Get IMABuildeRz v3 – Universal AppBuilder for Ionic v4 Download

IMABuildeRz v3 is the successor of IMABuilderz v1, but this is different from the previous version, ionic 4/5 (angular8) uses the typescript and scss programming language, in other words using modern programming. Please read the difference and and expertise needed: here
Latest Version: rev20.02.06, All imabuilder v3 users please use the latest version.
IMABuildeRz v3 is a web-tool (not SaaS/only for personal) to generate Ionic Framework v4/Latest (angular8/latest) code for apps, you can create no-limit app and backend. By using the Add-ons feature allows you to create apps with/without coding skill. The generated code is a source code that can be edited again such as HTML, Typescript, SCSS, PHP and MySQL.
So this is not a template, not an app based on a template (not like appBuilder generally), this is a code maker, code maker based on your instructions and based on your identity.
- Auto/Manual Coding, You can create an apps with/without coding skills
- Unlimited App, You can make apps
without limits - 100% White label, You can sell apps that
you have created - Editable Code, You will easily edit by using Comments or TODO
- BackEnd Generator, You can ceate Own WordPress Plugin, Own Private CMS for Your App
Auto Coding Features
- (IMAB) PHP Native Generator, Eazy create your own php and sql codes for a backend website for your apps
- (IMAB) WP Plugin Generator, Eazy create own wordpress plugin for a backend website for your apps
- (IMAB) JSON Editor, Create, edit, or delete an item from JSON file
- (IMAB) Icon Generator, Eazy create your own php and sql codes for a backend website for your apps
- (IMAB) Add-Ons Developer, This tool for developer, discover new business opportunities of IMABuildeRz Add-on market
Add-Ons, Addons are additional features, here are some bonus/free addons from us:
- About Us, Create a About Us page quickly and easily
- Admob Free, A free, no ad-sharing version of Google AdMob plugin for Cordova
- App Update, Generate code for compare the app version and update it automatically if the API has a newer version to install
- App Version, Generate page code for reads the version of your app from the target build settings
- Data Merger for JSON Scraping, Make a home page by the way merge datas taken from JSON Scraping, You can create some elements such as slider, thumbnail or item list
- Deeplinks, This plugin handles deeplinks on iOS and Android for both custom URL scheme links and Universal App Links
- Embed with iFrame, Generate page code for for embedding other web pages
- Form Builder, Eazy way to create a form request
- JSON Scraping, Scraping Data from REST-API / JSON
- JSON Scraping for Single Data, Retrieving data from a single data
- JWT Auth, JSON Web Token Authentication for WordPress and Other
- No Network, Whether the device has an internet connection
- OneSignal Push, To make code for OneSignal Push Notification plugin
- Radio Player, Make a page for a simple radio player support Icecast and SHOUTcast Server
- Shake, Generate code for detect when a physical device performs a shake gesture and do some action, used for surprise discounts or so on
- Step Wizard Slider, Create a page wizard for usage instructions, the data used is local data (offline)
- Wordpress, Create automatic code for wordpress, this will affect all settings and each category will be created as a menu
- WordPress Media, Easy way to make a slider page used to fetching media on your WordPress,
- WordPress Page, Easy way to make the code used to fetching a page on your WordPress, usually to create a page like privacy etc
- WordPress Post, Easy way to make the code used to fetching posts on your WordPress. The posts are taken on a category, this is usually used for news portals
- WordPress User, Easy way to make the code used to fetching users on your WordPress
Attribute Directives
- appBrowser, Open with App Browser (Built-In Browser)
- appWebview, Open with Webview
- callApp, Open with dial App
- facebookApp, Open with Facebook App
- geoApp, Open with GEO App
- googlePlayApp, Open with Google Play Store App
- lineApp, Open with Line App
- mailApp, Open with Email App
- smsApp, Open with SMS App
- systemBrowser, Open with system browser (External)
- twitterApp, Open with Twitter App
- whatsappApp, Open with Whatsapp App
Additional Directives
- Barcode Scanner, This directive is to add a barcode scanner menu on the menu and page
- Share Via Instagram, Share a photo with the instagram app
- Pay With PayPal, This directive is to create a button for pay with paypal
- Streaming Media, This directive is to stream audio and video in a fullscreen, native player on iOS and Android
- Text To Speech, This directive is to create a spoken version of the text
- Play With Youtube App, This directive is to create play YouTube videos in Native YouTube App
- objectLength, Get the object length
- phpTime, Used to change the php format timestamp to JavaScript format
- readMore, Split text and give a trail
- stripTags, Used to strip HTML tags from a string
- trustResourceUrl, sanitizing Resource URL
- trustUrl, sanitizing URL
Base requirements
- nodeJS and Ionic
- Apache Server (XAMPP, WAMP or MAMP)
- PHP >= 5.5.6 or latest support: zlib Extension, ZipArchive Class and PHP-GD
- Zip Software
- Disk free space >= 1000mb
Feature specific requirements
- nodeJS and Ionic
- Apache Server (XAMPP, WAMP or MAMP)
- PHP >= 5.5.6 or latest support: zlib Extension, ZipArchive Class and PHP-GD
- Zip Software
- Disk free space >= 1000mb
- AndroidSDK/XCODE
- Adobe Photoshop/GIMP
Change Log
IMABuildeRz v3 = Rev20.01.06 - New features: (IMAB) Add-ons -> Deeplinks - New features: (IMAB) Add-ons -> JSON Scraping for Single Data - Improved: (IMAB) PHP Native Generator, Support JWT Auth = Rev19.10.14 - Improved: Add transparent color - Improved: REST-API support HTTP/HTTPS - Improved: Barcode Scanner compatibility - Improved: Ionic CSS attributes (deprecated) - Improved: (IMAB) Apps -> Add Back Button Option - Improved: (IMAB) PHP Native Generator - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> JSON Scraping -> Support Auth Basic and JWT Auth = Rev19.09.16 - New features: (IMAB) Add-ons -> No Network - New features: (IMAB) Helper Tools -> Export / Import (Beta Testing) - Improved: Angular Locale (Beta Testing) - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> JWT Auth - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> JSON Scraping - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> App Update - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> AdmobFree - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> Embed with iFrame - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> JWT Auth = Rev19.08.19 - Improved: Color Picker - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> AdmobFree - Improved: (IMAB) Page -> Back Button Option - Improved: (IMAB) Page -> Search Option - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> JWT Auth (Beta Testing) = Rev19.08.12 - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> Data Merger for JSON Scraping - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> JSON Scraping - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> AdmobFree - Improved: (IMAB) PHP Native Generator - Improved: (IMAB) Back-End Configuration -> Image Featured, Thumbnail and File Upload - New features: (IMAB) Add-ons -> Form Builder -> File Upload - New features: (IMAB) Add-ons -> Embed with iFrame - New features: (IMAB) Add-ons -> JWT Auth (Beta Testing) - New features: (IMAB) Themes -> New Color - New features: (IMAB) Menus -> Color Background - New features: (IMAB) Menus -> Image Background - New features: (IMAB) Menus -> Lines of Items = Rev19.08.05 - Improved: File Browser (elfinder 2.1.44) - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> JSON Scraping (angular8 compatibility) - Improved: (IMAB) PHP Native Generator = Rev19.07.29 - New features: (IMAB) PHP Native Generator -> OneSignal Sender - New features: (IMAB) Icon Generator - New features: (IMAB) Directives -> Additional -> YouTube App - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> Tab Bar Button - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> App Update - Improved: (IMAB) Menus -> YouTube App - Improved: (IMAB) Menus -> Streaming Media - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> JSON Scraping -> YouTube App = Rev19.07.15 - New features: (IMAB) Apps -> Ionic Storage Option - New features: (IMAB) Add-ons -> Shake, Generate code for a shake gesture menu - New features: (IMAB) Add-ons -> App Update, Generate code for automatic updates - New features: (IMAB) Add-ons -> App Version, Generate code for reads the version - New features: (IMAB) WP Plugin Generator -> Submit/Reguest POST/GET Method - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> JSON Scraping -> add Ionic Native Insomnia (Prevent the screen of the mobile device from falling asleep) - Improved: (IMAB) Popover = Rev19.07.01 - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> About Us - Improved: (IMAB) Emulator Preview - Improved: Setup = Rev19.06.03 - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> JSON Scraping - New features: (IMAB) Add-ons -> Tab Bar Button - New features: (IMAB) PHP Native Generator -> Submit/Reguest POST/GET Method = Rev19.05.28 - New features: (IMAB) Add-ons -> Form Builder - Improved: (IMAB) Themes - New features: (IMAB) Add-ons -> Data Merger for JSON Scraping = Rev19.05.13 - New features: (IMAB) Page -> Layout Type -> Search Bar + Barcode Scanner - New features: (IMAB) Directives -> Additional -> Barcode Scanner - New features: (IMAB) Directives -> Additional -> Streaming Media - New features: (IMAB) Directives -> Additional -> Text To Speech - New features: (IMAB) Directives -> Additional -> Paypal - New features: (IMAB) Directives -> Additional -> Share Via Instagram = Rev19.04.29 - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> About Us - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> OneSignal Push - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> Wordpress - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> WordPress Page - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> WordPress Posts - Improved: (IMAB) Add-ons -> WordPress User - New features: (IMAB) Add-ons -> Radio Player - Improved: All Add-ons = Rev19.04.22 - New features: (IMAB) Add-ons -> Admob Free Add-ons - New features: (IMAB) Menus -> Header -> Expanded Header - Improved: Ionic Production - Improved: (IMAB) Compiler - Improved: (IMAB) Native = Rev19.04.15 - New features: WordPress Add-ons - New features: Popover Component - New features: (IMAB) Pages ->Corner Button - Improved: All Add-ons = Rev19.04.09 - Improved: (IMAB) Pages -> Background Color, Custom Color, Background Image - Improved: Compatibility with Linux and OSX = Rev19.04.08 - New features: Services Menu - New features: Directives Menu - New features: JSON Editor - Improved: (IMAB) Apps -> StatusBar Style - Improved: (IMAB) Pages -> Content -> Styles, Script, WYSIWYG Editor, Modules and History, Clean History - Improved: (IMAB) Menus -> Menu Position, Menu Type and Header Color - Improved: (IMAB) Add-Ons -> Screenshoot Button - Improved: (IMAB) Themes -> More Color Variables IMABuildeRz v2 - imabuilder v2 was changed to imabuilder v3 (ionic4 support)