Get Commentator Wordpress Plugin Download
Commentator Wordpress Plugin is a fully featured ajaxified comments system for your wordpress website that lets you easily supercharge your discussions.
Plugin Features
- NEW v2.4 : Images Support – Commenters can now join an image to their comment if enabled in the settings .
- NEW v2.3 : Pick and Delete – You can enable comment deleting and comment picking in the settings .
- NEW v2.1 : Boxed Theme – Boxed Theme for those who like boxes .
- NEW v1.5 : Dark Theme – Dark Theme for dark websites.
- NEW v1.4 : Comments flagging – Ajax flagging of unappropriated comments.
- NEW v1.3 : Ajaxified Pagination – Ajaxified pagination for your comments.
- NEW v1.2 : Social Login – Use Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook or Google plus to comment.
- Ajaxified comment form – The comments are added on the go, and you don’t need to reload the page to see the freshly added one.
- Ajaxified login and register – Commentator integrates a login and register form to let your users comment.
- Comments upvotes and downvotes – Your users can rate the comments with a Youtube like upvoting and downvoting system.
- Thread likes – Commentator integrates a thread liking system for you readers to like a whole discussion
- Front End comment sorting – The comments can be sorted on the go by the reader (newest, oldest and most popular filters).
- Customizable icons and colors – You can replace the icons provided by any of the FontAwesome family
- Easily integration – Commentator integrates with the basic Wordpress comments system to let you get your old comments back !
- Translation ready – Commentator is already translated in english and french, and easily translatable with the given .po and .mo files !
2016, May, 18 - v2.7.0 | Being Reviewed - Fixed Linebreaks - Images are now uploaded in the media library to be cropped by Wordpress
2016, March, 15 - v2.6.5 | Uploaded - Fixed pagination with some themes
2016, January, 25 - v2.6.4 | Uploaded - Remove uploaded image from form when a comment has been posted
2016, January, 25 - v2.6.3 | Uploaded - Prevent unlogged user from subscribing
2016, January, 25 - v2.6.2 | Uploaded - Email subscriptions - Load Libraries only when useful - Merged Fontawesome with normal version - Support Ajaxified websites - General Fixes
2016, January, 11 - v2.5.3 | Uploaded - SECURITY FIX : recommended update !
2015, November, 7 - v2.5.2 | Uploaded - Fixed Facebook modal - Fixed Oembed - Added clickable links option - Fixed translation files and french translation - Fixed scrollbar on firefox - Fixed links display in comments - Fixed long text display in comments - Minor other fixes
2015, August, 30 - v2.5.1 | Uploaded - Fixed BuddyPress & UserPro integration
2015, August, 30 - v2.5.1 | Uploaded - Fixed UserPro integration (links to profile are now all working <img src="/images/smileys/wink.png" alt=";)" title=";)" /> )
2015, August, 30 - v2.5.0 | Uploaded - Added support for BuddyPress : Avatar & Profile page - Added support for Users Ultra : Avatar & Profile page - Added support for Ultimate Member : Avatar & Profile page - Added support for UserPro : Avatar, Badges & Profile page - Fixed a Warning that was displayed when a non logged user commented - Fixed CSS output for links
2015, August, 30 - v2.4.6 | Uploaded - Fixed scrollbar in the comment's box in firefox !
2015, August, 30 - v2.4.5 | Uploaded - FIxed an issue when there were no comments - Fixed version number !
2015, July, 31 - v2.4.4 | Uploaded - Fixed paste into comments postbox - Added Wordpress oEmbed support on activation in the settings - Minor fixes
2015, July, 31 - v2.4.3 | Uploaded - Minor bug fixes
2015, July, 31 - v2.4.2 | Uploaded - Fixed a few issues when debug mode was on
2015, July, 31 - v2.4.1 | Uploaded - Fixed images permissions - Fancy animation for uploading ! - Fixed image displaying on collapsed comments
2015, July, 31 - v2.4.0 | Uploaded - Support for images <img src="/images/smileys/happy.png" alt=" :)" title=" :)" /> !
2015, July, 29 - v2.3.1 | Uploaded - Fixed a small ajax bug on comment addition when not registered
2015, July, 29 - v2.3.0 | Uploaded - Add deletion option - Post author can now pick his favorite comments if enabled in the options - Redesigned dropdown menus - Few bug fixes
2015, July, 28 - v2.2.1 | Uploaded - Updated icon font and general styles
2015, July, 28 - v2.1.1 | Uploaded - Better effect for new comment posting - Fixes to the boxed style
2015, July, 27 - v2.1.0 | Uploaded - Added a nice boxed theme (for threads with 2 levels of depth max) and dropped outdated metro theme - Added the possibility to change the colors of active voting icons - Better handling of compulsory registration option and of closed comment threads - Modernized style - General cleaning of the code - Fixed disappearing admin bar - Fixed sorting order / pagination - Updated french and english translations
2015, July, 22 - v2.0.1 | Uploaded - Fixed an Hybridauth issue
2015, July, 22 - v2.0 | Uploaded - Complete reshape of the plugin's code - Dropped UserPro - Better flagging of comments - Dropped Custom Fonts (they should be added in the theme directly or with another plugin) - Updated Documentation
2014, March, 27 - v1.6.3 | Uploaded - Fixed paragraphs - Fixed & in comments - Fixed author tags - Fixed pasted text format
2014, February, 27 - v1.6.3 | Uploaded - Fixed a social commenting bug
2014, February, 22 - v1.6.2 | Uploaded - Fixed UserPro Integration (avatar display) - Added a shortcode : [commentator]
2014, February, 18 - v1.6.1 | Uploaded - Fixed UserPro Integration (name display) - Fixed a bug with comments reloading when there was no comments
2014, February, 11 - v1.6.0 | Uploaded - Fixed pagination bug - Made compatible with UserPro
2014, January, 14 - v1.5.8 | Uploaded - Fixed time ago option - Fixed user roles option
2014, January, 5 - v1.5.7 | Uploaded - Added an alert for comment in moderation
2014, January, 5 - v1.5.6 | Uploaded - Classic font family option - FontAwesome compatibility fix for websites already using it - Icon option fix
2014, January, 5 - v1.5.5 | Uploaded - fixed access to settings page (admin only)
2014, January, 5 - v1.5.4 | Uploaded - fixed visibility of wordpress topbar
2014, January, 5 - v1.5.3 | Uploaded - fixed id #main-nav in #commentator-main-nav - fixed comments visibility on posts with disabled comments
2014, January, 4 - v1.5.2 | Uploaded - Metro Theme - Pagination & sorting bug fix - Button to close reply form
2014, January, 3 - v1.5.1 | Uploaded - Email password bug fix
2014, January, 3 - v1.5 | Uploaded - Badge on author comments - Custom menu option - More readable dates option - Dark Theme - Bug fixes
2013, December, 29 - v1.4 | Uploaded - Google Font Option, chose within all font api - Flagging option - Sort comments by upvotes and downvotes in admin dashboard
2013, December, 25 - v1.3 | Uploaded - Refined beautiful settings page - Added pagination support - CDN option for users who want to load their scripts by their own means - Fixed a few bugs - Icon for loading - Logout button - Fixed the icon font css for those who already use an icon font in their theme - Better overall performance
2013, December, 24 - v1.2.3 | Uploaded - Fixed markup to suit more templates - Possibility to add your own font - Users now can't vote both up and down - Added options to deactivate avatar, vote thread, and login tab - Settings are now a subtab of comments tab
2013, December, 23 - v1.2.2 | Uploaded - Fixed a bug with twitter not giving email
2013, December, 23 - v1.2.1 | Uploaded - Fixed a bug where all comments appeared on first page load - Fixed a bug on social avatars displaying
2013, December, 23 - v1.2 | Uploaded - Social Integration !! - Fixed position alerts to see an overall sight of form errors - Added animations to know when an ajax call is made - Updated documentation
2013, December, 22 - v1.1 | Uploaded - Separated register option - Added content option before - Fixed duplicated comments and overall compatibility with wordpress core comments insertion - Fixed a small bug for non registered users
2013, December, 17 - v1.0 | Uploaded - Initial release
Features to come
- Subscribtions – Subscribe to a comment
- Thank commenters – Email to thank commenter
- Tags and quote – Add some tags and ability to quote a commenter
- Email – Email me on replies
- Social post when commenting – Post on your facebook wall, tweet automatically your comments
- Website previewer – Facebook like website previewer on links in comments
- Comment Geolocalisation – Get the comment geolocalisation
You can request any feature you’d like to see on commentator via my codecanyon profile contact form !
- Fontawesome – Icon font :
- HybridAuth – Php OAuth library :