[Download] PHP Dashboard v2.11 – (carousels dashboards written in PHP – 100% source code included)

WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 2.9 (6/7/2015)? – MORE D3js! Create PHP dashboards displaying D3 Sunburst charts, D3 Word Clouds, D3 Codeflowers, D3 Collapsible Trees, D3 Collapsible Radial Trees controlled as usual by a single PHP / JSON string . Check it out by clicking on new Live Preview. Enjoy! (Questions? – email the Data Ninja at dataninja.at.codecanyon@gmail.com)
WHAT IS PHP DASHBOARD? – PHP Dashboard is a PHP script that allows you create beautiful responsive, theme-able carousel dashboards, controlled by a single JSON string in PHP.
HOW DO I USE? – This PHP dashboard script is very easy to use – simply initialize a PHP string variable (called $json) with all your chart and carousel settings and include() dashboard.php in the bottom of your script (see splash image above). All chart tiles and dashboard carousels are controlled by a single JSON string.
The chart library is extensible (you can add your own!) and already includes a wide variety of charts, pre loaded, using the most popular JS data visualization scripts. These include: Highcharts, Highmaps, D3 js, jHere maps, DataTables and RSS live feeds. More charts will be added in the future and you can also add your own using this script’s extensible chart library architecture.
HOW DO I THEME DASHBOARDS? – Dashboard theme settings (background image, font color, etc.) can be passed via JSON to the script. Great for PHP server side developers who do not want to do CSS! Demo shows many themed dashboards. Select new theme from drop down on top right to change theme. To see JSON theme settings, click on SETTINGS button also on top right.
WHAT DOES THE PHP CODE GENERATOR DO?– This script includes a code generator (see ‘Code Generator’ on top menu) that automatically generates PHP scripts (based on your JSON string settings) to render dashboards standalone.
CAN I USE MYSQL WITH PHP DASHBOARD? – This script is written to support PHP/MySQL. Since dashboard settings including data are passed to the script as a simple JSON string, to feed your dashboard with data from a MySQL database, simply replace the data portions of your JSON string with PHP function calls that assemble these data portions dynamically, via a MySQL call. Examples are provided in the documentation (see ‘Using MySQL to Populate your Charts’ section).
CAN I USE PHP DASHBOARD WITH OTHER NON-PHP LANGUAGES? – Absolutely. Install PHP dashboard on a PHP web server and you can call dashboard.php via HTTP POST with your JSON string forwarded as a POST variable called ‘json’. See documentation for examples are for Java, ASP.net, straight HTML and more… (see ‘Using PHP Dashboard with non-PHP languages’ section).
ARE THERE ANY SPECIAL SETTINGS NEEDED ON MY PHP SERVER TO RUN THIS SCRIPT?– this PHP script runs on the most popular PHP hosting services (godaddy, bluehost, fatcow, siteground, etc.) If you are setting up your own PHP server, please review the following phpinfo page to compare your settings to the settings on the demo server- phpdashboard.net/phpinfo.php. If this still does not solve the problem, email me and I can set up a temporary instance of PHP Dashboard on my server that you can have ftp access to help you troubleshoot your installation.
My other scripts at codecanyon:
– (BRAND NEW!!!) PHP Dashboard v4.0 Collaborative Social Dashboards
– PHP Dashboard v2.7 – Responsive Carousels/D3js/Highcharts/Highmaps/MySQL
– PHP Dashboard v3.0 – For Mobile Devices
– HTML5 Cloud Dashboard Designer
– HTML5 Streetmaps
– PHP Streetmaps
– PHP Dashboard Gallery – www.phpdashboard.net
Follow PHP Dashboard at:
– Behance
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– Twitter
NEW: Follow me on my blog – https://dataninjaatcodecanyon.wordpress.com/
VERSION 2.0 (8/6/2014) – Initial Version
• Responsive
• Themeable
• JSON control
• Extensible chart library architecture
• Highcharts collection (www.highcharts.com)
VERSION 2.1 (8/15/2014) – Adjustable tile sizes
• Adjustable tile widths (Responsive – e.g. span1 thru span12) / heights (e.g. 300px)
• Wide Format
VERSION 2.2 (8/23/2014) – U.S. Maps and all the states
• Added U.S. Maps Collection to chart tile library (Highmaps)
VERSION 2.3 (9/25/2014) – D3 Visualizations
• Added D3 Visualization Support (D3js.org). Included in this latest version, bubble charts, chord diagrams, sunburst diagrams, parallel coordinates, calendar views (more to come…)
VERSION 2.4 (11/1/2014) – KPI (key performance indicator) Chart Library
• Created KPI Chart Library. KP types include – Big Number, Big Percent, KPI w/ HS KPI w/ HS basic line, KPI w/ HS stacked column (more to come…)
VERSION 2.5 (12/19/2014) – Live RSS Feed Chart Library
• PHP Dashboard tiles that display RSS feed content from Yahoo!Weather feed (by zip code), CNN News, Nasdaq Stock Quotes/News (by stock symbol), ESPN Sports News TMZ Entertainment News, TravelZooTravel Bargains. New reusable rss feed chart type that can take any RSS url as a live feed.
VERSION 2.6 (12/30/2014) – Streetmap Chart Library
• Incorporate street maps with markers, routes, heat maps, polygons into your dashboards.This chart library leverages jHere (jhere.net – a jquery plugin based on Nokia maps) allows you to create new data visualizations using street maps on your PHP Dashboard.
VERSION 2.7 (1/18/2015) – Updated documentation with two new sections: ‘How to use MySQL to populate your charts’ and ‘How to use PHP Dashboard with non-PHP languages (ASP.net, Perl, Java, HTML5/Javascript only)’. You can use this script along side MySQL to populate charts from a MySQL database. You can also use this script along side non-PHP languages by sending a POST var called ‘json’ to this script from your non-PHP application. Updated documentation to provide examples on how to do so.
VERSION 2.8 (4/3/2015) – Create sortable, searchable, “page-able” tables for your PHP Dashboard using the Datatables jquery plug-in (datatables.net). Added new tile type ‘data-tables’ that allows you to create DataTable tiles using JSON,
VERSION 2.9 (6/7/2015)? – MORE D3js! Create PHP dashboards displaying D3 sunburst charts, D3 word clouds, D3 code flowers, D3 Collapsible Trees, D3 Collapsible Radial Trees using a single PHP/JSON string . Check it out by clicking on new Live Preview. Enjoy! (Questions? – email the Data Ninja at dataninja.at.codecanyon@gmail.com)
NOTE: This script requires you to license and download Highcharts, Highmaps files (from highcharts.com) and unzip root contents into the ./libs/highcharts and ./libs/highmaps folders, respectively. You’ll need to do the same for new DataTales chart library (datatables.net) See installation instructions in documentation for more details.
My Other Scripts at Codecanyon:
– (BRAND NEW!!!) PHP Dashboard v5 (Enterprise Edition)
– PHP Daytrader’s Candlestick Pattern Hunter v1.0
– Twilio “Geo-text” Plug-In (a PHP Uber-style Geotracker Add On)
– PHP Uber-style GeoTracker
– PHP Dashboard v4.0 Collaborative Social Dashboards
– PHP Dashboard v3.0 – For Mobile Devices
– PHP Dashboard v2.7 – Responsive Carousels
– PHP Dashboard – NEW Version 1.2
– HTML5 Data-Driven Documents (D3js) Plug-In
– HTML5 Cloud Dashboard Designer
– HTML5 Streetmaps
– PHP Streetmaps
- About Author – Data Ninja at Codecanyon.net
- Data Ninja Portfolio at Codecanyon.net
- Data Ninja’s Wordpress blog
- Data Ninja’s Youtube Video Channel
- Data Ninja’s Email:: dataninja.at.codecanyon@gmail.com