Get AX Social Stream Download

AX Social Stream is the best WordPress plugin for those who are looking for an easy way to combine all of their social networking activities into one single social stream and display on their website.
With this plugin you can create a stylish fascinating social media feed including multiple social media pages/groups/accounts with multiple feed options, and can display them in 8 different layouts including Wall, Grid, Carousel, Timeline, Rotating Feed, Sticky Rotating Feed, Ajax Tabbed Feed & Sticky Ajax Tabbed Feed.
You can add as many as public Facebook pages, Twitter accounts or Instagram accounts managed by you or any other publisher.
It supports 14 and growing social networks and includes about 29 feed options.
Your visitors will be able to share your posts on their social accounts or reply, retweet or favorite the Twitter posts from your Social Stream. They can even filter your Social Stream by social networks or using a search phrase.
You can also change the style of your Social Stream using the theme manager and/or custom CSS stylesheets, and make it unique to your website.
Please, check all the available features, FEED OPTIONS and Social APIs Restrictions sections.
Main Usages:
- To broadcast all your social network news, photos, videos and updates from multiple social network accounts as a single stream to your visitors.
- To create a single social stream for multiple social network accounts with multiple profiles.
- To create a multi-network photo or video gallery on your website.
- To create a news stream from multiple RSS feeds on your website.
- To create social tag stream of all social network news related to a specific search term or hashtag from multiple social media channels on your website.
Main Features:
8 different display layouts:
Wall (Masonry), Grid, Carousel, Timeline, Rotating Feed, Sticky Rotating Feed, Ajax Tabbed Feed & Sticky Ajax Tabbed Feed.
Supports 14 and growing social networks:
Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Delicious, Pinterest, Flickr, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, Deviantart, RSS, SoundCloud, VK, Vine.
5 ways to add to your website:
- Add your Social Stream to a post or page
- Add your Social Stream to a WordPress theme file
- Add your Social Stream as a widget
- Add your Social Stream via Visual Composer panel
- Add your Social Stream via Cornerstone page builder panel
Fully Responsive:
The plugin is fully responsive which enables you to be used in mobile friendly websites.
Ads Management Feature:
Feature to display block of ads along with social items on your Social Stream.
Slideshow Presentation View:
Feature to display social items in full lightbox slideshow for presenting and wide screens.
Feed Options:
Important: Please, check all the available features and FEED OPTIONS before purchase.
- Facebook page wall posts.
- Facebook album photos.
- Facebook page photos.
- Facebook page videos.
- Twitter user latest Tweets.
- Twitter list Tweets.
- Twitter search Tweets with hashtags.
- Tumblr user latest (a. regular, b. photo, c. video, d. audio, e. link, f. quote & g. conversation) posts.
- Delicious latest bookmarks.
- Pinterest latest user public Pins.
- Pinterest latest public Pins from a specific Social Stream.
- Flickr user latest public photostream uploads.
- Flickr group public photostream uploads.
- Flickr Photoset/Album public feed.
- Instagram user posts including photos and videos.
- Instagram search posts by tags.
- Instagram latest posts by location ID.
- Instagram search by geographical location.
- YouTube user latest uploads.
- YouTube public playlist uploads.
- YouTube search by term.
- Vimeo user public (a. videos, b. likes, c. appeared in, d. all videos, e. subscriptions, f. albums, g. channels & h. groups) feeds.
- Deviantart user latest deviations.
- SoundCloud user tracks public feed.
- VK user or community wall feed.
- RSS feed URL latest entries.
- Vine user timeline updates.
More Features:
- Plugin licensing and automatic updates.
- Processing multiple IDs per network.
- Processing multiple feeds per network.
- Load more items button for Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, VK and Vine.
- Infinite scroll feature for loading more functionality.
- Images lazy load feature.
- Feature to enable/disable images lazy loading on the social stream.
- Option to get specific sets of posts for Facebook page feed. Posts published by this page, or by others, or by both on this page.
- Ability to get posts in a certain datetime in Facebook.
- Ability to get tweets generated in a given date in Twitter.
- Allowing the user to add controls for stop/start the rotating feed slider.
- Option to order the Social Stream results by date of item or randomly.
- Feature to display the date on items in different formats.
- Limiting the maximum number of results to display on the Social Stream.
- Limiting the title, description & comments’ words count to display for each item on the Social Stream.
- Caching of social feeds with defining of cache time to reduce up download time.
- Read more link for long block of texts.
- Ability to open links in new window or parent window
- Option to change the status of links to follow or nofollow.
- Opening images & videos in lightbox window.
- Video icon overlay on Social Stream video items.
- Defining the animation speed, Animation Duration & direction of rotating feed.
- Ability to enable/disable animation and defining the rotate delay & filter direction for Wall.
- Option to adjust the spacing between the columns in the wall.
- Option that, let blocks to adjust and re-size to fill the gap in wall.
- Option to display timeline in one column or based on browser screen width.
- Share posts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Linkedin from your website.
- Feature to reply, retweet or favorite the Twitter posts from your Social Stream.
- Fully documented + all examples.
- Fully plugin inline descriptions.
- 4 built-in templates.
- Theme manager.
- Custom layout & CSS stylesheets.
- Allowing to select from different themes.
- Allowing to change themes options in back-end.
- Implementing hooks for customizing themes.
- Feature to control displaying text labels on items.
- Customization of social network colors & icons.
- Customization of post type icons.
- Customization of Social Stream body background color, border color, border size, background image & font color for all display modes.
- Customization of Social Stream item background color, border color & border size for all display modes.
- Customization of Social Stream header background color, title font color for rotating feed.
- Allowing to define the feed block opener image.
- Select the font size for the Social Stream.
- Display your widget in 4 different locations on your website.
- Including photo comments for Facebook.
- Displaying number of comments & likes for Facebook.
- Displaying number of comments & likes for Instagram.
- Show recent comments for Instagram and YouTube.
- Auto trigger show comments in lightbox slideshow mode.
- Displaying the post type icons.
- Allowing to set the feed block width/height.
- Allowing to set the image width/height for images & thumbnails.
- Allowing to select the width/height for videos.
- Feature to set custom defined height and width for wall layout.
- Feature to set wall items responsive breakpoints based on browser or container width.
- Option to define, how to display the image for each item (Boxed or Expanded).
- Option to allow loading images over https.
- Ability to select the content blocks to be included in each item in Social Stream output.
- Adding unlimited Social Streams on your website.
- Ability to add multiple Social Streams in a page on your website.
- Ability to pin a post on top of the Social Stream.
- Ability to remove a post from the Social Stream
- The ability to define the number of items shwoing in each slide for different screen sizes on carousel layout.
- Feature to define a custom height for carousel items.
- Allowing to change Social Stream attributes in shortcode.
- Option to re-layout wall based on page scroll or images load.
- Allowing the user to filter the social wall & rotating feed items.
- Filtering the Social Stream items using a search phrase.
- Ability to order the filter network icons.
- Feature to customize filtering buttons.
- Feature to disable specific filtering buttons.
- Feature to add multiple keywords in custom filtering tabs.
- Supporting for multibyte character set languages.
- Feature to display Social Stream items as lightbox slideshow.
- Integrated with Cornerstone and Visual Composer.
- Auto-resize responsive lightbox window.
- Feature to convert Facebook shared links to embedded item.
- Feature to display Twitter embed links with a custom style.
- Ability to customize the size of grid layout.
- Ability to setup proxy for API connections.
- Online debug log.
- Translation for more than 10 languages (English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian, Danish, Thai, Turkish) over po/mo files with ability to extend through Gettext translation editors.
- Compatibile with servers.
Social APIs Restrictions
There are some restriction from social network APIs that are making some limitations for us on top of building this plugin that are listed here.
- You cannot get the feed from a Facebook group. Only page, album, photos and videos feeds are supported.
- On Facebook if you want to get feed from a personal account (instead of a page or album), you need to create your own Facebook app and connect that account to the plugin using your own Facebook app.
- Twitter account should not be set as Protect my Tweets.
- Twitter search API can only grab the items that are posted in the last 7 – 9 days.
- Twitter API does not provide the image data for re-tweets.
- Pinterest re-shared items will not include the original shared item.
Technical Requirements:
- The plugin requires the PHP version 5.6.x or higher.
- The plugin requires the WordPress version 5.x or higher.
- This plugin requires both PHP’s multibyte string extension AND iconv extension (enabled by default).
- PHP’s XML extension is required (enabled by default).
- PHP’s cURL extension is recommended (required for Facebook feed)
Package Includes:
- AX Social Stream v3.7.4 installable plugin.
- Full documentation files in html format.
- All assets is PSD layered files format.
Live Demo Links:
Wall Demos:
Wall Demo 1 – Modern layout – Light skin
Wall Demo 9 – Metro layout
Wall Modern classic
Fixed Height Wall Demo
Wall Demo 6 – Modern 2 layout – Light skin
Wall Demo 2 – Modern layout – Dark skin
Wall Demo 3 – Flat layout
Wall Demo 4 – Default layout – Random order
Wall Demo 5 – Infinite Scroll
Wall Demo 7 – RSS Aggregator
Wall Demo 8 – Slideshow presentation
Social Tag Stream Demo
Video Stream Demo
Custom Filtering Wall
Timeline Demos:
Timeline Demo 1 – Modern layout
Timeline Demo 2 – Default layout
Grid layout demos:
Grid layout in one/twofold columns style with Brick theme and dark skin
Grid layout in solo column style with Brick theme and dark skin
Grid layout in solo column style with Brick theme and light skin
Carousel Feed Demo:
Carousel Feed Demo 1 – Modern 2 layout
Carousel Feed Demo 2 – Modern layout
Carousel layout with 2 rows in Hero theme and dark skin
Rotating Feed Demo:
Rotating Feed Demo 1 – Modern layout
Rotating Feed Demo 2 – Default & Flat layouts
Sticky Rotating Feed Demo:
Sticky Rotating Feed Demo – Different layouts & positions
Ajax Tabbed Feed Demo:
Ajax Tabbed Feed Demo – Different layouts & positions
Sticky Ajax Tabbed Feed Demos:
Sticky Ajax Tabbed Feed Demo – Different layouts & positions
Backend Demo:
For backend demo, look at the screenshots.
Frequently asked questions, can be found here.
Online Documentation:
Online documentation, can be found here.
If you have any questions or suggestions concerning to AX Social Stream plugin, please contact us via our page on CodeCanyon or via our website at
Version 3.7.4 – 13.12.2019
- Instagram IP banned restriction problem resolved.
Version 3.7.3 – 10.12.2019
- Fixing the duplicate user info on items when getting Instagram hashtag feed.
- Load more feature added for grid layout.
- Fixing the grid layout problem when unchecking info in item output parts or set width on container based.
- Feature to have stream cached items listed by date is ascending order.
Version 3.7.2 – 15.11.2019
- Use Facebook user token if no page is connected to the plugin.
- Fixing the carousel layout in single row display.
- Instagram conflicting of cached feeds problem fixed.
- Fixing the item gap problem in photo gallery display mode.
Version 3.7.1 – 23.10.2019
- Instagram lacking user info problem fixed.
- Authenticated accounts removal after upgrade problem fixed.
- Facebook getting personal profile feed feature added (will only work with your own created Facebook app).
- LinkedIn removed of the plugin.
- StumbleUpon removed of the plugin.
- Making sharing buttons responsive.
Version 3.7.0 – 04.10.2019
- Duplicate description problem fixed.
- Access token added into the Authenticated Accounts section.
- Setup multiple Facebook pages listing problem fixed.
Version 3.6.9 – 17.09.2019
- Facebook problem with API v4 fixed.
- Page username problem in Facebook API Credentials setup fixed.
Version 3.6.8 – 16.09.2019
- Instagram access token tool public_content permission problem fixed.
- Instagram multi account authentication feature added.
- Facebook multi account authentication feature added.
Version 3.6.7 – 10.09.2019
- Instagram proxy setting authentication problem fixed.
- Fixing an issue in Instagram user cache.
Version 3.6.6 – 08.09.2019
- Instagram access token tool removed.
Version 3.6.5 – 01.09.2019
- Adding own App credentials setup for Facebook.
- Ordering results by default added to settings.
Version 3.6.4 – 25.07.2019
- Fixing the Linkedin v2 paging problem.
- Adding own App credentials setup for LinkedIn.
Version 3.6.3 – 22.07.2019
- LinkedIn API upgraded to v2.
- array_change_key_case notice error fixed.
Version 3.6.2 – 16.07.2019
- Fixed the html special chars problem in item body limiting and formatting functionality.
- Fixing the likes data problem on items happened after release 3.6.0.
- Fixing the likes and comments display problem on slideshow happened after release 3.6.0.
- Feature to display comments replies for Facebook.
Version 3.6.1 – 19.06.2019
- Custom filtering keywords hidden problem in admin fixed.
- Admin stylesheet file loading problem fixed.
- Facebook shared links image problem fixed.
- Fixed the problem of loading the wall and feed minimized css files.
- Fixed the stream sloppy problem while using the same theme for different streams on the same page.
Version 3.6.0 – 30.04.2019
- Grid carousel layout added.
- Custom sized grid layout added.
- Making some changes in custom theme class.
- Separating themes options in back-end.
- Implementing hooks for customizing themes.
- Added a feature to convert Facebook shared links to embedded item.
- Displaying the Twitter embed links with a custom style.
- Feature to display the date on items in different formats.
- Unnecessary profiles image and link redirect chain on Facebook resolved.
- Feature to control displaying text labels on items.
- Feature to add multiple keywords in custom filtering tabs.
- Vimeo thumbnail display problem fixed.
- Fixing the problem of compatibility with servers.
Version 3.5.8 – 09.03.2019
- API proxy setup setting added.
- Twitter embedding connection refused error handled.
- Google+ API deprecated and removed from the plugin.
Version 3.5.7 – 02.03.2019
- Fixing the problem of displaying Instagram user info on items.
- Fixing the load more problem of Instagram user items.
- Fixing the images lazy loading problem which was occurred after v3.4.4.
- Feature to disable images lazy loading on the social stream.
- Added the sb-img class to all image tags on social stream.
- Fixed the ‘call stack size exceeded’ issue on wall filtering.
- The problem of wall relayouting while doing load more fixed.
- Adding meta data to carousel items.
Version 3.5.5 – 15.12.2018
- Instagram hashtag feed API deprecated and replaced with a new solution.
- Feature to get other Instagram user public feeds without an access token.
Version 3.5.4 – 03.12.2018
- Fixing the problem of displaying the Debug tab in WP Dashboard.
- The problem of listing custom layouts in Add/Edit Theme page has been fixed.
- LinkedIn post direct link problem fixed.
- Flickr Photoset/Album feed support added.
Version 3.5.3 – 05.11.2018
- Display a preview of simple shared links in tweets on the item.
- Feature to add custom height for carousel items.
- Feature to connect and generate Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn API credentials directly in plugin.
Version 3.5.2 – 15.10.2018
- A fix to stop multiple conversion of Twitter shared links to Embed codes.
- Problem of low-quality video images in Facebook page videos feed has been fixed.
- SoundCloud user playlists feed added.
Version 3.5.1 – 22.09.2018
- Instagram multi-account feed access token reading problem fixed.
- Facebook hashtags linking added.
- Feature to disable filtering ad items along with social items.
Version 3.5.0 – 20.09.2018
- Instagram private posts light-box video problem fixed.
- The problem of extra items more than limit in some cases fixed.
- Carousel library updated.
- Added a feature to convert shared links on Twitter to Embed codes.
- Instagram hashtags linking problem fixed.
Version 3.4.9 – 08.07.2018
- LinkedIn datetime problem on timeline fixed.
- Facebook comments & likes count display problem fixed.
- Facebook link post title to the original resource which is shared.
- Instagram and YouTube show comments feature added.
- Auto trigger show comments in lightbox slideshow mode.
- Add an admin notice if, layouts activation is not passed.
- Feature to control the position of the plugin associated files on your website.
- Load media over https set to true by default.
Version 3.4.8 – 10.06.2018
- Facebook Graph API v3.0 updated.
- Facebook’s cover photo title problem has been fixed.
- Clear logs problem fixed.
- Plugin renamed to AX Social Stream.
Version 3.4.7 – 10.04.2018
- Instagram user public feed deprecated problem fixed.
Version 3.4.6 – 16.03.2018
- Twitter search API 140 characters limit and image displaying problem has been fixed.
Version 3.4.5 – 18.02.2018
- Trimming the RSS data to fix reading by XML parser.
Version 3.4.4 – 12.02.2018
- Page scroll lazy load problem fixed.
- Plugin renamed to Social Stream.
- Fixing some Notice errors because of API Changes.
Version 3.4.3 – 26.01.2018
- Facebook Graph API v2.11 updated and it will no longer display Facebook comment user info.
- Feature to define a custom size for YouTube videos.
Version 3.4.2 – 30.11.2017
- Ajax tabbed `There is no feed` problem has been fixed.
Version 3.4.1 – 10.11.2017
- Conflicting problem with HTML widgets has been fixed.
- Twitter OAuth library has been updated.
- Twitter hashtag feed duplicates problem fixed.
- The wall relayout problem on fixed height mode has been fixed.
- SVG image converted to base64 inline SVG.
Version 3.4.0 – 15.08.2017
- SoundCloud API updated.
- SoundCloud tracks’ artworks iamge size fixed.
- Facebook image resize got temporarily disabled.
- Option to re-layout wall based on page scroll or images load.
- VK API updated and access token setup is required.
- Wall twitching problem on IE and some other browsers has been fixed.
- Facebook multi-share images problem fixed.
- Fixing the problem that was stopping displaying ads when adding the Social Stream through Visual Composer.
- The problem of opening videos in system inbuilt player instead of lightbox on IE and Safari has been fixed.
- Custom filtering tabs feature added.
- Moving the custom layouts folder to the out of the plugin directory to avoid deleting the layout files after plugin updates.
- Fixing a problem with showing the links in tweets body.
- Problem of not displaying more RSS feed items on load more has been fixed.
- Stream Output setting added to shortcode parameters.
- Added the feature to disable specific filtering buttons.
Version 3.3.5 – 25.04.2017
- Facebook image resize on demand problem has been fixed.
- Problem with session handling when, stream auto update is enabled has been fixed.
- Problem with pinned items when, stream auto update is enabled has been fixed.
- Carousel display problem with text only posts has been fixed.
- A responsive problem in lightbox slideshow has been fixed.
- Unchecking Title in Stream Output block had not any effect on stream output.
- Wall sort by date problem on “Stream Auto Update” has been fixed.
- Changing carousel shortcode from `type=”feed” carousel=”on”` to `type=”carousel”`.
- Feature to set custom defined height and width for wall layout.
- Feature to set wall items responsive breakpoints based on container width.
- RSS extra new lines problem has been fixed.
Version 3.3.1 – 17.11.2016
- Facebook enable lightbox view for direct GIF animation links.
- Twitter item text display in lightbox view has been fixed.
- Facebook notice errors while WP_DEBUG was on, is resolved.
- Displaying original retweet post instead of the RT text.
- Framework upgraded to the latest release.
Version 3.3.0 – 31.10.2016
- Ads management feature added.
- Infinite scroll feature added to the the loading more functionality.
- Plugin update checker problem fixed.
Version 3.2.7 – 19.10.2016
- Search placeholder added to translation.
- Notice errors while no twitter search terms result exist resolved.
- Changing from compatibility to extended mode for Twitter API latest updates.
- Facebook Graph API v2.7 updated.
Version 3.2.5 – 01.06.2016
- An issue with reading RSS media content tag fixed.
- Images lazy load problem with jQuery 1.12.x fixed.
- Problem with loading images on first page load has been fixed.
- Problem with hidding images on auto stream update has been fixed.
- CSS & JS files combined for each display mode.
- The feature to define the number of columns shwoing on each row for different viewport sizes on wall layout.
- Duplicate Instagram items problem on load more fixed.
- Video lightbox support added for Twitter.
Version 3.2 – 20.04.2016
- Fixed the video auto-resize problem with responsive lightbox window.
- Instagram feed, user search problem fixed.
- Plugin licensing and one year automatic update added.
- W3 Markup Validation passed for Stream HTML content.
- Stream Output setting moved to Social Stream management page.
- Added an option to define the height of Rotating Feed block.
- Visual Composer integration problem fixed.
- Flickr profile image problem fixed.
- Problem with reading incorrect RSS media enclosure tag fixed.
- Fixed an error that was thrown when an RSS feed thumbnail was not exit.
- Problem with pinned & remove items fixed.
- Images lazy load feature added.
- Duplicate items problem from tag feeds fixed.
Version 3.1 – 10.02.2016
- A new theme/layout named Metro is added.
- Tumblr lightbox video support added.
- Vine item output upgraded.
- Added an option to define, how to display the image for each item.
- Added an option to allow loading images over https
- Vimeo upgraded to the latest API with paging.
- Some CSS styling fixes.
- Filtering the Stream items using a search phrase.
Version 3.0 – 22.12.2015
- RSS feed first image added to the item as thumbnail.
- Scroll bars removed from lightbox window.
- Twitter OAuth library confliction fixed.
- Integrated with Cornerstone and Visual Composer.
- The gap that appearing at the Stream footer on wall filtering fixed.
- Feature to display Social Stream items as lightbox slideshow.
- Loading icon added on images.
- Pinterest board problem fixed.
- CSS files compressed.
- LinkedIn and Vine networks added.
Version 2.5 – 28.10.2015
- Profile thumbnail linked to profile page in Modern2 layout.
- The exclusion of retweets problem in Twitter lists and search feeds fixed.
- Duplicate items problem fixed in Load More action.
- Social API connection timeout increased to solve the problem on low process servers.
- Opening all images in a lightbox window.
- Profile thumbnail added in Modern layout.
Version 2.4 – 12.10.2015
- Facebook tiny images’ problem fixed.
- Facebook the latest updates, Profile Unavailable problem fixed.
- Debug log problem fixed.
- The problem of Opening video in a lightbox window for sticky Ajax Tabbed widget fixed.
Version 2.3 – 17.09.2015
- Some fixes in styles.
- Network attribute added in shortcode.
- Item Width mobile viewport problem fixed.
- Flickr upgraded to the latest API.
- Load more items added for Flickr.
- Added video opening in iframe for Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo and Google+.
- Video icon overlay added on Stream video items.
- Fix the conflicting problem with some plugins that modify the global $post variable in the admin area.
- Tumblr upgraded to the latest API v2.
- Date/time problem in timeline layout fixed.
- The ability to define the number of items shwoing in each slide for different screen widths on Carousel layout.
Version 2.2 – 04.08.2015
- Stream auto update feature added.
- Facebook API version 2.4 upgrades, some problems fixed.
- YouTube videos feed by channel ID added.
- VK network user or community wall feed by owner ID added.
- Carousel feed theme display options wasn’t working.
- The ability to remove the block radius border.
- Social Stream post type related pages removed.
Version 2.1 – 18.06.2015
- Added translation for over 10 languages as po/mo files.
- Some fixes in layouts and styling.
- YouTube API limit problem fixed.
- Load more items problem in timeline layout fixed.
- Problem in Twitter ID Range fixed.
- Translation for load more added.
- VK network user or community wall feed added.
- Filter networks ordering added.
Version 2.0 – 06.06.2015
- Load more items added for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, Instagram and YouTube.
- Added the option to select the Stream link colors in theme management.
- Added an option to adjust the spacing between the columns in wall.
- Added an option that, let blocks to adjust and re-size to fill the gap in wall.
- A new theme/layout named Modern 2 is added with an option to display profile avatar.
- YouTube upgraded to v3 added.
- Carousel displaying mode added.
- Ability to get posts in a certain datetime in Facebook.
- Ability to get tweets generated in a given date in Twitter.
- ATOM RSS feed support added.
- Option to display timeline in one column or based on browser screen width.
Version 1.5 – 20.04.2015
- Fixed a problem in crawl per request.
- YouTube item description weird characters fixed.
- Instagram items friendly date displaying problem fixed.
- The documentation moved out of the plugin folder and hosted online.
- Facebook API version 2.3 upgrades, implemented.
- Adding an option to get specific sets of posts for Facebook page feed. Posts published by this page, or by others, or by both on this page.
Version 1.4 – 13.04.2015
- Changes in styling to fix conflicting with different themes.
- Add an option to set the number of crawls per request.
- Fix the auto line break adding by WordPress.
- Fix a problem in Facebook hashtag search.
Version 1.3 – 19.03.2015
- SoundCloud User Tracks feed added.
- Add support for Facebook Search Term/Hashtag.
- Facebook “per page limit” problem fixed.
- Items’ footer dates linked to the original post.
Version 1.2 – 09.03.2015
- Facebook API Credentials configuration added.
- Instagram API Access Token and Google+ API Key configurations moved to setting page.
- Add support for Facebook videos.
- Add support for multibyte character set languages.
- Image size selection added for Instagram.
- Ability to pin a post on top of the Social Stream.
- Ability to remove a post from the Social Stream
- Add an option to limit the comments’ words count.
Version 1.1 – 03.03.2015
- Added translation support.
- Added an option to change the status of links to follow or nofollow.
Version 1.0 – 30.01.2015
- First release.
Check the complete changelog.