Get WooCommerce Designer Pro Download

Select CMYK or RGB workspace in one click. Convert uploaded images including SVG vectors in CMYK automatically.
Add multiple designs in the template section and help your customers choose and design in a more comfortable way.
Customize full style of the editor with the colors of your site.
Add a variety of organized clipart by categories so that your customers can easily find and customize their products. The categories can be attached individually in the parameters to be displayed according to the theme of the designs.
Adding a QR code to the design is an easy access to information from a smartphone and therefore a great tool for marketing professionals.
Change the colors of the vectors quickly and easily.
Create designs quickly and easily by grouping and ungrouping SVG.
It allows its customers to add a map to their business cards or flyers and have a more efficient advertising of their trade.
Add to the images a mask layer with texts, clipart or shapes.
Woocommerce designer pro has many ways to align objects. You can align with grid and when moving the layers will adjust to the guidelines, vertically with more or less space, very useful for texts, or align layers with each other.
You can add shapes to your designs and make offers with circles or stars, highlight texts or images inside squares, etc.
Curved text, reverse, arc, small to large, large to small and bulge.
Add images of calendars by categories, ideal for business cards. The categories can be attached individually in the parameters to be displayed according to the theme of the designs.
Woocommerce designer pro can make multiple transformations such as move, resize, rotate, skew and flip any text, shape or clipart.
Manage layers in a simple way. You can quickly identify the layer by the image or icon, set the name, sort, block, unlock or delete.
It allows its customers to save and download their designs easily and manage them from the editor. You can also disable the option to download the designs from the plugin settings.
Crop your images easily to the exact size you want.
Selection of filters so that your clients can easily adjust their photos.
Your customers can manage their saved designs from a page that you choose in the plugin configuration.
You can adjust the height and width of the bleed area, change the color and also set the radius.
100% compatible with woocommerce variations.
Select from more 800 google fonts or add custom font files to the editor so your customers can customize the texts. Supported custom files TTF, EOT, WOFF, WOFF2.
Customize the palettes by adding or removing colors for your clients to use in texts, shapes, vectors and backgrounds.
Add watermark when your customers download designs to protect them from unauthorized copying.
It configures the dimensions of the output files and generates the formats, JPG, PNG, SVG, PDF, JSON and CMYK 300DPI in high resolution.
Select and erase all, grid, align and flip vertical and horizontal, rotate, bring to front, send to back, lock and group layers, duplicate, undo, redo and preview design.
The speed to design is important, woocommerce designer pro has many keyboard shortcuts for you and your customers to save time when designing and be much more comfortable. You can customize the keyboard shortcuts with the combinations you want.
Woocommerce designer pro is compatible with the WPML plugin and can be translated into any language in the world easily.
PHP ImageMagick Extension only if the workspace is used in CMYK.
Version 1.9.17 – Released: January 03, 2020
- Added new tab in the docs section: Demos with automatic installer. - Added new tab in the product data: Set attribute actions. - Added new layouts in the attribute actions tab: Product colors and radio checkbox. - Added new option in custom product: Load only template objects. - Added a option in the parameters that allows you auto hide bleed area when there is no object selected in the editor. - Added a option in the parameters that allows you clipping and hide the objects outside the bleed area. - Added two options in the parameters that allows you set top and left position of border bleed area. - Added new option in style settings: Enable / Disable corners outside the object's controlling box. - Added new option in style settings: Hide the middle scaling corners of object's controlling box. - Added new option in style settings: Padding between object and its controlling borders. - The selected variations are now attached when saving the designs. - By adding new designs now the default canvas color is transparent. - Improved editor style with many important changes. - Changed: Object alignments are now set inside the bleed area. - Fixed: Custom fonts with curved text were not embedded in the SVG output. - Fixed: When selecting the options on the product page, the attributes are not sent sanitized to the editor. - Fixed: The coords are not correct when adding SVG to the editor with zoom below 100%. - Updated: User manual & language file.
Version 1.9.12 – Released: October 16, 2019
- Added support for resource: Flaticon. - Added new option in general settings: Add Flaticon icons to the canvas in SVG format. - Added the Masonry grid layout library for the resources images. - Added new option in general settings: RTL right to left reading mode. - Added a option in the parameters that allows you to capture only the inside of the bleed area in the output file. - Added new option in general settings: Preload fonts unicode with Arabic or Latin extended alphabet. - Added a prevention in the pop-up preview when scrolling the thumbnails. - Fixed: The size of the svg output image is not correct on mobile devices. - Fixed: The outline is not added correctly in curved texts. - Openclipart resource was removed because it is no longer active. - Updated: New icons have been added to the wcdp-sprites font. - Updated: User manual & language file.
Version 1.9.11 – Released: September 10, 2019
- Added a option in style settings to select 5 new predesigned skin colors. - Added new icons and style in the object's control corners. - Added options in the object's control corners: Duplicate, rotate, delete and scale. - Added new option in style settings: Enable / disable to add borders the object's control corners. - Added a option in style settings that allows you to change the color of the borders the object's control corners. - Added a option in style settings that allows you to change the color of the icons the object's control corners. - Added the jQuery custom content scroller library and the editor scrollbars were changed. - Added a option in style settings that allows you change the color of the scrollbars. - Improved editor style with many important changes. - Fixed: Search images in the cliparts tab are not added to the canvas. - Updated: New icons have been added to the wcdp-sprites font. - Updated: User manual & language file.
Version 1.9.10 – Released: August 05, 2019
- Added new option in general settings: Set number of designs the user can save. - Added a option in the parameters that allows you to stretch the output image to the PDF size automatically. - Added thumbnails in JPG, PNG, GIF formats for the clipart categories in the editor. - Fixed: Google fonts in TTF format with "HTTPS" protocol cannot be imported to generate in PDF output with SVG. - Fixed: Background color is not generated in PDF output with SVG. - Fixed: Several no important style bugs. - Updated: User manual & language file.
Version 1.9.9 – Released: July 21, 2019
- Check: Change svg image with fill patterns to jpg when the export of the pdf with svg crashes. - Fixed: The names of sides in CMYK are not generated correctly when sending form ajax to save files. - Fixed: The images added in the background or overlay in the pdf with svg export is not generated correctly. - Fixed: The images added in the background or overlay in the svg export is not generated correctly.
Version 1.9.8 – Released: July 20, 2019
- Fixed: The scale the output image in the PDF is incorrect.
Version 1.9.7 – Released: July 20, 2019
- Added new option in general settings: Output PDF with SVG. - Added new option in general settings: Enable / disable output CMYK to the user. - Added the JSZip library, the PHP Zip extension is no longer necessary. - Added a option in the parameters that allows you to scale the output image in the PDF. - Added temp folder in uploads for images and temporary files. - Improved the export of svg with stroke and fill transparent colors. - The user downloads are now direct and are not saved on the server. - The TCPDF library has been replaced by PDFKit. - The PHP GD extension is no longer needed to add the watermark in the designs. - Fixed: The letter spacing in the svg export is not generated correctly. - Fixed: The size of the svg output image is not correct. - Fixed: When adding the product to the cart the attributes show the Slug. - Fixed: The link to the editor with multiple translations is not generated correctly. - Fixed: Several no important editor bugs. - Updated: User manual & language file.
Version 1.9.6 – Released: March 29, 2019
- Added new function Mask layer. - Added new toolbar for the options of the images. - Added a option in the parameters that allows you to enable / disable the user, the mask layer option. - Added new options in the parameters that allows you to add all calendars categories or cliparts. - Added new options in the parameters that allows you to set the default sizes in images, shape and codes QR. - Added new option in general settings: Enable / disable download designs only to user logged. - Added new option in general settings: Enable / disable SVG image uploads to the user. - Fixed: The editor crashes when you open the color picker with iPhone mobiles. - Fixed: Axis point for texts does not work with font size and font family select. - Fixed: Undefined function array_column() with PHP version 5.4. - Fixed: Several no important editor bugs. - Updated: User manual & language file.
Version 1.9.5 – Released: February 09, 2019
- Added new option for admin in the layers tab: Allows you to lock / unlock layers the user. - Added new option for admin in the layers tab: Allows you to hide layers in the output files. - Added new option in general settings: Download design in the order for user. - Added axis point for texts with alignments from left to center or right. - Added new function for admin to add or extract images or svg from the overlay. - Added a option in the parameters that allows you to hide overlay image of design when generating the output files. - Added new option in the parameters: Radius bleed area. The "Editor corners rounded" option is now independent. - Added gray background to the thumbnails of the layers with white color. - Added a option in style settings that allows you to hide note boxes. - Fixed: The thumbnails of the layers are not generated correctly when change zoom in the editor. - Fixed: Option "Hide background image in the output files" is also hidden with the preview. - Fixed: The template search does not find designs with complete words. - Fixed: The design is not added in the order with unregistered users. - Fixed: Several no important editor bugs. - Updated: User manual & language file.
Version 1.9.4 – Released: January 19, 2019
- Added new tab in the editor: Manage layers. - Added a option in the parameters that allows you to enable / disable the section of manage layers. - Added new section in the admin: Design categories. - Added new option in custom product: Add designs to the templates section by categories. - Added new option to search for templates in the editor. - Added an option in the parameters that allows you to hide background image of design when generating the output files. - Added new option in general settings: Add link to email for download the design after change order status to completed. - Added new option in general settings: Hide add to cart button in the editor. - Fixed: The design is not added in the order pending payment. - Fixed: Unable to activate plugin with PHP version 5.4. - Updated: User manual & language file.
Version 1.9.3 – Released: December 06, 2018
- Added support for designs with different parameters in the same product. - Added new option in custom product: Load parameters by Ajax query. - Added new option in general settings: Enable / disable the output CMYK in the admin download. - Fixed: "Request Entity Too Large" on servers with Ajax limitations. - Fixed: When adding a new design it does not load the editor with some themes. - Fixed: When the browser zoom is changed, the toolbar shakes. - Updated: User manual & language file.
Version 1.9.2 – Released: November 13, 2018
- Added new functions: Group and ungroup SVG & Shapes, from the toolbar. - Added a option in the parameters that allows you to enable / disable the user, group and ungroup SVG. - Added new functions: Stroke width and color for SVG grouped and ungrouped. - Improved multicolor function, transparent colors were also added in the fill and stroke of the SVG. - Added new filters for images and improved the style of selection. - Added new section in the admin: Manage image filters, to enable or disable the filters. - Fixed: When selecting the options on the product page, the attributes are not sent to editor. - Fixed: Activated option sold individually product, does not hide quantity button in the editor. - Fixed: Changing the side by editing a text, overwrites the design. - Fixed: Duplicate side to side multiple layers cloned backwards. - Fixed: Scaling a group of objects the transform is wrong. - Fixed: Simple product price set to 0 can not be added to the cart. - Fixed: Can not find the translation strings with plugin Loco Translate. - Fixed: Several no important style bugs. - Updated: User manual & language file.
Version 1.9.1 – Released: September 24, 2018
- Added support for resources: Pixabay, Unsplash, Pexels, Openclipart. - Added new option in general settings: Convert images of resources in CMYK before adding it to the canvas. - Added new options in general settings: Output PNG & Add PNG to the user downloads. - Added new status tab in the docs section, to check and help with possible errors. - Improved zip compression system, faster when downloading designs and adding to cart. - Fixed: Designs with default parameter "Warning: Division by zero". - Updated: User manual & language file.
Version 1.9.0 – Released: August 26, 2018
- Added pop-up for preview the thumbnails. - Added a option in style settings that allows you to enable / disable pop-up of the thumbnails. - Added option in style settings, centered scaling for objects. - Added option in style settings add the objects centered on canvas. - Added new function to add or extract images or svg from the background. - Added a option in the parameters that allows you to enable / disable the user, add or extract background images. - Removed pop-up element select images background and logo. - Disabled pointer events in the images and svg. - Fixed: When moving the panning area with a group of objects, the coordinates are not updated. - Fixed: Letter spacing for texts without effects. - Fixed: Discard group when adding objects. - Fixed: Skewing a group of objects the transform is wrong. - Updated: User manual & language file.
Version 1.8.9 – Released: August 10, 2018
- Added 50+ new shapes. - Added auto snap when rotating objects. - Added new option in general settings: Hide add to cart button for customizable products. - Fixed: Select, delete and edit locked objects. - Fixed: Does not close the contents of the cliparts and calendars folders in the editor. - Fixed: It does not save the design if the table "wp_usermeta > _wcdp_designs_save_user_list" is empty.
Version 1.8.8 – Released: July 19, 2018
- Added support for Google Fonts. - Fixed: Include bleed area and grid layers when selecting all objects. - Update: Language File.
Version 1.8.7 – Released: July 12, 2018
- Added new function Crop image. - Added new function Zoom and panning area. - Changed Grid and Bleed area html to inside canvas. - Fixed: Not load the fonts by selecting new templates.