Get Openpos – WooCommerce Point Of Sale(POS) Download

You are looking for a solution to synchronize data between your online website and your local store; you are looking for a quick solution to manage your cafe/restaurant. OpenPOS is a must have Plugin to do that.
OpenPOS is a complete point of sale system(POS) plugin for WooCommerce and WordPress. OpenPOS can be used for multi purposes like as Retailers Stores / Restaurant / Cafe / Spa salon. OpenPOS includes everything you need for a Point Of Sale system.
New Feature: OpenPOS Progressive Web Apps on Desktop
OpenPOS Progressive Web Apps on Desktop can be ‘installed’ on the user’s device much like native apps. It’s fast. Feel integrated because they launched in the same way as other apps, and run in an app window, without an address bar or tabs. It is reliable because service workers can cache all of the assets they need to run. And it create an engaging experience for users.
- No Monthly Fees. Hosted same place with your woocommerce
- Progressive Web App
- Support multi type of business: retailer – grocery / cafe-restaurant / Salon
- Cafe/Restaurant Mode with table management, merge table, transfer table, Kitchen View Screen
- Support Rent Business type like as : karaoke, Pool Table Hire, hotel / room rent …
- Real-time sync table order data between waiter’s phone/tablet and Kitchen’s phone/tablet/ pc
- General / Grocery Mode with customer pole display
- Multi-Warehouse (Outlets)
- Inventory Management : Stock transfer, Stock adjustment
- Stock Overview
- Multi Registers
- Support all type of Barcode Scanner device / Auto detect barcode device input
- Add product by Barcode Scanning or search by name / sku
- Scan by camera
- Support Decimal Stock / Negative Qty
- Support Digital Scale & Digital Weighing Scale barcode
- Rounding Currency
- Weight base pricing
- Order Note / Item Note
- Discount and coupon ( Item discount and cart discount )
- Multi cart checkout with saved cart function
- Manage user allow login to POS panel
- Receipt , barcode label
- Print & Email Receipts
- Cash Management
- Checkout with multi payment method / Split payment
- Working with offline mode
- Report Transactions and Sales
- Integrated with WooCommerce Product Add-Ons, WooCommerce Product Bundles to sell your simple, variable, and complex products.
- Manage Active login session, session information contain: cashier name, locations, ip address.
- Camera barcode/ QRcode scanner with https
- Logoff function. This is an important feature for the cashier, they can logoff without losing working session, and not have to worry about their data change by another person
- Checkout with default or extended woocommerce gateways
- Refund, Partial Refund, Full exchange, Partial Exchange
- Easy extends and manage code
- And many more…
Demo Admin : ( admin / admin123 )
Demo POS : ( admin / admin123 or test / test123)
Demo Restaurant/ Cafe Mode
Demo Restaurant/ Cafe POS : ( test / test123)
Demo Restaurant/ Cafe POS Kitchen View
Video How To Working with Cafe / Restaurant Mode
Demo POS Performance with 1000 Products Test account: test / test123
Click Here To Access Demo POS with 1000 Products
You can try with free version available at :
Free Plugin/ Integrated Plugin For Openpos
- WooCommerce Germanized with GTIN and MPN search
- WooCommerce Extra Product Options
- Woocommerce Point & reward Integrate
- Google Cloud Print Plugin for Open Pos
- Star CloudPRNT Integrate – Print without dialog , support multi registers
- Stock Transfer Management ( transfer stock between outlets )
- Online POS Payment (Allow checkout with online store payment gateway via POS panel)
- Price Book for OpenPOS
- Authorize.Net payment method for OpenPOS
- Stripe Terminal Integrate For device “Verifone P400”:
- Other Integrate Plugins
Facebook Page Update :
Quick Demo
General / Grocery POS
Cafe / Restaurant POS
Openpos – WooCommerce Point Of Sale(POS) – Well Evaluated
Update Log
- 18/12/2019 ( version 3.9.6) - Fixed display all order list follow sale report in admin / pos / report - Fixed product with multi tax rate - Hot keys implement - - Improved code / UI / UX - 05/12/2019 ( version 3.9.5) - Table type features ( hire / default ) , with hire, you have time counter and cost, this suitable for rent business / cost by time - Digital Scale connection by barcode decode info - Improved code - Improved design - 25/11/2019 ( version 3.9.2) - Improved code - Update report chart - Update report with comission ( base on op cost price field ) - 14/11/2019 ( version 3.9.0) - Restaurant : Change Tables pagination to Collection ( it can use to set table on floor , area ) - Restaurant : Add dish to table by scan qrcode with phone camera - Fixed issues about order qrcode / order barcode, change dimension to px - Bookmark external app to Home screen - Improve code - 05/11/2019 ( version 3.8.4) - Fixed currency local bug - Manager receipt templates - Assign receipt template for register - Fixed print receipt from admin - Display special price / sale price on cart - Improvement layout - Improve code - Shortcode : [op_product_warehouses] to display inventory details on product page - 28/10/2019 ( version 3.8.2) - Fixed search with uppercase - IN / OUT transaction amount with local currency format - Preview Barcode label print - Product image when click cart item arrow icon - Improve layout - Improve code - 17/10/2019 ( version 3.8.0) - New Dashboard Layout - Improved admin report - Takeaway order for restaurant - Own screen to display / search customers - Display Order additions field data to order details - Hide Variable Product when variation is out of stock - improve code and design , make design easy access to main menu without use nav menu. - 10/10/2019 ( version 3.7.0) - Progressive Web App - Improvement Code and design - 07/10/2019 ( version 3.6.9) - Improve online order ( POS / order / online order tab ) - Fixed issues conflict with minify / speed up wordpress plugins - Print Table receipt for restaurant mode - Fixed Stock manage for variation product - Order receipt QRcode short code - 24/09/2019 ( version 3.6.4) - setting continue order status - Clear keyword in search product / customer search - Improved code and design - 19/09/2019 ( version 3.6.0) - setting change POS logo - Setting category , product grid size - Setting search mode (offline / online). default Offline mode, Online Mode help in case you have big product list - Improved UI for POS Order Page - 17/09/2019 ( version 3.5.5) - auto scroll cart to recent added item and markup latest item in cart. - z-report at admin / pos / report - Improve code - 09/09/2019 ( version 3.5.0) - Improve Customer Search on POS - Get cart discount rule ( Work with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts plugin on "Cart Discount Rules" - Refresh Table status button in Table List (Restaurant mode) - Resolve Variations label with non Alphabet - Improve Barcode Scanner device with uppercase in barcode - Improve Barcode Scanner with Bluetooth Scanner - 29/08/2019 ( version 3.4.8) - Note: since this version, transaction save all payment method , cash drawer just increase when paid with cash - Add features to markup product is a weight base price - Markup product in outlet / not in outlet in stock overview - Update qty of outlet on product edit / add page - Sequential Order number format for order made via POS - Standard Order data with woocommerce . Thank help me check it . -20/08/2019 (version 3.4.0) - Improve code and style - Improve continue checkout features - New features quick see item details when click arrow -14/08/2019 (version - Fixed issue with wc 3.7 - Print receipt with Hold Cart / Saved Cart -12/08/2019 (version - Fixed some mirror bug with multi payment method -12/08/2019 (version 3.3.5) - Continue checkout from online without create new order - Improvement UI, code - Option to save custom item from POS to website ( with status pending review in admin panel ) - Choose qty for variation product - Credit card payment , Trip and Pin/ credit card scanner API -30/07/2019 (version 3.3.2) - Restaurant Mode : Lock mode for customer direct order on pos, use pos like as customer catalog - Note: since this version, to improve search, if your pos current inside a category, the search action search product for current category only - Fixed Continue checkout with variable product - Improved code -11/07/2019 (version 3.2.8) - Restaurant Mode : Send online order to kitchen , tracking the kitchen process - Restaurant Mode : Markup normal Order to takeaway order and send to kitchen view - Restaurant Mode : Takeaway order list view / Process takeway order - View list of order notes , add order note from POS -21/06/2019 (version 3.2.0 - 3.2.5) - POS payment mode default : multi payment, new feature: single payment - Improved sync data , restaurant kitchen data - Stripe card payment improved - Customer order history - 3.2.5 : format currency with thousand, decimal separate follow woocommerce setting - 3.2.5 : improved single payment for mobile device -14/06/2019 (version 3.1.0) - Improved POS design - Admin stock overview with quick update image , price - Restaurant Mode : set product display in Kitchen cook / Drink Bar View - Restaurant Mode : Notification when have new dish come in Kitchen View Page - 03/06/2019 (version - Setting with search type (auto complete / grid product display) - Discount tax for product tax class type - Manual push update dish on table ignore wait auto push to kitchen - 20/05/2019 (version 3.0.3) - Setting Require customer checkout for POS - Improve tax calc with fixed tax class in admin - Product sales report in admin - Gift receipt option in POS - Default shipping address to outlet address with store pickup - 15/05/2019 (version 3.0) - Improve code - Improve tax formula - Fixed order number barcode - Print POS receipt from admin - Display variation info in stock overview - Improve customer search by email + full name - POS search online order by order number / customer phone / customer email - 07/05/2019 (version 2.9.6) - add order source to admin/wooocmmerce/order table to determine which order made by POS - get online shipping rate and shipping method use for POS - Disable search customer when cart have customer already - Add new register mode - "Customer mode" : at this mode, pos can checkout without choose payment method. Order come with status = Pending Payment. - Add SKU to product grid list. - 03/05/2019 (version 2.9.1) - Open Cash adjustment when cashier login - Setting price changeable on POS ( yes / no) - Speed Improvement - 30/04/2019 (version 2.8.7) - Tax for custom item with price inclusive tax - Improve tax with price inclusive tax setting - 26/04/2019 (version 2.8.1) - Fixed bug search on mobile - notification when search customer have no result - notification when done load product. - 25/04/2019 (version 2.8.0) - More fields in Customer register / Shipping address (address_2, state, city, post code) - Improve login UI - Improve tax / discount when woocommerce set price included tax + openpos set tax = product tax - Notification when search keyword have no product - 22/04/2019 (version 2.7.6) - Saved online cart list - Improvement code and ui - POS - Stock overview report by product name / product SKU , barcode - 16/04/2019 (version 2.7) - Option create customer in add customer screen - Waiter mode for restaurant : waiter can add item into table , realtime sync between waiter tablet / phone and cashier pac - Seller Mode : seller choose item for customer , and let customer know the cart number when goto cashier checkout , commissions count for seller - Kitchen view update : cooker can update item done , the item will notice to waiter and bring to customer table - Improve UI - Fixed sync stock qty with online order - Note: logout and clear browser cache/ site cache after update. - 09/04/2019 (version 2.6.8) - New solution for sync product data for big product list (logout and login again after update) - Improvement UI - 04/04/2019 (version 2.6.5) - New function: quick swap current seller - Filter order from POS / Online order in Woocommerce orders page - Improve bundle product with variation - Improve stock manage - 02/04/2019 (version 2.6.4) - fixed issues duplicate qty when logout and login again with barcode scanner - Add option clear local sale data when logout - Change method with product included price to make sure total = product_included_price x qty - 25/03/2019 (version 2.6.0) - 28/03/2019 (version 2.6.3) - Display Sub-Category in POS - Optimize pull product data - Fixed report with custom date - Add barcode field to product add/edit page when set barcode = Openpos barcode field - Update API for cloud print , product per page , category per page - Back button on each sub category - Dining option for each item on table - API for Cloud Printing , free plugin for star cloudPRNT already release - Format price number on receipt - 21/03/2019 (version - Sortable for categories in admin - Quick discount amount in cart discount and item discount - Add new api to help developer can make external app for pos. Cashier can access within POS panel without open new windows. - Optimize sync process - 15/03/2019 (version 2.5.2) High performance improved with big product list (tested with 1K products) Hide tax total if set tax class = no tax Update report with correct with wordpress timezone Quick choose shipping address with customer address in POS - 15/03/2019 (version 2.5) - 2.5.1 Improve POS UI Improve Admin Fixed bug no display cart discount on receipt. Make new way to easy update receipt template content by update file content : wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-openpos/default/receipt_template_body.txt - 11/03/2019 (version 2.4.4) - 12/03/2019 (version 2.4.7) Improve UI Improve sync service Update api to work with 3rt coupon plugin Fixed issues display tables and category on safari + firefox Improved speed add to desk Fixed check coupon issues New feature add order note (active in POS setting) Mute notification on POS - ( Mute all sound notification on POS panel ) - 08/03/2019 (version 2.4) Improve restaurant responsive Negative Quantity mode Rounding Tax / Price Keep order, transaction on current POS on same day Default display Table in Restaurant / Cafe Mode - 01/03/2019 (version 2.3.6) Improve responsive Latest order button on POS (orders / online order / beside search input) Fixed search product not work with virtual keyboard Update api to add more customer field in add / edit customer form - 23/02/2019 (version 2.3.1) Cafe/Restaurant Mode Desk/ Table management Merge / Transfer Table Move / Merge table inside table details Prevent logout when has order still in queue to sync with website. - 12/02/2019 (version 2.2.4) Improvement customer search Improvement product search Tax after discount / before discount Improvement sync data between server and local Sort product list by alphabet Update stock qty in category screen - 30/01/2019 (version 2.2.3) Improvement customer search Improvement camera scan barcode / qrcode Fixed cart discount percentage - 25/01/2019 (version 2.2.2) Report sales by outlet/register / cashier Tax in exchange / refund Variations details on POS receipt - 14/01/2019 (version 2.2.1) Fixed style for mobile screen - 04/01/2019 (version 2.2.0) Fixed issues cash balance for each register Report sale by seller in admin - 10/12/2018 (version 2.1.8) Optimise POS code Api for POS pay with online payment via website - 10/12/2018 (version 2.1.7) Virtual keyboard on POS Shipping methods setting Set language by setting or automatic detect by browsers language Instance search product, auto detect action enter by scan barcode device Scan barcode with barcode device without focus to search box - 03/12/2018 (version 2.1.1) Exchange order item function for order on current login session Config use product sku / product id / openpos meta key for barcode Optimise pos code, faster 30% - 25/11/2018 (version 2.1.0) Partial refund Add custom product ( The product do not exist in system) Add Tax Button when setting = no tax POS speed up Config clear product list ( it help in case have big list product) - 12/11/2018 (version 2.0.6) Config default POS display : categories / products list Config default order status created by POS Update customer information from POS Update with new update of product addons plugins Optimize source code - 05/11/2018 (version 2.0) Pay with credit card via Stripe Manage Inventory qty of default woocommerce (scan by barcode / import by csv ) POS report menu with stock overview function Search customer by email and phone - 30/10/2018 (version Optimize pos panel, responsive Integrated with Bundle Product Plugins Integrated with Gratisfaction All-in-One loyalty contests Update Variations logic for POS (display to choose with variations product, scan with child product) Optimize and integrate with WooCommerce Product Add-ons - 14/10/2018 (version 1.9) New feature for manage Register / Outlet / Inventory Optimise POS panel template Realtime update POS qty once have any update from other side Show order number match with woocomerce order id - 09/10/2018 Optimise POS panel template Manage and tracking cashier login session Logout POS by admin with unlink session functions Optimize saved cart , now, it can use for restaurant / cafe - 04/10/2018 Release plugins