. Now a selected availability will show description in the wizard if active.
- Added: minimum seats requirement implemented.
- Added: approved, pending approval and cancelled legend in the backend appointments calendar.
- Added: # of nights stay label to booking summary via new token: #if_has_nights/if_has_nights and nights_label
- Added: new map link token you can add to email notifications #if_has_map_link/if_has_map_link and map_link
- Added: new tax amount token you can add to booking summary: tax_amount
- Fixed: miscellaneous fixes to changeover mode for correct behavior (cost calculation). you may not notice this change.
- Fixed: you can no longer checkin and checkout on the same day for changeover mode.
- Fixed: Staff members were limited to a single staff member per availability.
- Fixed: Multi date range with time was one slot behind, in short there was a slot missing.
- Fixed: min/max days validation in back-end availability page.
= 4.5 =
- Posted July 20, 2018
- Fixed: changeover days regression bug. The seats were not getting applied.
- Fixed: spanish translation.
= 4.4 =
- Posted July 19, 2018
- Added: extended seats support to “multi date range”, “multi date and time range” and “changeover” mode.
- Added: extended season support to “multi date and time range” and “round trip with time” mode.
- Added: extended turnover days (prep time) and min/max notice to all modes excluding package and padding.
- Added: user submitted spanish translation. Many thanks to Juanjo.
- Fixed: custom form fields separator and placeholder weren’t updating.
- Fixed: sales page details view, couldn’t delete an appointment in firefox.
- Fixed: booking received success email worded incorrectly.
- Fixed: places page, disabling destination wasn’t getting saved.
- Fixed: if a only a check-in or only a check-out date fell within a season then cost was wrong (affects changeover mode).
- Fixed: feeds with timeslots that didn’t match the source exactly were not accounted for.
- Fixed: staff members couldn’t be created on a service of type package.
- Fixed: when applying coupons in the checkout step, name and email were not showing in the summary.
= 4.3 =
- Posted July 3, 2018
- Fixed: syncing google calendar feed with plugin had the wrong time.
- Fixed: syncing google calendar feed with plugin did not disable the time if the appointment was booked in gcal.
= 4.2 =
- Posted June 29, 2018
- Fixed: regression bug introduced in 4.1. optional fields in round trips not working.
- Fixed: distance duration was off in the notification emails, if the travel distance was greater than 16mins.
- Fixed: optional extra negative cost wasn’t working.
- Fixed: when resetting availability map, nothing happened.
= 4.1 =
- Posted June 29, 2018
- Added: GDPR compliance.
- a) A new GDPR page in settings.
- b) A gdpr notification email is sent to the customer containing a link which allows:
- b.1) Downloading appointments in csv format.
- b.2) Request data deletion.
- c) Admin receives the request and complies with the request.
- Added: book unlimited times option to the changeover mode
- (Attention: Ensure you have checked the new option “Book once” in “services – availability” page for default behavior after this update)
- Added: new option in settings – payments page to set currency symbol placement (automatic or manually set left or right to currency value).
- Fixed: site name used in email footer if it had quotes, these were converted to the html character code.
- Fixed: when there is no availability, you could still navigate between steps in the wizard.
- Fixed: coupons emailed had no sender name and address.
- Fixed: csv export mismatched columns for custom form fields and optional extras etc.
- Fixed: time was incorrect when syncing ical feed with an external calendar.
- Fixed: only the first terms and conditions worked when adding multiple terms via the custom form fields.
- Fixed: map travel distance defaulted to miles in email notifications even though the unit type was set to km.
= 4.0 =
- Posted June 8, 2018
- Fixed: services – map page miscellaneous bug fixes.
- Fixed: emails had the default background color of white by default.
= 3.9 =
- Posted June 6, 2018
- Added: new phone number field in custom form builder (by country, supports masks and number validation).
- Added: new tokens for emails tax, tax_rate, deposit, deposit_amount and balance_amount with respective control statements.
- Fixed: sales page in back-end datepicker erratic when clearing dates.
- Fixed: regression bug; the map section in the services page did not allow setting a map when an availability was selected.
- Fixed: regression bug; the styles section in the services page did not allow selecting the advanced option.
- Fixed: auto confirm only after payment now works as intended.
- Fixed: multi date range with time was missing time in notification emails.
- Fixed: single date and time range had an anomaly where timeslots weren’t reset to a fresh state when changing date.
- Fixed: resending email reminders was broken.
= 3.8 =
- Posted May 24, 2018
- Added: seasons support. Applies to service modes that do not include timeslots.
- Added: customer_email token to emails
- Improved: Days with timeslots are now unavailable in the calendar if all timeslots are set as timeoff via holidays.
- Improved: CSV data exported is now organized better with all fields within their respective columns.
- Improved: datepicker on sales page now has a clear button to clear the date fields and a search by name filter.
- Fixed: email header and background color setting did not apply even if you changed this in the email settings.
- Fixed: date formats weren’t respected correctly and missing zero padding when necessary.
- Fixed: when confirming payment in backend, the appointment wasn’t automatically approved.
- Fixed: regex field found in the custom form builder did not work.
- Fixed: the end date was blocked from booking if it was a changeover day (affects multi day changover mode only).
- Fixed: when stripe or twocheckout are the only payment operators, the creditcard payment form did not display.
- Fixed: autogenerated timeslots choked in frontend if you had an exotic timeformat set in wordpress general settings.
- Fixed: exported feeds spanning multiple days were always one day short when exporting to google calendar.
- Fixed: check-in/check-out on sunday was ignored and miscellaneous bugs that affected changeover days.
- Fixed: changeover days that included check-in/check-out on the same day is miscalculated.
- Fixed: changeover days mode allowed selecting a range when the range consisted of changeover days.
= 3.7 =
- Posted May 12, 2018
- Fixed: regression bug, checkout with woocommerce was broken.
= 3.6 =
- Posted May 11, 2018
- Fixed: coupon with fixed discount were restricted to the value 100.
- Fixed: generated iCAL feeds did not conform to the structure google calendar was expecting, now rewritten.
- Fixed: if you had stripe or 2twocheckout payments disabled, the relating clientscripts will still inserted in the page.
- Fixed: when creating a new appointment from the backend appointments page, sometimes the navigation buttons did nothing when clicked.
- Added: new delete all option for feeds that will delete all synced data along with the feed being deleted.
= 3.5 =
- Posted May 5, 2018
- Added: feeds synchronization timeout now can be controlled from feeds page.
- Added: inclusive tax which will show on individual costs such as optional extras if enabled in the settings.
- Fixed: checkbox list and radio button list did not display the label field.
- Fixed: textbox and textarea showed their label in the booking summary when empty.
- Fixed: dynamic strings were not being registered in polylang for translation.
- Fixed: feeds synchronization, changeover days and date ranges did not block out dates between range.
- Fixed: removed payment_url token from payment required email template, it was a dummy token added by mistake.
- Fixed: creating an appointment of type package in the back-end showed nav button and book now button and payment options.
- Fixed: cost summary showing wrong totals when validating coupon code.
= 3.4 =
- Posted April 26, 2018
- Fixed: when multi timeslot selection is enabled, and a single timeslot remains, it is treated as if empty.
- Fixed: regression bug, broke auto updates. If you installed 3.3 then please install 3.4 manually by downloading it again from codecanyon to fix, sorry
= 3.3 =
- Posted April 26, 2018
- Improved: speed optimization for the custom css handler, 80% faster
- Fixed: regression bug. polylang and wpml translations didn’t translate custom form fields and booking summary.
- Fixed: custom form fields missing from booking summary in checkout step.
= 3.2 =
- Posted April 17, 2018
- Fixed: typo causing failure on environments with strict error_reporting
= 3.1 =
- Posted April 16, 2018
- Fixed: coupon validation failed when using a coupon with a minimum order amount restriction.
- Fixed: regular coupon did not expire after single use.
- Fixed: coupon discount wasn’t displayed when viewing booked appointments in the backend.
- Added: now you can set a custom invoice prefix from the settings page.
= 3.0 =
- Posted April 14, 2018
- Fixed: Regression bug. When trying to edit an appointment from the appointments page, nothing happened.
- Added: Availability name can now be inserted in frontend summary and email notifications using the availability_name token.
= 2.9 =
- Posted April 12, 2018
- Fixed: when login or registration is required, plugin choked and wouldnt go past the details step.
- Fixed: when logging in instead of registering, plugin choked and wouldnt go past the details step.
= 2.8 =
- Posted April 11, 2018
- Fixed: woocommerce was still failing on some systems, reworked code to cope.
= 2.7 =
- Posted April 11, 2018
- Fixed: Regression bug (confirming, cancelling and deleting appointment in backend wasn’t working).
- Fixed: Regression bug (woocommerce enabled booking didn’t get past the details step, when making a booking).
= 2.6 =
- Posted April 10, 2018
- Improved: General overall speed and faster ajax execution times, more than 80% faster now.
- Added: Export to CSV.
- Added: Appointment cancel policy and improved the cancellation page.
- Added: Custom form fields are now included in booking summary and back-end appointments view. Reset the style and save it again to make use of this change.
- Fixed: Typo in booking reminder email.
- Fixed: When cloning a service, the optionals didn’t get cloned.
- Fixed: Changeover days didn’t show correct cost when booking was viewed from the backend appointment page.
- Fixed: Changeover days cost was incorrect when using optionals with multiply value per day selected.
= 2.5 =
- Posted March 28, 2018
- Fixed: Optional extras were not included in discounts and deposits.
- Fixed: When the only payment operator was paypal, we still displayed address fields for credit card fraud protection (Paypal does not require this).
- Fixed: Regression bug involving timeslots did not allow unlimited bookings if seats weren’t set.
- Fixed: Regression bug involving timeslot paddings did not pad at all.
- Fixed: Selecting a single payment operator with online & offline mode resulted with not being able to select an operator in the front-end.
= 2.4 =
- Posted March 25, 2018
- Fixed: Regression bug in multi days with changeover mode. Booked dates remained available for booking.
- Fixed: Timezone off by 1 hour when setting timezone in availability.
- Fixed: Currency symbols showed html code in emails instead of symbol.
- Fixed: Optional extras were missing line breaks in emails.
- Added: You can delete synced bookings in the appointments page and new filter to toggle synced bookings.
- Improved: Cancelled and synced bookings now are denoted in red and gray respectively in the appointments page.
- Improved: Appointments are now clearer to see in the back-end and include a read only view in addition to previous edit mode.
- Improved: Sales page now shows the appointment details.
- Improved: Steps navbar responsiveness.
= 2.3 =
- Posted March 17, 2018
- Nail biting moment. Here comes another update…
- Added: New cost setting in places. Now you can set a fixed cost that will be calculated per km/mile.
- Fixed: Date and time format in general settings are now respected in email notifications.
- Fixed: Dropdown list options created using the custom form builder are now translatable.
- Fixed: When a time slot is booked, a seat was deducted from all days of that particular week.
- Fixed: Removed booked seats field from the time slots page. These didn’t make sense after the above fix.
- Fixed: Group booking didn’t show the seats selection when moving backwards in the wizard.
- Improved: General padding and margins between fields when using custom form fields and optionals.
- Improved: Removed bootstrap javascript includes. Less conflicts, lighter pages. Win win.
= 2.2 =
- Posted March 12, 2018
- You’ve got to calm down to get more done. Think zen…
- Added: Support for Polylang.
- Added: An availability with return but where no explicit return cost is set, will have the base cost doubled.
- Added: Optional extras have new option to allow doubling the cost if return date is selected.
- Added: Now maps also include distance duration.
- Added: Optional extra cost now supports negative values.
- Added: Terms and conditions field to the custom form fields builder.
- Added: Italian and German translation.
- Improved: Optionals in booking summary now includes the cost. Reset “services – style” page for this change.
- Improved: Wizard breadcrumbs are now responsive. Only step numbers show on smaller screens.
- Improved: Steps now have a circled number indicator and removed the background strip surrounding the steps.
- Improved: Removed default selection from optional extra dropdown list. This was redundant.
- Improved: Removed auto scroll which was activated when navigating steps.
- Improved: Appointments displayed in calendar now use customer name in heading instead of availability name.
- Fixed: Translated text now strips slashes correctly.
- Fixed: Email notifications did not include distance unit.
- Fixed: Custom form field of type textarea now takes up it’s own row and aligns with the rest of the form.
- Fixed: shortcode content always appeared above any other content in the page.
= 2.0, 2.1 =
- Posted March 3, 2018
- It’s to make it easy to master the art of booking with Calendarista…
- Regression bug fix, selecting a day did not produce timeslots (2.1).
- Improved: Now selecting an availability or package will load all properties of the selected package or availability(2.0).
- Fixed: Creating manual individual day based timeslots did not work(2.0).
- Fixed: In enviornments with PHP E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE enabled, you’d get warnings and notices(2.0).
- Improved: Staff member page and coupons page. Tweaked the ajax and spinners to show proper progress indication(2.0).
= 1.9 =
- Posted February 28, 2018
- Just push your boundaries and #DontCrackUnderPressure.
- Fixed: Editing a booking of certain booking mode types in the appointments page failed.
- Fixed: When editing appointments changing steps caused the window to scroll up, quite annoying.
- Fixed: Unavailable days in booking calendar was too faded and day numbers weren’t too visible.
- Fixed: Couldn’t set a price when creating a regular woocommerce product.
- Fixed: Time based bookings in the appointments page showed a unix format instead of readable date format.
- Fixed: General settings checkboxes were always defaulting to false.
- Improved: now dates retrieved in wordpress localized format.
- Improved: woocommerce product now shows optional extras.
- Improved: woocommerce booking label shown on the product now has no underscore and applied proper casing.
- Added: single day and time mode now has a minimum timeslot fixed price charge.
= 1.8 =
- Posted February 25, 2018
- We’re allowed to fail a bit…it’s only through failure that you get success.
- Fixed: Payment operators did not work in Firefox.
- Fixed: The total amount was truncated at the thousand separator for values over a 1,000.
- Fixed: Optional extras did not save the multiply settings and always defaulted to none (back-end).
- Fixed: Map option in services and places page did not save the map settings and initial location (back-end).
- Fixed: Map in front-end was missing margins to keep it aligned with the rest of the form.
- Fixed: Updating a general setting caused the assets settings to reset.
- Enhanced: Slight improvements to the sales page and editing bookings (back-end).
- Enhanced: Improved the places page. Now associating a map to a service is much more intuitive (back-end).
= 1.7 =
- Posted February 20, 2018
- That’s how we start the week around here, push and push until we’re fairly tired…
- Added: An end time to auto generate timeslots.
- Enhanced: CreatingDeleting/Duplicating projects is cleaner.
- Fixed: Timeslot range selector in front-end now works correctly. previously it didn’t allow selecting the last slot.
- Fixed: Timeslot range selector treated a time range as two separate slots, resulting in cost miscalculating.
- Fixed: Entering a feeds url in the “settings – feeds” page, caused url validation to fail.
- Fixed: Not setting cost on availability but instead depending on cost in optional extras didn’t trigger payment operators during checkout.
- Fixed: Got a 500 error after installing Calendarista? Your PHP is old, update it. Still made the effort to replace code that wasn’t php 5.3 compatible
= 1.6 =
- Posted February 17, 2018
- Need more sleep…
- Added: support for Elementor. You can now preview the plugin inside the elementor editor using their shortcode-widget.
- Added: seats and group booking to Single day and time range, round trip, while seats support only added to round trip with time.
- Fixed: create time slots dialog in “services – timeslots” page had a regression bug.
- Fixed: removed a debug statement showing after checkout, a regression bug during.
- Fixed: round trips are not date ranges but were treated as such in the appointment calendar (backend).
= 1.5 =
- Posted February 16, 2018
- The stuff of nightmares…
- Fixed: when group booking (multiple seats), these were getting registered as single seats.
- Fixed: previous update 1.3 introduced a regression bug and broke appointment editing.
= 1.4, 1.3 =
- Posted February 16, 2018
- Light, delicious, bug free. Now with 0% added BS…
- Fixed: Payment operators weren’t popping up during checkout. This is a regression bug (introduced while implementing woocommerce).
- Things are heating up, watch out…
- Added: validation against cheaters who hit browser refresh after making a booking. BAM! Gotcha!
- Fixed: corrected half days mode calendar and some peculiarity with calendar legend.
- Fixed: corrected multi date range calendar and apparently dates were disabled even though booking was unlimited.
- Fixed: rightclick context menu on Google maps was broken, Google changed a few things, we adapted.
- Changed: calendar loads available days through ajax requests in a more concise way now.
- Changed: improved the calendar general aesthetics slightly with rounded corners and a more fitting size.
- Changed: when only a single seat is left, we don’t publicize this any longer. Customer just sees a time slot or day is available for booking.
= 1.2 =
- Posted February 14, 2018
- Fall back in love with booking…
- Added: Small improvements to how we push updates. You can now reset your license.
- Fixed: Unexpected behavior when using round trip modes which was expecting a full date range of available days.
- Fixed: Corrected timeslots ordering lost because it depended on user db collation. Now performing explicit ordering.
- Fixed: Several issues relating to single day and time range mode. Now it works correctly.
- Fixed: Corrected appointments in the backend calendar view that spanned an extra day.
- Fixed: Corrected seats functionality when using time slots to deduct a seat. Previously nothing happened, a regression bug of sorts.
- Changed: when a booking is made, we now show invoice details along with a fresh booking form ready for another booking.
= 1.1 =
- Posted February 12, 2018
- The only way to be the best is to keep working like you got nothing…
- Added: WooCommerce support.
- Fixed: preserved services sort order in the services page (plugin backend) during an edit.
- Fixed: generating timeslots by weekday works correctly now. previously timeslots were doubled.
- Updated: The plugins icon logo in dashboard menu. Uses a font now and blends in with the rest of the WordPress icons.