
Get Vibrant Laravel Component Manager with Code Builder & Express CRUD Download


Code less. Enjoy more. Get the work done faster.

Vibrant Components is a Laravel package that will save you tons of work by providing a reliable set of well-coded, ready-to-use tools for some of the most common and time-consuming tasks when developing web applications.

Vibrant Laravel Component Manager with Code Builder & Express CRUD - 1

Whether you work alone or in a team, our Component Manager will make your components reuse process fun and fast! This awesome tool will show all the parameters accepted by a component, allowing the user to change its values and see the result in real time. With Vibrant’s CM you can:

  • Add any component just with comments tags. No code, no db, no trouble!
  • Make your component interactive through parameter inputs such as text, textarea, select, color or switch
  • Preview panel: Update and see the result in real time
  • Code builder: Just copy and paste the code, from our oven to your project.
  • List all your components, grouped by types
  • Search for any component in real time
  • You can share a direct access to a component, the manager will open showing that specific item
  • Enjoy a clean and responsive UI made in Vuejs, with access to the source code
See CM demo here

Vibrant Laravel Component Manager with Code Builder & Express CRUD - 2

Focus on what really matters and let our VibFrom component deal with the rest. Create parameter-based forms in no time, all you need included. Take a look at the key features:

  • Inputs supported:
    – Text, Email, Url & Password (with option to show/hide input)
    – Textarea
    – Select & Multi-select
    – Checkbox, Switch & Radio choice
    – Rage
    – Datepicker
    – Hidden
  • Built-in validation:
    – Client side (Bootstrap built-in, HTML5 or Custom)
    – Server side using Laravel validation rules
  • Submit the form synchronously or asynchronously (Ajax)
  • Supports GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE methods
  • Flexible layout: stacked or inline, one or many inputs per row
  • And many more!
See vibForm demo here

Vibrant Laravel Component Manager with Code Builder & Express CRUD - 3

We know that creating a data table that actually works could be a headache. That’s why we created the VibTable component, a practical abstraction for production-ready bootstrap tables. Your VibTables can:

  • Handle large datasets with built-in ajax calls and pagination
  • Real time searching by one or many table fields
  • Sorting by table field
  • Show/hide table columns
  • Filtering
  • Include action buttons per column
  • Check/uncheck several columns and implement actions on it
  • Export selected or shown columns in CSV, XLSX, JSON, XLM, TXT and SQL
  • Customizable for special needs
See vibTable demo here

Vibrant Laravel Component Manager with Code Builder & Express CRUD - 4

Need an interface to Create, Read, Update or Delete records of models? We got you covered. Build complete CRUD interfaces using with just a couple of lines in each layer of the MCV. You also can:

  • Grant user, model or request-based permissions for each CRUD action
  • Easily implement the built-in “Delete in bulk” action
  • Everything is seamless integrated in the Vibrant’s table component
See CRUD demo here

More value!

  • 25+ reusable components included!
  • Helpful View tools
  • Future-ready Backend home
  • Examples & templates files
  • Delivered and maintained as a Laravel package
  • Free basic support for 6 months


  • Basic understanding of Laravel concepts
  • Laravel ^5.6.4
  • php ~7.1
  • The package uses ‘/backend’ as prefix for all its routes, so it should be available
  • Tested on Linux Ubuntu 16.04


  • Laravel, the great PHP framework
  • Gossi’s Docblock, direct to the point phpDoc parser
  • Vuejs & ElementUI, amazing UI frameworks
  • Bootstrap with jQuery, for fast development
  • Icons in the banner from


Change Log

[1.2.0] – 2018-08-28


  • vibTable: Appended attributes are now supported
  • vibForm: Select2 input with live search and grouped options added
  • vibForm: Checkbox and Switch have now ‘label_position’ parameter to configure the position of label (left, right or top)
  • vibForm: Text and Password inputs now support pattern validation
  • vibForm: Switch inputs include now parameters for submitted value, on/off labels, and on/off colors
  • vibForm: Automatic validation for password confirmation
  • Express CRUD: Validation rules now can be defined for each request method individually
  • Express CRUD: Pre-action and Post-action hook methods can be called for custom CRUD action processing
  • Express CRUD: ‘crud_only_for’ parameter can now be used in the fields array to indicate that a field should be shown exclusively for certain crud action (i.e. ‘password’ => [ … ‘crud_only_for’ => ‘create’])
  • General fixes on styles


  • vibTable: There was a bug when tables are set with empty order_by or order_direction parameters, now it takes ‘updated_at’ and ‘desc’ as default values
  • vibTable: The ‘create’ button was shown even if the ‘include_create_btn’ parameter was set to false
  • vibForm: Select input was not validated when empty
  • Express CRUD: ‘crud_exclude’ now works as expected

[1.1.0] – 2018-08-13


  • Components: Textarea input added
  • vibForm: ‘crud_exclude’ parameter can now be used in the fields array to indicate that a field should be excluded from certain crud action (i.e. ‘status’ => [ … ‘crud_exclude’ => ‘create’])
  • vibTable: has now configurable sort_by and order_direction parameters
  • Express CRUD: nested resources are now supported


  • BlueFlame UI: ‘right-to-left’ default animation for dropdown menus was removed
  • vibForm: ‘read_only’ parameter had a typo in the name (it was ‘ready_only’)


  • Minor errors in Readme/HowToInstall
  • Web routes did not accept middleware changes from the config file
  • vibTable: showed filter icon even when filter array is empty
  • vibForm: ajax submit had a bug that prevented proper functionality

[1.0.0] – 2018-07-14


  • Initial Release

Downloads link

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