Get Vibrant Laravel Component Manager with Code Builder & Express CRUD Download

Code less. Enjoy more. Get the work done faster.
Vibrant Components is a Laravel package that will save you tons of work by providing a reliable set of well-coded, ready-to-use tools for some of the most common and time-consuming tasks when developing web applications.
Whether you work alone or in a team, our Component Manager will make your components reuse process fun and fast! This awesome tool will show all the parameters accepted by a component, allowing the user to change its values and see the result in real time. With Vibrant’s CM you can:
- Add any component just with comments tags. No code, no db, no trouble!
- Make your component interactive through parameter inputs such as text, textarea, select, color or switch
- Preview panel: Update and see the result in real time
- Code builder: Just copy and paste the code, from our oven to your project.
- List all your components, grouped by types
- Search for any component in real time
- You can share a direct access to a component, the manager will open showing that specific item
- Enjoy a clean and responsive UI made in Vuejs, with access to the source code
See CM demo here
Focus on what really matters and let our VibFrom component deal with the rest. Create parameter-based forms in no time, all you need included. Take a look at the key features:
- Inputs supported:
– Text, Email, Url & Password (with option to show/hide input)
– Textarea
– Select & Multi-select
– Checkbox, Switch & Radio choice
– Rage
– Datepicker
– Hidden - Built-in validation:
– Client side (Bootstrap built-in, HTML5 or Custom)
– Server side using Laravel validation rules - Submit the form synchronously or asynchronously (Ajax)
- Supports GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE methods
- Flexible layout: stacked or inline, one or many inputs per row
- And many more!
See vibForm demo here
We know that creating a data table that actually works could be a headache. That’s why we created the VibTable component, a practical abstraction for production-ready bootstrap tables. Your VibTables can:
- Handle large datasets with built-in ajax calls and pagination
- Real time searching by one or many table fields
- Sorting by table field
- Show/hide table columns
- Filtering
- Include action buttons per column
- Check/uncheck several columns and implement actions on it
- Export selected or shown columns in CSV, XLSX, JSON, XLM, TXT and SQL
- Customizable for special needs
See vibTable demo here
Need an interface to Create, Read, Update or Delete records of models? We got you covered. Build complete CRUD interfaces using with just a couple of lines in each layer of the MCV. You also can:
- Grant user, model or request-based permissions for each CRUD action
- Easily implement the built-in “Delete in bulk” action
- Everything is seamless integrated in the Vibrant’s table component
See CRUD demo here
More value!
- 25+ reusable components included!
- Helpful View tools
- Future-ready Backend home
- Examples & templates files
- Delivered and maintained as a Laravel package
- Free basic support for 6 months
- Basic understanding of Laravel concepts
- Laravel ^5.6.4
- php ~7.1
- The package uses ‘/backend’ as prefix for all its routes, so it should be available
- Tested on Linux Ubuntu 16.04
- Laravel, the great PHP framework
- Gossi’s Docblock, direct to the point phpDoc parser
- Vuejs & ElementUI, amazing UI frameworks
- Bootstrap with jQuery, for fast development
- Icons in the banner from
Change Log
[1.2.0] – 2018-08-28
- vibTable: Appended attributes are now supported
- vibForm: Select2 input with live search and grouped options added
- vibForm: Checkbox and Switch have now ‘label_position’ parameter to configure the position of label (left, right or top)
- vibForm: Text and Password inputs now support pattern validation
- vibForm: Switch inputs include now parameters for submitted value, on/off labels, and on/off colors
- vibForm: Automatic validation for password confirmation
- Express CRUD: Validation rules now can be defined for each request method individually
- Express CRUD: Pre-action and Post-action hook methods can be called for custom CRUD action processing
- Express CRUD: ‘crud_only_for’ parameter can now be used in the fields array to indicate that a field should be shown exclusively for certain crud action (i.e. ‘password’ => [ … ‘crud_only_for’ => ‘create’])
- General fixes on styles
- vibTable: There was a bug when tables are set with empty order_by or order_direction parameters, now it takes ‘updated_at’ and ‘desc’ as default values
- vibTable: The ‘create’ button was shown even if the ‘include_create_btn’ parameter was set to false
- vibForm: Select input was not validated when empty
- Express CRUD: ‘crud_exclude’ now works as expected
[1.1.0] – 2018-08-13
- Components: Textarea input added
- vibForm: ‘crud_exclude’ parameter can now be used in the fields array to indicate that a field should be excluded from certain crud action (i.e. ‘status’ => [ … ‘crud_exclude’ => ‘create’])
- vibTable: has now configurable sort_by and order_direction parameters
- Express CRUD: nested resources are now supported
- BlueFlame UI: ‘right-to-left’ default animation for dropdown menus was removed
- vibForm: ‘read_only’ parameter had a typo in the name (it was ‘ready_only’)
- Minor errors in Readme/HowToInstall
- Web routes did not accept middleware changes from the config file
- vibTable: showed filter icon even when filter array is empty
- vibForm: ajax submit had a bug that prevented proper functionality
[1.0.0] – 2018-07-14
- Initial Release