Get FileBird – WordPress Media Library Folders Download

Do you have thousands of your files in WordPress media library? And you have trouble managing them? FileBird – WordPress Media Library Folders plugin was born to help you take your WordPress media library to the next level
Easily create, rename or delete folders
Easily drag, drop files / folders
Are you a WordPress website administrator?
Developing a site means that you’ll be adding tons of new media files such as images, videos, audios, PDF, txt, docx, .ect into your site database day by day. As a result, your site will have to store thousands of files. In the default WordPress media database, you are not able to arrange files in a logical manner and you wish you could do that like what you do with your files in your own computer, right?
When you want to look for a particular uploaded file on your WordPress site, don’t you know how to find it?
FileBird – WordPress Media Library Folders was born to help you overcome the obstacle.
This plugin gives you the ability to easily organize your files in media library of your site. With this tool in hand, you can manage and arrange thousands of images, audios, videos, and other files in your media library.
Managing files in WordPress has never been easier. You are able to just drag and drop to upload or move files/ folders. This will help you save a ton of time that goes into putting your media files in place. The hierarchical view of your folders will also make things easier for you to quickly find specific folders in just a blink of an eye.
Drag and drop to upload/move files into folders.
Drag and drop to rearrange folders.
Right click your mouse to quickly create, rename or delete folders like what you do on your computer.
The toolbar on the left allows you control all of your folders/ files. You can create, rearrange, rename or delete folders.
You can create unlimited folders/subfolders for all your media files.
This plugin is compatible with most of themes or plugins.
This plugin supports most popular languages such as English, Spanish, Italian, French, etc.
Q: Where can I find the Documentation for this plugin?
A: You can find it here
Q: When I create a new post, how can I choose an uploaded file in a specific folder?
A: Yes, you can use the folder tree on the left or choose the folder in the dropdown list of the filter box beside the search box.
Q: Do all of my uploaded files remain the same after I first install this plugin?
A: Yes, they do.
Q: If I create a folder or category, does this override the default WordPress path “wp-content/uploads”?
A: No, it does not. The plugin helps organize files into folders visually. The file default path still remains.
Q: How can I bulk select multiple files and put them into a folder?
A: You can use the Bulk select Button in media grid, bulk select files you want and just drag them into a folder.
Q: When I move an image to another folder, does this action affect the image appearance on my frontend?
A: No, it does not. The image is still displayed correctly on the site frontend, and the file path is not changed.
Q: How can I update FileBird to the lastest version?
A: You can follow this guide
Nov 11, 2019 – Version 3.5
- Added: FileBird Gallery block for Gutenberg - Fixed: Error of updating media image size in unsaved post - Fixed: Menu CSS - Fixed: Remove trigger which conflicts with Divi builder - Fixed: Conflict with Gridd Theme - Fixed: Small bugs
Oct 28, 2019 – Version 3.4
- Removed: Unused CSS - Fixed: Elementor bug - Fixed: List view not load image - Fixed: Count items in Uncategorized folder - Fixed: Conflict CSS with ACF plugin - Fixed: Small bugs
Oct 22, 2019 – Version 3.3
- Added: Option turn on/off loading FileBird at front-end for page builders - Improved: Removed CDN for customScrollBar - Fixed: Small bug with Elementor - Fixed: Select option does not change in modal popup upload - Fixed: Only call moving image when moving folder position
Sep 18, 2019 – Version 3.2.2
- Fixed: Sorting error in list view - Improved: Optimize Code
Sep 16, 2019 – Version 3.2.1
- Fixed: Conflict with WordPress Customize Function - Improved: Optimize Code - Fixed: Some small bugs
Sep 13, 2019 – Version 3.2
- Fixed: "nt_wmc_folder" in Google Search Console results - Fixed: Error in full front end Divi Page Builder editor - Fixed: PHP notice on line 582 and 586 - Fixed: Load JS script on front end - Fixed: Error "FileBird is loading" on Elementor builder - Fixed: Compatible with FooGallery and Final Tiles Grid Gallery - Fixed: Warning notice in WordPress - Fixed: Margin Overlay - Fixed: Other small bugs - Improved: Performance and Optimize Code
Jul 29, 2019 – Version 3.1.2
- Improved: Fast append treeview - Improved: Prevent public folders link - Improved: CSS UI - Fixed: Prevent public taxonomy folder - Fixed: Query database callback all time - Fixed: FileBird treeview show on the top left in product editor in WooCommerce - Fixed: Can’t drop file when creating the first folder - Fixed: Work with WPML when Post Types Translation: Media tick not translatable - Fixed: Bulk select moving images into folders by itself - Fixed: Move folder with length folder text - Fixed: Resize bar not save in minimum width - Fixed: Remove map file library - Fixed: Conflict with photo gallery
Jun 10, 2019 – Version 3.1.1
- Added: Support RTL languages - Added: Support Advanced Custom Field - Improved: Reduce plugin size - Fixed: Small bugs
Jun 04, 2019 – Version 3.1
- Improved: Change drag-drop library - Improved: Optimize drag-drop - Improved: Change drag-drop to trigger folders, list view - Improved: Change syntax jQuery - Fixed: CSS not show in all folders treeview from classic editor - Fixed: Move many files - Fixed: Move all categories - Fixed: Auto Deselect bulk when none file - Fixed: Count file selected in bulk select - Fixed: Conflict with Avada theme - Updated: CSS - Removed: Unused files
May 28, 2019 – Version 3.0
- Added: Treeview interface in page, post, custom post type - Added: Treeview interface in Divi Builder, Beaver Builder, Visual Composer, WPBakery Page Builder, Elementor Builder - Added: Treeview interface for Gutenberg - Added: Bulk auto deselect when change folder - Added: Compatible with WPML 4.x version - Fixed: WPML 3.9 conflict - Fixed: Move one file not click image - Fixed: CSS over when edit folder - Fixed: Load too much database - Fixed: Treeview interface Elementor Builder - Fixed: Upload images - Improved: No load FileBird files on frontend if not use builder - Improved: Optimize FileBird - Improved: UI/UX - Removed: Unused files
Mar 13, 2019 – Version 2.7
- Added: Refresh folder - Fixed: Categories dropdown from Media Library popup - Fixed: Some small bugs
Mar 4, 2019 – Version 2.6.1
- Updated: Languages and Documentation - Fixed: Press double clicks for OK/cancel button
Feb 27, 2019 – Version 2.6
- Fixed: Scroll folder tree - Fixed: Bug for Elementor - Fixed: Languages - Fixed: Removed WordPress notification - Improved: Doesn't jump to destination folder when moving files
Feb 14, 2019 – Version 2.5
- Added: Compatible with Divi Builder - Added: Compatible with Beaver Builder - Added: Compatible with Visual Composer - Added: Compatible with WPBakery Page Builder - Improved: CSS - Fixed: Some bugs
Feb 13, 2019 – Version 2.4.1
- Fixed: Folder structure when insert files in page/post - Fixed: Bulk select error - Fixed: Small bugs
Jan 29, 2019 – Version 2.4
- Added: Save position for resizable sidebar - Fixed: Languages - Fixed: Small bugs
Jan 22, 2019 – Version 2.3.2
- Added: Compatible with Elementor Page Builder
Jan 9, 2019 – Version 2.3.1
- Added: Russian Translation
Dec 4, 2018 – Version 2.3
- Fixed: Error in Theme Customize Tab
August 30, 2018 – Version 2.2
- Fixed: Conflict with 404 to 301 plugin - Fixed: Other bugs
May 17, 2018 – Version 2.1
- Added: Drag and drop files to folders for List mode - Added: Count items after dragging - Added: Load effect while dragging - Added: Hover effect (List mode and gird mode) - Added: Show loading progress bar when upload file - Improved: CSS - Improved: Clean code - Improved: Loading effect smoother - Fixed: Resize bug when dragging back - Fixed: Hide list attachments after load attachment - Fixed: Some small bugs
May 8, 2018 – Version 2.0
- Added: Resizeable sidebar - Added: Tooptip for displaying folder name for folder long title - Added: Display child folders in Media Library - Added: Display media folder upload on all pages - Added: Double click on folder to rename - Added: Select folder when upload new files - Improved: UI & UX - Improved: CSS & Javascripts - Improved: Smoother when load folder in Media container - Improved: Close/Open folder smoother - Improved: Added “…” character when title is long - Improved: Set state for current/opening/closed folder - Fixed: Only add a new folder one time - Fixed: Translation - Fixed: Resize sidebar speed - Fixed: Hide sidebar when resized minimum - Fixed: Temp stops when resize minimum - Fixed: Reload child folder after change folder structure - Fixed: Show double folder in Media container when double click to folder on the left side - Fixed: Refresh folder in media container when sort - Fixed: Reload files after upload - Fixed: Broken layout when get notification message from another plugins - Fixed: Validate rename - Fixed: Close parent folder - Fixed: Tooltip hidden when mouse leaves - Fixed: New folder with existing name - Fixed: Uncategorized files count - Fixed: Reset current folder when click to All files or Uncategorized - Fixed: Load folder media after move file - Fixed: Close folder after load page - Fixed: Mouse position when drag file - Fixed: jQuery Conflicts - Fixed: Some bugs
April 18, 2018 – Version 1.0.7
- Fixed: Image display section (Thanks to hotmedia) - Fixed: Some bugs
April 15, 2018 – Version 1.0.6
- Fixed: Some bugs
April 5, 2018 – Version 1.0.5
- Added: Display location latest folder place use. - Improved: New UI/UX - Improved: Change icons - Improved: CSS styles
March 28, 2018 – Version 1.0.4
- Improved: New drag and drop Javascript - Fixed: JS conflicts
March 18, 2018 – Version 1.0.3
- Fixed: Load files in the folder - Fixed: Some bugs
March 10, 2018 – Version 1.0.2
- Fixed: Drag and drop files - Fixed: Some bugs
March 5, 2018 – Version 1.0.1
- Fixed: JS conflicts - Fixed: Drag and drop folders
April 14, 2018 – Version 1.0
- Version 1.0 Initial Release