
Get BBPress Envato Purchase Code Checker Download


You are Envato Author and you want to improve merchandise aid method? 1 of the most popular answers for person aid is generating aid discussion board. With guidance discussion board, your potential buyers can find responses to their questions, in advance of they question you again if comparable situation by now was published on the forum. But you almost certainly want to restrict access to your discussion board for end users, who didn&#8217t invest in your merchandise or end users, which assistance has by now expired. This plugin lets you to do this.
With BBPress Envato Code Checker you can established authorization for just about every type of end users is dependent on their order status on a specific product. Look at video clip preview to see, how it will work, and if you have some inquiries about it &#8211 come to feel free to ask me in feedback.

4 User Roles

  • Acquired, Supported
  • Ordered, Not Supported (Help Expires)
  • Not Acquired
  • Visitor

6 Person Permissions

  • Check out topics and replies, Reply in all matters, Generate topics
  • See subjects and replies, Generate topics
  • Look at topics, Generate matters
  • See topics and replies
  • Look at topics
  • None


  • Demand invest in code on registration
  • You can easily pick guidance item for specified forum, by selecting it from dropdown record
  • Lets people obtain forums relies upon on their obtain position of each individual product
  • Flexible consumer permissions
  • Test license expires position
  • Takes advantage of most recent Envato API v3
  • Translation prepared


Music in Video clip Preview &#8211 28 Aussens@iten by Stefan KartenbergĀ© copyright 2017 Licensed below a Resourceful Commons Attribution (3.) license. Ft: Aussens@iter (tobias_weber), Gerd Kohlmeier

Modify Log

v1.2.1 &#8211 07 July 2019

  • Preset bugs

v1.2 &#8211 01 Oct 2018

  • Included Invest in Code validation guidelines
  • Set bug with discussion board products checklist

v1.1 &#8211 08 February 2018

  • Extra apparent cache button
  • Added aid for quite a few acquire keys
  • Now translation all set

v1..1 &#8211 02 November 2017

  • Bugfixes

v1. &#8211 13 Oct 2017

  • Preliminary Launch

Downloads link

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