Get Jumbo React – Redux Material BootStrap Admin Template Download

Jumbo React is a complete React admin template based on Material Design Concept to help you build your react application faster and cost effectively.
Jumbo React uses the top notch libraries and frameworks popular among the react developers community. Some of those popular libraries are Material-UI, Redux, Redux-Saga, ReCharts, React Big Calendar and many more.
If you want a quick MVP, a solid product or a quick turn around on your react projects. Jumbo React covers these all for you. You can build any small to complex level application with Jumbo React.
Even if you want to learn building a fully featured app in React, the coding style, documentation standards, folder structure and best practices followed in Jumbo React along with 6 ready to go in-built apps can help you in your learning path.
Jumbo React features 300+ UI Components, 150+ Widgets & Metrices, 25+ Fully Layered PSDs and 130+ Designed Pages.
RTL Support and Multilingual implementation (with 5 sample languages) is already covered in Jumbo React. So, rest assured about covering all of your audience around the globe.
1000+ of our satisfied customers are using Jumbo React to build something creative and bring their ideas to life. We at G-axon ensures that our product Jumbo React stay up-to-date and become a valuable asset for our customers.
What You Will Get
- React Material Version (Material-UI & BootStrap 4)
- HTML (BootStrap 4 & jQuery) Version
- 25+ Layered PSD files
- Starter Templates (with and without firebase auth integration)
- Full Version (to use existing features of demo)
- Three shades – Lite | Semi Dark | Dark
- React 16.x
- Redux & Redux-Saga
- React Router DOM
- Code Splitting
- Async Loading
- React Hot Loader
- Google Material Design – Material UI
- Multilingual supported with React Intl
- Fully RTL Supported
- 6 Different Layouts
- 3 Different Themes
- Horizontal & Vertical Navigation
- Firebase with APIs
- Firebase authentication with social sites
- Google Map
- Calendar
- Multiple Layouts
- 500+ Material Design Icons
- BootStrap4 (SCSS)
- A perfect folder structure (for small to complex app)
- Multi-level Routing
- Dynamic Routing Support
- ES6 with Babel (Very well written code)
- Package Management with Yarn
- Modules Bundling with WebPack 3.x
- Browsers Compatibility
- Fully Responsive
- No jQuery
Firebase Authentication
Firebase authentication with following applications
- Email/Password
- GitHub
Built-in Complete Applications
Applications with data model implementation and state management through ReactJS states & Redux
- Mail/Messages App
- Chat App
- Contacts App
- To-do App
- Wall App
- Profile App
Built-in Modules Pages
- e-Commerce
- Event Calendar / Scheduler
- User App Pages
Packages & Extensions
- Editors
- Date Time Picker
- Color Picker
- Drag & Drop
- Charts – ReCharts & AmCharts
- Google Maps
Custom Views
- Timeline Views
- List Views
- Grid Views
Authentication Pages
- Login Page 1
- Login Page 2
- Login With Stepper
- Signup Page 1
- Signup Page 2
- Forgot Password 1
- Forgot Password 2
- Lock Screen 1
- Lock Screen 2
- About Us
- Contact Us
- Portfolio
- 404 Error Page
- 500 Error Page
Extra Elements
- Pricing Table
- Callouts
- Testimonials
500+ Material-UI+Bootstrap+custom react components and much more is inside.
Note: All the images in the demo are for demo purpose only. They are not shipped with the product.
Change Log V 3.2.0 – October 1, 2019 (Current)
ADDED - Added Next.JS version. FIXED - Fixed some minor issues.
Change Log V 3.1.3 – July 25, 2019
FIXED - Fixed issue on signin and signup page in Dark Theme
Change Log V 3.1.2 – July 09, 2019
Added - Added JWT auth integration with Laravel
Change Log V 3.1.1 – June 20, 2019
REMOVED - remove cross-env NODE_PATH=src dependenc FIXED - Fix hover issue in header user profile.
Change Log V 3.1.0 – June 11, 2019
UPDATED - BootStrap version to 4.3.1 UPDATED - Material-UI version to 4.0.2 UPDATED - Updated all react libs to latest version as of June 11, 2019 UPDATED - CRA version to CRA 3.x FIXED - Fixed multi-level menu issue
Change Log V 3.0.1 – 9 Feb 2019
ADDED - Wall App for social networking ADDED - Profile App | Full version
Change Log V 3.0.0 – 26 Jan 2019
ADDED - Widgets - Modern styled widgets 20+ ADDED - Metrices - Modern styled metrics 15+ ADDED - Crypto Dashboard ADDED - Listing App Dashboard ADDED - CRM Dashboard UPDATED - New Material Design Concept based design updates UPDATED - Ported to Create React App 2 (CRA 2)
A quick look about the benefits of Create React App 2:
- More styling options: you can use Sass and CSS Modules out of the box.
- We updated to Babel 7, including support for the React fragment syntax and many bugfixes.
- We updated to webpack 4, which automatically splits JS bundles more intelligently.
- We updated to Jest 23, which includes an interactive mode for reviewing snapshots.
- We added PostCSS so you can use new CSS features in old browsers.
- You can use Apollo, Relay Modern, MDX, and other third-party Babel Macros transforms.
- You can now import an SVG as a React component, and use it in JSX.
- You can try the experimental Yarn Plug’n’Play mode that removes
. - You can now plug your own proxy implementation in development to match your backend API.
- You can now use packages written for latest Node versions without breaking the build.
- You can now optionally get a smaller CSS bundle if you only plan to target modern browsers.
- Service workers are now opt-in and are built using Google’s Workbox.
Change Log V 2.1.1 – 14 Nov 2018
ADDED - Fixed minor issues. UPDATED - Updatd libraries to latest version.
Change Log V 2.1.0 – 18 July 2018
ADDED - Added pure create-react-app based separate app UPDATED - Updated libraries firebase, material-ui, reactstrap etc.
Change Log V 2.0.5 – 24 May 2018
UPDATED - Updated ESLint config
Change Log V 2.0.3 – 18 May 2018
UPDATED - Material UI updated to its latest version v1.0
Change Log V 2.0.2 – 17 May 2018
UPDATED - Material UI updated to next version v1.0.0-rc.1 NOTES - Checkout the breaking changes(
Change Log V 2.0.1 – 11 May 2018
FIXED - Multilevel issue in side navigation
Change Log V 2.0 – 04 May 2018
ADDED - DropZone Fileupload (React Versions) ADDED - Flat Design Version (Pure BootStrap4) ADDED - 6 Different Layouts (React Versions) ADDED - Horizontal Navigation Style (React Versions) FIXED - Few CSS Styling
Change Log V 1.9.3 – 24-April-2018
ADDED - Added RTL support UPDATE - Updated Material-ui-icon library ADDED - Replaced jquery-slim-scroll with react-custom-scrollbar REMOVED - Removed jQuery from throughout the app. So, no jQuery anymore
Change Log V 1.9.2 – 12-April-2018
ADDED - 2 New variations in datatables ADDED - Starter Template without auth (One with auth is also there)
Change Log V 1.9.1 – 04-April-2018
ADDED - BootStrap 4 & jQuery based separate version
Change Log V 1.9 – 17-March-2018
UPDATE - Design changes applied on app modules. FIXED - Fixed some minor design issues.
Change Log V 1.8.1 – 8-March-2018
UPDATE - Made some minor design changes. FIXED - Fixed some minor issues.
Change Log V 1.8 – 6-March-2018
ADDED - Localization in 6 languages (Internationalization ) ADDED - Integrated Firebase Authentication with following: Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub and Email/Password. ADDED - Integrated Firebase Database and API with following modules: Mail, Todo, Contact, Chat.
Change Log V 1.7 – 19-Feb-2018
ADDED - Code Spliting ADDED - Async Loading
Change Log V 1.6 – 16 Feb 2018
ADDED - Added AotoComplete component in Components UPDATE - hasHistory updated FIXED - Fixed some error in source code FIXED - Fixed issue in starter template
Change Log V 1.5 – 11 Feb 2018
FIXED - Fixed stater template app-main-container structure
Change Log V 1.4 – 02 Feb 2018
ADDED - Sweet Alerts Added ADDED - React Notifications Added ADDED - Enabled react HMR UPDATE - react version updated from 15.6 to 16.2 UPDATE - material-ui library updated from version 1.0.0-beta.25 to v1.0.0-beta.30 UPDATE - react-google-map package updated to stable 9.4.5 UPDATE - bootstrap 4 stable version added FIXED - Resolved iOS 10+ browser issue on mobile devices
Change Log V 1.3 – 24 January 2018
ADDED - Starter Template to kickstart your project ADDED - Dark Theme Version
Change Log V 1.2
ADDED - Mail App with Redux Implementation ADDED - To-Do App with Redux Implementation ADDED - Contacts App with Redux Implementation ADDED - Chat App with Redux Implementation
Change Log V 1.1
ADDED - Animation to the Notification and Message Popovers in header
- jquery-slimscroll
- Material-UI
- material-ui-icons
- react-big-calendar
- react-ckeditor-component
- react-color
- react-dnd
- react-draft-wysiwyg
- react-google-maps
- react-joyride
- react-owl-carousel
- react-redux
- react-router
- Redux
- Webpack