Get Ultimate GDPR Compliance Toolkit for WordPress Download

Ultimate GDPR Compliance Toolkit for WordPress
The only GDPR compliance toolkit you need for WordPress
What exactly is GDPR and do I need to worry about it?
The General Data Protection Regulation standardizes data protection law across all twenty-eight EU countries and imposes strict new rules on controlling and processing identifiable information. All websites collecting data from EU citizens must meet these GDPR requirements. Failure to comply can result in fines up to €20 million or 4% global turnover, or compensation claims for damages incurred. You may also face damage to your reputation and lose the trust of customers. So, if your website is frequented by visitors in the European Union, it pays to be prepared.
Fortunately, it doesn’t need to be difficult or time-consuming. That’s where we come in. Our ultimate toolkit is built specifically to ensure that your website is compliant with all GDPR rules. Stress-free and easy to use, you can meet all requirements in just a matter of clicks.
Ultimate GDPR Plugin is all-in-one solution for your website.
Is your Website GDPR Compliant?
Ultimate GDPR Compliance Toolkit for WordPress is a complete, all-in-one compliance tool for WordPress. Built specifically to ensure you comply with these new regulations, our plugin includes everything you need to make sure your website is ready. With just a few clicks, you’ll comply with all GDPR requirements including:
- Personal data access – a dedicated form for users to access currently stored personal data
- Right to be forgotten – an accessible, dedicated form for users to request deletion of stored data
- Requests for data access or deletion – easily browse these requests and set custom email notifications
- Policy consent – redirects for your Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy pages until consent is given
- Cookie consent – a dedicated box for cookie consent and cookie blocker until consent is given
- Services consent – automatically add consent boxes for various forms on your website
- Data breach notification – automatic global email notifications regarding data breaches
- Pseudonymisation – pseudonymise stored user data
- Privacy by design – manage, encrypt and erase all users’ data easily via your WordPress admin panel
- Data portability – export all user data easily to JSON format or text files, with an option to automatically send via email
Incredibly user-friendly, Ultimate GDPR Compliance Toolkit for WordPress sits in your WordPress admin panel and makes it easy for you to control all aspects of the plugin.
- Ultimate GDPR Compliance Toolkit for WordPress is now complete with exciting new features including:
- One-click cookie detector – discover what cookies your website is using in seconds
- Third-party cookies support – our Service Manager will block any cookie you need
- Advanced cookies management panel – take control of your cookies straight from your dashboard
- New language versions – we offer a range of language versions that have been carefully and accurately translated by professionals – professional humans, that is. Available languages include:
- German
- French
- Spanish
- Norwegian
- Russian
- Polish
- Italian
- Dutch
- Croatian
- Romanian
- Hungarian
- Slovak
- Czech
- Danish
- Enhanced integration with Google Analytics – ensure your website is compliant and playing nicely with Google Analytics for the best possible insight into your traffic
- Option to display the cookies consent box in the top panel – make cookie consent crystal clear without imposing on the overall look of your site
- Option to enable GDPR functionalities globally or not – our geolocation service makes it possible for you to hide the plugin from users outside the European Union. All it takes is a single click
- Auto-update functionality – we’ll take care of updates for you
- Compatible with other plugins – including QuForm WordPress Builder Plugin and Facebook Pixel
- Integrates with other tools – such as BuddyPress and Formidable Forms
- Custom links to Privacy Policy and Right to Rectify form available
- Multiple options for cookie boxes – over 34 different styles to match the look of your website
- Over 15 new cookie notice skins
- Online documentation – all the information you need in one handy place
Plus, we work hard to continually update and enhance our GDPR compliance plugin to ensure it consistently delivers the very best. We also make sure that our plugin is compatible with new themes and plugins, and listen to feedback to add useful new features that make Ultimate GDPR Compliance Toolkit for WordPress even better.
Upcoming improvements include:
- HotJar integration
- Swedish translation
- 10 new ‘advanced cookies settings’ modal skins
Stay tuned for more!
Ultimate GDPR Compliance Toolkit for WordPress is equipped with an innovative cookie scanner so you can find out what cookies your website is using and learn more about these cookies in detail. Our cookie scanner will detect every cookie added to your website by plugins and scripts, including Google Analytics and Facebook, and create a handy list in your admin panel. With an easy dedicated shortcode, you can display this list complete with details including:
- The type of cookie
- Whether the cookie is first or third party
- Whether the cookie is persistent or session
- The cookie’s expiry time
- The purpose of the cookie
Plus, our cookie scanner can be set to scan as a recurring task so you can scan your site automatically every week, month or quarter. This means your list will stay current, even after installing a new plugin or adding new script, so you’ll always have an updated list of cookies used on your site with very little hassle.
Ultimate GDPR Compliance Toolkit for WordPress is designed specifically to be compatible with a range of popular themes, such as Divi and Avada, as well as other plugins and tools including:
- Facebook Pixel
- WooCommerce
- Contact Form 7
- Mailchimp
- Quform
- Gravity Forms
- Event Manager
- BuddyPress
- Formidable Forms
- Google Analytics
- CleanTalk
- Visual Composer
- MailPoet
- Mailster
- bbPress
- eform
- Advanced Custom Fields
- Polylang
- Wordfence
Our toolkit will check all activated plugins for GDPR compliance, so you can rest assured that all aspects of your website are covered.
To get a better idea of how our toolkit works and what features it includes, check out our live demo
Click here
We pride ourselves on providing every customer with high quality, ongoing support. If you’ve got a question or need assistance with our plugin, feel free to get in touch at any time. We endeavour to get back to all queries as soon as possible.
Your ratings and recommendations will help us continue to improve our plugin and better protect your site.
1.7.3 (09.10.2019) - feature: Added date of the last scan made by the Cookie Detector. - feature: Added option to close the popup instead of accepting consent. - feature: Converting Expiry Time to a human-readable date. - feature: Added filter for Email sent at the bottom of Contact Form 7 - bugfix: Fixing minor issues (Undefined index notice message). - bugfix: Added the possibility to use HTML tags in plugin's email templates. - bugfix: Languages translation updated - bugfix: Added Latin-extended version of the fonts - bugfix: Privacy Settings were not saving in Firefox and Safari - bugfix: Update of the advanced-custom-fields used in the plugin. - bugfix: Fixed Mailster deprecated hooks issue. - bugfix: Fixed Trigger cookie icon in the code. - bugfix: Preventing js errors while updating from a really old version. 1.7.2 (06.03.2019) - feature: Added compatibility with Newsletter plugin - feature: Personal Data Access file format optimized (empty fields will no longer be visible) - optimization: compatibility with custom javascript libraries improved - bugfix: Parse error after activating the plugin was fixed 1.7.1 (04.02.2019) - feature: Added compatibility for Instagram Feed plugin. - feature: Added compatibility for Formcraft Basic plugin. - feature: Cookie popup 'Read more' can be open in a new tab instead. - feature: Added HotJar integration. - feature: Added new (optional) checkbox for WooCommerce consent. - updated: Updated languages translations to version 1.7.1 - bugfix: Modal styles are not changing when the Cookie modal skin option is used. - bugfix: Added missing Norwegian translation for the Cookie popup content and fixed other minor issues this option had. - bugfix: Shortcodes provided by the plugin can be now added via do_shortcode(); - bugfix: Improved functionality of the pseudonymization option due to the WP Job manager issue. - bugfix: Option to add a custom label for 'Protection shortcode' was fixed. - bugfix: Fixed 'checking if the user is from the European Union' function. 1.7.0 (21.12.2018) - improvement: Translations for the languages are up to date. - bugfix: Trigger icon wasn't showing on the site when using Apas Box style. 1.6.9 (14.12.2018) - feature: Added integration with Mailer lite. - feature: Added compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Wishlist. - feature: Added compatibility with Custom Facebook Feed Integration. - feature: Added option to add custom URL for Terms and Conditions. - improvement: Plugin styles were optimized. - improvement: Added loader and improving styles of the Unsubscribe tab. - improvement: Updated Cookie Popup styles. - bugfix: QuForm form was missing from 'Data breach' section. - bugfix: Read more button can be hidden when not 'Read more page' is set in the settings. - bugfix: Advanced Cookie popup added by [ultimate_gdpr_cookie_popup] didn't want to hide. - bugfix: Improved responsive of the Render cookies list for smartphones. - bugfix: Changing the Modern mobile style back to the old version. - bugfix: Fixed Oreo skin button size. - bugfix: Improved the Form Skins styles when using Twenty Nineteen theme. 1.6.8 (30.10.2018) - feature: Compatibility with CF7DB plugin was added. - feature: Compatibility with LayerSlider WP plugin was added. - feature: Improving Jetpack compatibility. - feature: Added option to hide 'Unsubscribe' tab. - feature: added 30 new Cookie notice box styles - improvement: Fixed responsive design for cookie list. - improvement: Admins will be informed about the number of pages which scan failed. - improvement: Admins will be able to see the addresses of the pages which scans failed. - improvement: Admins will be able to do a second scan for the pages which couldn't be scanned the first time. - improvement: Swedish translation added. - bugfix: Variable options are no longer blocked for the WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin. - bugfix: The non-registered users could receive credentials or emails addresses of other users (Mailster). - bugfix: Some cookies were still blocked despite activating correct group. - bugfix: Spam issue from the solved - bugfix: Fixed the styling of the Cookie List 1.6.7 (03.10.2018) - feature: Additional option to require administrators to accept 'Terms and Conditions' and 'Privacy Policy'. - improvement: improved compatibility with WooCommerce Shipping Tracking plugin. - improvement: Content protection shortcode functionality improved. - bugfix: Dummy user account now will be removed after cookie scan is finished. - bugfix: Terms and Conditions redirection settings fixed. 1.6.6 (26.09.2018) - feature: Google Analytics - Tracking users anonymously now is available. - feature: Compatibility with GA Google Analytics plugin was added. - feature: Compatibility with Disqus Conditional Load was added. - feature: Compatibility with Caldera Forms was added. - improvement: Fixing minor style issues Cookie scanner. - improvement: Extra space under the data rectification tab was removed. - improvement: improving caching for WP Rocket. - bugfix: Privacy center Cookies will open the correct tab of User Settings of User Settings. - bugfix: MY ACCOUNT email subject translations fixed. - bugfix: Data access requests couldn't be accessed via the backend view. - bugfix: Activating the Ultimate GDPR plugin causes error 500 for non-logged in users. - bugfix: Some of the local cookies weren't blocked despite the "block all" option enabled. - bugfix: Added solution for the error 500 at submitting a data request in WP Admin. - bugfix: Error show on the page when accessing the Privacy Policy page as not logged in user. - bugfix: Non-logged users weren't able to access Privacy Policy page when the option "Require not logged in users/guests to accept Privacy Policy (redirect)" was enabled. - bugfix: Fixed minor styling issue with cookie modal skin. - bugfix: Data access form reload instead of showing a message on site. - bugfix: Cookie notice box - impossible to add a background image. 1.6.5 (05.09.2018) - feature: added new cookie info skin (Classic Light). - feature: added compatibility with Mail Bank – WordPress SMTP Plugin. - feature: added compatibility with Delivery Date for WooCommerce. - feature: compatibility improvements for PHP 5.4+ version. - improvement: updated the information about plugins compatibility. - improvement: cookie popup skin style improvement. - bugfix: 'show only icon option' for trigger button was fixed. - bugfix: service consent checkboxes labels are clickable. - bugfix: Improving the compatibility with the WP Rocket caching plugin fix. - bugfix: Fixing Italian translation used for the plugin. - bugfix: eFORM - The Cookie Consent is not showing at the end of the form - fixed. - bugfix: js incompatibility issue with Drift plugin fixed. - bugfix: solved problem with not saving the text added as 'User mail content'. 1.6.4 (16.08.2018) - feature: Option to automatically send data to all users on their request (without admin confirmation); - feature: Option to automatically delete user's data on their request (without admin confirmation); - feature: Privacy Center shortcode - render all privacy links in one place; - feature: Compatibility with Ninja Forms added; - feature: New cookie notice skin added; - feature: Option to upload custom image for cookie notice background; - feature: Danish translations added, - improvement: minor style improvement - improvement: improved pluign speed - improvement: fonts are loaded locally now; - bugfix: TGMPA legacy compatibility; - bugfix: Plugin style's conflicts resolved; 1.6.3. (02.08.2018) - feature: Protection shortcode added - content which requires cookies consent will be blurred until consent is given. - feature: 3 New Cookie Modal styles added. - feature: Google Ads and Google AdSense compatibility added. - feature: Service names now can be edited for 'Forget me' form. - feature: Cookies Settings and Services Manager Export/Import option added. - feature: Services names in Forget Me Form now can be edited. - feature: Klaviyo plugin integration added. - feature: Metorik Helper integration added. - feature: PixelYourSite Pro integration added. - feature: wpForo plugin integration. - improvement: Emails of recipients in Data Breach notification are encrypted now. - improvement: Ultimate GDPR Services will work correctly with WPML - improvement: Improving style compatibility with premium themes. - bugfix: Setting language via pages settings fixed. - bugfix: Issue with cookie consent info for non-logged users when WP Rocket plugin fixed. - bugfix: Editing labels in Advanced settings fixed. - bugfix: Scroll issue after Saving & Closing Privacy policy fixed. - bugfix: Removing WP User data via Right to be forgotten issue fixed. - bugfix: Autofill for the Lists of features section fixed. 1.6.2 (12.07.2018) - feature: Cookies consent log now contains also non-registered users consents, based on IP or user agent. - feature: Cookies Content settings and Service export added. - feature: Downloadable logs will also contain user e-mail (If the user has an account on site). - feature: Added compatibility with MailPoet Newsletters plugin. - feature: Added compatibility with Flamingo plugin. - feature: Added option to remove data storage consent to unsubscribe page. - improvement: Added possibility to write a simple text in Service's Expiry Time. - bugfix: Sessions cookies will be blocked on site. - bugfix: Page scrolling problem after using Advanced Settings modal fixed. - bugfix: Custom checkbox in registration form bug fixed. 1.6.1 (04.07.2018) - optimization: improved security - stored XSS fixed - issue appeared only for logged in users; - feature: BeaverBuilder compatibility added; - bugfix: cookie detector conflict with other plugin cron jobs fixed; - bugfix: plugins autoupdate bug fixed; 1.6.0 (29.06.2018) - improvement: Speed improving (modified CSS and added fonts from files instead of links) - improvement: Added custom options for styling Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions buttons - improvement: Translation files updated - feature: Compatibility with eForm added - feature: Option to hide groups level - feature: Select privacy group after the user accepts cookies in the popup - bugfix: GDPR Tabs will not be blocked by a script conflict - bugfix: Gravity forms consent checkbox structure was fixed - bugfix: Fields in Services options are fixed 1.5.9 (18.06.2018) - feature: Added option to prevent redirecting bots - feature: Added ACF compatibility. - improvement: Added cURL compatibility. - improvement: Moved Google analytics option from path Services > Google Analytics to Cookie Consent > Google Analytics Tracking ID - improvement: Improved the Ultimate GDPR option view (updated confusing descriptions) - bugfix: Custom phrases from Cookie popup and Adnavced Cookie Popup Cookie can be now translated (fix for Polylang and WPML plugins) - bugfix: New style in backend is loading without any issues. 1.5.8 (16.06.2018) - feature: Added human-readable file added to stored data mail. - feature: Added customization options for the Terms And Conditions and Privacy Policy buttons. - feature: Wordfence compatibility added. - feature: bbPress compatibility added. - featured: Added option to display Cookie Modal on site using a link. - feature: Cookie scanner functionality improvement and new loader design. - bugfix: Privacy policy link is not working in Personal Access Tab. - bugfix: Job Manager checkbox available in Forget me Tab even when the plugin is not installed. - bugfix: IE11 error in console when the plugin was activated on site. - bugfix: Cookie popup still visible after giving consent - bugfix: Not possible to Save&Close after changing settings in Cookie Privacy Settings - bugfix: WPML translation improvement. - bugfix: # added when clicking the Save&Close button. 1.5.7 (11.06.2018) - bugfix: WooCommerce variations are not accessible when Ultimate GDPR is active. - bugfix: Cookie content loader fixed for Czech and Portugese languages. - bugfix: Cookie Modal Content translation improvement. - bugfix: Plugin will no longer create a problem for the main menu of the site. - bugfix: Yoast SEO General settings now work correctly when Ultimate GDPR is active. - bugfix: Cookie whitelist minor frontend bug fixed 1.5.6 (07.06.2018) - feature: Option to reload the page after changing the cookies settings; - bugfix: Menu styles with enabled pseudonymzation fixed; - bugfix: Slovak language added to content importer; 1.5.5 (06.06.2018) - feature: WP Job Manager compatibility added - feature: Gear icon can now be edited - feature: Text can now be added to gear icon - feature: Simple Paypal Shopping Cart compatibility added - bugfix: Redundant paddings removed added to the site when using Advanced Cookie Groups popup. - bugfix: Translations update, 1.5.4 (31.05.2018) - feature: Whitelist Cookies option added; - bugfix: Avada theme compatibility improvement; - bugfix: Flatsome UX Builder compatibility fixed; - bugfix: Privacy Policy/Terms and Conditions redirected fixed; 1.5.3 (30.05.2018) - feature: translation files will be always up to date. No need to unpack them manually anymore. - feature: Compatibility with WordPress GDPR settings. - bugfix: Cookie popup is visible on the site for UE users when 'Check if the user is from European Union' option is check. - bugfix: Autoupdate notification fixed. - optimization: no need to install Advanced Custom Fields PRO manually anymore 1.5.2 (29.05.2018) - feature: Wordfence Security compatibility tested; - bugfix: 'Detect Cookies' functionality security improvements; - bugfix: Cookies popup is not displayed fixed - bugfix: Cookie popup display for EU countries fixed; - bugfix: Wordfence and mod_security compatibility improved. - bugfix: [render_cookies_list] shortcode can now be added in cookie popup content; 1.5.1 (25.05.2018) - feature: Cookie Modal UI improved, - feature: Plugin can be enable only for EU countries, - bugfix: Memory usage optimization, - bugfix: Looped script in 'Detect Cookies' fixed 1.5 (24.05.2018) - bugfix: some services post types not being created - bugfix: custom privacy page url malformed - bugfix: services post types menu not displaying - bugfix: acf plugin dependency notice not visible 1.4 (24.05.2018) - feature: Cookie Logger - detect all cookies used on your website - feature: Render table with cookies information: [render_cookies_list] shortcode added - feature: Revoke Terms & Conditions and Private Policy option. - feature: If no user's data saved in DB - no attachment is sent to user. - feature: Download Consent Log option - download cookies, Privacy Policy and Terms&Conditions consents' logs. - feature: Additional options for changing cookie notice look. - feature: Compatibility with Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress. - feature: Cookie notification buttons labels now can be edited via admin panel. - feature: Cookie Settings modal now can be editable. - feature: Custom URLs for Privacy Policy and Read More (from cookie notification) now can be defined - feature: Adding 'Block all' to Cookies consent advanced option - bugfix: Improved plugin update functionality. - bugfix: Privacy settings modal adjustments for mobile view. - bugfix: Privacy settings description not updating correctly - bugfix: Privacy settings advanced option will show the correct information what site will do and won't do. - bugfix: POT file misspelling and grammar updates - bugfix: Problem with HTML content for email message fixed - bugfix: Google Analytics once blocked will never come back - bugfix: Cookie popup translation problem when using Loco Translate fixed - bugfix: Not able to add comment when the checkbox is not added. - bugfix: YouTube cookies can be blocked on the site. - bugfix: Compatibility issues with Visual Composer 5.4.7 fixed - bugfix: Avada compatibility fixes added 1.3 (23.04.2018) - feature: Advanced Cookies Management Panel added. - feature: New language versions added: German, French, Spanish, Norwegian, Russian, Polish, Italian, Dutch, Croatian, Romanian, Hungarian, Slovak and Czech. - feature: Improved integration with Google Analytics. - feature: Possibility to display cookies consent box in the top panel. - feature: Auto update functionality added to the plugin. - feature: Compatibility with Quform WordPress Builder Plugin - feature: Compatibility with Facebook Pixel. - bugfix: Style fixes update. - bugfix: Placeholder link fix for Terms and Conditions. - bugfix: Issue with Data Access when using WPML plugin (data was stored only for the main language). - bugfix: Right to be forgotten request does not show up in the backend and all the fields within the settings become empty. - bugfix: Translating Cookies popup content custom text. - bugfix: Fixed problems with Gravity forms checkbox issue. - bugfix: Removed 'Ultimate GDPR' string from translation. - bugfix: Admin will receive requests notifications from Forget Me option. 1.2 (10.04.2018) - feature: BuddyPress integration added. - feature: Formidable integration added. - feature: Custom link can be added to Privacy Policy. - feature: Creating contact form for Right to Rectify - bugfix: Forget email confirmation link fix. - bugfix: Typos fix. - bugfix: Service wp user filter priority change. - bugfix: Text domain folder set to both wp-content/languages/plugins and wp-content/plugins/ct-ultimate-gdpr/lang. - bugfix: Conflict with Antispam by CleanTalk plugin script was fixed. - bugfix: Cookies are visible on all pages despite the settings. - bugfix: wp post service collects too much data fix. - bugfix: wpml full compatibility fix 1.1 (03.04.2018) - feature: Added compatibility with Formidable Forms. - feature: GDPR plugin integration with BuddyPress data access. - bugfix: Redirecting option for Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy was fixed. - bugfix: Improved code quality. - bugfix: Ultimate GDPR was blocking cookies despite the chosen option. - bugfix: Issue with translating plugin using PO and MO files. 1.0 (28.03.2018) Initial release
Disclaimer: We are not lawyers and this item cannot replace lawyer’s advice. We have tried to make it as accurate as possible to handle GDPR requirements, but if you need a definitive legal advice for your business, you have to hire an attorney. As createIT we are not responsible for your website GDPP compliance and we can’t be held accountable for any legal issues.