[Download] Anti Candy Crunch – the MATCH-4 Source Code – iOS 12 and Swift 4.2 ready

Update 12.0.0 – (18.10.2018)
• Updated to iOS 12, Xcode 10, Swift 4.2
• Updated Rebeloper Store to 4.0.0 ( files changed: RebeloperStoreSetup.swift, RebeloperStoreConfig.plist, Info.plist, AppDelegate.swift, Gameplay.swift, Shop.swift, BDPlayerStats.swift, Podfile )
• Updated Firebase/Core; Firebase/AdMob pods
• Fixed Tiles not found on board – big red X image being displayed instead (file changed: Gameplay.swift, lines 365, 375)
Updated to iOS11, Swift 4 and Xcode 9
IMPORTANT: Removed Facebook SDK altogether since App Invites are no longer supported by Facebook as of February 8th 2018.
Watch video: https://player.vimeo.com/video/181302548
Are you tired of reskinning the same old MATCH-3 source codes?
Do you want to leverage the awesome features of a game like Candy Crush Saga, but do not want to be a copycat?
Are you looking for a revolutionary MATCH-4 gameplay?
You are in good place! Take a look at the tour video below and fall in love with Anti Candy Crunch – the MATCH-4 Source Code.
Watch video: https://player.vimeo.com/video/180951385
Anti Candy Crunch is available on the App Store as Anti Cookie Crunch!
iOS 11, Swift 4, Xcode 9 ready!
We wanted to create a game that will turn heads. While researching the market I’ve found that there are a LOT (some good, some bad) of MATCH-3 source codes.
What will make a bang is a new gameplay: Match 4 candies or more! Do not match 3!
Features of the Anti Candy Crunch source code include:
- Revolutionary MATCH-4 gameplay
- Facebook Share
- 3 Virtual Currency Pack In-app Purchases – This is where you will make money
- No Ads In-app Purchase – This is where you will make money
- Ads from AdMob (banner) and Chartboost (interstitial) – This is where you will make money
- Rate My App System
- Game Center Leaderboard
- Achievements
- 108 Levels
- 2 types of gameplay: timed or with moves
- Random Level Mode
- iOS 11, Swift 4, Xcode 9 ready
- many more
You will get your hands on the Anti Candy Crunch source code and hands on video tutorials how to put your own reskin of it on the App Store.
When you purchase a Rebeloper Source Code you purchase more than just a source code. You purchase the awesome documentation and constant support. You will get access to 2.5+ hours of hands on video documentation.
Enrich your app portfolio with this delightful, addicting, fun and money maker source code! Buy now!
Got a question? Ask it in the Comments section. We answer each and every question in less than 24 hours, but mostly within 3 hours (if we’re not asleep). Customer happiness is our #1 priority. And of course, we offer a 14 days money back guarantee.
11.0.12 – (16.07.2018)
•Fixed Game Center Leaderboard not sending correct data (file changed: Gameplay.swift, lines 936, 937)
11.0.11 – (01.07.2018)
•Fixed Launch Screen bottom white border on iPhoneX (file changed: LaunchScreen.stroyboard)
•Added option to reset stars count for level upon replay (file changed: Setup.swift, GameOver.swift, BDPlayerStats.swift)
11.0.10 – (10.05.2018)
•Fixed crash after buying No Ads IAP (file changed: Levels.swift)
11.0.9 – (09.05.2018)
•Fixed Rate Button not opening app Review Page (file changed: Settings.swift, Setup.swift)
11.0.8 – (03.05.2018)
•Fixed misplaced cookies when swiping really fast continuously (file changed: Gameplay.swift)
11.0.7 – (15.04.2018)
•Fixed background music issue when presenting an AdMob Interstitial ad (file changed: SmartAdMob.swift)
•Fixed interstitial issue delaying gameplay presentation (file changed: Setup.swift, Levels.swift, AppDelegate.swift)
11.0.6 – (05.04.2018)
•Fixed PlayerStats crash (file changed: GameViewController.swift)
11.0.5 – (30.03.2018)
•Added support for AdMob Interstitials (file changed: Levels.swift, GameViewController.swift, SmartAdMobConstants.swift, SmartAdMob.swift)
11.0.4 – (24.01.2018)
•Fixed Sound on/off button scaling infinitely down when tapped fast for several times (file changed: BDButton.swift)
•Fixed one png file not opening in Photoshop in the Resources folder
•Updated Resources folder with new assets
11.0.3 – (12.01.2018)
•Added option to animate matched cookies with png circles (file changed: Gameplay.swift, Setup.swift, Assets.xcassets)
11.0.2 – (05.01.2018)
•Added Localization
11.0.1 – (27.12.2017)
•Fixed minor background music bug (file changed: GameViewController.swift)
11.0.0 – (21.12.2017)
•Rebuilt whole app; removed unnecessary features, images; made ui flow smoother
10.0.5 – (06.12.2017)
•Fixed Crash due to no internet connection in fetching localised prices to the In-app purchase buttons as Apple’s new requirements (file changed: GameScene.swift)
10.0.4 – (01.12.2017)
•Removed unnecessary UIActivityTypes from share (file changed: GameScene.swift)
10.0.3 – (01.12.2017)
•Added localised prices to the In-app purchase buttons as Apple’s new requirements (file changed: GameScene.swift)
10.0.2 – (27.10.2017)
• Removed App Invites functionality bec ause with the release of the Facebook SDK version 4.28.0, App Links Hosting is deprecated. It will be supported until February 5, 2018.
10.0.1 – (23.09.2017)
•Added SmartReviewController.
10.0.0 – (20.09.2017)
•Updated code to Swift4 / Xcode9 / iOS11 / iPhone8 / iPhone8 Plus / iPhone X. This is a brand new project! You will need to start from scratch. Besides the obvious code changes one resource has been modified (TopPanel.png) and one new resource has been added (TopPaneliPhoneXExtension.png) – waiting for Facebook to fix the warnings in their SDKs (but they are only warnings – the code works fine with them)
2.3.0 – (20.08.2017)
• Added Localization – this is a BRAND NEW version of the code; almost all files have been changed – To update you will need to start to set up your app with this version.
2.2.1 – (04.08.2017)
• Fixed the following issue: When a user completes a level and at the same time completes an achievement, then first the achievement pops up (and sometimes also and ad). This leads to a conflict, because it cause the ‘You win’ popup to NOT show and the user goes back in a game that is already won….This is annoying for a user, because the user has to make another move to complete the already completed level. (Thank you GamingV1 for the bug report) – (file changed: GameScene.swift)
2.1.1 – (22.12.2016)
•Updated code to fix Valid Facebook App Invites coins to give ( file changed: GameViewController.swift – line 604 )
2.1.0 – (10.11.2016)
•Fixed issues with SwiftKeychainWrapper ( file changed: Podfile; GameViewController.swift; PlayerStats.swift; SettingsScene.swift )
•Made the Star (that is after the counter of stars label) in the Gameplay to be a button that goes to the Shop. Thanks for the feature request phillip kidd ( files changed: GameScene.sks; GameScene.swift )
•Added button to Game Over Panel that goes to Main Menu. Thanks for the feature request simpleapps ( files changed: GameScene.sks )
2.0.4 – (06.11.2016)
• Improvement: AdMob banner now spans to the sides of the screen on all devices ( file changed: Main.storyboard )
• Updated project to automatic recommended settings
2.0.3 – (02.10.2016)
• Fixed Screen being cut in iPad Landscape Orientation ( for a quick patch all you need to do is: select your Target; go to General and in Deployment Info check “Requires Full Screen”)
2.0.2 – (15.09.2016)
• Updated Info.Plist file to avoid ‘Invalid Build’ when uploading to the App Store because of Facebook. Basically added the following:
<string>Facebook would like to access your photo library.</string>
2.0.1 – (15.09.2016)
- Updated Info.Plist file to avoid ‘Invalid Build’ when uploading to the App Store. Basically added the following:
<string>Advertisement would like to create a calendar event.</string>
<string>Advertisement would like to use bluetooth.</string>
2.0.0 – (08.09.2016)
- Updated to iOS 10 and Swift 3 – this version will run only in Xcode 8+
1.0.1 – (01.09.2016)
- Added Alert showing Facebook App Invite progress and how much stars are given for the action
1.0.0 – (26.08.2016)
- Initial Release