[Download] Salon Booking Wordpress Plugin

A complete and easy to manage appointments booking system for busy Salons.
Salon Booking is a complete and easy to manage appointments booking system to help your business getting more reservations on your website and saving a lot of time with your agenda management tasks.
Salon booking has been developed thinking about the most common needs of Hairdressing salons, Barbers shops, Beauticians, Therapists, Spas, Clinics, Sport facilities rentals etc.
- Back-end calendar
- Montly view
- Weekly view
- Daily view
- Bookings export
- Adding reservation from daily view
- Block out time slots from daily view
Salon general settings
- Email notifications on new reservation
- Email notification to selected assistant
- Email reminder for the customers
- Email followup
- Email review notification
- Email notification custom logo
- Custom email message to the customers
- SMS notification on new reservation
- SMS notification to selected assistant
- SMS reminder for the customers
- SMS followup
- SMS verification code against spam
- SMS Aplhanumeric ID supported
- Twilio, Plivo and 1p1sms providers supported
- Whatsapp notifications supported
- set you favourite date and time format
- set when your week starts
- WordPress Editors as Salon Administrator
Salon booking rules
- Three bookings methods BASIC / ADVANCED / HIGH END
- Booking time range ( from a minimum of .. to a maximum of in advance )
- Multiple weekly timetable rules
- Time range validty option for the weekly booking rules
- Multiple holidays rules
- Offset between reservations
- Change booking form steps order ( Date&time – Services – Assistants – Checkout – Payment or reverse )
- Manual booking confirmation
- Users booking cancellation
- Pause online booking form
Salon payments options
- Enable on-line payments
- Pay later option
- Percentage or fixed amount deposit
- Automatic cancellation option for unpaid reservations
- Hide prices
- Decimals and thousand separators option
- PayPal
- Stripe
- Custom payment methods supported
- Official add-on for “Mollie”, “Square”, “Worldpay”, “Paystack”, “RedSys” and “Paytrail”
Salon checkout options
- Enable guest checkout
- Force guest checkout
- Limit the number of services bookable at the same time
- Control form fields
- Log-in with Facebook account
- Enable Advanced Discount System
- Adding custom fields
Two ways Google Calendar synchronisation
- Synchronise reservations on salon administrator’s Google Calendar account
- Salon admin can add and cancel reservations from his Google Calendar account
Front-end booking form styling
- Choose among three different booking form sizes according to your page layout
- Custom colors palette generator
Assistants settings
- Multiple weekly timetable rules
- Multiple holidays rules
- Limit reservations to specific services
- Multiple reservations for the same slot for classrooms booking
- Google Calendar synchronisation
- SMS notification when he’s booked
- Email notification when he’s booked
Services settings
- Price
- Duration
- Unit per hour
- Category grouping
- Multiple weekly timetable rules
- No assistant required option
- Service break ( now you can select up to 3 hours divided in multiples of your average session duration )
- Conditional “Secondary services”
- Direct booking link
- Exclusive service
Advanced Discount System
- Create unlimited coupon codes
- Create unlimited discounts based on multiple criteria
for more details on this section visit: https://www.salonbookingsystem.com/advanced-discount-system-for-salon-booking-plugin/
Customers archive
- List of customers
- Details page of each customer with list of his reservations and feedbacks
- Customer’s bookings statistics
- Stats on reservations and revenues
- Stats on reservations and revenues by services
- Stats on reservations and revenues by assistant
- Stats on reservations and revenues by customers
- Email weekly report
- Importing system from other platform (Users, Services and Assistants)
Frontend pages
- Booking form page [salon/]
- Private customers reservations management page [salon_booking_my_account]
- Assistants bookings calendar [salon_booking_calendar]
- Assistants list [salon_booking_assistant]
- Services list [salon_booking_services]
Restful API
- A complete set of API to use Salon Booking System inside your third party applications
- API DOCS: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/Salon-Booking/Mobileapp/1-oas3
Themes & Plugin compatibility issues**
- Disable Bootstrap Javascript
- Disable Bootstrap CSS
More information at Salon Booking System.” rel=”nofollow”>http://salonbookingsystem.com/).
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
1. Upload `salon-free` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
1. Go to Salon > Settings to complete your salon settings
Frequently Asked Questions
= What kind of business this plugins best fits? =
This plugin has been developed thinking about the specific needs of Barber Shop, Hairdressing salon, Beauty Centres and Spas.
= Which version of WordPress this plugin requires? =
The plugin has been tested on WordPress 4.0
= Which version of php is supported? =
The plugin supports php 5.4 and above version.
= Is it multi language ready? =
YES, Salon Booking comes equipped with a lot of languages translation.
Just set your favourite Wordpress language and Salon Booking will use that language.
You can easyly manage the translation using a plugin like LocoTranslate.
Languages available:
If you want to contribuite to plugin translation please visit:
= Are there any conflicts with other plugins? =
Some caching plugins could generate conflicts with our plugin.
= Is it possible to customise the look and feel of the plugin front-end? =
Yes, go to “Settings > Style > Color combination” options
= Is It possible to manage multiple locations? =
Yes but with a dedicated add-on that you can find here:
= I’m using Divi theme and the categories accordion doens’t work
Look at this guide: https://www.salonbookingsystem.com/divi-theme-accordions-issues/
Security issue fixed
Added a new ID column inside Services and Assistants sections
Added a new “Duplicate” link for Services and Assistants
Fixed issue with Stripe
Changed the behaviour of the RESCHEDULE button
Added REPEAT BOOKING option on Booking My Account page
Fixed issue on Assistant selection
Automatic update for Codecanyon version users
Added Quick Edit action for Assistants
Fixed missing customer address inside the notifical email
Minor fixes
Fixed issue with the broken booking form layout
Fixed issue with missing customers reservations inside his personal account page
Fixed security issue
Restored “Enable Advanced Discount System” option
Improved order of some options settings on back-end
Restored the “Welcome screen” on the very first plugin activation
Added a new “Services categories” item menù to easily access to them
Fixed bug with languaes on Polylang
Custom checkbox field checked by default even on back-end
OVH add-on bug fixed
Added a custom field validation on back-end booking creation
Fixed wrong customer details inside the feedback email request
Added booking cancellation for guest users
Advanced Discount System enabled by default
Fix for wrongly cancelled reservations after payment
Fixed “Stripe locale”
Added option to disable the first email notification before the payment completion
Fixed back-end settings selects items order
Added a “shop_id” parameter to the Services and Assistants shortcode for Multi-Shops support
Fixed Services Shortcode booking link when Multi-Shops is enabled
Display the Shop name inside the Google Calendar event when Multi-Shops is enabled
Fixed Polylang compatibility issue
Fixed Services import tool
Fixed bug wrong “Manage account” button inside notification email
Fixed WPML and Polylang compatibility
Updated API
Fixed “BASIC” Booking Method
Fixed bug of wrong booking price inside email notification
Added a new option to disable “Choose an assistant for me”
Added new option inside the “Google Calendar” tab: publish “Payment pending” reservations
Fixed bug with services “Book now” button
Fixed random association of assistant to the reservation when “Change order” is active
API bugs fixed
API updated
Fixed bug “You need higer permission…” on first install
API updated
Added post timestamp to API
Fixed slow Lock/Unlock time slots
Fixed issue with front-end date-picker availabilty representation
Fixed bug with Estonian language
Updated Stripe API library
Fixed bug with front-end assistans calendar shortcode
Fixed issues with discounts rules
API integration to support Multi-Shops add-on
Fixed issue of missing menu items
Fixed bug on checkout
Fixed php warnings
Fixed bug on check-out when “guest checkout” is enabled
New email notifications layout
New weekly email report layout
Booking process last step restyled
Fixed booking search by ID
Fixed back-end booking details page html markup
Fixed bugs with WPML
Fixed bug on blocking hours from daily view calendar
Fixed bug on alert message when select a not available date/time from back-end
Make Google Calendar event details text strings translatable
Translate Facebook login pop-up
Direct service booking URL fixed
Fixed bugs on API
Added new API endpoints
Fixed issue with missing translations
Fixed issue with php 7.2
Fixed bug on services order when added to booking from back-end
Fixed bug with Eesti language
Fixed bug with custom colors
Fixed all Php warnings and notices
Fixed issue with Google Calendar authentication
Fixed Email Reminder custom text
Fixed issue with blocking hours on back-end calendar
Fixed overlapping services inside the assistant skills field
Fixed issue with reservation with Free amount and Confirmed status
Added RTL compatibility
Added Hide on front-end option inside services settings page
Booking Amount field now is editalbe
Added links to add reservation to Google Calendar, MS Outlook and ICal inside notification email
Fixed bug sanification issues with WordPress 5.1
Fixed bug with Facebook login
Fixded bug on front-end calendar shortcode
Fixed bug on block hours form back-end calendar
Fixed bug on “complete” button disappeared
Fixed bug on “display_post_states” function
Added Welcome screen on activation
Added “RE-SCHEDULE” feature on “Booking my account” page
Improved back-end assistant/service selection UI
Back-end calendar “Assistant view” option now is saving the setting
Fixed missing text-domain text strings
Updated .pot file with missing text strings
Fixed bug with Bulgarian language
Added option to customize SMS notification
Google Calendar authentication issue fixed
SMS to multiple assistants fixed
Added parameter for customers profile custom fields
Fixed bug on front-end booking form
Fixed bug on conditional secondary services
Fixed bug with Bulgarian language
Fixed bug with Chinese languages
Fixed bug with back-end calendar weekly view
Fixed bug with “Assistant selection > only from back-end”
Fixed bug with WPML
Improved bookings representation on daily view
Removed useless files from Goole API library
Fixed bug with back-end calendar
Fixed bug on discounts
- Added new option to disable the “second shift” into the booking rules
- Added new option to enable the assistant selection only from back-end
- Added new “visible” = “public” parameter to [salon_booking_calendar] shortcode
- Added new “days” parameter to [salon_booking_calendar] shortcode
- Added possibility to cancel a reservation from Google Calendar
- Added Whatsapp support for SMS notifications
- Added “amount to be paid” inside the booking details
- Added more booking details inside the SMS notification
- Added assistant availability check inside the drop-down menù during back-end booking creation
- Fixed bug on customers search field
- Fixed bug on adding customers from back-end
- Fixed back-end calendar starting week day
- Fixed service booking direct link
- Fixed bug on custom field saving
- Fixed bug on user importing tool
- Removed online payments options from the free version
- Fixed bug with the import tool
- Fixed bug with the Romanian language
- Fixed bug on back-end calendar date status bar
- Removed booking limits from the free version
- Removed online payments options from the free version
- Bug fix for reservations with php error
- Bug fix assistant selection on mobile
- Google Calendar authentication process
- Bug fix with time slot block
- Increased the follow up email characters number
- Removed bookings limit
- Removed license activation
- Replaced the plugin domain
- Proper sanitization of all input data
- Php minimum requirement is 5.4 version
- Added a CSS class to “free” services on front-end booking form
- Added a CSS class to “SMS code verification” step
- Fixed conflict with WPMAIL SMTP
- Fixed bug with “bookings overlap”
- Fixed bug with “Holidays rules”
- Fixed bug with services selection from back-end on IOS device
- Fixed email notification to multiple assistants
- Fixed missing booking ratings stars into back-end
- Fixed missing translating strings
- Fixed php errors
- Fixed Google Calendar API library
- Fixed discount bug on back-end
- Fixed bug with AVADA theme
- Fixed bug on by assistant daily view on back-end calendar
- Fixed bug
- Added a new tab with the customer personal data form inside “Booking my account page”
- Integration with “Wp Privacy Exporter and Eraser” API
- Now discounts can be added from the back-end to each reservation
- Added “multiple reservations” option inside the assistant page details
- Fixed error with Czech language
- Fixed bug with WPML and Slovenian language
- Fixed modal window for feedback submission
- Fixed mispelled text strings in English
- Improved back-end calendar daily view UI to add a new reservation or block some timeslots
- Added two new front-end shortcodes to list assistants [salon_booking_assistant] and services [salon_booking_services]
- Bug fix with Romanian language
- Bug fix with German language
- Bug fix with Dutch language
- Fixed back-end booking search by user name
- Fixed bug on reports section
- Fixed bug with Brazilian Real
- Fixed bug with Brazilian language
- Fixed bug with Estonian language
- Added a parameter to limit the assistants inside this shortcode [salon_booking_calendar assistants=5 ]
- Fixed back-end booking modal window scroll on mobile
- fixed bug with German language
- fixed bug with Russian language
- fixed some php notices and warnings
- fixed bug on daily view back-end calendar / position of reservations
- Now you can add holidays rules from back-end calendar daily view
- Added a new option to setup your favourite back-end calendar view
- Improved back-end settings UI
- Fixed bug with Estonian and Catalan language on date picker
- Fixed problem with long texts on booking form buttons
- Fixed bug with booking cancellation time
- Fixed bug on “save” booking from back-end
- Fixed bug with date/time picker localization
- Fixed bug with “force guest check-out”
- Possibility to add custom fields on checkout form
- Fixed bug on datepicker – weird date
- Fixed bug on “Pause online booking form” switch option
- Fixed php error
- Fixed booking modal window from back-end calendar on tablet
- Settings refactoring
- Fixed booking editing modal window bug on tablet
- Fixed bug on Revenue by service report
- Fixed bug on https websites on PayPal
- Fixed bug with translation files
- Fixed bug with Deutsch
- All the languages available are already bundled and available inside the plugin
- Fixed bug with Dutch language
- Fixed bug with WPML
- Fixed bug on booking system
- Fixed javascript error on booking form
- Fixed bug with “Exclusive service” option
- Fixed bug with SMS notifications to customers
- Fixed bug with the appointment system
- Added a second availabilty control at the end of booking process to avoid double bookings
- Fixed missing alert on Assistant unavailability when adding reservations from back-end
- Added “DELETE” button on “New reservations from back-end calendar”
- Fixed bug with Swedish language
- Fixed “Invalid license” issue
- Added a new option to send out an email to the client after one day from the last appointment asking for a review submission
- Fixed bug with php 5.3 version
- Added Polylang support
- Removed “Always” option from the “Booking time range”
- Advanced Discount System bundled into Salon Booking
- Drag&Drop to sort assistants order
- Automatic refresh of “Assistants calendar” when new reservations has come
- Display comment reviews inside “Reservations history” tab on “Booking my account” page
- Improvements of Google Calendar synch – now add new customers on reservation from G.C.
- Fixed bug on booking system
- Added URL of reservation inside Google Calendar event description
- Fixed bug on adding new customer with an existing email address
- Fixed date format consistent into GC event
- Removed auto-login URL expiration
- Improved booking rule “Always valid” option login
- Fixed bug on booking system
- Fixed bug on reservations date format on Google Calendar
- Fixed bug on booking rules after the 5th rule
- Fixed bug with booking system
- Fixed services “Auto draft” bug
- Fixed Yoast Free conflict
- Fixed bug with Yen currency on Stripe
- Fixed conflict with YOAST PREMIUM
- Fixed missing padding on the front-end booking form
- Coupon field not editable from mobile device
- “close” button on date/picker now it can be translatable
- Fixed bug with French version
- Fixed bug with Importing modal window
- Now you can add reservation from back-end calendar daily view
- Added fixed amount deposit option
- Optimized the performance of the booking form process more quick
- Fixed booking system algorithm
- Fixed bug on prices that use thousands
- Fixed bug on Date/Time picker on Finnish language
- Fixed booking that overrides salon closing time
- Fixed bug on booking system
- Fixed back-end calendar daily view hours representation
- Fixed assistants and services booking rules time intervals
- Improved back-end calendar daily view
- If total import is 0 no payment pending email notification
- Services disappeared after updates bug fixed
- SSL check
- Fixed bug on front-end when “change order” option is active
- Fixed status bar back-end calendar daily view
- “Create new user” option now is disabled by default
- Bug on services custom order on back-end fixed
- Bug on assistant selection on front-end fixed
- Bug on booking system – reservations that overrides closing time – fixed
- Fixed bug on thousand separator on Stripe
- Changed the “Services break” intervals options
- Added an alert on parallel reservations on back-end
- Removed rollback to 2.3
- Added untraslateble text strings
- Fixed bug on Assistant selection
- Fixed bug on booking system ( overriding salon closing time )
- Fixed bug on booking system ( date availability when parallel booking is available )
- Fixed bug on booking status
- Fixed bug on thousand separators
- Required checkout form fields options on back-end
- Added “Choose an assistant for me” default option on front-end
- Fixed fatal error on thank you page after payment on PayPal
- Fixed incompatibility with YITH Wish list and YITH Zoom magnifier
- Fixed wrong representation of free slots on back-end
- Fixed Google Calendar sync issues
- Fixed 0 error on password recovery
- Added pagination to Customers section
- Fixed bug on conditional secondary services
- Fixed missing new customer email notification
- Fixed error on booking system with “change order” active
- Fixed wrong branches
- Wrong representation of available slots on back-end time-picker
- Google Calendar sync issues ( canceled reservations not deleted from G.A.)
- Untraslatable text strings
- Problem with date picker – date selection automatic reset
- Higlited fully booked dates
- Improved fields validation
- Fixed some bugs Booking My Account page
- Minor restyling of reports stats
- Fixed new conflicts bugs with Yoast plugin
- Improved back-end calendar – representation of dayli availability, total reservations and total revenues per day
- Fixed bug with Yoast
- Fixed bug with holidays rules after 27 rules
- Fixed bug on associating services to assistant
- Fixed bug for disappeared customers list
- Fixed bug on holidays rules when more than 27
- Fixed bug on sending reminder to Canceled reservations
- Fixed bug on YOAST conflict
- Fixed bug on mobile selection of services on checkbox
- Fixed bug on booking editing
- Fixex bug on “booking” page setting
- Fixed bug on a missing text string translation
- Fixed bug on missing reports
- Fixed bug on date picker of booking rules
- Fixed bug with cyrillic alphabet
- Holidays rule issues fixed
- Improved customer search
- Improved bookings search with new filters
- Fixed html markup bug into front-end booking form
- Selective js and css loading of bootstrap files into the back-end
- Dummy content load once fixed
- Bug with Woocommerce categories fixed
- Bug with “Accept reservation” button fixed
- Bug with “Email address missing” when “Force guest checkout” option is active fixed
- Selection of customers on back-end booking creation for Salon Staff user fixed
- Timezone +9 on back-end calendar fixed
- Booking my account page redesigned
- Settings pages layout improved
- Bug fixed on timepicker when “change order” option was enabled
- Bug fixed on Adding a reservation from back-end when no new customers option is selected
- Bug fixed with French language
- Compatibility issue with Purpose theme fixed
- Booking process speed optimization
- SMS bug fix
- Holidays rules bug fix
- Report filter bug fix
- Ip1sms bug fix
- Google Calendar booking URL fixed
- Removed CDN links
- Pages transition effect and date/time picker fixed
- Resend email notification option fixed
- Back-end calendar daily view fixed
- Holiday rules for assistants not saved fixed
- Checkout as a guest option ADDED
- Booking form color customization settings ADDED
- Bug fixed on booking rules
- Bug fixed with Google Calendar sync.
- Bug fixed with Holidays rules for assistants
- Restored alert message when select a service that overlaps the closing time
- Bug fixed on date and time picker for French language
- Bug fixed on add booking from back-end when “Assistant selection” option is not active
- Improvement: date and time picker icons now clickable
- Improvement: added the booking review inside the back-end calendar tool-tip
- Fixed bug on reservation position on calendar daily view
- Fixed bug on booking added from back-end by the Salon staff
- Bug fixed with SMS and email reminder
- Bug fixed with assistant selection
- Bug fixed with missing translating words
- Bug fixed with service drag&drop sorting
- Bug fixed with reservations added by back-end
- Bug fixed with 120 minutes average session duration
- Bug fixed with time picker of back-end bookings management
- Bug with Polish language
- Bug fixed on customer search inside back-end booking details
- Bug fixed on double email notification
- Bug fixed on adding services to a booking from back-end
- Bug fixed on wrong status for booking with “manual confirmation” option enabled
- Salon staff role bug fix
- Parallel booking bug fix
- Time format inside Booking My Account page
- Resend SMS verification code bug fix
- Wrong time format inside Calendar daily view
- Google Calendar syncronization legal time bug fix
- Improvement back-end calendar weekly view
- Front-end booking form restyling
- Blank page after reservation approval from back-end bug fix
- Fixed bug on calendar daily view
- Fixed bug on SMS verification code
- Fixed bug on Holidays rules
- Fixed minor CSS bugs
- Fixed Italian strings inside Assistant and Service detail page
- Fixed bug with French and Deutsch languages
- Fixed bug when payment on Paypal is cancelled
- Fixed bug with “Not available days” on services
- Fixed issue with timezone on Google Calendar integration
- Fixed bug with services prices over 2000 as value
- Fixed bug on booking algorithm
- Fixed issue with timezone on Google Calendar integration
- Fixed issue on front-end date picker
- Fixed bug on booking algorithm
- Fixed minor Php Warnings and Notices
- Changed the order of Salon booking back-end menù
- Layout improvements to the back-end Calendar
- Fixed bug on front-end
- Fixed bug on front-end “error alert” on last step
- Fixed bug on automatic updates alert
- Fixed bug – Screen options
- Fixed bug – Assistant overbooking
- Fixed bug – SMS notifications not sent
- Fixed bug – Managing Services categories
- Fixed bug – Custom message on disabled booking
- Fixed bug – Redirect page with Manual booking confirmation option active
- Fixed bug – Hide price option missing
- Fixed bug – Google Calendar settings error loop
- Changed text strings text-domain
- CSS improvements on front-end and back-end
- Fixed bug on hour format option
- Fixed bug on Timezone issues
- Fixed bug on available hours for “tomorrow bookings”
- Fixed bug on services duration calculation
- Fixed bug on slot availability after booking cancellation
- Fixed bug on Plivo SMS notification sending on selected assistant
- Bookings, Services and Assistants back-end columns improvements
- Back-end calendar small improvements ( added the name of the assistant on reservation detail)
- Date and time picker improvements on mobile and tablets
1.3.1 25/11/2015
- Fixed bug on time picker
- Fixed bug on services duration calculation
1.3.0 12/11/2015
- Bug on customer login
- Bug on back-end bookings archive
- Wrong link inside the license activation alert
- Wrong amount on payment step when deposit is disabled
1.2.0 05/10/2015
- minor front-end redesign
- Unit per hour bug fix
- AM/PM time picker fix
- other minor bug fix
1.1.0 15/09/2015
- fixed css bug on time-picker
- fixed bug on custom email inside email notification template
- fixed bug on “Booking allowed from” time range
- minor css and mark-up fixes
1.0.6 27/07/2015
- fixed bug on date picker (first week not bookable)
- fixed css compatibility with twitter bootstrap based theme
1.0.5 07/07/2015
- fixed WPML compatibility issue
- fixed real time availability control on date/time picker
- fixed booking range selection issue
- fixed time-session average duration bug
1.0.4 02/06/2015
- Ajax loading option
- Currency position option
- New Address field
- Time selection fix
- Date picker fixes for Dutch and Norway languages
- Missing translations strings
- Modified many english text strings
1.0.3 22/05/2015
Date-picker multi-languages support fix
1.0.2 19/05/2015
Date-picker multi-languages support fix
1.0.1 13/05/2015
- Added “Assistant selection” option
- Added “SMS Verification” option
- Add “Salon staff” new users role
- Fixed booking system bug